983 resultados para Foamed cement
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Premature degradation of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete infrastructures is a current and serious problem with overwhelming costs amounting to several trillion dollars. The use of concrete surface treatments with waterproofing materials to prevent the access of aggressive substances is an important way of enhancing concrete durability. The most common surface treatments use polymeric resins based on epoxy, silicone (siloxane), acrylics, polyurethanes or polymethacrylate. However, epoxy resins have low resistance to ultraviolet radiation while polyurethanes are sensitive to high alkalinity environments. Geopolymers constitute a group of materials with high resistance to chemical attack that could also be used for coating of concrete infrastructures exposed to harsh chemical environments. This article presents results of an experimental investigation on the resistance to chemical attack (by sulfuric and nitric acid) of several materials: OPC concrete, high performance concrete (HPC), epoxy resin, acrylic painting and a fly ash based geopolymeric mortar. Three types of acids, each with high concentrations of 10%, 20% and 30%, were used to simulate long term degradation by chemical attack. The results show that the epoxy resin had the best resistance to chemical attack, irrespective of the acid type and acid concentration.
A new technique was developed for producing thin panels of a cement based material reinforced with relatively high content of steel fibres originated from the industry of tyre recycling. Flexural tests with notched and un-notched specimens were carried out to characterize the mechanical properties of this Fibre Reinforced Cement Composite (FRCC) and the results are presented and discussed. The values of the fracture mode I parameters of the developed FRCC were determined by performing inverse analysis with test results obtained in three point notched beam bending tests. To appraise the potentialities of these FRCC panels for the increase of the shear capacity of reinforced (RC) beams, numerical research was performed on the use of developed FRCC panel for shear reinforcement by applying the panels in the lateral faces of RC beams deficiently reinforced in shear.
By taking advantage of the appropriate use of cement and polymer based materials and advanced computational tools, a pre-fabricated affordable house was built in a modular system. Modular system refers to the complete structure that is built-up by assembling pre-fabricated sandwich panels composed of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) outer layers that are connected by innovative glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) connectors, resulting in a panel with adequate structural, acoustic, and thermal insulation properties. The modular house was prepared for a typical family of six members, but its living area can be easily increased by assembling other pre-fabricated elements. The speed of construction and the cost of the constructive elements make these houses competitive when compared to traditional solutions. In this paper the relevant research subjacent to this project (LEGOUSE) is briefly described, as well as the construction process of the built real scale prototype.
This work proposes a constitutive model to simulate nonlinear behaviour of cement based materials subjected to different loading paths. The model incorporates a multidirectional fixed smeared crack approach to simulate crack initiation and propagation, whereas the inelastic behaviour of material between cracks is treated by a numerical strategy that combines plasticity and damage theories. For capturing more realistically the shear stress transfer between the crack surfaces, a softening diagram is assumed for modelling the crack shear stress versus crack shear strain. The plastic damage model is based on the yield function, flow rule and evolution law for hardening variable, and includes an explicit isotropic damage law to simulate the stiffness degradation and the softening behaviour of cement based materials in compression. This model was implemented into the FEMIX computer program, and experimental tests at material scale were simulated to appraise the predictive performance of this constitutive model. The applicability of the model for simulating the behaviour of reinforced concrete shear wall panels submitted to biaxial loading conditions, and RC beams failing in shear is investigated.
Nowadays, the concrete production sector is challenged by attempts to minimize the usage of raw materials and energy consumption, as well as by environmental concerns. Therefore, it is necessary to choose better options, e.g. new technologies or materials with improved life-cycle performance. One solution for using resources in an efficient manner is to close the materials' loop through the recycling of materials that result either from the end-of-life of products or from being the by-product of an industrial process. It is well known that the production of Portland cement, one of the materials most used in the construction sector, has a significant contribution to the environmental impacts, mainly related with carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, the study and utilization of by-products or wastes usable as cement replacement in concrete can supply more sustainable options, provided that these type of concrete produced has same durability and equivalent quality properties as standard concrete. This work studied the environmental benefits of incorporating different percentages of two types of fly ashes that can be used in concrete as cement replacement. These ashes are waste products of power and heat production sectors using coal or biomass as fuels. The results showed that both ashes provide a benefit for the concrete production both in terms of environmental impact minimization and a better environmental performance through an increase in cement replacement. It is possible to verify that the incorporation of fly ashes is a sustainable option for cement substitution and a possible path to improve the environmental performance of the concrete industry.
