937 resultados para Formal languages.


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Smart card applications represent a growing market. Usually this kind of application manipulate and store critical information that requires some level of security, such as financial or confidential information. The quality and trustworthiness of smart card software can be improved through a rigorous development process that embraces formal techniques of software engineering. In this work we propose the BSmart method, a specialization of the B formal method dedicated to the development of smart card Java Card applications. The method describes how a Java Card application can be generated from a B refinement process of its formal abstract specification. The development is supported by a set of tools, which automates the generation of some required refinements and the translation to Java Card client (host) and server (applet) applications. With respect to verification, the method development process was formalized and verified in the B method, using the Atelier B tool [Cle12a]. We emphasize that the Java Card application is translated from the last stage of refinement, named implementation. This translation process was specified in ASF+SDF [BKV08], describing the grammar of both languages (SDF) and the code transformations through rewrite rules (ASF). This specification was an important support during the translator development and contributes to the tool documentation. We also emphasize the KitSmart library [Dut06, San12], an essential component of BSmart, containing models of all 93 classes/interfaces of Java Card API 2:2:2, of Java/Java Card data types and machines that can be useful for the specifier, but are not part of the standard Java Card library. In other to validate the method, its tool support and the KitSmart, we developed an electronic passport application following the BSmart method. We believe that the results reached in this work contribute to Java Card development, allowing the generation of complete (client and server components), and less subject to errors, Java Card applications.


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PLCs (acronym for Programmable Logic Controllers) perform control operations, receiving information from the environment, processing it and modifying this same environment according to the results produced. They are commonly used in industry in several applications, from mass transport to petroleum industry. As the complexity of these applications increase, and as various are safety critical, a necessity for ensuring that they are reliable arouses. Testing and simulation are the de-facto methods used in the industry to do so, but they can leave flaws undiscovered. Formal methods can provide more confidence in an application s safety, once they permit their mathematical verification. We make use of the B Method, which has been successfully applied in the formal verification of industrial systems, is supported by several tools and can handle decomposition, refinement, and verification of correctness according to the specification. The method we developed and present in this work automatically generates B models from PLC programs and verify them in terms of safety constraints, manually derived from the system requirements. The scope of our method is the PLC programming languages presented in the IEC 61131-3 standard, although we are also able to verify programs not fully compliant with the standard. Our approach aims to ease the integration of formal methods in the industry through the abbreviation of the effort to perform formal verification in PLCs


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Service Oriented Computing is a new programming paradigm for addressing distributed system design issues. Services are autonomous computational entities which can be dynamically discovered and composed in order to form more complex systems able to achieve different kinds of task. E-government, e-business and e-science are some examples of the IT areas where Service Oriented Computing will be exploited in the next years. At present, the most credited Service Oriented Computing technology is that of Web Services, whose specifications are enriched day by day by industrial consortia without following a precise and rigorous approach. This PhD thesis aims, on the one hand, at modelling Service Oriented Computing in a formal way in order to precisely define the main concepts it is based upon and, on the other hand, at defining a new approach, called bipolar approach, for addressing system design issues by synergically exploiting choreography and orchestration languages related by means of a mathematical relation called conformance. Choreography allows us to describe systems of services from a global view point whereas orchestration supplies a means for addressing such an issue from a local perspective. In this work we present SOCK, a process algebra based language inspired by the Web Service orchestration language WS-BPEL which catches the essentials of Service Oriented Computing. From the definition of SOCK we will able to define a general model for dealing with Service Oriented Computing where services and systems of services are related to the design of finite state automata and process algebra concurrent systems, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce a formal language for dealing with choreography. Such a language is equipped with a formal semantics and it forms, together with a subset of the SOCK calculus, the bipolar framework. Finally, we present JOLIE which is a Java implentation of a subset of the SOCK calculus and it is part of the bipolar framework we intend to promote.


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A very recent and exciting new area of research is the application of Concurrency Theory tools to formalize and analyze biological systems and one of the most promising approach comes from the process algebras (process calculi). A process calculus is a formal language that allows to describe concurrent systems and comes with well-established techniques for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Biological systems can be regarded as concurrent systems and therefore modeled by means of process calculi. In this thesis we focus on the process calculi approach to the modeling of biological systems and investigate, mostly from a theoretical point of view, several promising bio-inspired formalisms: Brane Calculi and k-calculus family. We provide several expressiveness results mostly by means of comparisons between calculi. We provide a lower bound to the computational power of the non Turing complete MDB Brane Calculi by showing an encoding of a simple P-System into MDB. We address the issue of local implementation within the k-calculus family: whether n-way rewrites can be simulated by binary interactions only. A solution introducing divergence is provided and we prove a deterministic solution preserving the termination property is not possible. We use the symmetric leader election problem to test synchronization capabilities within the k-calculus family. Several fragments of the original k-calculus are considered and we prove an impossibility result about encoding n-way synchronization into (n-1)-way synchronization. A similar impossibility result is obtained in a pure computer science context. We introduce CCSn, an extension of CCS with multiple input prefixes and show, using the dining philosophers problem, that there is no reasonable encoding of CCS(n+1) into CCSn.


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Interactive theorem provers are tools designed for the certification of formal proofs developed by means of man-machine collaboration. Formal proofs obtained in this way cover a large variety of logical theories, ranging from the branches of mainstream mathematics, to the field of software verification. The border between these two worlds is marked by results in theoretical computer science and proofs related to the metatheory of programming languages. This last field, which is an obvious application of interactive theorem proving, poses nonetheless a serious challenge to the users of such tools, due both to the particularly structured way in which these proofs are constructed, and to difficulties related to the management of notions typical of programming languages like variable binding. This thesis is composed of two parts, discussing our experience in the development of the Matita interactive theorem prover and its use in the mechanization of the metatheory of programming languages. More specifically, part I covers: - the results of our effort in providing a better framework for the development of tactics for Matita, in order to make their implementation and debugging easier, also resulting in a much clearer code; - a discussion of the implementation of two tactics, providing infrastructure for the unification of constructor forms and the inversion of inductive predicates; we point out interactions between induction and inversion and provide an advancement over the state of the art. In the second part of the thesis, we focus on aspects related to the formalization of programming languages. We describe two works of ours: - a discussion of basic issues we encountered in our formalizations of part 1A of the Poplmark challenge, where we apply the extended inversion principles we implemented for Matita; - a formalization of an algebraic logical framework, posing more complex challenges, including multiple binding and a form of hereditary substitution; this work adopts, for the encoding of binding, an extension of Masahiko Sato's canonical locally named representation we designed during our visit to the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science at the University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Randy Pollack.


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The Curry-Howard isomorphism is the idea that proofs in natural deduction can be put in correspondence with lambda terms in such a way that this correspondence is preserved by normalization. The concept can be extended from Intuitionistic Logic to other systems, such as Linear Logic. One of the nice conseguences of this isomorphism is that we can reason about functional programs with formal tools which are typical of proof systems: such analysis can also include quantitative qualities of programs, such as the number of steps it takes to terminate. Another is the possiblity to describe the execution of these programs in terms of abstract machines. In 1990 Griffin proved that the correspondence can be extended to Classical Logic and control operators. That is, Classical Logic adds the possiblity to manipulate continuations. In this thesis we see how the things we described above work in this larger context.


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In this thesis, the author presents a query language for an RDF (Resource Description Framework) database and discusses its applications in the context of the HELM project (the Hypertextual Electronic Library of Mathematics). This language aims at meeting the main requirements coming from the RDF community. in particular it includes: a human readable textual syntax and a machine-processable XML (Extensible Markup Language) syntax both for queries and for query results, a rigorously exposed formal semantics, a graph-oriented RDF data access model capable of exploring an entire RDF graph (including both RDF Models and RDF Schemata), a full set of Boolean operators to compose the query constraints, fully customizable and highly structured query results having a 4-dimensional geometry, some constructions taken from ordinary programming languages that simplify the formulation of complex queries. The HELM project aims at integrating the modern tools for the automation of formal reasoning with the most recent electronic publishing technologies, in order create and maintain a hypertextual, distributed virtual library of formal mathematical knowledge. In the spirit of the Semantic Web, the documents of this library include RDF metadata describing their structure and content in a machine-understandable form. Using the author's query engine, HELM exploits this information to implement some functionalities allowing the interactive and automatic retrieval of documents on the basis of content-aware requests that take into account the mathematical nature of these documents.


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Este artículo explora críticamente la tesis según la cual la lógica formal deductiva contemporánea proporciona métodos e instrumentos para una teoría de la evaluación de argumentos formulados en un lenguaje natural. En este artículo se sostiene que la teoría de la (in)validez de la lógica formal deductiva sólo se puede aplicar a los argumentos del lenguaje natural utilizando aquello que se quiere explicar teóricamente, i.e. Las intuiciones que los/las hablantes de un lenguaje natural tienen acerca de la relaciones de implicación lógica entre las expresiones de esa lengua. Se exploran también algunas consecuencias pedagógicas de esta crítica.


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Este artículo explora críticamente la tesis según la cual la lógica formal deductiva contemporánea proporciona métodos e instrumentos para una teoría de la evaluación de argumentos formulados en un lenguaje natural. En este artículo se sostiene que la teoría de la (in)validez de la lógica formal deductiva sólo se puede aplicar a los argumentos del lenguaje natural utilizando aquello que se quiere explicar teóricamente, i.e. Las intuiciones que los/las hablantes de un lenguaje natural tienen acerca de la relaciones de implicación lógica entre las expresiones de esa lengua. Se exploran también algunas consecuencias pedagógicas de esta crítica.


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Este artículo explora críticamente la tesis según la cual la lógica formal deductiva contemporánea proporciona métodos e instrumentos para una teoría de la evaluación de argumentos formulados en un lenguaje natural. En este artículo se sostiene que la teoría de la (in)validez de la lógica formal deductiva sólo se puede aplicar a los argumentos del lenguaje natural utilizando aquello que se quiere explicar teóricamente, i.e. Las intuiciones que los/las hablantes de un lenguaje natural tienen acerca de la relaciones de implicación lógica entre las expresiones de esa lengua. Se exploran también algunas consecuencias pedagógicas de esta crítica.


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Studying independence of goals has proven very useful in the context of logic programming. In particular, it has provided a formal basis for powerful automatic parallelization tools, since independence ensures that two goals may be evaluated in parallel while preserving correctness and eciency. We extend the concept of independence to constraint logic programs (CLP) and prove that it also ensures the correctness and eciency of the parallel evaluation of independent goals. Independence for CLP languages is more complex than for logic programming as search space preservation is necessary but no longer sucient for ensuring correctness and eciency. Two additional issues arise. The rst is that the cost of constraint solving may depend upon the order constraints are encountered. The second is the need to handle dynamic scheduling. We clarify these issues by proposing various types of search independence and constraint solver independence, and show how they can be combined to allow dierent optimizations, from parallelism to intelligent backtracking. Sucient conditions for independence which can be evaluated \a priori" at run-time are also proposed. Our study also yields new insights into independence in logic programming languages. In particular, we show that search space preservation is not only a sucient but also a necessary condition for ensuring correctness and eciency of parallel execution.


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"Supported in part by Contract AT(11-1)-1018 with the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Advanced Research Projects Agency."