994 resultados para Fungal decay potential


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Pneumocystis species are fungal parasites colonizing mammal lungs with strict host specificity. Pneumocystis jirovecii is the human-specific species and can turn into an opportunistic pathogen causing severe pneumonia in immunocompromised individuals. This disease is currently the second most frequent life-threatening invasive fungal infection worldwide. The most efficient drug, cotrimoxazole, presents serious side effects, and resistance to this drug is emerging. The search for new targets for the development of new drugs is thus of utmost importance. The recent release of the P. jirovecii genome sequence opens a new era for this task. It can now be carried out on the actual targets to be inhibited instead of on those of the relatively distant model Pneumocystis carinii, the species infecting rats. We focused on the folic acid biosynthesis pathway because (i) it is widely used for efficient therapeutic intervention, and (ii) it involves several enzymes that are essential for the pathogen and have no human counterparts. In this study, we report the identification of two such potential targets within the genome of P. jirovecii, the dihydrofolate synthase (dhfs) and the aminodeoxychorismate lyase (abz2). The function of these enzymes was demonstrated by the rescue of the null allele of the orthologous gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


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Free induction decay (FID) navigators were found to qualitatively detect rigid-body head movements, yet it is unknown to what extent they can provide quantitative motion estimates. Here, we acquired FID navigators at different sampling rates and simultaneously measured head movements using a highly accurate optical motion tracking system. This strategy allowed us to estimate the accuracy and precision of FID navigators for quantification of rigid-body head movements. Five subjects were scanned with a 32-channel head coil array on a clinical 3T MR scanner during several resting and guided head movement periods. For each subject we trained a linear regression model based on FID navigator and optical motion tracking signals. FID-based motion model accuracy and precision was evaluated using cross-validation. FID-based prediction of rigid-body head motion was found to be with a mean translational and rotational error of 0.14±0.21 mm and 0.08±0.13(°) , respectively. Robust model training with sub-millimeter and sub-degree accuracy could be achieved using 100 data points with motion magnitudes of ±2 mm and ±1(°) for translation and rotation. The obtained linear models appeared to be subject-specific as inter-subject application of a "universal" FID-based motion model resulted in poor prediction accuracy. The results show that substantial rigid-body motion information is encoded in FID navigator signal time courses. Although, the applied method currently requires the simultaneous acquisition of FID signals and optical tracking data, the findings suggest that multi-channel FID navigators have a potential to complement existing tracking technologies for accurate rigid-body motion detection and correction in MRI.


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The antifungal "paradoxical effect" has been described as the reversal of growth inhibition at high doses of echinocandins, most usually caspofungin. This microbiological effect appears to be a cellular compensatory response to cell wall damage, resulting in alteration of cell wall content and structure as well as fungal morphology and growth. In vitro studies demonstrate this reproducible effect in a certain percentage of fungal isolates, but animal model and clinical studies are less consistent. The calcineurin and Hsp90 cell signaling pathways appear to play a major role in regulating these cellular and structural changes. Regardless of the clinical relevance of this paradoxical growth effect, understanding the specific actions of echinocandins is paramount to optimizing their use at either standard or higher dosing schemes, as well as developing future improvements in our antifungal arsenal.


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Candida albicans adaptation to the host requires a profound reprogramming of the fungal transcriptome as compared to in vitro laboratory conditions. A detailed knowledge of the C. albicans transcriptome during the infection process is necessary in order to understand which of the fungal genes are important for host adaptation. Such genes could be thought of as potential targets for antifungal therapy. The acquisition of the C. albicans transcriptome is, however, technically challenging due to the low proportion of fungal RNA in host tissues. Two emerging technologies were used recently to circumvent this problem. One consists of the detection of low abundance fungal RNA using capture and reporter gene probes which is followed by emission and quantification of resulting fluorescent signals (nanoString). The other is based first on the capture of fungal RNA by short biotinylated oligonucleotide baits covering the C. albicans ORFome permitting fungal RNA purification. Next, the enriched fungal RNA is amplified and subjected to RNA sequencing (RNA-seq). Here we detail these two transcriptome approaches and discuss their advantages and limitations and future perspectives in microbial transcriptomics from host material.


