923 resultados para Frequency control
This paper presents a numerical study of the impact of process-induced variations on the achievable motional resistance Rx of one-dimensional, cyclic and cross-coupled architectures of electrostatically transduced MEMS resonators operating in the 250 kHz range. Monte Carlo numerical simulations which accounted for up to 0.75% variation in critical resonator feature sizes were initiated on 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 9 coupled MEMS resonators for three distinct coupling architectures. Improvements of 100X in the spread of Rx and 2.7X in mean achievable Rx are reported for the case of 9 resonators when implemented in the cross-coupled topology, as opposed to the traditional one-dimensional chain. © 2013 IEEE.
This paper reports a high-resolution frequency-output MEMS tilt sensor based on resonant sensing principles. The tilt sensor measures orientation by sensing the component of gravitational acceleration along a specified input axis. A combination of design enhancements enables significantly higher sensitivity for this device as compared to previously reported prototype sensors. The MEMS tilt sensor is calibrated on a manual tilt table over tilt angles ranging over 0-90 degrees with a relatively linear response measured in the range of ±20°(linearity error <2.3%) with a scale factor of approximately 50.06 Hz/degree. The noise-limited resolution of the sensor is found to be approximately 250 nano-radians for an integration time of 0.8 s, which is over an order of magnitude better than previously reported results [1]. © 2013 IEEE.
This paper investigates a nonlinear amplitude saturation behavior in an electrostatically transduced, silicon MEMS disk resonator operating in its secondary elliptical bulk-mode (SEBM) at 3.932 MHz towards its implementation as an all-mechanical automatic gain control (AGC) element. The nonlinear vibration behavior of the SEBM mode is experimentally observed in open-loop testing such that above a threshold small signal drive voltage at a given polarization voltage, the vibration amplitude of the SEBM mode saturates. We also study this nonlinearity in an oscillator circuit designed such that the driving power level at the resonator input can be manually tuned as the circuit operates. The measurements of the voltage amplitudes show a clear transition from the linear to the nonlinear saturation region as the driving power is increased. Short-term frequency stability measurements were also conducted for different v ac and the resulting Allan deviation plots show an improvement in the short-term stability from 1.4 ppb in the linear region to 0.4 ppb in the amplitude saturation region. © 2013 IEEE.
HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility at LanZhou-Cooling Storage Ring兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家重大科学工程,其控制系统是一个庞大的系统,由许多分控制系统组成,高频系统是其重要组成部分之一。加速器的加速过程都是由高频系统来完成的。由于高频控制系统的控制对象就是高频腔体,控制系统的稳定性和输出频率的精确性将直接影响到加速器系统的正常工作,而对于高频系统的状态回读又直接决定了对于高频系统的远程监控能力,所以高频控制系统的设计非常重要。本设计基于现场可编程逻辑门阵列FPGA和数字信号专用处理器DSP搭建, 一方面可以完成从控制中心远程控制高频腔体,另一方面也可以完成对于当前状态的读取,所经过的通道也是多样化的,包括CPCI总线通信,CANBUS总线通信或者是485总线通信。本文的内容包括了1>对于高频控制系统控制对象的分析以及各种控制参数要求。2>组成此系统的硬件部分分析选择以及硬件系统的搭建过程。3>对FPGA和DSP进行程序设计的过程和方法。本文的价值不仅在于对高频系统的控制上,对于其他数据采集系统,远程控制系统以及总线通信和数据分析算法上也有着参考价值
Power capping is a fundamental method for reducing the energy consumption of a wide range of modern computing environments, ranging from mobile embedded systems to datacentres. Unfortunately, maximising performance and system efficiency under static power caps remains challenging, while maximising performance under dynamic power caps has been largely unexplored. We present an adaptive power capping method that reduces the power consumption and maximizes the performance of heterogeneous SoCs for mobile and server platforms. Our technique combines power capping with coordinated DVFS, data partitioning and core allocations on a heterogeneous SoC with ARM processors and FPGA resources. We design our framework as a run-time system based on OpenMP and OpenCL to utilise the heterogeneous resources. We evaluate it through five data-parallel benchmarks on the Xilinx SoC which allows fully voltage and frequency control. Our experiments show a significant performance boost of 30% under dynamic power caps with concurrent execution on ARM and FPGA, compared to a naive separate approach.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Automação e Electrónica Industrial
Dissertação para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo de Energia
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica Ramo Energia
