987 resultados para Functional Units


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This thesis describes the design and engineering of a pressurised biomass gasification test facility. A detailed examination of the major elements within the plant has been undertaken in relation to specification of equipment, evaluation of options and final construction. The retrospective project assessment was developed from consideration of relevant literature and theoretical principles. The literature review includes a discussion on legislation and applicable design codes. From this analysis, each of the necessary equipment units was reviewed and important design decisions and procedures highlighted and explored. Particular emphasis was placed on examination of the stringent demands of the ASME VIII design codes. The inter-relationship of functional units was investigated and areas of deficiency, such as biomass feeders and gas cleaning, have been commented upon. Finally, plant costing was summarized in relation to the plant design and proposed experimental programme. The main conclusion drawn from the study is that pressurised gasification of biomass is far more difficult and expensive to support than atmospheric gasification. A number of recommendations have been made regarding future work in this area.


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This research reports on the appropriate governance, i.e. design and management, of inter-firm R&D relationships in order to achieve sustainable competitive success for the whole partnership as well as its individual members. An exploratory study in the German automotive industry using inductive Grounded Theory was conducted. This involved data collection via 28 semi-structured interviews with 16 companies in order to form a set of 35 tentative propositions that have been validated via a questionnaire survey receiving 110 responses from 52 companies. The research has resulted in the consolidation of the validated propositions into a novel concept termed Collaborative Enterprise Governance. The core of the concept is a competence based contingency framework that helps decision makers in selecting the most appropriate governance strategy (i.e. sourcing strategy) for an inter-firm R&D relationship between a buyer and its supplier. Thereby, the concept does not draw on whole company-to-company connectivity. It rather conceptualises an inter-firm relationship to be composed of autonomous cross-functional units of the individual partner companies that contribute value to a particular joint R&D project via the possession of task specific competencies. The novel concept and its elements have been evaluated in a focus group with industrial experts of the German automotive industry and revealed positive effects on the sustainable competitive success of the whole partnership and the individual partner companies. However, it also showed that current practice does not apply the right mechanisms for its implementation and hence guidelines for practitioners and decision makers involved in inter-firm R&D collaboration in the automotive industry are offered on how to facilitate the implementation and usage of the Collaborative Enterprise Governance philosophy.


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A class of intelligent systems located on anthropocentric objects that provide a crew with recommendations on the anthropocentric object's rational behavior in typical situations of operation is considered. We refer to this class of intelligent systems as onboard real-time advisory expert systems. Here, we present a formal model of the object domain, procedures for obtaining knowledge about the object domain, and a semantic structure of basic functional units of the onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations. The stages of the development and improvement of knowledge bases for onboard real-time advisory expert systems of typical situations that are important in practice are considered.


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The purpose of this investigation was to develop and implement a general purpose VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Test Module based on a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) system to verify the mechanical behavior and performance of MEM sensors, with associated corrective capabilities; and to make use of the evolving System-C, a new open-source HDL (Hardware Description Language), for the design of the FPGA functional units. System-C is becoming widely accepted as a platform for modeling, simulating and implementing systems consisting of both hardware and software components. In this investigation, a Dual-Axis Accelerometer (ADXL202E) and a Temperature Sensor (TMP03) were used for the test module verification. Results of the test module measurement were analyzed for repeatability and reliability, and then compared to the sensor datasheet. Further study ideas were identified based on the study and results analysis. ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) design concepts were also being pursued.


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The continuous evolution of integrated circuit technology has allowed integrating thousands of transistors on a single chip. This is due to the miniaturization process, which reduces the diameter of wires and transistors. One drawback of this process is that the circuit becomes more fragile and susceptible to break, making the circuit more susceptible to permanent faults during the manufacturing process as well as during their lifetime. Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Architectures (CGRAs) have been used as an alternative to traditional architectures in an attempt to tolerate such faults due to its intrinsic hardware redundancy and high performance. This work proposes a fault tolerance mechanism in a CGRA in order to increase the architecture fault tolerance even considering a high fault rate. The proposed mechanism was added to the scheduler, which is the mechanism responsible for mapping instructions onto the architecture. The instruction mapping occurs at runtime, translating binary code without the need for recompilation. Furthermore, to allow faster implementation, instruction mapping is performed using a greedy module scheduling algorithm, which consists of a software pipeline technique for loop acceleration. The results show that, even with the proposed mechanism, the time for mapping instructions is still in order of microseconds. This result allows that instruction mapping process remains at runtime. In addition, a study was also carried out mapping scheduler rate. The results demonstrate that even at fault rates over 50% in functional units and interconnection components, the scheduler was able to map instructions onto the architecture in most of the tested applications.


