986 resultados para Frugivorous birds


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In the spring of 2001, NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) and National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), in consultation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), launched a 24-month effort to define and assess biogeographic patterns of selected marine species found within and adjacent to the boundaries of three west coast National Marine Sanctuaries. These sanctuaries, Monterey Bay, Gulf of the Farallones, and Cordell Bank are conducting a joint review process to update sanctuary management plans. The management plans for these sanctuaries have not been updated for over ten years and the status of the natural resources and their management issues in and around the sanctuaries may have changed. In addition, significant accomplishments in research and resource assessments have been made within the region. Thus, it is important to incorporate new and expanding knowledge into the revised management plans for these Sanctuaries.


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A great deal has been written on the part which birds play in the dispersal of freshwater fauna. This article summarises literature on the dispersal of aquatic animals by birds and aquatic insects.


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Neste estudo, investigamos a distribuição altitudinal da composição, riqueza, abundância das espécies de aves consumidoras de frutos em cinco altitudes e avaliamosa influência da estrutura da vegetação nas diversidades de aves. O estudo foi realizado na Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) contígua ao Parque Estadual dos Três Picos (PEPT), no município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ. Coletamos os dados das aves em 24 excursões a campo, incluindo seis bimensais (jul./2010 a maio/2011) e 18 mensais (jul./2011 a dez./2012). Para amostragem das aves, utilizamos o método de captura-marcação-recaptura com redes de neblina, expostas durante sete h/dia em cinco altitudesao longo de uma variação altitudinal de 1000 m. O esforço amostral foi de 8400 h-rede. Para amostragem da estrutura da vegetação, sorteamos três parcelas de 100 m2 adjacentes às linhas das redes em cada altitude, nas quais foram analisadas as densidades de diferentes hábitos de vida. Das árvores, arvoretas e arbustos coletamos as medidas de altura total e diâmetro da altura (no caso dos arbustos, o diâmetro foi coletado a 50 cm do solo). Capturamos 448 indivíduos correspondentes a 35 espécies de aves, distribuídas em 16 famílias. Destas, 26% são endêmicas de Mata Atlântica, incluindo quatro espécies categorizadas com algum grau de vulnerabilidade. Dezesseis espécies foram classificadas como frugívoras enquanto 19 como insetívoras-frugívoras. Leptopogon amaurocephalus, Mionectes rufiventris, Lanio melanops, Chiroxiphia caudata foram capturadas nas cinco altitudes, sendo as últimas duas espécies as mais abundantes. Registramos maior riqueza e abundância de aves nas altitudes de 370 e 770 m. A composição de aves diferiu entre as altitudes, sendo 170 e 1000 m as mais dissimilares. As espécies de aves insetívoras-frugívoras predominaram nos sub-bosques das cinco altitudes. Registramos deslocamento altitudinal de cinco espécies de aves, sendo o maior deslocamento realizado por um indivíduo de Attilarufus, capturado a 770 m e, recapturado a 370 m. Encontramos maior densidade de plantas no sub-bosque nas altitudes 170, 370 e 1000 m. Bambus foram registrados apenas a 1000 m, enquanto que as ervas foram limitadas às altitudes de 170 e 370 m. A estrutura da vegetação apresentou baixa similaridade entre as altitudes, principalmente devido a diferentes densidades das formas de vida e altura das plantas. Três altitudes, 170, 370 e 1000 m, apresentaram alta densidade de indivíduos no sub-bosque, sendo que esta última evidenciou uma estrutura da vegetação relativamente mais simples devido ao alto número de árvores de baixa altura, ao maior número de arvoretas e à presença de bambus. A diversidade de aves foi sensível à estrutura da vegetação, em especial à altura das árvores que apresentou um decréscimo da altura com o aumento da altitude. Esta relação entre a diversidade de aves e a estruturada da vegetação destaca a importância da preservação da estrutura da vegetação para a manutenção da diversidade de aves consumidoras de frutos da REGUA e do PETP


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Mats (biomasses) of macroalgae, i.e. Ulva spp., Enteromorpha spp., Graciolaria spp., and Cladophora spp., have increased markedly over the past 50 years, and they cover much larger areas than they once did in many estuaries of the world. The increases are due to large inputs of pollutants, mainly nitrates. During the warm months, the mats lie loosely on shallow sand and mud flats mostly along shorelines. Ulva lactuca overwinters as buds attached to shells and stones, and in the spring it grows as thalli (leaf fronds). Mats eventually form that are several thalli thick. Few macroinvertebrates grow on the upper surfaces of their thalli due to toxins they produce, and few can survive beneath them. The fish, crabs, and wading birds that once used the flats to feed on the macroinvertebrates are denied these feeding grounds. The mats also grow over and kill mollusks and eelgrass, Zostera marina. An experiment was undertaken which showed that two removals of U. lactuca in a summer from a shallow flat in an estuarine cove maintained the bottom almost free of it.


