998 resultados para G-250
[Horace Sheffield is to left of Governor Williams]
Other images of this event are available in Williams visual materials, box 6
[L-R: Billy Grahm, G. Mennen Williams, Bishop Jame Pike, Bishop, Nancy Williams, Bishop Richard Emrich]
Original image (attached to acidic board) was photographed and negative created by Lance Burghardt. Photographer of original print unknown
Original image (attached to acidic board) was photographed and negative created by Lance Burghardt. Photographer of original print unknown
continued from verso: showing high banded Cambrian sandstone cliffs rising abruptly from Lake Superior along the w. edge of the island
On verso: House where I was born and lived until I was about 8 years old (front entrance). When the U.C.A.S. (North China American School) was started I went to H.S. here (age 12) and was in the first class to graduate. There were 2 of us! The oldest brother was not here - in boarding school in Chefoo.
Red, blue, black in on linen; plan, cross-section; signed; 53 x 47 cm; Scale: 1" = 1' [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]