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While molecular and cellular processes are often modeled as stochastic processes, such as Brownian motion, chemical reaction networks and gene regulatory networks, there are few attempts to program a molecular-scale process to physically implement stochastic processes. DNA has been used as a substrate for programming molecular interactions, but its applications are restricted to deterministic functions and unfavorable properties such as slow processing, thermal annealing, aqueous solvents and difficult readout limit them to proof-of-concept purposes. To date, whether there exists a molecular process that can be programmed to implement stochastic processes for practical applications remains unknown.

In this dissertation, a fully specified Resonance Energy Transfer (RET) network between chromophores is accurately fabricated via DNA self-assembly, and the exciton dynamics in the RET network physically implement a stochastic process, specifically a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC), which has a direct mapping to the physical geometry of the chromophore network. Excited by a light source, a RET network generates random samples in the temporal domain in the form of fluorescence photons which can be detected by a photon detector. The intrinsic sampling distribution of a RET network is derived as a phase-type distribution configured by its CTMC model. The conclusion is that the exciton dynamics in a RET network implement a general and important class of stochastic processes that can be directly and accurately programmed and used for practical applications of photonics and optoelectronics. Different approaches to using RET networks exist with vast potential applications. As an entropy source that can directly generate samples from virtually arbitrary distributions, RET networks can benefit applications that rely on generating random samples such as 1) fluorescent taggants and 2) stochastic computing.

By using RET networks between chromophores to implement fluorescent taggants with temporally coded signatures, the taggant design is not constrained by resolvable dyes and has a significantly larger coding capacity than spectrally or lifetime coded fluorescent taggants. Meanwhile, the taggant detection process becomes highly efficient, and the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) based taggant identification guarantees high accuracy even with only a few hundred detected photons.

Meanwhile, RET-based sampling units (RSU) can be constructed to accelerate probabilistic algorithms for wide applications in machine learning and data analytics. Because probabilistic algorithms often rely on iteratively sampling from parameterized distributions, they can be inefficient in practice on the deterministic hardware traditional computers use, especially for high-dimensional and complex problems. As an efficient universal sampling unit, the proposed RSU can be integrated into a processor / GPU as specialized functional units or organized as a discrete accelerator to bring substantial speedups and power savings.


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Global warming is expected to be most pronounced in the Arctic where permafrost thaw and release of old carbon may provide an important feedback mechanism to the climate system. To better understand and predict climate effects and feedbacks on the cycling of elements within and between ecosystems in northern latitude landscapes, a thorough understanding of the processes related to transport and cycling of elements is required. A fundamental requirement to reach a better process understanding is to have access to high-quality empirical data on chemical concentrations and biotic properties for a wide range of ecosystem domains and functional units (abiotic and biotic pools). The aim of this study is therefore to make one of the most extensive field data sets from a periglacial catchment readily available that can be used both to describe present-day periglacial processes and to improve predictions of the future. Here we present the sampling and analytical methods, field and laboratory equipment and the resulting biogeochemical data from a state-of-the-art whole-ecosystem investigation of the terrestrial and aquatic parts of a lake catchment in the Kangerlussuaq region, West Greenland. This data set allows for the calculation of whole-ecosystem mass balance budgets for a long list of elements, including carbon, nutrients and major and trace metals.


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Este trabajo presenta la reelaboración de un modelo de producción de textos escritos, publicado por el Grupo Didactext en 2003. Se sitúa en un marco sociocognitivo, lingüístico y didáctico, y está concebido desde la interacción de tres dimensiones simbolizadas por círculos concéntricos recurrentes. El primer círculo corresponde al ámbito cultural: las diversas esferas de la praxis humana en las que está inmersa toda actividad de composición escrita. El segundo se refiere a los contextos de producción, de los que forman parte el contexto social, el situacional, el físico, la audiencia y el medio de composición. El tercer círculo corresponde al individuo, en el que se tiene en cuenta el papel de la memoria en la producción de un texto desde el enfoque sociocultural, la motivación, las emociones y las estrategias cognitivas y metacognitivas, dentro de las cuales se conciben seis unidades funcionales que actúan en concurrencia: acceso al conocimiento, planificación, redacción, revisión y reescritura, edición, y presentación oral. La orientación didáctica se interesa por la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la escritura académica en las aulas, así como por la investigación de la escritura en contextos de educación.


