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COST Action TU 1404
COST TU 1404
Purpose – Few research has addressed the factors that undermine people’s subjective perceptions of career success. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to further illuminate the issue of career barriers in perceptions of career success for a specific group of professionals: academics. Design/methodology/approach – This study adopts an interpretative-social constructionist methodology. Complementarily, it was employed a phenomenological method in data gathering and analysis – with the use of in-depth interviews and a theme analysis. The research was undertaken with a group of 87 Portuguese academics of both sexes and in different stages of their academic careers. Findings – The findings pinpoint the existence of multi-level barriers encountered by the academics when trying to succeed in their careers. The interviewees mentioned particularly the organizational-professional career barriers pertaining to three general themes: poor collegiality and workplace relationships; the lack of organizational support and employment precariousness; and the career progression standards and expectations. At the individual life cycle level the interviewees referred to the theme of finding balance; at the same time, the gender structure was also a theme mentioned as an important career barrier in career success, particularly by the women interviewed. Research limitations/implications – One of the limitations of this research is related to the impossibility of generalizability of its findings for the general population. Nevertheless, the researcher provides enough detail that grants the reader with the ability to judge of its similarity to other research contexts. Practical implications – This research highlights the role played by distinct career barriers for a specific professional group: academics. This has implications for higher education policy-makers and for human resources managers in higher education institutions. Originality/value – The current study extends the literature on career success by offering detailed anecdotal evidence on how negative work experiences might hinder career success. This research shows that to understand career barriers to success it is useful to consider multi-level factors: organizational-level factors (e.g. poor collegiality and workplace relationships); individual-level factors (e.g. life-cycle factors such as age/career stage); and structural-level factors (e.g. gender).
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia de Plantas MAP - Bioplant
(Excerto) Nowadays, the public discourses about gender equality are commonly accepted in Western society. In fact, we live in an era of “equality illusion” (Banyard, 2010) because the mainstream discourses incorporate gender in the agenda, conveying the message that feminist struggles are unnecessary today. At the same time, postfeminism (McRobbie, 2004) gains importance and demonstrates the intricacies of a neoliberal, highly individualist culture that subtly imprisons the freedoms that it is supposed to grant (Gill & Scharff, 2011).
Transparency document related to this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.10.014
Este proyecto de investigación pretende ser un paso más en complejidad y profundidad dentro del plan de trabajo sobre comprensión lectora en sujetos escolarizados del nivel medio en Córdoba, capital. En esta etapa se estima conveniente: a) avanzar sobre los libros en los cuales los adolescentes se nutren de "lectura" escolar a fin de estipular qué "textos" tiene internalizado el alumno y cómo opera esa internalización en el proceso de comprensión lectora, b) trabajar con los docentes que, a cargo de cursos y/o áreas, necesitan una conducción para reciclar su operación pedagógico-didáctica en comprensión lectora, así como los fundamentos teóricos y, con esos docentes, ir corroborando los intentos investigativos del proyecto, c) todo ello acompañado de una línea sostenida de estudio teórico -atento a la abundante bibliografía que esta apareciendo en todo el mundo occidental- en particular a la luz de lo que evidencie el estudio estadístico que se haga al corpus de pruebas de lectura comprensiva aplicadas durante 1993/94, en 448 sujetos escolarizados de Córdoba (ver anexo), d) continuar con el trabajo compartido, vía convenio de Universidad a Universidad, con el prestigioso Instituto de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje de Valparaíso, Chile, intentando acercarse a realidades similares en ambos países. El proyecto cobra importancia en tanto y en cuanto: a) los problemas de comprensión y de producción lingüística están siendo atentamente mirados por la interdisciplina actual (psicolingüística, neurolingüística, ciencias de la educación, inteligencia artificial), b) los nuevos contenidos curriculares para el área de lengua que se implementarán próximamente, centran la atención en la aptitud comprensivo-productiva del alumno, lo que requiere, por una parte, estar informado de cómo "ocurre" la comprensión para saber dónde y cómo habría que ratificar caminos y la otra, preparar al docente para una nueva manera de encarar el trabajo áulico que, en lo que atañe a comprensión o a producción, requieren hoy vías específicas (hay sostenida bibliografía ad-hoc). Si el mundo está reclamando excelencia en educación y si a las universidades se les pide salir a la realidad de los hechos para aportar su ciencia, se estima que este proyecto, concatenando preocupación por el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua y preparación teórica, pueda ser una humilde contribución a esas aspiraciones.
