974 resultados para Foreign currency


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Special issue: 40 years of CEPAL Review


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Corn and soyabeans may not be available in many countries particularly those which do not have sufficient foreign currency or the capacity to grow them. This paper outlines strategies that may be important under these circumstances. Alternative feedstuffs and various feeding systems may be used to support poultry production. Alternative ingredients such as rice bran, pearl millet, cottonseed meal and grain legumes are discussed. Evidence is presented showing that amino acid requirements of layers and broilers may be too generous particularly in countries where climate, management and disease can impose production constraints. The ability of finishing broilers to perform well on very low-energy diets allows the inclusion of alternative feeds and by-products into formulations. Very low protein diets based on cereals and free amino acids can be used for layers without loss of performance. Self-selection of feedstuffs may be an important strategy in reducing feed costs of broilers and layers. The concept of matching production with available feed resources may compromise broiler growth and egg production, but in many countries this may be the most economical choice. Countries in the humid tropics usually have reduced poultry performance. The effects of high temperature and humidity are difficult to overcome. The vexed questions of the escalation in the price of fossil fuel and the outbreak of avian influenza, both seemingly without a solution, are clouds hanging over an otherwise buoyant industry.


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Purpose - To provide a framework of accounting policy choice associated with the timing of adoption of the UK Statement of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAP) No. 20, "Foreign Currency Translation". The conceptual framework describes the accounting policy choices that firms face in a setting that is influenced by: their financial characteristics; the flexible foreign exchange rates; and the stock market response to accounting decisions. Design/methodology/approach - Following the positive accounting theory context, this paper puts into a framework the motives and choices of UK firms with regard to the adoption or deferment of the adoption of SSAP 20. The paper utilises the theoretical and empirical findings of previous studies to form and substantiate the conceptual framework. Given the UK foreign exchange setting, the framework identifies the initial stage: lack of regulation and flexibility in financial reporting; the intermediate stage: accounting policy choice; and the final stage: accounting choice and policy review. Findings - There are situations where accounting regulation contrasts with the needs and business objectives of firms and vice-versa. Thus, firms may delay the adoption up to the point where the increase in political costs can just be tolerated. Overall, the study infers that firms might have chosen to defer the adoption of SSAP 20 until they reach a certain corporate goal, or the adverse impact (if any) of the accounting change on firms' financial numbers is minimal. Thus, the determination of the timing of the adoption is a matter which is subject to the objectives of the managers in association with the market and economic conditions. The paper suggests that the flexibility in financial reporting, which may enhance the scope for income-smoothing, can be mitigated by the appropriate standardisation of accounting practice. Research limitations/implications - First, the study encompassed a period when firms and investors were less sophisticated users of financial information. Second, it is difficult to ascertain the decisions that firms would have taken, had the pound appreciated over the period of adoption and had the firms incurred translation losses rather than translation gains. Originality/value - This paper is useful to accounting standards setters, professional accountants, academics and investors. The study can give the accounting standard-setting bodies useful information when they prepare a change in the accounting regulation or set an appropriate date for the implementation of an accounting standard. The paper provides significant insight about the behaviour of firms and the associated impacts of financial markets and regulation on the decision-making process of firms. The framework aims to assist the market and other authorities to reduce information asymmetry and to reinforce the efficiency of the market. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This study examines whether the timing of adoption of the UK Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 20 'Foreign Currency Translation' depended on firms' financial characteristics. Consistent with US studies, we find that early adopters tended to be larger firms, and that variables, such as growth options, profitability, leverage and management payout, have strong predictive power. In general, the decision to adopt the Statement of Standard Accounting Practice No. 20 did not appear to adversely affect the profitability measures or dividend payout. Firms tended to adopt when the adverse economic consequences of the adoption were likely to be minimal. They also appeared to defer the adoption of the standard to influence their financial performance and, hence, to achieve certain corporate financial objectives. © 2006 AFAANZ.


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Az elmúlt években hazánkban a svájcifrank- és a japánjen-alapú hitelezés gyakorlatilag megszűnt, a devizaalapú hitelek folyósításának feltételei szigorodtak, a már meglévő portfólió romlott, a hitelezők által elszenvedett veszteség megnőtt. A számviteli előírások azonban alig változtak, azaz a jelenlegi szabályozás képes a számviteli törvény által alapvető célként megjelölt megbízható és valós kép bemutatására. A számviteli megközelítés szerint a deviza- és a devizaalapú ügyletek között nincs lényegi különbség, az aktiválási, értékelési, valamint értékvesztés-képzési szabályok megegyeznek. A probléma nagyságrendjének bemutatása után ismertetem a devizás vagyonrészek értékelésével kapcsolatos szabályok változását azok indokaival együtt. Ezután bemutatom a különféle alkalmazott árfolyamok hatásait a beszámolóra, s az alkalmazható árfolyamok és a mérlegben megjelenő devizapozíciók összefüggéseit. A devizás követelésekre képzendő értékvesztés témakörben bemutatom az év végi zárási feladatok sorrendjét, valamint a deviza- és a devizaalapú ügyletek értékvesztése közötti különbségeket is. _______ Loan fi nancing in Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen has disappeared in the last few years, fi nancing in foreign currency has become more diffi cult, while the actual loan portfolio has worsened, losses born by fi nancial institutions have increased. Despite this, the accounting prescriptions have hardly changed, which can be seen as if the current regulation is able to provide the fair and true picture. According to the accounting approach, there is no material difference between FX and FX-denominated deals: rules on the recognition in the balance sheet, valuation and loan loss provisions are identical. In this article – after highlighting the magnitude of the problem -, I introduce the changes in the rules regarding items in foreign currency and the reasons behind those changes. In the next part, I investigate the impact of application of different FX rates on the fi nancial statement and their correspondence with the FX-position reported in the Balance sheet. Later, I discuss the adequate order of the periodical accounting closing tasks, and the differences between impairment of receivables to be settled and denominated in foreign currency, or only denominated in FX with Forint Cash Flow.