The eco-efficient, self-compacting concrete (SCC) production, containing low levels of cement in its formulation, shall contribute for the constructions' sustainability due to the decrease in Portland cement use, to the use of industrial residue, for beyond the minimization of the energy needed for its placement and compaction. In this context, the present paper intends to assess the viability of SCC production with low cement levels by determining the fresh and hardened properties of concrete containing high levels of fly ash (FA) and also metakaolin (MK). Hence, 6 different concrete formulations were produced and tested: two reference concretes made with 300 and 500 kg/m3 of cement; the others were produced in order to evaluate the effects of high replacement levels of cement. Cement replacement by FA of 60% and by 50% of FA plus 20% of MK were tested and the addition of hydrated lime in these two types of concrete were also studied. To evaluate the self-compacting ability slump flow test, T500, J-ring, V-funnel and L-box were performed. In the hardened state the compressive strength at 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 90 days of age was determined. The results showed that it is possible to produce low cement content SCC by replacing high levels of cement by mineral additions, meeting the rheological requirements for self-compacting, with moderate resistances from 25 to 30 MPa after 28 days.
Nowadays, recycling has become a very important objective for the society in the scope of a closed loop product life cycle. In recent years, new recycling techniques have been developed in the area of road pavements that allow the incorporation of high percentages of reclaimed asphalt (RA) materials in recycled asphalt mixtures. The use of foamed bitumen for production of recycled asphalt mixtures is one of those techniques, which also allows the reduction of the mixing temperatures (warm mix technology). However, it is important to evaluate if this solution can maintain or improve the performance of the resulting mixtures. Thus, the main aim of the present study is to assess the performance of warm recycled asphalt mixtures incorporating foamed bitumen as the new binder and 50% RA, in comparison with a control mixture using conventional bitumen. Four mixtures have been produced with 50% RA, one of them at typical high mixing temperatures with a conventional bitumen (control mixture) and the other three with foamed bitumen at different production temperatures. These four mixtures were tested to evaluate their compactability and water sensitivity. The laboratory test results showed that the production of recycled mixtures with foamed bitumen can be reduced by 40ºC without changing the performance of the resulting mixtures.
The recycling of pavements is nowadays a very important question to the road paving industry. With the objective of incorporating higher percentages of reclaimed asphalt (RA) materials in recycled asphalt mixtures, new techniques have been developed in the last years. The use of foamed bitumen is normally associated with the production of cold asphalt mixtures, which usually show lower quality standards. However, the objective of the work presented in this paper is to assess the use of foamed bitumen as the binder of warm asphalt mixtures incorporating 30% RA, which have quality standards similar to those of conventional mixtures. Thus, five mixtures have been produced with 30% RA, one of them with a conventional bitumen (control mix) and the others with foamed bitumen at different production temperatures. The mixtures were tested for compactability and water sensitivity and the results show a possible reduction of 25 ºC in the production temperatures, while the water sensitivity test results were kept close to 90 %.
With the constant need to improve and make the production of asphalt mixtures more sustainable, new production techniques have been developed, the implementation of which implies the correct knowledge of their performance. One of the most promising asphalt production techniques is the use of foamed bitumen. However, it is essential to understand how this binder will behave when subject to the expansion process. The loss of volume of the foamed bitumen could be translated by a decay curve, which allows to determine the ideal temperature and water content added to the bitumen in order to assure adequate conditions to the mix the bitumen with the aggregates. On the present study, a conventional 160/220 pen grade bitumen was tested by using different temperatures and water contents, and it was concluded that the optimum temperature for the production of foamed bitumen (with the studied bitumen) is 150 ºC, which corresponds to a viscosity of 0.1 Pa.s. The water content mostly influence the half-life of the bitumen foam, resulting in quicker volume reductions for higher water contents.
Several mechanisms have been postulated as potentially involved in life-threatening complications during cemented surgery. In this study, we evaluated the role of anaphylaxis and pulmonary fat embolism in the pathophysiology of bone cement implantation syndrome in a series of fatal cases that underwent medicolegal investigations. Postmortem findings in these cases were compared with those obtained from individuals who died after other injuries and/or interventions and in which activated mast cells and pulmonary fat embolism were involved in the pathogenesis of death. Fifty subjects were selected including 6 individuals who had undergone cemented total hip arthroplasty and died intraoperatively, 32 subjects who died shortly after being involved in traffic accidents, 8 individuals who died shortly after the injection of contrast material, and 4 subjects who had undergone orthopedic surgery and died postoperatively. Massive pulmonary fat embolism was determined to be the cause of death in all the 6 subjects who died intraoperatively as well as the main cause of death in traffic-road victims with rapid respiratory function deterioration. Mast cell activation was identified exclusively in the group of subjects who died shortly after contrast material administration. Massive pulmonary fat embolism appears to be the most important factor responsible for severe cardiorespiratory function deterioration during cemented arthroplasty. Cardiac comorbidities can also significantly influence the severity of intraoperative complications, thus corroborating the hypothesis of a multifactorial model in the pathogenesis of bone cement implantation syndrome.
Background: Local antibiotics may significantly improve the treatmentoutcome in bone infection without systemic toxicity. For impregnationof polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), gentamicin, vancomycin and/orclindamycin are currently used. A new lipopeptid antibiotic,daptomycin, is a promising candidate for local treatment due to itsspectrum against staphylococci and enterococci (including multiresistantstrains), and concentration-dependent rapid bactericidalactivity. We investigated activity of antibiotic-loaded PMMA againstStaphylococcus epidermidis biofilms using an ultra-sensitive bacterialheat detection method (microcalorimetry).Methods: Staphylococcus epidermidis (strain RP62A, susceptibleto daptomycin, vancomycin and gentamicin) at concentration 106bacteria/ml was incubated with 2 g-PMMA block (Palacos, HeraeusMedical, Hanau, Germany) in 25 ml tryptic soy broth (TSB)supplemented with calcium. PMMA blocks were preloaded withdaptomycin, vancomycin and gentamicin each at 2 g/40 mg (= 100 mg/block) PMMA. After 72 h-incubation at 35 °C under static conditions,PMMA blocks were rinsed in phosphate-buffered solution (PBS) 5times and transferred in 4 ml-microcalorimetry ampoule filled with 1 mlTSB. Bacterial heat production, which is proportional to the quantityof biofilm on PMMA surface, was measured by isothermalmicrocalorimetry. The detection time was calculated as the time untilthe heat flow reached 20 microwatt.Results: Biomechanical properties did not differ between antibioticloadedand non-loaded PMMA blocks. The mean detection time (±standard deviation) of bacterial heat was 6.5 ± 0.4 h for PMMA withoutantibiotics (negative control), 13.5 ± 4.6 h for PMMA with daptomycin,14.0 ± 4.1 h for PMMA with vancomycin and 5.0 ± 0.4 h for PMMAwith gentamicin.Conclusion: Our data indicates that antibiotics at 2 g/40 mg PMMAdid not change the biomechanical properties of bone cement. Daptomycinand vancomycin were more active than gentamicin against S.epidermidis biofilms when all tested at 2 g/40 mg PMMA. In the nextstep, higher concentrations of daptomycin and their elution kineticneeds to be determined to optimize its antibiofilm activity before usingin the clinical setting.
INTRODUCTION: This is a single, level 1 trauma centre, prospective consecutive patient series with intramedullary infection in the presence of unstable tibial fracture treated using the Kirschner wire-reinforced, antibiotic cement nail. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 10 consecutive patients (eight males and two females) with a mean age of 42 years (range, 20-59) suffering from infection after intramedullary nailing for tibial fracture, admitted during a period of 4 years, were included. An antibiotic cement-coated nail, handmade at the time of surgery, was implanted in all patients. This was followed by a standardised 6-week treatment protocol, extraction of the nail and definitive fixation. RESULTS: At 6 years of follow-up, infection eradication and bony union were possible in all of the patients. No further infection treatment was necessary; however, all of our patients underwent additional procedures (mean: four additional procedures per patient) for cosmetic or other non-infectious reasons (bone grafting, muscle flaps, etc.). CONCLUSIONS: The antibiotic cement-coated nail seems to be an effective treatment for intramedullary infections of the fractured tibia.
A detailed investigation has been conducted on core samples taken from 17 portland cement concrete pavements located in Iowa. The goal of the investigation was to help to clarify the root cause of the premature deterioration problem that has become evident since the early 1990s. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to evaluate how cement composition, mixing time, and admixtures could have influenced the occurrence of premature deterioration. The cements used in this study were selected in an attempt to cover the main compositional parameters pertinent to the construction industry in Iowa. The hardened air content determinations conducted during this study indicated that the pavements that exhibited premature deterioration often contained poor to marginal entrained-air void systems. In addition, petrographic studies indicated that sometimes the entrained-air void system had been marginal after mixing and placement of the pavement slab, while in other instances a marginal to adequate entrained-air void system had been filled with ettringite. The filling was most probably accelerated because of shrinkage cracking at the surface of the concrete pavements. The results of this study suggest that the durability—more sciecifically, the frost resistance—of the concrete pavements should be less than anticipated during the design stage of the pavements. Construction practices played a significant role in the premature deterioration problem. The pavements that exhibited premature distress also exhibited features that suggested poor mixing and poor control of aggregate grading. Segregation was very common in the cores extracted from the pavements that exhibited premature distress. This suggests that the vibrators on the paver were used to overcome a workability problem. Entrained-air voids formed in concrete mixtures experiencing these types of problems normally tend to be extremely coarse, and hence they can easily be lost during the paving process. This tends to leave the pavement with a low air content and a poor distribution of air voids. All of these features were consistent with a premature stiffening problem that drastically influenced the ability of the contractor to place the concrete mixture. Laboratory studies conducted during this project indicated that most premature stiffening problems can be directly attributed to the portland cement used on the project. The admixtures (class C fly ash and water reducer) tended to have only a minor influence on the premature stiffening problem when they were used at the dosage rates described in this study.