In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Computermodelle, Rechenverfahren und Methoden zur Unterstützung bei der Integration großer Windleistungen in die elektrische Energieversorgung entwickelt. Das Rechenmodell zur Simulation der zeitgleich eingespeisten Windenergie erzeugt Summenganglinien von beliebig zusammengestellten Gruppen von Windenergieanlagen, basierend auf gemessenen Wind- und Leistungsdaten der nahen Vergangenheit. Dieses Modell liefert wichtige Basisdaten für die Analyse der Windenergieeinspeisung auch für zukünftige Szenarien. Für die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von Windenergieeinspeisungen großräumiger Anlagenverbünde im Gigawattbereich werden verschiedene statistische Analysen und anschauliche Darstellungen erarbeitet. Das im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelte Modell zur Berechnung der aktuell eingespeisten Windenergie aus online gemessenen Leistungsdaten repräsentativer Windparks liefert wertvolle Informationen für die Leistungs- und Frequenzregelung der Netzbetreiber. Die zugehörigen Verfahren zur Ermittlung der repräsentativen Standorte und zur Überprüfung der Repräsentativität bilden die Grundlage für eine genaue Abbildung der Windenergieeinspeisung für größere Versorgungsgebiete, basierend auf nur wenigen Leistungsmessungen an Windparks. Ein weiteres wertvolles Werkzeug für die optimale Einbindung der Windenergie in die elektrische Energieversorgung bilden die Prognosemodelle, die die kurz- bis mittelfristig zu erwartende Windenergieeinspeisung ermitteln. In dieser Arbeit werden, aufbauend auf vorangegangenen Forschungsarbeiten, zwei, auf Künstlich Neuronalen Netzen basierende Modelle vorgestellt, die den zeitlichen Verlauf der zu erwarten Windenergie für Netzregionen und Regelzonen mit Hilfe von gemessenen Leistungsdaten oder prognostizierten meteorologischen Parametern zur Verfügung stellen. Die softwaretechnische Zusammenfassung des Modells zur Berechnung der aktuell eingespeisten Windenergie und der Modelle für die Kurzzeit- und Folgetagsprognose bietet eine attraktive Komplettlösung für die Einbindung der Windenergie in die Leitwarten der Netzbetreiber. Die dabei entwickelten Schnittstellen und die modulare Struktur des Programms ermöglichen eine einfache und schnelle Implementierung in beliebige Systemumgebungen. Basierend auf der Leistungsfähigkeit der Online- und Prognosemodelle werden Betriebsführungsstrategien für zu Clustern im Gigawattbereich zusammengefasste Windparks behandelt, die eine nach ökologischen und betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten sowie nach Aspekten der Versorgungssicherheit optimale Einbindung der geplanten Offshore-Windparks ermöglichen sollen.
This work presents a proposal for a voltage and frequency control system for a wind power induction generator. It has been developed na experimental structure composes basically by a three phase induction machine, a three phase capacitor and a reactive static Power compensator controlled by histeresys. lt has been developed control algorithms using conventional methods (Pl control) and linguistic methods (using concepts of logic and fuzzy control), to compare their performances in the variable speed generator system. The control loop was projected using the ADJDA PCL 818 model board into a Pentium 200 MHz compu ter. The induction generator mathematical model was studied throught Park transformation. It has been realized simulations in the Pspice@ software, to verify the system characteristics in transient and steady-state situations. The real time control program was developed in C language, possibilish verify the algorithm performance in the 2,2kW didatic experimental system
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This work presents recent improvements in a density measurement cell with a double-element transducer that can eliminate diffraction effects. A new mechanical design combined with the use of more appropriate materials has resulted in better parallelism between interfaces, more robust assembly, and chemical resistance. A novel method of signal processing, named energy method, is introduced to obtain the reflection coefficient, reducing sensitivity to noise and improving accuracy. The measurement cell operation is verified both theoretically, using an acoustic wave propagation model, and experimentally, using homogeneous liquids with different densities. The accuracy in the density measurement is 0.2% when compared with the measurements made with a pycnometer.
A novel single-phase voltage source rectifier capable to achieve High-Power-Factor (HPF) for variable speed refrigeration system application, is proposed in this paper. The proposed system is composed by a single-phase high-power-factor boost rectifier, with two cells in interleave connection, operating in critical conduction mode, and employing a soft-switching technique, controlled by a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), associated with a conventional three-phase IGBT bridge inverter (VSI - Voltage Source Inverter), controlled by a Digital Signal Processor (DSP). The soft-switching technique for the input stage is based on zero-current-switching (ZCS) cells. The rectifier's features include the reduction in the input current ripple, the reduction in the output voltage ripple, the use of low stress devices, low volume for the EMI input filter, high input power factor (PF), and low total harmonic distortion (THD) in the input current, in compliance with the EEC61000-3-2 standards. The digital controller for the output stage has been developed using a conventional voltage-frequency control (scalar V/f control), and a simplified stator oriented Vector control, in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the proposed digital controls for continuous temperature control applied at a refrigerator prototype.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)