1000 resultados para Franz-josef glacier


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The degree to which Southern Hemisphere climatic changes during the end of the last glacial period and early Holocene (30-8 ka) were influenced or initiated by events occurring in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere is a complex issue. There is conflicting evidence for the degree of hemispheric 'teleconnection' and an unresolved debate as to the principle forcing mechanism(s). The available hypotheses are difficult to test robustly, however, because the few detailed palaeoclimatic records in the Southern Hemisphere are widely dispersed and lack duplication. Here we present climatic and environmental reconstructions from across Australia, a key region of the Southern Hemisphere because of the range of environments it covers and the potentially important role regional atmospheric and oceanic controls play in global climate change. We identify a general scheme of events for the end of the last glacial period and early Holocene but a detailed reconstruction proved problematic. Significant progress in climate quantification and geochronological control is now urgently required to robustly investigate change through this period. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The degree to which palaeoclimatic changes in the Southern Hemisphere co-varied with events in the high latitude Northern Hemisphere during the Last Termination is a contentious issue, with conflicting evidence for the degree of 'teleconnection' between different regions of the Southern Hemisphere. The available hypotheses are difficult to test robustly, however, because there are few detailed palaeoclimatic records in the Southern Hemisphere. Here we present climatic reconstructions from the southwestern Pacific, a key region in the Southern Hemisphere because of the potentially important role it plays in global climate change. The reconstructions for the period 20-10 kyr BP were obtained from five sites along a transect from southern New Zealand, through Australia to Indonesia, supported by 125 calibrated C-14 ages. Two periods of significant climatic change can be identified across the region at around 17 and 14.2 cal kyr BP, most probably associated with the onset of warming in the West Pacific Warm Pool and the collapse of Antarctic ice during Meltwater Pulse-1A, respectively. The severe geochronological constraints that inherently afflict age models based on radiocarbon dating and the lack of quantified climatic parameters make more detailed interpretations problematic, however. There is an urgent need to address the geochronological limitations, and to develop more precise and quantified estimates of the pronounced climate variations that clearly affected this region during the Last Termination. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper summarizes the state of affairs of European research on ageing and work. After a close inspection of the age construct, an overview is presented of research in four areas: the relationship between age and HR-policies, early retirement, age and performance/employability, age and health/well-being. The overview results in a research agenda on work and ageing and in recommendations for practice.


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Phosphorus (P) is a crucial element for life and therefore for maintaining ecosystem productivity. Its local availability to the terrestrial biosphere results from the interaction between climate, tectonic uplift, atmospheric transport, and biotic cycling. Here we present a mathematical model that describes the terrestrial P-cycle in a simple but comprehensive way. The resulting dynamical system can be solved analytically for steady-state conditions, allowing us to test the sensitivity of the P-availability to the key parameters and processes. Given constant inputs, we find that humid ecosystems exhibit lower P availability due to higher runoff and losses, and that tectonic uplift is a fundamental constraint. In particular, we find that in humid ecosystems the biotic cycling seem essential to maintain long-term P-availability. The time-dependent P dynamics for the Franz Josef and Hawaii chronosequences show how tectonic uplift is an important constraint on ecosystem productivity, while hydroclimatic conditions control the P-losses and speed towards steady-state. The model also helps describe how, with limited uplift and atmospheric input, as in the case of the Amazon Basin, ecosystems must rely on mechanisms that enhance P-availability and retention. Our novel model has a limited number of parameters and can be easily integrated into global climate models to provide a representation of the response of the terrestrial biosphere to global change. © 2010 Author(s).


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O trabalho analisa a implantação, no último quartel do século XX, na Amazônia oriental brasileira, de indústria voltada à produção de ferro-gusa destinado ao mercado internacional de insumos siderúrgicos. Demonstra que, nos anos 1980, o discurso estatal anunciou as plantas industriais deste segmento como elemento estratégico de modernização econômica da região. Tal postura justificou a concessão de benefícios fiscais, creditícios e de infraestrutura a 22 empresas de siderurgia e metalurgia. No âmbito da dimensão ambiental, o estudo demonstra que a produção de ferro-gusa recorre a processos marcados por baixa eficiência energética e que deles resultou o acesso, sem prudência ecológica, a estoque de biomassa da floresta amazônica, com ampliação da pressão antrópica sobre ela. O estudo evidencia que o plantio de grandes áreas de floresta para produzir carvão vegetal não se concretizou, manteve-se tão-somente como retórica desprovida de base realista. Quanto à dimensão econômica, o estudo indica que as limitações de a indústria de ferro-gusa impulsionar processos de modernização vinculam-se, dentre outros aspectos, ao fato de ela ter na demanda de carvão vegetal o principal elo de articulação com a sociedade e com a economia da região. Tal demanda é suprida por centenas de fornecedores e, por meio dela, a indústria controla a margem de lucro e comprime os custos de produção transferindo custos privados para a sociedade. O estudo demonstra, ainda, que o padrão de atuação deste segmento empresarial vincula-se a condicionamentos econômicos e institucionais: a implantação de florestas energéticas exige investimentos de longo prazo, somados às grandes oscilações no preço do ferro-gusa e a dinâmicas institucionais que abrem possibilidade de se acessar, ilegalmente, biomassa de florestas primárias. Isso levou o segmento a recorrer, historicamente, ao suprimento de carvão vegetal produzido, sobretudo, a partir da biomassa de florestas primárias e não da silvicultura. Com base em tais evidências, o trabalho conclui que a predição estatal de impulso regional modernizante não se materializou. A causa principal foi a inexistência de competências sociais para regular a transformação de matéria e energia em mercadorias, e esta produção teve seus fundamentos marcados pela degradação social e ambiental. Assim, atuou em sentido contrário ao discurso estatal: acelerou a transferência energética, material e de valores para outras regiões. Drenagem energético-material que não foi compensada, nem pela capacidade de a região equilibrar as perdas com importações de produtos, nem pela implementação de dinâmicas eficazes para a industrialização da região.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)