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Reliability has emerged as a critical design constraint especially in memories. Designers are going to great lengths to guarantee fault free operation of the underlying silicon by adopting redundancy-based techniques, which essentially try to detect and correct every single error. However, such techniques come at a cost of large area, power and performance overheads which making many researchers to doubt their efficiency especially for error resilient systems where 100% accuracy is not always required. In this paper, we present an alternative method focusing on the confinement of the resulting output error induced by any reliability issues. By focusing on memory faults, rather than correcting every single error the proposed method exploits the statistical characteristics of any target application and replaces any erroneous data with the best available estimate of that data. To realize the proposed method a RISC processor is augmented with custom instructions and special-purpose functional units. We apply the method on the proposed enhanced processor by studying the statistical characteristics of the various algorithms involved in a popular multimedia application. Our experimental results show that in contrast to state-of-the-art fault tolerance approaches, we are able to reduce runtime and area overhead by 71.3% and 83.3% respectively.


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Uncovering mechanisms of unknown pathological mechanisms and body response to applied medication are the drive forces toward personalized medicine. In this post-genomic era, all eyes are tuned to proteomic field, searching for the answers and explanations by investigating the final physiological functional units – proteins and their proteoforms. Development of cutting-edge mass spectrometric technologies and powerful bioinformatics tools, allowed life-science community mining of disease-specific proteins as biomarkers, which are often hidden by high complexity of the samples and/or small abundance. Nowadays, there are several proteomics-based approaches to study the proteome. This chapter focuses on gold standard proteomics strategies and related issues towards candidate biomarker discovery, which may have diagnostic/prognostic as well as mechanistic utility.


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Cyclic AMP (cAMP) stimulates the transport of Na+ and Na,K-ATPase activity in the renal cortical collecting duct (CCD). The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby cAMP stimulates the Na,K-ATPase activity in microdissected rat CCDs and cultured mouse mpkCCDc14 collecting duct cells. db-cAMP (10−3 M) stimulated by 2-fold the activity of Na,K-ATPase from rat CCDs as well as the ouabain-sensitive component of 86Rb+ uptake by rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured mouse CCD cells (1.5-fold). Pretreatment of rat CCDs with saponin increased the total Na,K-ATPase activity without further stimulation by db-cAMP. Western blotting performed after a biotinylation procedure revealed that db-cAMP increased the amount of Na,K-ATPase at the cell surface in both intact rat CCDs (1.7-fold) and cultured cells (1.3-fold), and that this increase was not related to changes in Na,K-ATPase internalization. Brefeldin A and low temperature (20°C) prevented both the db-cAMP-dependent increase in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase in both intact rat CCDs and cultured cells. Pretreatment with the intracellular Ca2+ chelator bis-(o-aminophenoxy)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid also blunted the increment in cell surface expression and activity of Na,K-ATPase caused by db-cAMP. In conclusion, these results strongly suggest that the cAMP-dependent stimulation of Na,K-ATPase activity in CCD results from the translocation of active pump units from an intracellular compartment to the plasma membrane.


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A novel, solution-processable non-fullerene electron acceptor 9,9′-(5,5-dioctyl-5H-dibenzo [b,d]silole-3,7-diyl)bis(2,7-dioctyl-4-(octylamino)benzo[lmn][3,8]phenanthroline-1,3,6,8(2H,7H)-tetraone) (B3) based on dibenzosilole and naphthalenediimide building blocks was designed, synthesized, characterized and successfully used in a bulk-heterojunction organic solar cell. B3 displayed excellent solubility, thermal stability and acquired electron energy levels matching with those of archetypal donor polymer poly(3-hexylthiophene). Solution-processable bulk-heterojunction devices afforded 1.16% power conversion efficiency with a high fill factor of 53%. B3 is the first example in the literature using this design principle, where mild donor units at the peripheries of end-capped naphthalenediimide units tune solubility and optical energy levels simultaneously.