Introducción: Las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales (LCNs) son un grupo de patologías neurodegenerativas hereditarias de atesoramiento lisosomal (PALs) caracterizadas por el almacenamiento en los lisosomas de materiales complejos pobremente reconocidos. Su curso es muy severo con desenlace fatal, habiendo sido definidos diversos tipos sobre la base del estudio de los fenotipos clínicos, enzimáticos, morfológicos y las mutaciones. Su incidencia es de 1:12.500 nacimientos vivos a nivel mundial. Las intervenciones farmacológicas con moléculas pequeñas han sido exitosas para algunas PALs; sin embargo, debido a que para cada una de las moléculas ha sido asumido un mecanismo de acción, la efectividad puede estar limitada a uno o a pocos desórdenes y no beneficiar a otros. Se han comprobado efectos diversos de una serie de moléculas tales como Miglustat, Chaperonas moleculares diseñadas, Clenbuterol, N-acetilcisteina (Mucomyst), Cisteamina, Gentamicina y PTC124. Los tratamientos farmacológicos/ con moléculas pequeñas podrían resultar exitosos para las LCNs, mereciendo consideración desarrollar terapias para estos desórdenesObjetivo generalo Investigar en un tipo de patologías del sistema nervioso central, las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales, el enfoque terapéutico-farmacológico con pequeñas moléculas aplicado a otras patologías hereditarias.Objetivos específicoso Desarrollar un prototipo de cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes a nivel hospitalario en Córdoba y mantener cultivos de fibroblastos de pacientes afectados de una LCN de genotipo CLN2, con mutaciones conocidas. o Enriquecer los cultivos con fármacos/ moléculas pequeñas probadas en otras PALs.o Averiguar si se produce incremento de actividad enzimática de la Tripeptidil Peptidasa-I (TPP-I) lisosomal.Materiales y Métodos: cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes con el agregado de fármacos/pequeñas moléculas. Los donantes serán diagnosticados en CEMECO a través de una estrategia sistematizada para el reconocimiento de las LCNs y se identificarán las mutaciones en el gen CLN2 causales de enfermedad. Se averiguará la actividad enzimática de TPP-I y se marcará la enzima con anticuerpos específicos en corridas electroforéticas por western blot. Resultados esperados: incrementos en la actividad enzimática de TPP-I en los cultivos celulares con agregado de fármacos/ pequeñas moléculas con respecto a los controles. Importancia del proyecto: se trata de una investigación traduccional (traslational research) en la cual la clínica y los servicios a pacientes se vinculan con la investigación científica, desde una perspectiva de integración. Se desarrolla en un Hospital Público, el Hospital de Niños de la Provincia de Córdoba, asiento del Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas-CEMECO. Se beneficiarán los pacientes, dado que impactará sobre la calidad de los servicios hospitalarios al suministrar diagnósticos bajo los estándares internacionales, en estrecha vinculación con centros referenciales del exterior. Se obtendrán para los genes de las LCNs los datos del espectro de mutaciones y polimorfismos presentes en la región y se aportarán datos sobre posibilidades de las terapias farmacológicas en relación a cada una de las mutaciones.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2014
International markets are very competitive so innovation seems unavoidable. Some authors describe internationalisation as being an innovation of the firm. In this research these two phenomena will be studied, through a multiple case study method, focusing on the existence of a reciprocal relationship between the processes of internationalisation and innovation.
