336 resultados para Fracassos prematuros


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This study aims to evaluate the weight gain of premature newborns fed with breast milk from their mothers' from those that are fed with breast milk from the milk bank. The research is the quantitative, descriptive and observational kind. It was conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Housing from the Maternity Hospital Escola Januário Cicco (MEJC), that is a reference for high risk pregnancy and birth in Rio Grande do Norte. The premature newborns included were following these parameters: gestational age from 26 to 37 weeks, initially hospitalized at UTIN, with oral diet, by means by gavage, cup and/or suction. Studies with premature newborns with a zero diet longer than seven days or complications that interfered in the evaluation of weight gain were excluded from this study. The sample was selected for convenience and had data of all newborns hospitalized at UTIN from the May to June of 2014 time period, followed to their discharge, ended by August of 2014 and had the inclusion parameters of the study. From the period of the data collection, 60 premature newborns entered the maternity and 39 of those were the sample of research. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee from UFRN, under CAAE nº 0699.0.000.294-11. The data was analyzed by means of descriptive and deduced statistics. The results indicated that the involved in the study, were born from mother with average age of 25,36 years, with less than nine years education 21 (53,8%), had the family income less than a minimum wage 24 (61,5%). Among the newborn, the female gender predominated 20 (51,3%), had cesarean delivery 25 (64,1%), had moderate prematurity 29 (74,5%), more of 1.500g 22 (556,4%). The birth weight average was 1.608,49g. The total of diets were 9.994, and an average of 256 for each newborn, in a 32,12 days of hospitalization time period. Most of the diet supplies were from the breast milk bank (50,34%), however 56,4% of the newborns had most of the diet from their mothers' milked breast milk. It was detected that 38,5% of the newborns had, in some given moment, artificial milk. The daily weight gain average of all newborns was 2,59g, but 35% of them had an average above 10g per day. From the newborn's group (n=25) that had medium weight gain, only 9 of them (36,0%) received mainly their own mothers' milked breast milk. It's been conclusive that most of the premature newborns gained weight predominantly from diets from the breast milk of the Milk Bank, showing the need of a bigger incentive to exclusive breast feeding.


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The term vitamin E refers to a group of eight molecular compounds which differ in structure and bioavailability, and the RRR-alpha-tocopherol more biologically active form. The composition of vitamin E in breast milk undergoes variations during lactation, colostrum and milk richer in this micronutrient compared to transitional and mature milk. Newborns, especially premature infants are more susceptible to vitamin E deficiency and to prevent the damage caused by this deficiency has been proposed supplementation of neonates with this micronutrient, however, there is no consensus to carry out this intervention. Thus, maternal supplementation with RRRalpha-tocopherol in the postpartum period can be a good alternative to try to raise the alpha-tocopherol levels in breast milk and therefore provide the premature newborn adequate amounts of vitamin E. This study to evaluate the effect of supplementation with 400 UI acetate RRR-alpha-tocopherol in women with premature births, on the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in breast milk colostrum, transitional and mature. The study included 89 healthy adult women were enrolled in the control group (n = 51) and supplemented group (n = 38). Blood samples were collected and milk colostrum soon after birth (0h milk) twenty-four hours, new rate of colostrum milk was collected (24h milk). The transitional and mature milk were collected in seven days (7d milk) and thirty days (30d milk) after delivery, respectively. Supplementation in the supplemented group was held after the collection of blood and 0h milk. The alpha-tocopherol analyzes were performed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Serum levels of alpha-tocopherol less than 516 μg/dL were considered indicative of nutritional deficiency. The average concentration of alphatocopherol in the serum of the control group mothers was 1159.8 ± 292.4 μg/dL and the supplemented group was 1128.3 ± 407.2 μg/dL (p = 0.281). All women had nutritional status in vitamin E suitable. In both groups, it was observed that the concentration of vitamin E in colostrum milk was higher compared to transitional and mature milk. In the supplemented group, the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in the milk increased 60 % after supplementation, from 1339.3 ± 414.2 μg/dL (0h milk) to 2234.7 ± 997.3 μg/dL (24h milk). While the control group values in colostrum 0h and colostrum 24h were similar (p = 0.681). In the control group the follow-on milk alphatocopherol value was 875.3 ± 292.4 μg/dL and in the group supplemented 1352.8 ± 542.3 μg/dL, an increase of 35% in the supplemented group compared to control (p <0.001). In mature milk alpha-tocopherol concentrations between the control group (426.6 ± 187.5 μg/dL) and supplemented (416.4 ± 214.2 μg/dL) were similar (p = 0.853). Only 24h milk supplemented group answered the nutritional requirement of alpha-tocopherol (4 mg/day) of the newborn. These results show that the transport of this micronutrient for milk occurs in a controlled and limited way. Thus, the native vitamin E supplementation increases the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in colostrum and milk and transition does not influence the concentration in mature milk. Only the increase in colostrum milk was sufficient to meet the nutritional requirement of premature newborns.


