505 resultados para Fusional complementarity


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Introduction - No validated protocol exists for the measurement of the prism fusion ranges. Many studies report on how fusional vergence ranges can be measured using different techniques (rotary prism, prism bar, loose prisms and synoptophore) and stimuli, leading to different ranges being reported in the literature. Repeatability of the different methods available and the equivalence between them it is also important. In addition, some studies available do not agree in what order fusional vergence should be measured to provide the essential information on which to base clinical judgements on compensation of deviations. When performing fusional vergence testing the most commonly accepted clinical technique is to first measure negative fusional vergence followed by a measurement of positive fusional vergence to avoid affecting the value of vergence recovery because of excessive stimulation of convergence. Von Noorden recommend using vertical fusion amplitudes in between horizontal amplitudes (base-out, base-up, base-in, and base down) to prevent vergence adaptation. Others place the base of the prism in the direction opposite to that used to measure the deviation to increase the vergence demand. Objectives - The purpose of this review is to assess and compare the accuracy of tests for measurement of fusional vergence. Secondary objectives are to investigate sources of heterogeneity of diagnostic accuracy including: age; variation in method of assessment; study design; study size; type of strabismus (convergent, divergent, vertical, cycle); severity of strabismus (constant/intermittent/latent).


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Purpose: The aims of this study were to compare angle of deviation, fusional vergence measurements and fusion reserve ratio between esophoria and exophoria. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in children with best-corrected visual acuity of 0.0 LogMAR in either eye, compensated heterophoria within 10 prism dioptres (PD), full ocular rotations, presence of fusional vergence and stereopsis (60 seconds of arc or better). Fusional amplitudes were compared between angle of deviation (2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 PD) in esophoria and exophoria. The fusion reserve ratio was calculated (to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation) as fusional convergence divided by prism alternating cover test measurements. Results: Two-hundred and eleven children (7.65±1.16 years) were recruited to this study. Exophoria was most common for near (n=181; 85.8%) and distance (n=20; 9.5%). Esophoria was present in 22 children for near (10.4%) and in 1 child for distance (0.5%). No significant differences were found between fusional amplitudes and angle of deviation for near (p>0.05). Children with exophoria of 10PD had a slight, but not, significant (p=0.264) increase in fusional convergence from 2PD (19.95±5.09) to 10PD (26.67±5.77). In esophoric children the variation of fusional convergence was smaller from 2P (25.00±0.00) to 10PD (22.50±3.54) and non significant (p=0.185). The fusion reserve ratio was significantly smaller in children with higher deviations (i.e. 10PD) for both esophoria (p=0.003) and exophoria (p>0.001). The fusion reserve ratio ranged between 12.50 (2PD) and 2.25±0.35 (10PD) for esophoria and between 9.98±2.55 (2PD) and 2.67±0.58 (10PD) for exophoria. Conclusions: Angle of deviation is not an efficient measure to predict fusional amplitudes. The fusion reserve ratio appears to be a better measurement to assess the effect of the underlying angle of deviation on fusional convergence. More studies are necessary to understand better the relationship between fusion amplitudes and angle of deviation.


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A locational duality in port-related distribution activities is emerging. In some regions, distribution activities have moved from ports to inland locations, driven in part by ‘push factors’ such as port congestion and scarcity of land for container handling activities, or by ‘pull factors’ such as the growth of intermodal corridors, the influence of inland terminals and the changing economic geography in the hinterland. In other regions, ports retain their traditional role as centres of distribution and warehousing activity. More recently, the focus on ‘port-centric logistics’ is indicative that some regions are refocusing on ports as potential locations for large distribution centres. The result has been a growing competition, but also complementarity, between ports and inland locations concerning the location of distribution activities, driven not only by market forces but also by institutional settings and the governance relations between the actors involved. This report provides an overview of regional differences across the world in order to develop a framework identifying for which type of distribution activities ports are suitable locations and which activities are best suited to the hinterland, taking into account geographical, economic and logistics settings. Empirical evidence is derived from a variety of regions in Europe, North America, South America, Southern Africa and Asia.


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The 'dilution effect' (DE) hypothesis predicts that diverse host communities will show reduced disease. The underlying causes of pathogen dilution are complex, because they involve non-additive (driven by host interactions and differential habitat use) and additive (controlled by host species composition) mechanisms. Here, we used measures of complementarity and selection traditionally employed in the field of biodiversity-ecosystem function (BEF) to quantify the net effect of host diversity on disease dynamics of the amphibian-killing fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Complementarity occurs when average infection load in diverse host assemblages departs from that of each component species in uniform populations. Selection measures the disproportionate impact of a particular species in diverse assemblages compared with its performance in uniform populations, and therefore has strong additive and non-additive properties. We experimentally infected tropical amphibian species of varying life histories, in single- and multi-host treatments, and measured individual Bd infection loads. Host diversity reduced Bd infection in amphibians through a mechanism analogous to complementarity (sensu BEF), potentially by reducing shared habitat use and transmission among hosts. Additionally, the selection component indicated that one particular terrestrial species showed reduced infection loads in diverse assemblages at the expense of neighbouring aquatic hosts becoming heavily infected. By partitioning components of diversity, our findings underscore the importance of additive and non-additive mechanisms underlying the DE.


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We investigate the detection of exotic massive strongly interacting hadrons (uhecrons) in ultrahigh energy cosmic ray telescopes. The conclusion is that experiments such as the Pierre Auger Observatory have the potential to detect these particles. It is shown that uhecron showers have clear distinctive features when compared to proton and nuclear showers. The simulation of uhecron air showers, and its detection and reconstruction by fluorescence telescopes, is described. We determine basic cuts in observables that will separate uhecrons from the cosmic ray bulk, assuming this is composed by protons. If these are composed by a heavier nucleus, the separation will be much improved. We also discuss photon induced showers. The complementarity between uhecron detection in accelerator experiments is discussed.


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The aim of this study is to create a two-tiered assessment combining restoration and conservation, both needed for biodiversity management. The first tier of this approach assesses the condition of a site using a standard bioassessment method, AUSRIVAS, to determine whether significant loss of biodiversity has occurred because of human activity. The second tier assesses the conservation value of sites that were determined to be unimpacted in the first step against a reference database. This ensures maximum complementarity without having to set a priori target areas. Using the reference database, we assign site-specific and comparable coefficients for both restoration (Observed/Expected taxa with > 50% probability of occurrence) and conservation values (O/E taxa with < 50%, rare taxa). In a trial on 75 sites on rivers around Sydney, NSW, Australia we were able to identify three regions: (1) an area that may need restoration; (2) an area that had a high conservation value and; (3) a region that was identified as having significant biodiversity loss but with high potential to respond to rehabilitation and become a biodiversity hotspot. These examples highlight the use of the new framework as a comprehensive system for biodiversity assessment.


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We model a buyer who wishes to combine objects owned by two separate sellers in order to realize higher value. Sellers are able to avoid entering into negotiations with the buyer, so that the order in which they negotiate is endogenous. Holdout occurs if at least one of the sellers is not present in the first round of negotiations. We demonstrate that complementarity of the buyer's technology is a necessary condition for equilibrium holdout. Moreover, a rise in complementarity leads to an increased likelihood of holdout, and an increased efficiency loss. Applications include patents, the land assembly problem, and mergers.


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We develop a forward-looking version of the recursive dynamic MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model, and apply it to examine the economic implications of proposals in the US Congress to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We find that shocks in the consumption path are smoothed out in the forward-looking model and that the lifetime welfare cost of GHG policy is lower than in the recursive model, since the forward-looking model can fully optimize over time. The forward-looking model allows us to explore issues for which it is uniquely well suited, including revenue-recycling and early action crediting. We find capital tax recycling to be more welfare-cost reducing than labor tax recycling because of its long-term effect on economic growth. Also, there are substantial incentives for early action credits; however, when spread over the full horizon of the policy they do not have a substantial effect on lifetime welfare costs.


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This paper develops a multi-regional general equilibrium model for climate policy analysis based on the latest version of the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model. We develop two versions so that we can solve the model either as a fully inter-temporal optimization problem (forward-looking, perfect foresight) or recursively. The standard EPPA model on which these models are based is solved recursively, and it is necessary to simplify some aspects of it to make inter-temporal solution possible. The forward-looking capability allows one to better address economic and policy issues such as borrowing and banking of GHG allowances, efficiency implications of environmental tax recycling, endogenous depletion of fossil resources, international capital flows, and optimal emissions abatement paths among others. To evaluate the solution approaches, we benchmark each version to the same macroeconomic path, and then compare the behavior of the two versions under a climate policy that restricts greenhouse gas emissions. We find that the energy sector and CO(2) price behavior are similar in both versions (in the recursive version of the model we force the inter-temporal theoretical efficiency result that abatement through time should be allocated such that the CO(2) price rises at the interest rate.) The main difference that arises is that the macroeconomic costs are substantially lower in the forward-looking version of the model, since it allows consumption shifting as an additional avenue of adjustment to the policy. On the other hand, the simplifications required for solving the model as an optimization problem, such as dropping the full vintaging of the capital stock and fewer explicit technological options, likely have effects on the results. Moreover, inter-temporal optimization with perfect foresight poorly represents the real economy where agents face high levels of uncertainty that likely lead to higher costs than if they knew the future with certainty. We conclude that while the forward-looking model has value for some problems, the recursive model produces similar behavior in the energy sector and provides greater flexibility in the details of the system that can be represented. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We describe the mechanism of ribonuclease inhibition by ribonuclease inhibitor, a protein built of leucine-rich repeats, based on the crystal structure of the complex between the inhibitor and ribonuclease A. The structure was determined by molecular replacement and refined to an R(cryst) of 19.4% at 2.5 Angstrom resolution. Ribonuclease A binds to the concave region of the inhibitor protein comprising its parallel beta-sheet and loops. The inhibitor covers the ribonuclease active site and directly contacts several active-site residues. The inhibitor only partially mimics the RNase-nucleotide interaction and does not utilize the pi phosphate-binding pocket of ribonuclease A, where a sulfate ion remains bound. The 2550 Angstrom(2) of accessible surface area buried upon complex formation may be one of the major contributors to the extremely tight association (K-i = 5.9 x 10(-14) M). The interaction is predominantly electrostatic; there is a high chemical complementarity with 18 putative hydrogen bonds and salt links, but the shape complementarity is lower than in most other protein-protein complexes. Ribonuclease inhibitor changes its conformation upon complex formation; the conformational change is unusual in that it is a plastic reorganization of the entire structure without any obvious hinge and reflects the conformational flexibility of the structure of the inhibitor. There is a good agreement between the crystal structure and other biochemical studies of the interaction. The structure suggests that the conformational flexibility of RI and an unusually large contact area that compensates for a lower degree of complementarity may be the principal reasons for the ability of RI to potently inhibit diverse ribonucleases. However, the inhibition is lost with amphibian ribonucleases that have substituted most residues corresponding to inhibitor-binding residues in RNase A, and with bovine seminal ribonuclease that prevents inhibitor binding by forming a dimer. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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The field of protein crystallography inspires and enthrals, whether it be for the beauty and symmetry of a perfectly formed protein crystal, the unlocked secrets of a novel protein fold, or the precise atomic-level detail yielded from a protein-ligand complex. Since 1958, when the first protein structure was solved, there have been tremendous advances in all aspects of protein crystallography, from protein preparation and crystallisation through to diffraction data measurement and structure refinement. These advances have significantly reduced the time required to solve protein crystal structures, while at the same time substantially improving the quality and resolution of the resulting structures. Moreover, the technological developments have induced researchers to tackle ever more complex systems, including ribosomes and intact membrane-bound proteins, with a reasonable expectation of success. In this review, the steps involved in determining a protein crystal structure are described and the impact of recent methodological advances identified. Protein crystal structures have proved to be extraordinarily useful in medicinal chemistry research, particularly with respect to inhibitor design. The precise interaction between a drug and its receptor can be visualised at the molecular level using protein crystal structures, and this information then used to improve the complementarity and thus increase the potency and selectivity of an inhibitor. The use of protein crystal structures in receptor-based drug design is highlighted by (i) HIV protease, (ii) influenza virus neuraminidase and (iii) prostaglandin H-2-synthetase. These represent, respectively, examples of protein crystal structures that (i) influenced the design of drugs currently approved for use in the treatment of HIV infection, (ii) led to the design of compounds currently in clinical trials for the treatment of influenza infection and (iii) could enable the design of highly specific non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that lack the common side-effects of this drug class.


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A possible role in RNA replication for interactions between conserved complementary (cyclization) sequences in the 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of Flavivirus RNA was previously suggested but never tested in vivo. Using the M-fold program for RNA secondary-structure predictions, we examined for the first time the base-pairing interactions between the covalently linked 5' genomic region (first similar to 160 nucleotides) and the 3' untranslated region (last similar to 115 nucleotides) for a range of mosquito borne Flavivirus species. Base-pairing occurred as predicted for the previously proposed conserved cyclization sequences. In order to obtain experimental evidence of the predicted interactions, the putative cyclization sequences (5' or 3') in the replicon RNA of the mosquito-borne Kunjin virus,were mutated either separately, to destroy base-pairing, or simultaneously, to restore the complementarity. None of the RNAs with separate mutations in only the 5' or only the 3' cyclization sequences was able to replicate after transfection into BHK cells, while replicon RNA with simultaneous compensatory mutations in both cyclization sequences was replication competent. This was detected by immunofluorescence for expression of the major nonstructural protein NS3 and by Northern blot analysis for amplification and accumulation of replicon RNA. We then used the M-fold program to analyze RNA secondary structure of the covalently linked 5'- and 3'-terminal regions of three tick borne virus species and identified a previously undescribed additional pair of conserved complementary sequences in locations similar to those of the mosquito borne species. They base-paired with DeltaG values of approximately -20 kcal, equivalent or greater in stability than those calculated for the originally proposed cyclization sequences. The results show that the base-pairing between 5' and 3' complementary sequences, rather than the nucleotide sequence per se, is essential for the replication of mosquito-borne Kunjin virus RNA and that more than one pair of cyclization sequences might be involved in the replication of the tick-borne Flavivirus species.


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Prioritizing areas for conservation requires the use of surrogates for assessing overall patterns of biodiversity. Effective surrogates will reflect general biogeographical patterns and the evolutionary processes that have given rise to these and their efficiency is likely to lie influenced by several factors, including the spatial scale of species turnover and the overall congruence of the biogeographical history. We examine patterns of surrogacy for insects, snails, one family of plants and vertebrates from rainforests of northeast Queensland, an area characterized by high endemicity and an underlying history of climate-induced vicariance. Nearly all taxa provided some level of prediction of the conservation values For others. However, despite an overall correlation of the patterns of species richness and complementarity, the efficiency of surrogacy was highly asymmetric.. snails and insects were strong predictors of conservation priorities for vertebrates, but not vice versa. These results confirm predictions that taxon surrogates can be effective in highly diverse tropical systems where there is a strong history of vicariant biogeography, but also indicate that correlated patterns for species richness and/or complementarity do not guarantee that one taxon will be efficient as a surrogate for another. In our case, the highly diverse and narrowly distributed invertebrates were more efficient as predictors than the less diverse and more broadly distributed vertebrates.


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Heat shock protein 60s (hsp60) are remarkably immunogenic, and both T-cell and antibody responses to hsp60 have been reported in various inflammatory conditions. To clarify the role of hsp60 in T-cell responses in periodontitis, we examined the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), as well as the cytokine profile and T-cell clonality, for periodontitis patients and controls following stimulation with recombinant human hsp60 and Porphyromonas gingivalis GroEL. To confirm the infiltration of hsp60-reactive T-cell clones into periodontitis lesions, nucleotide sequences within complementarity-determining region 3 of the T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-chain were compared between hsp60-reactive peripheral blood T cells and periodontitis lesion-infiltrating T cells. Periodontitis patients demonstrated significantly higher proliferative responses of PBMC to human hsp60, but not to P. gingivalis GroEL, than control subjects. The response was inhibited by anti-major histocompatibility complex class 11 antibodies. Analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the TCR demonstrated that human hsp60-reactive T-cell clones and periodontitis lesion-infiltrating T cells have the same receptors, suggesting that hsp60-reactive T cells accumulate in periodontitis lesions. Analysis of the cytokine profile demonstrated that hsp60-reactive PBMC produced significant levels of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) in periodontitis patients, whereas P. gingivalis GroEL did not induce any, skewing toward a type1 or type2 cytokine profile. In control subjects no significant expression of IFN-gamma or interleukin 4 was induced. These results suggest that periodontitis patients have human hsp60-reactive T cells with a type I cytokine profile in their peripheral blood T-cell pools.