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Chronic exposure to airborne fungi has been associated with different respiratory symptoms and pathologies in occupational populations, such as grain workers. However, the homogeneity in the fungal species composition of these bioaerosols on a large geographical scale and the different drivers that shape these fungal communities remain unclear. In this study, the diversity of fungi in grain dust and in the aerosols released during harvesting was determined across 96 sites at a geographical scale of 560 km(2) along an elevation gradient of 500 m by tag-encoded 454-pyrosequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences. Associations between the structure of fungal communities in the grain dust and different abiotic (farming system, soil characteristics, geographic and climatic parameters) and biotic (wheat cultivar, previous crop culture) factors were explored. These analyses revealed a strong relationship between the airborne and grain dust fungal communities and showed the presence of allergenic and mycotoxigenic species in most samples, which highlights the potential contribution of these fungal species to work-related respiratory symptoms of grain workers. The farming system was the major driver of the alpha and beta phylogenetic diversity of fungal communities. In addition, elevation and soil CaCO3 concentrations shaped the alpha diversity whereas wheat cultivar, cropping history and the number of freezing days per year shaped the taxonomic beta diversity of these communities.


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Ramularia blight, caused by Ramularia areola, is one of the most important diseases affecting cotton crop in Brazil. For its effective control, 5-9 fungicide applications on susceptible cultivars are necessary. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, in vitro and in vivo, the sporulation potential of R. areolaisolates from different Brazilian regions at distinct temperatures. Spore production was assessed in the laboratory and under green house conditions by using leaves from plants of eight cotton cultivars. The in vitro results indicated that the potential of spore production was dependent on temperature. Maximum sporulation of the fungus occurred at 17°C for isolates from São Paulo State and 23°C for isolates from Goiás and Mato Grosso States. In the in vivo study, there was a variation in spore production according to the cultivar and the isolate. Most isolates showed to be highly aggressive on cultivars FM966 LL and DELTAOPAL. The obtained results suggest a more rational use of fungicides and cultivars with decreased fungal sporulation and can form the basis for further studies of the pathogenic variability of this fungus in cotton crops in Brazil. This is the first report on the sporulation potential of Brazilian R. areola isolates.


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The soil-inhabiting insect-pathogenic fungus Metarhizium robertsii also colonizes plant roots endophytically, thus showing potential as a plant symbiont. M robertsii is not randomly distributed in soils but preferentially associates with the plant rhizosphere when applied in agricultural settings. Root surface and endophytic colonization of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and haricot beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) by M robertsii were examined after inoculation with fungal conidia. Light and confocal microscopies were used to ascertain this rhizosphere association. Root lengths, root hair density and emergence of lateral roots were also measured. Initially, M robertsii conidia adhered to, germinated on, and colonized, roots. Furthermore, plant roots treated with Metarhizium grew faster and the density of plant root hairs increased when compared with control plants. The onset of plant root hair proliferation was initiated before germination of M robertsii on the root (within 1-2 days). Plants inoculated with M robertsii AMAD2 (plant adhesin gene) took significantly longer to show root hair proliferation than the wild type. Cell free extracts of M robertsii did not stimulate root hair proliferation. Longer term (60 days) associations showed that M robertsii endophytically colonized individual cortical cells within bean roots. Metarhizium appeared as an amorphous mycelial aggregate within root cortical cells as well as between the intercellular spaces with no apparent damage to the plant. These results suggested that not only is M robertsii rhizosphere competent but displays a beneficial endophytic association with plant roots that results in the proliferation of root hairs. The biocontrol of bean (Phaseolis vulgaris) root rot fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. phaseolis by Metarhizium robertsii was investigated in vitro and in vivo. Dual cultures on Petri dishes showed antagonism of M robertsii against F. solani. A relative inhibition of ca. 60% of F. solani growth was observed in these assays. Cell free culture filtrates of M robertsii inhibited the germination of F. solani conidia by 83% and the inhibitory metabolite was heat stable. Beans plants colonized by M robertsii then exposed to F. solani showed healthier plant profiles and lower disease indices compared to plants not colonized by M robertsii. These results suggested that the insect pathogenic/endophytic fungus M robertsii could also be utilized as a biocontrol agent against certain plant pathogens occurring in the rhizosphere.