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New supramolecular organogels based on all-trans-tri(p-phenylenevinylene) (TPV) systems possessing different terminal groups, e.g., oxime, hydrazone, phenylhydrazone, and semicarbazone have been synthesized. The self-assembly properties of the compounds that gelate in specific organic solvents and the aggregation motifs of these molecules in the organogels were investigated using UV−vis, fluorescence, FT-IR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy, electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and rheology. The temperature variable UV−vis and fluorescence spectroscopy in different solvents clearly show the aggregation pattern of the self-assemblies promoted by hydrogen bonding, aromatic π-stacking, and van der Waals interactions among the individual TPV units. Gelation could be controlled by variation in the number of hydrogen-bonding donors and acceptors in the terminal functional groups of this class of gelators. Also wherever gelation is observed, the individual fibers in gels change to other types of networks in their aggregates depending on the number of hydrogen-bonding sites in the terminal functions. Comparison of the thermal stability of the gels obtained from DSC data of different gelators demonstrates higher phase transition temperature and enthalpy for the hydrazone-based gelator. Rheological studies indicate that the presence of more hydrogen-bonding donors in the periphery of the gelator molecules makes the gel more viscoelastic solidlike. However, in the presence of more numbers of hydrogen-bonding donor/acceptors at the periphery of TPVs such as with semicarbazone a precipitation as opposed to gelation was observed. Clearly, the choice of the end functional groups and the number of hydrogen-bonding groups in the TPV backbone holds the key and modulates the effective length of the chromophore, resulting in interesting optical properties.


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Two new neutral copper-azido polymers [Cu-3(N-3)(6)(tmen)(2)](n)(1)and [Cu-6(N-3)(12)(deen)(2)](n) (2) [tmen = N,N,N, N-tetramethylethylenediamine and deen = N,N-diethylethylenediamine] have been synthesized by using lower molar equivalents of the chelating diamine ligands with Cu(NO3)(2)center dot 3H(2)O and an excess of NaN3. The single crystal X-ray structure shows that in the basic unit of the 1D complex 1, the three Cu-II ions are linked by double end-on azido bridges with Cu-N-EO-Cu angles on both sides of the magnetic exchange critical angle of 108 degrees. Complex 2 is a 3D framework of a basic u-6 cluster. Cryomagnetic susceptibility measurements over a wide range of temperature exhibit dominant ferromagnetic behavior in both the complexes. Density functional theory calculations (B3LYP functional) have been performed on the trinuclear unit to provide a qualitative theoretical interpretation of the overall ferromagnetic behavior shown by the complex 1.


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An equimolar mixture of Ni(NO(3))(2)center dot 6H(2)O and pyridine-2-aldehyde with two equivalents of NaN(3) in methanol in the presence of NaOMe resulted in the formation of light green precipitate which upon crystallization from dimethylformamide (DMF) yielded light green single crystals [{Ni(2)Na(2)(pic)(4)(N(3))(2)(H(2)O)(2)(MeOH)}center dot MeOH center dot 3H(2)O](n) (1) and [{Ni(2)Na(2)(pic)(4)(N(3))(2)(H(2)O)(4)}center dot 2DMF center dot H(2)O](n) (2) (pic = pyridine-2-carboxylate) at room temperature and high temperature (100 degrees C), respectively. Variable temperature magnetic studies revealed the existence of overall ferromagnetic behaviour with J approximate to + 10 cm(-1) and D approximate to -2 to -7 cm(-1) for 1 and 2, respectively. Negative D values as well as variation of D upon slight distortion of structure by varying reaction temperature were observed. The X-band Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectra of both 2 and 3 were recorded below 50 K. The structural distortion was also implicated from the EPR spectra. Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations on both complexes were performed in two different ways to corroborate the magnetic results. Considering only Ni(2)(II) dimeric unit, results were J = + 20.65 cm(-1) and D = -3.16 cm(-1) for 1, and J = +24.56 cm(-1) and D = -4.67 cm(-1) for 2. However, considering Ni(2)(II)Na(2)(I) cubane as magnetic core the results were J = +16.35 cm(-1) (1), +19.54 cm(-1) (2); D = -3.05 cm(-1) (1), -4.25 cm(-1) (2).