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When I started writing this paper, I thought I would only be writing about the parallel between the mathematical theory of inventory and production – as a familiar model of operations research – and liquidity management. And then during the writing process, predictably enough I must say, the scandals surrounding the Buda-Cash and Quaestor brokerages erupted. Likewise in this period, the debate about foreign currency lending gained fresh impetus; about who made which mistakes when, or whether there was anyone who didn’t make mistakes. The most surprising twist revealed in the Buda-Cash and Quaestor cases – beyond alleged losses running into several hundreds of billions of forints – was that all this could be accumulated in 15 years of selfless effort. And even if this information proves to be comment born of initial over-excitement, it still demands an explanation one way or another. If it’s true, then how can this be? And if it isn’t, then what made it appear as if this is what happened? The questions and contradictions are obvious. But the main questions are these: What do risk managers actually do? What do we pay them for? And how far can we trust them?


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Históricamente, en el Ecuador, la Provincia del Azuay es la de mayor experiencia emigratoria hacia el exterior y la que se ha beneficiado de importantes flujos de remesas, mismas que se incrementaron notablementecon la emigración provocada por la crisis económica de finales de la década de los noventa, llegando a representar en el año 2014 USD$ 540 millones de dólares. Esto, sumado a la desconfianza en el sector bancario, generó el nacimiento y crecimiento de muchas Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito como es el caso de Jardín Azuayo, que se constituyó en el año 1993 a raíz del desastre de la Josefina. Además, las remesas que se transfieren a través de las cooperativas tienen un notable incremento, contribuyendo los aspectos mencionados a la expansión y democratización del crédito, y al desarrollo de la provincia. En la presente investigación se utilizó información secundaria, proveniente de la Superintendencia de Bancos y Seguros, Superintendencia de Economía Popular y Solidaria, Banco Central del Ecuador, Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Jardín Azuayo, entre otros. Además se trabajó con una muestra de créditos concedidos por la Cooperativa Jardín Azuayo. Los resultados obtenidos permiten visualizar la expansión democratización del crédito yel verdadero destino de éste y proporcionan los elementos para el establecimiento de políticas que permitan el apoyo a las Cooperativas y a los sectores que requieren el financiamiento, especialmente para fines productivos.


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This paper presents evidence that the bid-ask spreads in euro rates increased relative to the corresponding bid-ask spreads in the German mark (DM) prior to the creation of the currency union. This comes with a decrease in transaction volume in the euro rates relative to the previous DM rates. The starkest example is the DM(euro)/yen rate in which the spread has risen by almost two-thirds while the volume decreased by more than one third. This outcome is surprising because the common currency concentrated market liquidity in fewer external euro rates and higher volume tends to be associated with lower spreads. We propose a microstructure explanation based on a change in the information environment of the FX market. The elimination of many cross currency pairs increased the market transparency for order flow imbalances in the dealership market. It is argued that higher market transparency adversely affects the inventory risk sharing efficiency of the dealership market and induces the observed euro spread increase and transaction volume shortfall.


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The Japanese currency has appreciated substantially against most other currencies over the last two decades. During the same time Japan has become one of the world's largest providers of FDI. Japan's share of total FDI outflows increased from about 6 percent during the late 70's to 21 percent in 1990 while its share of the total stock of FDI in the world increased from less than 1 percent in 1960 to more than 13 percent in 1993. Not surprisingly, Japan's role in international business in general and its FDI activities, in particular, have attracted considerable attention from researchers world wide. However, much of this attention has been directed towards the patterns and determinants of Japanese foreign direct investment, in particular to the United States. The impact of changes in the value of the Yen on Japanese FDI has been largely overlooked. Thus, this paper fills an important gap in the literature by focusing on the influence of changes of the exchange rate on Japanese foreign direct investment. A comprehensive simultaneous equa-tion model of Japanese FDI is developed on a regional level to gauge the extent to which currency fluctuations affect Japanese FDI activities. The results suggest that the exchange rate is an effective mechanism through which to influence FDI. Thus, the exchange rate should not be overlooked by the World Trade Organisation in its efforts to further liberalise investment through the Multilateral Agreement on Investment.


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