Miniature light traps used to collect Phlebotominae in a focus of dermal leishmaniasis in the eastern part of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Over a period of seven months, the other Diptera captured in 179 light trap samples were identified to family level. The traps were placed in eight localities which constituted three different biotopes: three woodland aresas, cultivated land, and a peridomestic site. A comparison is made between the totals of Dipeterans collected in each biotope, the total numbers of families collected in each biotope and the estimated indices of diversity. Dendograms representing the degrees of association between families of Diptera in different biotopes are presented. Some families of Diptera are uniformly distributed throughout the study area; a few families seem to have become adapted to areas where human activity has induced the greatest ecological changes. The impact between Dipterans and human well-being is discussed. The availabel evidence indicates that transmission of dermal leishmaniasis does not occur in areas where sand flies can be captured in greatest densities.
BACKGROUND: The number of nonagenarians and centenarians is rising dramatically, and many of them live in nursing homes. Very little is known about psychiatric symptoms and cognitive abilities other than memory in this population. This exploratory study focuses on anosognosia and its relationship with common psychiatric and cognitive symptoms. METHODS: Fifty-eight subjects aged 90 years or older were recruited from geriatric nursing homes and divided into five groups according to Mini-Mental State Examination scores. Assessment included the five-word test, executive clock-drawing task, lexical and categorical fluencies, Anosognosia Questionnaire-Dementia, Neuropsychiatric Inventory, and Charlson Comorbidity Index. RESULTS: Subjects had moderate cognitive impairment, with mean ± SD Mini-Mental State Examination being 15.41 ± 7.04. Anosognosia increased with cognitive impairment and was associated with all cognitive domains, as well as with apathy and agitation. Subjects with mild global cognitive decline seemed less anosognosic than subjects with the least or no impairment. Neither anosognosia nor psychopathological features were related to physical conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Anosognosia in oldest-old nursing home residents was mostly mild. It was associated with both cognitive and psychopathological changes, but whether anosognosia is causal to the observed psychopathological features requires further investigation.
A study on the ecology of phlebotomine sandfly fauna in a restricted focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in northern Venezuela was undertaken in order to investigate the species responsible for the transmission. The study area and catching methods for phlebotomine sandflies are described. A total of 9,061 females and 1,662 males were collected during a year-term study. 12 species of Lutzomya and 1 species of Brumptomya sp. were identified. Absolute and relative abundance and ocurrence for each species were determined. The rel ative occurrence allowed to distinguish the common species, viz. L. panamensis, L. ovallesi, L. gomezi, L. tinidadensis, L. atroclavata, L. cayennensis, L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor from the rare species vis., L. punctigeniculata, L. rangeliana, L. evansi and L. dubitans. General comments on the species composition of the sandfly fauna in this locality are made.
The ecology of phlebotomine sandflies in an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Venezuela (San Esteban, Carabobo State) was investigated through a year-term study. Three different habitats: viz. a house, a pridomestic area and a sylvatic area, were covered and the species composition, the abundance and occurrence of each species were analyzed in relation to the habitats, catching methods and hour of catching. L. panamensis, L. gomezi and L. ovallesi are the species which bite man, although almost exclusively at night. All of them hide by day and are common in the sylvatic area. Moreover, L. panamensis and L. gomezi successfully approach the house and seem to settle in the peridomestic area. L. shannoni and L. olmeca bicolor also approach and accidentally bite man. L. trinidadensis, L. atroclavata and L. cayennensis are the common non-antrhopophilic species in the area.
A one year-long study (March 1979-March 1980) was carried out at San Esteban, an endemic focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northern Venezuela, with the aim of observing the seasonal fluctuation of the local phlebotomine sandflies species. The influence of climatic factors (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall) on population dynamics was analyzed in three collecting sites - a house, a peridomestic area and a sylvatic region. Among anthropophilic species, L. panamensis behaved as a wetseason species, the mean minimum relative humidity being the critical factor influencing the total number of individuals. When the population density of this fly decreased, it was successfully replaced by L. ovallesi, a dry-season species. On the other hand, seasonal variations of L. gomezi were more strongly affected by the temperature.