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Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for many physiological processes such as growth and development, so that their adequate nutritional state is essential during pregnancy and lactation. Lactating women and children in breastfeeding are considered risk groups for vitamin A deficiency and some factors may increase the risk of vitamin A deficiency, such as prematurity. The aim of this work was to evaluate the vitamin A concentration in preterm and term lactating women and newborns by determination of retinol in maternal serum, umbilical cord serum and breast milk collected until 72 hours postpartum. 182 mothers were recruited and divided into preterm group (GPT; n = 118) and term group (GT, n = 64). In preterm group were also analyzed transition milk (7th-15th day; n = 68) and mature milk (30th-55th day; n = 46) samples. Retinol was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Maternal retinol concentration in serum was 48.6 ± 12.3 µg/dL in GPT and 42.8 ± 16.3 µg/dL in the GT (p <0.01). Cord serum retinol was 20.4 ± 7.4 µg/dL in GPT and 23.2 ± 7.6 µg/dL in GT (p> 0.05). Among newborns, 43% of premature and 36% of term had low levels of serum retinol in umbilical cord (<20 µg/dL). In colostrum, the retinol in preterm and term groups had an average of 100.8 ± 49.0 µg/dL and 127.5 ± 65.1 µg/dL, respectively (p <0.05). The retinol average in preterm milk increased to 112.5 ± 49.7 µg/dL in transition phase and decreased to 57.2 ± 23.4 µg/dL in mature milk, differing significantly in all stages (p <0.05). When comparing with the recommendation of vitamin A intake (400 µg/day) GT colostrum reached the recommendation for infants, but in GPT the recommendation was not achieved at any stage. Mothers of premature infants had higher serum retinol than mothers at term; however, this was not reflected in serum retinol of umbilical cord, since premature had lower concentration of retinol. Such condition can be explained due to lower maternal physiological hemodilution and placental transfer of retinol to the fetus during preterm gestation. Comparison of retinol in colostrum showed lower concentrations in GPT; however the transition phase there was a significant increase of retinol content released by the mammary gland of preterm mothers. This situation highlights a specific physiological adaptation of prematurity, likely to more contribute to formation of hepatic reserves of retinol in premature infants.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo en nuestro país se está transitando hacia una nueva concepción de la viabilidad de la prematuridad extrema (recién nacidos con <28 semanas de gestación), caracterizarla y contextualizarla. Para ello, se utilizan datos procedentes de una investigación (P.N. I+D+i, CSO2011-24294) que ha obtenido resultados válidos sobre el desarrollo de 1200 nacidos con ≤1500 g. mediante encuesta poblacional multimétodo, y producido cuatro grupos de discusión y 25 entrevistas abiertas con agentes cualificados. Se recogen aquí los resultados del análisis sociodiscursivo del material cualitativo centrado en esta cuestión y del estudio de diversos documentos sobre viabilidad en la prematuridad extrema. En cuanto a los resultados, en España se viene transitando de manera más práctica que consciente desde una concepción reduccionista de la prematuridad extrema, ligada al normativismo de la bioética y al aislamiento del recién nacido, a una mirada más ensamblada, compleja y heterogénea, acorde con la vigente renovación de la cultura, la práctica y la política biosanitaria en nuestro país.


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Desde enero del 2000 hasta enero del 2001, se estudiaron 680 prematuros nacidos en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso de la ciudad de Cuenca, con el objetivo de determinar las causas de su morbimortalidad. Es un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo en el que se evidenciaron los siguientes resultados: nacieron 3.400 niños, de los cuales 680 fueron prematuros (20); al servicio de neonatología debieron ingresar 247 (36.3). El 47de los prematuros tuvieron entre 35-37 semanas; 36.4entre 32 a 34 semanas. El 55.1pertenecieron al sexo femenino. En relación al peso el 26.3tuvo entre 2000-2499 gr. y el 46.2entre 1500-1999 gr. de peso. El 98.9fueron adecuados para su edad gestacional. En relación a la edad de la madre el 24.3tuvieron entre 15 a 19 años y el 37entre los 20 a 24 años de edad: siendo en total el 71.3de madres jóvenes. El 57.9de las madres presentaron alguna patología durante la gestación y el 54presentaron antecedentes de parto pretérmino. Las principales patologías que motivaron su ingreso fueron: hipoglucemia en el 85.7; hipotemia en 69.2hiperbilirrubinemia en 36taquipnea transitoria en 36.2membraba hialina en 26.1y sepsis en 22.9. El tiempo de hospitalización fue de 1 a 10 días en 34.4. La mortalidad representó el 25.9


