906 resultados para Forest management -- Catalunya -- Gavarres Mountains


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Diagnosi ambiental de la zona de Fitor (EIN Gavarres) per tal de gestionar aquesta zona, reduint el risc d’ incendi forestal. Amb l’ objectiu de reduir el risc d’ incendi en aquesta zona es proposa la introducció d’ un ramat de 350 individus per rebaixar la fitomassa del sotabosc, tenint en compte els PEG’s (Punts Estratègics de Gestió) marcats en el PPIF (Pla de Prevenció d’ Incendis Forestals). Es proposen una sèrie de recorreguts i àrees de pastura per tal de reduir o mantenir la fitomassa del sotabosc, i unes propostes d’actuació a nivell executiu i divulgatiu per dinamitzar el sector ramader


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Anàlisi del flux de manterials que travessen el sector de la fusta a Catalunya durant l’any 2005 calculant els balanços de matèria i els indicadors derivats, de cara a avaluar la gestió dels boscos a Catalunya


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El massís de les Gavarres és un espai que forma part del Pla d’Espais Naturals d’Interès Natural de Catalunya i es caracteritza per ser un espai molt ric en patrimoni cultural, sobretot etnològic. És per això que des de l’entitat del Consorci de les Gavarres sorgeix la proposta d’elaborar un conjunt de senders ecoturístics sobra la Zona d’Interès Etnològic de la Gavarres. L’objectiu principal és impulsar la posta en valor i crear instruments de gestió dels principals elements del patrimoni cultural que es troben presents arreu del massís de les Gavarres, a partir del disseny d’un conjunt de senders ecoturístics que, de manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient, serveixin d’instruments de dinamització i de gestió per a la conservació de l’espai i els seu elements patrimonials.


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Monitoring of herbaceous plants on the Ottawa National Forest (ONF) is used to understand the impact of forest management on understory composition and site conditions. In their planning, national forests are required to take into account management impacts on diversity and ecosystem health. The effect of management on understory species is dependent on various factors, including the intensity of disturbance and the biology of the plant. In the first study in this report, a population of Carex assiniboinensis, a Michigan state threatened species, was monitored for seven seasons including before logging commenced, in order to determine the sedge’s response to a single-tree selection harvest. Analyses provided insights for management of C. assiniboinensis at the stand level over the short-term. In the second study in this report, the use of the cutleaf toothwort (Cardamine concatenata) as a Management Indicator Species on the ONF was reviewed. Data were analyzed to determine the suitability of using C. concatenata to monitor impacts of forest management on site conditions. The various factors that affect understory species population dynamics illuminated the challenges of using indicator species to monitor site conditions. Insights from the study provide a greater understanding of management impacts on understory species across the Ottawa National Forest.


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The people of the southwestern Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria live in small, mountainous villages and rural areas. They rely on berries, herbs, and mushrooms provided by the forest and maintain a lifestyle and culture of gathering them. This study determined the economic and landscape concentration of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and how this has changed in the past twenty years in the region of Garmen. The objective was to gauge the cultural and economic significance of NTFPs in the lives of the people who live there. Data was collected using informal, open-ended interviews and through participant observation. Results indicate that ethnicity influence how resources are utilized. Roma people collect mushrooms for income generation; Orthodox Bulgarians gather herbs, berries, and mushrooms for medicinal purposes, to supplement their diets, and to carry on traditions. Bulgarian Muslims collect for a combination of the aforementioned reasons. Changes that occur in the forests affect each of the ethnic groups in different ways and forest management practices should include people’s knowledge and uses of NTFPs.


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Running title: Siskiyou National Forest plan, record of decision.


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Cover title: Land and resource management plan, overview, Toiyabe National Forest.


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