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1. Systematic list of birds (pp. 23-31) 2. Observations on the Galapagos fur seal, Arctocephalus australis galapagoensis Heller, 1904 (pp. 31-33) 3. Cetaceans observed (pp. 33-34)


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NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) conducts and supports research, monitoring, assessments, and technical assistance to meet NOAA’s coastal stewardship and management responsibilities. In 2001 the Biogeography Branch of NCCOS partnered with NOAA’s National Marine Sanctuary Program (NMSP) to conduct biogeographic assessments to support the management plan updates for the sanctuaries. The first biogeographic assessment conducted in this partnership focused on three sanctuaries off north/ central California: Cordell Bank, Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay. Phase I of this assessment was conducted from 2001 to 2004, with the primary goal to identify and gather the best available data and information to characterize and identify important biological areas and time periods within the study area. The study area encompasses the three sanctuaries and extends along the coastal ocean off California from Pt. Arena to Pt. Sal (35°-39°N). This partnership project was lead by the NCCOS Biogeography Branch, but included over 90 contributors and 25 collaborating institutions. Phase I results include: 1) a report on the overall assessment that includes hundreds of maps, tables and analyses; 2) an ecological linkage report on the marine and estuarine ecosystems along the coast of north/central California, and 3) related geographic information system (GIS) data and other summary data files, which are available for viewing and download in several formats at the following website: http://ccma.nos.noaa.gov/products/biogeography/canms_cd/welcome.html Phase II (this report) was initiated in the Fall of 2004 to complete the analyses of marine mammals and update the marine bird colony information. Phase II resulted in significant updates to the bird and mammal chapters, as well as adding an environmental settings chapter, which contains new and existing data and maps on the study area. Specifically, the following Phase II topics and items were either revised or developed new for Phase II: •environmental, ecological settings – new maps on marine physiographic features, sea surface temperature and fronts, chlorophyll and productivity •all bird colony or roost maps, including a summary of marine bird colonies •updated at-sea data CDAS data set (1980-2003) •all mammal maps and descriptions •new overall density maps for eight mammal species •new summary pinniped rookery/haulout map •new maps on at-sea richness for cetaceans and pinnipeds •most text in the mammal chapter •new summary tables for mammals on population status and spatial and temporal patterns


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The greatest concentration of Chinese Galliformes occurs in the Trans-Himalayas. We selected 4 northwestern Yunnan counties (Lijiang, Shangri-la, Deqin, and Weixi) in the Trans-Himalayas to assess the conservation status of 9 gallinaceous forest birds. We


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The present study monitored 10-year-old fish and piscivorous birds from sites contaminated for many Stars. The data reflected the results of actual, long-term environmental exposures, The results demonstrate that different tissues of fish have quite different concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F), The concentration order of PCDD/F within fish is liver congruent to egg congruent to intestines kidney congruent to hearts gill congruent to bladders > muscle > brain. The concentration order of PCDD/F within piscivorous birds was livers egg congruent to hearts muscle congruent to stomachs brain, The results obtained also demonstrate that the accumulation patterns of piscivorous birds and fish are quite different. The tissues of fish and piscivorous birds have different capacities for bioaccumulation and biotransformation of PCDD/F; variable proportions of TEQs were also found throughout their bodies. In fish, toxic equivalency quotient (TEQ): PCDD/F ratios in various tissues ranged from 0.01 to 0.07, whereas in birds the ratios ranged from 0.07 to 0.43. If the concentrations are normalized with lipid content, the results vary less. The effect of different lipid properties is obvious in the case of brain tissue, which is richer in phospholipids. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus has swept west across the globe and caused serious debates on the roles of migratory birds in virus circulation since the first large-scale outbreak in migratory birds of Lake Qinghai, 2005. In May 2006, another outbreak struck Lake Qinghai and six novel strains were isolated. To elucidate these QH06 viruses, the six isolates were subjected to whole-genome sequencing. Phylogenetic analyses show that QH06 viruses are derived from the lineages of Lake Qinghai, 2005. Five of the six novel isolates are adjacent to the strain A/Cygnus olor/Croatia/1/05, and the last one is related to the strain A/duck/Novosibirsk/ 02/05, an isolate of the flyway. Antigenic analyses suggest that QH06 and QH05 viruses are similar to each other. These findings implicate that QH06 viruses of Lake Qinghai may travel back via migratory birds, though not ruling out the possibility of local circulation of viruses of Lake Qinghai.


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Humans and song-learning birds communicate acoustically using learned vocalizations. The characteristic features of this social communication behavior include vocal control by forebrain motor areas, a direct cortical projection to brainstem vocal motor neurons, and dependence on auditory feedback to develop and maintain learned vocalizations. These features have so far not been found in closely related primate and avian species that do not learn vocalizations. Male mice produce courtship ultrasonic vocalizations with acoustic features similar to songs of song-learning birds. However, it is assumed that mice lack a forebrain system for vocal modification and that their ultrasonic vocalizations are innate. Here we investigated the mouse song system and discovered that it includes a motor cortex region active during singing, that projects directly to brainstem vocal motor neurons and is necessary for keeping song more stereotyped and on pitch. We also discovered that male mice depend on auditory feedback to maintain some ultrasonic song features, and that sub-strains with differences in their songs can match each other's pitch when cross-housed under competitive social conditions. We conclude that male mice have some limited vocal modification abilities with at least some neuroanatomical features thought to be unique to humans and song-learning birds. To explain our findings, we propose a continuum hypothesis of vocal learning.


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Mechanisms for the evolution of convergent behavioral traits are largely unknown. Vocal learning is one such trait that evolved multiple times and is necessary in humans for the acquisition of spoken language. Among birds, vocal learning is evolved in songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. Each time similar forebrain song nuclei specialized for vocal learning and production have evolved. This finding led to the hypothesis that the behavioral and neuroanatomical convergences for vocal learning could be associated with molecular convergence. We previously found that the neural activity-induced gene dual specificity phosphatase 1 (dusp1) was up-regulated in non-vocal circuits, specifically in sensory-input neurons of the thalamus and telencephalon; however, dusp1 was not up-regulated in higher order sensory neurons or motor circuits. Here we show that song motor nuclei are an exception to this pattern. The song nuclei of species from all known vocal learning avian lineages showed motor-driven up-regulation of dusp1 expression induced by singing. There was no detectable motor-driven dusp1 expression throughout the rest of the forebrain after non-vocal motor performance. This pattern contrasts with expression of the commonly studied activity-induced gene egr1, which shows motor-driven expression in song nuclei induced by singing, but also motor-driven expression in adjacent brain regions after non-vocal motor behaviors. In the vocal non-learning avian species, we found no detectable vocalizing-driven dusp1 expression in the forebrain. These findings suggest that independent evolutions of neural systems for vocal learning were accompanied by selection for specialized motor-driven expression of the dusp1 gene in those circuits. This specialized expression of dusp1 could potentially lead to differential regulation of dusp1-modulated molecular cascades in vocal learning circuits.


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BACKGROUND: Vertebrate skin appendages are constructed of keratins produced by multigene families. Alpha (α) keratins are found in all vertebrates, while beta (β) keratins are found exclusively in reptiles and birds. We have studied the molecular evolution of these gene families in the genomes of 48 phylogenetically diverse birds and their expression in the scales and feathers of the chicken. RESULTS: We found that the total number of α-keratins is lower in birds than mammals and non-avian reptiles, yet two α-keratin genes (KRT42 and KRT75) have expanded in birds. The β-keratins, however, demonstrate a dynamic evolution associated with avian lifestyle. The avian specific feather β-keratins comprise a large majority of the total number of β-keratins, but independently derived lineages of aquatic and predatory birds have smaller proportions of feather β-keratin genes and larger proportions of keratinocyte β-keratin genes. Additionally, birds of prey have a larger proportion of claw β-keratins. Analysis of α- and β-keratin expression during development of chicken scales and feathers demonstrates that while α-keratins are expressed in these tissues, the number and magnitude of expressed β-keratin genes far exceeds that of α-keratins. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the view that the number of α- and β-keratin genes expressed, the proportion of the β-keratin subfamily genes expressed and the diversification of the β-keratin genes have been important for the evolution of the feather and the adaptation of birds into multiple ecological niches.