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La hemorragia intraventricular constituye una complicación que con mucha frecuencia se asocia a la prematuréz; a pesar de los avances en atención hospitalaria, que buscan disminuir el número de recién nacidos prematuros, éstos continúan presentándose y por lo tanto el desarrollo de hemorragia intraventricular se detecta cada vez con más frecuencia en este grupo de recién nacidos, es sabido además de la influencia de un número importante de factores de riesgo que contribuyen a la presencia de dicha patología. Objetivo: conocer la incidencia y los factores de riesgo que llevan al desarrollo de hemorragia intraventricular en recién nacidos prematuros atendidos en el servicio de neonatos y cuidados intensivos neonatales del Hospital de Niños Benjamín Bloom. Dicho hospital recibe continuamente recién nacidos prematuros, que en diferente grado presentan hemorragia intraventricular; por lo que resultó necesario determinar con qué frecuencia se desarrolló ésta entre los prematuros atendidos y además cuales fueron los factores de riesgo asociados. Método: se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles, de fuentes documentales a partir de los expedientes clínicos de los recién nacidos prematuros que fueron atendidos en el servicio de neonatos y cuidados intensivos neonatales del HNNBB de enero de 2012 a diciembre de 2013. Se llevó a cabo la revisión de 140 expedientes clínicos, uno de ellos se excluyó por presentar múltiples malformaciones congénitas, que constituía un criterio de exclusión, de éstos datos se utilizaron para el análisis 117 expedientes, ya que a 22 pacientes no se les realizó ultrasonografía transfontanelar, sin tener información de las razones por las que no se tomó dicho estudio. Resultados: el estudio demostró que la hemorragia intraventricular se presentó en 25 pacientes, con una frecuencia del 21.4%, similar a los datos encontrados en las referencias bibliográficas. Los factores de riesgo parto vaginal se presentó en 15 pacientes (60%), APGAR bajo al primer minuto (6.52±2.06), presencia de síndrome de dificultad respiratoria que se identificó en 21 pacientes (84%), la ventilación mecánica se necesitó en el 96% de los pacientes (24) y el uso de derivados sanguíneos con un promedio de 3.6±3.13 transfusiones, se relaciona al desarrollo de hemorragia intraventricular con mayor frecuencia, pero no se asociaron de forma significativa. Los factores que con mayor significancia se asociaron al desarrollo de esta patología en la población estudiada fueron: Edad gestacional ˂ 28 semanas (OR 4.9), peso menor de 1500 gramos (OR 5.48) y presencia de sepsis neonatal (OR3.77)


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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La investigación se realizó con un universo de 220 pacientes, todos fueron niños prematuros menores de 1500 gramos nacidos entre el año 2011 al año 2013 y atendidos en la unidad de cuidados intensivos e intermedios neonatales del Hospital Nacional Especializado de Maternidad. El diagnóstico de la enfermedad se realizó principalmente basado en la necesidad de oxígeno suplementario por un mínimo de 28 días y según los criterios diagnósticos propuestos por el consenso del Instituto Nacional de la Salud de EE.UU (NICHD/NHLBI/ORD WORSHOP, 2000) (4) Se pudo evidenciar que los prematuros estudiados nacieron con mayor frecuencia a las 29 semanas de edad gestacional (calculadas por el método de Ballard modificado) y con un peso entre los 750 y los 1000 gramos. El tipo de displasia broncopulmonar más frecuentemente diagnosticado fue el de tipo leve y los factores de riesgo relacionados al desarrollo de la enfermedad fueron la presencia de infección materna al momento del parto y la infección posnatal, principalmente la infección asociada a la atención sanitaria (IAAS), la prematurez extrema y el extremado bajo peso al nacer; así como el uso prolongado de oxígeno por más de 55 días. El uso excesivo de líquidos endovenosos y la presencia de un conducto arterioso permeable ocurrieron con menos frecuencia.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz