995 resultados para Fungi enzymes


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A 34-year-old female patient with a three year history of generalized granuloma annulare was treated systemically with dapsone (DADPS). Six weeks after the onset of treatment, the patient developed an extensive tonsillitis of the base of the tongue with fever and malaise. Routine laboratory work showed a leukocytopenia with agranulocytosis. Further investigation revealed a marked decrease of the enzyme activity of N-acetyltransferase 2, which plays an important role in dapsone metabolism. Treatment included the cessation of dapsone, antibiotic coverage, and G-CSF leading to the rapid improvement of symptoms and normalization of leukocyte counts. Dapsone-induced angina agranulocytotica is a rare event and is interpreted as an idiosyncratic reaction. Depending on genetic polymorphisms of various enzymes, dapsone can be metabolized to immunologically or toxicologically relevant intermediates. Because of the risk of severe hematologic reactions, dapsone should only be employed for solid indications and with appropriate monitoring. [Article in German]


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The coffee components kahweol and cafestol (K/C) have been reported to protect the colon and other organs of the rat against the formation of DNA adducts by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP) and aflatoxin B1. PhIP is a cooked-food mutagen to which significant human exposure and a role in colon cancer etiology are attributed, and, interestingly, such cancers appear to develop at a lower rate in consumers of coffees with high amounts of K/C. Earlier studies in rodent liver have shown that a key role in the chemopreventive effect of K/C is likely to be due to the potential of these compounds to induce the detoxification of xenobiotics by glutathione transferase (GST) and to enhance the synthesis of the corresponding co-factor glutathione. However, mutagens like PhIP may also be detoxified by UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UDPGT) for which data are lacking regarding a potential effect of K/C. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the effect of K/C on UDPGT and, concomitantly, we studied overall GST and the pattern of individual GST classes, particularly GST-θ, which was not included in earlier experiments. In addition, we analyzed the organ-dependence of these potentially chemopreventive effects. K/C was fed to male F344 rats at 0.122% in the chow for 10 days. Enzyme activities in liver, kidney, lung, colon, salivary gland, pancreas, testis, heart and spleen were quantified using five characteristic substrates and the hepatic protein pattern of GST classes α, μ, and π was studied with affnity chromatography/HPLC. Our study showed that K/C is not only capable of increasing overall GST and GST classes α, μ, and π but also of enhancing UDGPT and GST-θ. All investigated K/C effects were strongest in liver and kidney, and some response was seen in lung and colon but none in the other organs. In summary, our results show that K/C treatment leads to a wide spectrum of increases in phase II detoxification enzymes. Notably, these effects occurred preferentially in the well perfused organs liver and kidney, which may thus not only contribute to local protection but also to anti-carcinogenesis in distant, less stimulated organs such as the colon.


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BACKGROUND Estradiol (E-2) is an important promoter of the growth of both eutopic and ectopic endometrium. The findings with regard to the expression and activity of steroidogenic enzymes in endometrium of controls, in endometrium of endometriosis patients and in endometriotic lesions are not consistent. METHODS In this study, we have looked at the mRNA expression and protein levels of a range of steroidogenic enzymes [aromatase, 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (17 beta-HSD) type 1, 2 and 4, estrogen sulfotransferase (EST) and steroid sulfatase (STS)l in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of patients (n = 14) with deep-infiltrative endometriosis as well as in disease-free endometrium (n = 48) using real-time PCR and immunocytochemistry. In addition, we evaluated their menstrual cycle-related expression patterns, and investigated their steroid responsiveness in explant cultures. RESULTS Aromatase and 17 beta-HSD type 1 mRNA levels were extremely low in normal human endometrium, while mRNAs for types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, EST and STS were readily detectable. Only 17 beta-HSD type 2 and EST genes showed sensitivity to progesterone in normal endometrium. Types 1 and 2 17 beta-HSD and STS protein was detected in normal endometrium using new polyclonal antibodies. CONCLUSIONS In endometriosis lesions, the balance is tilted in favor of enzymes producing E2. This is due to a suppression of types 2 and 4 17 beta-HSD, and an increased expression of aromatase and type 1 17 beta-HSD in ectopic endometrium.


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As a large, isolated and relatively ancient landmass, New Zealand occupies a unique place in the biological world, with distinctive terrestrial biota and a high proportion of primitive endemic forms. Biology Aotearoa covers the origins, evolution and conservation of the New Zealand flora, fauna and fungi. Each chapter is written by specialists in the field, often working from different perspectives to build up a comprehensive picture. Topics include: the geological history of our land origins, and evolution of our plants, animals and fungi current status of rare and threatened species past, present and future management of native species the effect of human immigration on the native biota. Colour diagrams and photographs are used throughout the text. This book is suitable for all students of biology or ecology who wish to know about the unique nature of Aotearoa New Zealand and its context in the biological world.


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Elevated levels of fungi in indoor environments have been linked with mould/moisture damage in building structures. However, there is a lack of information about “normal” concentrations and flora as well as guidelines of viable fungi in the school environment in different climatic conditions. We have reviewed existing guidelines for indoor fungi and the current knowledge of the concentrations and flora of viable fungi in different climatic areas, the impact of the local factors on concentrations and flora of viable fungi in school environments. Meta-regression was performed to estimate the average behaviour for each analysis of interest, showing wide variation in the mean concentrations in outdoor and indoor school environments (range: 101-103 cfu/m3). These concentrations were significantly higher for both outdoors and indoors in the moderate than in the continental climatic area, showing that the climatic condition was a determinant for the concentrations of airborne viable fungi. The most common fungal species both in the moderate and continental area were Cladosporium spp. and Penicillium spp. The suggested few quantitative guidelines for indoor air viable fungi for school buildings are much lower than for residential areas. This review provides a synthesis, which can be used to guide the interpretation of the fungi measurements results and help to find indications of mould/moisture in school building structures.


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There is currently a lack of reference values for indoor air fungal concentrations to allow for the interpretation of measurement results in subtropical school settings. Analysis of the results of this work established that, in the majority of properly maintained subtropical school buildings, without any major affecting events such as floods or visible mould or moisture contamination, indoor culturable fungi levels were driven by outdoor concentration. The results also allowed us to benchmark the “baseline range” concentrations for total culturable fungi, Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp. and Aspergillus spp. in such school settings. The measured concentration of total culturable fungi and three individual fungal genera were estimated using Bayesian hierarchical modelling. Pooling of these estimates provided a predictive distribution for concentrations at an unobserved school. The results indicated that “baseline” indoor concentration levels for indoor total fungi, Penicillium spp., Cladosporium spp. and Aspergillus spp. in such school settings were generally ≤ 1450, ≤ 680, ≤ 480 and ≤ 90 cfu/m3, respectively, and elevated levels would indicate mould damage in building structures. The indoor/outdoor ratio for most classrooms had 95% credible intervals containing 1, indicating that fungi concentrations are generally the same indoors and outdoors at each school. Bayesian fixed effects regression modeling showed that increasing both temperature and humidity resulted in higher levels of fungi concentration.


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This thesis investigated how enzymes called phosphodiesterases control changes in contractility mediated by noradrenaline and adrenaline through activation of β1- and β2-adrenoceptors in live human heart tissue from patients with advanced heart failure undergoing transplantation. The study compared patients who had been administered β-blocker medicines metoprolol or carvedilol or no β-blocker treatment. This work helped to further elucidate the complex roles of target receptors and enzymes that are integral to the progression of heart failure, to compare the mechanisms of action of β-blockers currently used to manage heart failure and to identify new drug targets for heart failure treatment.


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Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is one of the major risk factors of cataract (loss of eye-lens transparency). The influence of UVB radiation (300 nm, 100 mu W cm(-2)) on the activity and apparent kinetic constants (K-m and V-max) of rat lens hexokinase (HK;EC2.7.1.1), phosphofructokinase (PFK;EC2.7.1.11), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH;EC1.1.1.41) and malate dehydrogenase (MDH;EC1.1.1.37) of energy metabolism has been investigated by irradiating the lens homogenate of three-and 12-month-old rats. In the three-month-old group specific activities of HK and PFK are reduced by 56 and 43 %, respectively, and there is no change in ICDH and MDH activities after a 24 h exposure. On the other hand, in the 12-month-old group the decreases are 72, 71, 24 and 16 % for HK, PFK. ICDH and MDH, respectively. UVB irradiation increases the apparent K-m of HK and PFK (in both age groups), whereas the K-m of ICDH and MDH is not altered. While the decrease in V-max of these enzymes due to UVB exposure is only marginal in three-month-old rats, it is more pronounced (significant) in 12-month-old rats. A similar decrease in enzyme activities of HK and PFK is also observe upon UVB exposure of the intact rat lens. The photoinduced changes in energy metabolism may in turn have a bearing on lens transparency, particularly at an older age.


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The mode of action of xylanase and beta-glucosidase purified from the culture filtrate of Humicola lanuginosa (Griffon and Maublanc) Bunce on the xylan extracted from sugarcane bagasse and on two commercially available larchwood and oat spelt xylans, on xylooligomers and on arabinoxylooligomers was studied. While larchwood and oat spelt xylans were hydrolyzed to the same extent in 24 h, sugarcane bagasse xylan was hydrolyzed to a lesser extent in the same period. It was found that the rate of hydrolysis of xylooligomers by xylanase increased with increase in chain length, while beta-glucosidase acted rather slowly on all the oligomers tested. Xylanase exhibited predominant ''endo'' action on xylooligomers attacking the xylan chain at random while beta-glucosidase had ''exo'' action, releasing one xylose residue at a time. On arabinoxylooligomers, however, xylanase exhibited ''exo'' action. Thus, it appears that the presence of the arabinose substituent has, in some way, rendered the terminal xylose-xylose linkage more susceptible to xylanase action. It was also observed that even after extensive hydrolysis with both the enzymes, substantial amounts of the parent arabinoxylooligomer remained unhydrolyzed together with the accumulation of arabinoxylobiose. It can therefore be concluded that the presence of the arabinose substituent in the xylan chain results in linkages that offer resistance to both xylanase and beta-glucosidase action.


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Nine new species of smut fungi, belonging to eight genera, are described from Australia: Dermatosorus schoenoplecti Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Schoenoplectus mucronatus, Entyloma grampiansis Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Hydrocotyle laxiflora, Macalpinomyces brachiariae Vánky, C. Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Brachiaria holosericea, M. digitariae Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Digitaria gibbosa, Restiosporium baloskionis Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Baloskion tetraphyllum, Thecaphora maireanae R.G. Shivas & Vánky, on Maireana pentagona, Tilletia cape yorkensis Vánky & R.G. Shivas, on Whiteochloa airoides, Urocystis chorizandrae J. Cunnington, R.G. Shivas & Vánky, on Chorizandra enodis, and Ustanciosporium tenellum R.G . Shivas & Vánky, on Cyperus tenellus. New combinations are: Macalpinomyces ordensis(R.G. Shivas & Vánky) Vánky & R.G. Shivas (based on Sporisorium ordense, type on Brachiaria pubigera, Australia), and Sporisorium setariae (McAlpine) Vánky & R.G. Shivas (based on Sorosporium setariae, type on Setaria glauca, Australia).


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There are about 250 species of smut fungi known from Australia of which 95 are endemic. Fourteen of these endemic species were first collected in the period culminating with the publication of Daniel McAlpine's revision of Australian smut fungi in 1910. Of the 68 species treated by McAlpine, 10 were considered to be endemic to Australia at that time. Only 23 of the species treated by McAlpine have names that are currently accepted . During the following eighty years until 1990, a further 31 endemic species were collected and just 11 of these were named and described in that period. Since 1990, 50 further species of endemic smut fungi have been collected and named in Australia . There are 115 species that are restricted to either Australia or to Australia and the neighbouring countries of Indonesia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Philippines . These 115 endemic species occur in 24 genera, namely Anthracoidea (1 species), Bauerago (1), Cintractia (3), Dermatosorus (1), Entyloma (3), Farysporium (1), Fulvisporium (1), Heterotolyposporium (1), Lundquistia (1), Macalpinomyces (4), Microbotryum (2), Moreaua (20), Pseudotracya (1), Restiosporium (5), Sporisorium (26), Thecaphora (2), Tilletia (12), Tolyposporella (1), Tranzscheliella (1), Urocystis (2), Ustanciosporium (1), Ustilago (22), Websdanea (1) and Yelsemia (2). About a half of these local and regional endemic species occur on grasses and a quarter on sedges . The northern tropical savannah region of Australia offers most promise for the discovery of new endemic species . The agricultural, quarantine and environmental significance to Australia of some introduced species is discussed.


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An annotated checklist of the smut fungi (Ustilaginomycetes) from Thailand has been compiled after an examination of the scientific literature, previously deposited herbarium specimens and specimens collected by the authors during a survey in December 2005. Fifty-two species of smut fungi are listed, including 11 species which were newly discovered during our survey. Most of these smut fungi are reported for the first time from Thailand. Several species are very rare, being known only from the type material or a limited number of collections.


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Six new smut fungi, Sporisorium rarum (type on Eulalia aurea), S. vermiculum (type on Sarga plumosa), S. xerofasciculatum (type on Xerochloa laniflora), Tilletia xerochloae (type on Xerochloa laniflora), T. yakirrae (type on Yakirra majuscula) and Ustilago lunata (type on Triodia longiceps), are described and illustrated from central and western Australia. Keys are provided for the smut fungi on Sarga and Xerochloa.


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In contrast to a published report [Wali et al. Arch Microbiol 118:49–53 (1978)], an organic acid is not essential for the growth of thermophilic fungi. The thermophilic fungus, Thermomyces lanuginosus, grows satisfactorily in a synthetic medium containing glucose as carbon source if the pH of the medium is controlled. The control of pH is essential for the concentration of carbon dioxide in the growth medium and the activity of anaplerotic enzyme, pyruvate carboxylase.


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Aims: To assay sago starch from Papua New Guinea (PNG) for important mycotoxins and to test fungal isolates from sago for mycotoxin production in culture. Methods and Results: Sago starch collected from Western and East Sepik Provinces was assayed for aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, cyclopiazonic acid, sterigmatocystin, citrinin and zearalenone and all 51 samples were negative. Frequently isolated species of Penicillium (13), Aspergillus (five) and Fusarium (one) were cultured on wheat grain, and tested for the production of ochratoxin A, cyclopiazonic acid, sterigmatocystin, citrinin, patulin and penicillic acid. All 12 isolates of P. citrinin and one of two A. flavipes isolates produced citrinin. A single isolate of A. versicolor produced sterigmatocystin. No other mycotoxins were detected in these cultures. Conclusions: No evidence was found of systemic mycotoxin contamination of sago starch. However, the isolation of several mycotoxigenic fungi shows the potential for citrinin and other mycotoxins to be produced in sago stored under special conditions. Significance and Impact of the study: Sago starch is the staple carbohydrate in lowland PNG and the absence of mycotoxins in freshly prepared sago starch is a positive finding. However, the frequent isolation of citrinin-producing fungi indicates a potential health risk for sago consumers, and food safety is dependant on promoting good storage practices.