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In this thesis quark-antiquark bound states are considered using a relativistic two-body equation for Dirac particles. The mass spectrum of mesons includes bound states involving two heavy quarks or one heavy and one light quark. In order to analyse these states within a unified formalism, it is desirable to have a two-fermion equation that limits to one body Dirac equation with a static interaction for the light quark when the other particle's mass tends to infinity. A suitable two-body equation has been developed by Mandelzweig and Wallace. This equation is solved in momentum space and is used to describe the complete spectrum of mesons. The potential used in this work contains a short range one-gluon exchange interaction and a long range linear confining and constant potential terms. This model is used to investigate the decay processes of heavy mesons. Semileptonic decays are more tractable since there is no final state interactions between the leptons and hadrons that would otherwise complicate the situation. Studies on B and D meson decays are helpful to understand the nonperturbative strong interactions of heavy mesons, which in turn is useful to extract the details of weak interaction process. Calculation of form factors of these semileptonic decays of pseudo scalar mesons are also presented.


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Recent measurements of electron escape from a nonequilibrium charged quantum dot are interpreted within a two-dimensional (2D) separable model. The confining potential is derived from 3D self-consistent Poisson-Thomas-Fermi calculations. It is found that the sequence of decay lifetimes provides a sensitive test of the confining potential and its dependence on electron occupation


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Man's concern with environmental deterioration is one of the major reasons for the increased interest in marine and estuarine microbes. Microbes form an important link in the biogeochemical cycling and their cyclinq activites often determine to a large measure the potential productivity of an ecosystem In the recycling of the nutrients in the estuary, bacteria and fungi therefore play a particularly significant role.The allochthonous plant materials contain biopolymers such as cellulose, lignin, humus etc., that are difficult to degrade into simpler substances. The fungi have the ability to degrade _substances, thereby making them available for cycling within the system. The present study is devoted to find the composition and the activity of myco populations of Cochin backwater. For convenience the thesis is divided into eight chapters. The opening chapter briefly reviews the literature and projects the importance of work and the main objectives. Second chapter discusses the materials and methods. In the third chapter the systematic and taxonomy of estuarine yeasts are examined in detail since this information is scarcely available for our waters. The general ecological aspects of the yeasts and filamentous fungi in the area of study are examined in the fourth chapter using appropriate statistical techniques. A special reference to the fungi in a small mangrove ecosystem is attempted in the fifth chapter. The biochemical studies are discussed in the sixth chapter and the penultimate chapter provides an overall discussion. In the last chapter the summary of the work is presented.


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En aquesta tesi he estudiat l'efecte de l'error de superposició de base (BSSE) en la planaritat d'algunes molècules. He observat que l'ús d'alguns mètodes de càlcul amb determinades funcions de base descriuen mínims d'energia no planars per les bases nitrogenades de l'ADN. He demostrat que aquests problemes es poden arreglar utilitzant el mètode Counterpoise per corregir el BSSE en els càlculs. En aquesta tesi també he estudiat la fotofísica de la timina i els resultats mostren que existeixen dos camins de relaxació des de l'estat excitat que permeten la regeneració de l'estructura inicial de forma ultraràpida.


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The antagonistic activities of six selected fungal isolates against Armilloria mellea were studied on two different concentrations of three media, on fungicides-amended malt extract agar (MEA) medium, and in glasshouse pots filled with John Innes No.2 compost and natural field soil. Trichoderma hamatum isolate Tham1 was found the most effective in reducing Armillaria growths on both the low and high concentrations of malt extract, potato dextrose and V-8 juice in MEA, potato dextrose agar (PDA) and V-8 juice agar (VJA), respectively, followed by T. harzianum isolate Th2 and T. viride isolate Tv3. Neither dose rate (200 or 2000 mg l(-1)) of fenpropidin allowed any growth of Armillaria on MEA, while that of the antagonists was also completely inhibited or greatly restricted. However, both dose rates of fosetyl-A1 allowed the growth of Armillaria and almost all the antagonists. Data on colony diameters of Armillaria showed Tham1 as the most effective antagonist along with Th2, Th23 and Tv3. Tham1 was also found the most effective in protecting hazel billets from colonization by Armillaria, followed by Th2 and Th23. Compared with 7.1 colonized billets in the inoculated controls, only 1.3, 2.6 and 2.7 billets (out of ten) were colonized, respectively, when protected with these antagonists. The results indicate that the Trichoderma isolates are able to maintain their antagonistic effects on A. mellea under a variety of nutritional, chemical and edaphic regimes. More investigations are needed to develop a system of control for the disease with these potential antagonists.


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The role of eddy fluxes in the general circulation is often approached by treating eddies as (macro)turbulence. In this approach, the eddies act to diffuse certain quasiconservative quantities, such as potential vorticity (PV), along isentropic surfaces in the free atmosphere. The eddy fluxes are determined primarily by the eddy diffusivities and are necessarily down-gradient of the basic state PV field. Support for the (macro)turbulence approach stems from the fact that the eddy fluxes of PV in the free atmosphere are generally down-gradient in the long-term mean. Here we call attention to a pronounced and significant region of upgradient eddy PV fluxes on the poleward flank of the jet core in both hemispheres. The region of up-gradient (i.e., notionally “antidiffusive”) eddy PV fluxes is most pronounced during the winter and spring seasons and partially contradicts the turbulence approach described above. Analyses of the PV variance (potential enstrophy) budget suggest that the up-gradient PV fluxes represent local wave decay and are maintained by poleward fluxes of PV variance. Finite-amplitude effects thus represent leading order contributions to the PV variance budget, whereas dissipation is only of secondary importance locally. The appearance of up-gradient PV fluxes in the long-term mean is associated with the poleward shift of the jet—and thus the region of wave decay relative to wave growth—following wave-breaking events.


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The p-nitrophenol phosphomonoesterase assay (pNPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. pNPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of organic P sources in the soil. We report here on a series of experiments with the ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum that highlight components of accepted methodology that might impinge on the reliability of the assay. These include the loss of pNPPase after filtration, inaccuracies in measuring wall-associated enzyme and the ample pool of intracellular pNPPase can be mistakenly measured as external pNPPase if cells are accidentally damaged.


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P>Scedosporium apiospermum is an emerging agent of opportunistic mycoses in humans. Previously, we showed that mycelia of S. apiospermum secreted metallopeptidases which were directly linked to the destruction of key host proteins. In this study, we analysed the effect of metallopeptidase inhibitors on S. apiospermum development. As germination of inhaled conidia is a crucial event in the infectious process of S. apiospermum, we studied the morphological transformation induced by the incubation of conidia in Sabouraud-dextrose medium at 37 degrees C. After 6 h, some conidia presented a small projection resembling a germ-tube. A significant increase, around sixfold, in the germ-tube length was found after 12 h, and hyphae were exclusively observed after 24 h. Three distinct metallopeptidase inhibitors were able to arrest the transformation of conidia into hyphae in different ways; for instance, 1,10-phenanthroline (PHEN) completely blocked this process at 10 mu mol l-1, while ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and ethylene glycol-bis (beta-aminoethyl ether; EGTA) only partially inhibited the differentiation at up to 10 mmol l-1. EGTA did not promote any significant reduction in the conidial growth, while PHEN and EDTA, both at 10 mmol l-1, inhibited the proliferation around 100% and 65%, respectively. The secretion of polypeptides into the extracellular environment and the metallopeptidase activity secreted by mycelia were completely inhibited by PHEN. These findings suggest that metallo-type enzymes could be potential targets for future therapeutic interventions against S. apiospermum.