744 resultados para Flotation Bubbles
M.A. Fortes et al., Instabilities in two-dimensional flower and chain clusters of bubbles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 309, Issues 1-3, 1 November 2007, Pages 64-70 A Collection of Papers Presented at the 6th Eufoam Conference, Potsdam, Germany, 2-6 July, 2006
The dynamic interaction between laser-generated tandem bubble and individual polystyrene particles of 2 and 10 μm in diameter is studied in a microfluidic channel (25 μm height) by high-speed imaging and particle image velocimetry. The asymmetric collapse of the tandem bubble produces a pair of microjets and associated long-lasting vortices that can propel a single particle to a maximum velocity of 1.4 m∕s in 30 μs after the bubble collapse with a resultant directional displacement up to 60 μm in 150 μs. This method may be useful for high-throughput cell sorting in microfluidic devices.
The CFD modelling of metals reduction processes particularly always seems to involve the interaction of liquid metals, a gas (often air) top space, liquid droplets in the top space and injection of both solid particles and gaseous bubbles into the bath. These phases all interact and exhange mass, momentum and energy. Often it is the extent to which these multi-phase phemomena can be effectively captured within the CFD model which determines whether or not a tool of genuine use to the target industry sector can constructed. In this paper we discuss these issues in the context of two problems - one involving the injection of sparging gases into a steel continuous caster and the other based on the development of a novel process for aluminium electrolysis.
A multi-phase framework is typically required for the CFD modelling of metals reduction processes. Such processes typically involve the interaction of liquid metals, a gas (often air) top space, liquid droplets in the top space and injection of both solid particles and gaseous bubbles into the bath. The exchange of mass, momentum and energy between the phases is fundamental to these processes. Multi-phase algorithms are complex and can be unreliable in terms of either or both convergence behaviour or in the extent to which the physics is captured. In this contribution, we discuss these multi-phase flow issues and describe an example of each of the main “single phase” approaches to modelling this class of problems (i.e., Eulerian–Lagrangian and Eulerian–Eulerian). Their utility is illustrated in the context of two problems – one involving the injection of sparging gases into a steel continuous slab caster and the other based on the development of a novel process for aluminium electrolysis. In the steel caster, the coupling of the Lagrangian tracking of the gas phase with the continuum enables the simulation of the transient motion of the metal–flux interface. The model of the electrolysis process employs a novel method for the calculation of slip velocities of oxygen bubbles, resulting from the dissolution of alumina, which allows the efficiency of the process to be predicted.
Colloidal gas aphrons (CGAs) are micron-sized gas bubbles of 25–30 µm in diameter produced by a high-speed stirrer in a vessel containing dilute surfactant solution. These bubbles, because of their small size, exhibit some colloidal properties. In this work, CGAs were used to separate fine fibres from a lean slurry of cellulosic pulp in a flotation column. The pulp fibres were recovered as foamate from the top. Sodium dodecyl sulphate at a concentration of 2.0 kg/m3 was used as a surfactant to generate the CGAs in a spinning disc apparatus. The results indicated that up to 70% flotation efficiency could be obtained within a short column height of 0.3–0.35 m. This technique can be applied to recover fine cellulosic pulp from paper-machine backwater.
We demonstrate the multifolding Origami manufacture of elastically-deformable Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) membranes that reversibly color-tune across the full visible spectrum without compromising their peak reflectance. Multilayer films composed of alternating transparent rubbers are fixed over a 300 mu m wide pinhole and deformed by pressure into a concave shape. Pressure-induced color tuning from the near-IR to the blue arises from both changes in thickness of the constituent layers and from tilting of the curved DBR surfaces. The layer thickness and color distribution upon deformation, the band-gap variation and the repeatability of cyclic color tuning, are mapped through micro-spectroscopy. Such spatially-dependent thinning of the film under elastic deformation produces spatial chirps in the color, and are shown to allow reconstruction of complex 3D strain distributions. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America
L’objectif de cette recherche est la création d’une plateforme en ligne qui permettrait d’examiner les différences individuelles de stratégies de traitement de l’information visuelle dans différentes tâches de catégorisation des visages. Le but d’une telle plateforme est de récolter des données de participants géographiquement dispersés et dont les habiletés en reconnaissance des visages sont variables. En effet, de nombreuses études ont montré qu’il existe de grande variabilité dans le spectre des habiletés à reconnaître les visages, allant de la prosopagnosie développementale (Susilo & Duchaine, 2013), un trouble de reconnaissance des visages en l’absence de lésion cérébrale, aux super-recognizers, des individus dont les habiletés en reconnaissance des visages sont au-dessus de la moyenne (Russell, Duchaine & Nakayama, 2009). Entre ces deux extrêmes, les habiletés en reconnaissance des visages dans la population normale varient. Afin de démontrer la faisabilité de la création d’une telle plateforme pour des individus d’habiletés très variables, nous avons adapté une tâche de reconnaissance de l’identité des visages de célébrités utilisant la méthode Bubbles (Gosselin & Schyns, 2001) et avons recruté 14 sujets contrôles et un sujet présentant une prosopagnosie développementale. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence l’importance des yeux et de la bouche dans l’identification des visages chez les sujets « normaux ». Les meilleurs participants semblent, au contraire, utiliser majoritairement le côté gauche du visage (l’œil gauche et le côté gauche de la bouche).
Forma parte de un programa de lectura para niños a partir de cinco años y cumple con los requisitos del currículo de Inglaterra, Gales y Escocia. Durante esta etapa, las ilustraciones están muy relacionadas con el texto, lo que permite a los alumnos predecir las palabras no conocidas al desarrollar un vocabulario basado en la imagen, y proporcionar así la base para una mejor lectura. Las burbujas puede ayudar a respirar bajo el agua o también para volar a la Luna.
Quantum molecular similarity (QMS) techniques are used to assess the response of the electron density of various small molecules to application of a static, uniform electric field. Likewise, QMS is used to analyze the changes in electron density generated by the process of floating a basis set. The results obtained show an interrelation between the floating process, the optimum geometry, and the presence of an external field. Cases involving the Le Chatelier principle are discussed, and an insight on the changes of bond critical point properties, self-similarity values and density differences is performed
La tesi realitza un estudi detallat dels principals processos que tenen lloc durant l'eliminació de tinta tòner per flotació. L'estudi del procés d'adhesió de tinta a la superfície de bombolles d'aire s'ha realitzat mitjançant visió artificial. Els resultats obtinguts han mostrat que un excés de tensioactiu provoca una disminució de la quantitat de tinta unida a la bombolla d'aire i per tant una disminució de l'eficàcia del procés de flotació. La caracterització de les bombolles d'aire presents en una cel·la de flotació ha posat de manifest que tant el cabal d'aire com la velocitat de l'agitador configuren la distribució de diàmetres final. L'estudi del procés d'eliminació de tinta per flotació en absència de fibres cel·lulòsiques ha mostrat que les variables físico-químiques estudiades són les que tenen una major influència en el procés d'eliminació de tinta tòner per flotació. Finalment s'han addicionat fibres cel·lulòsiques a la suspensió. S'ha pogut comprovar que s'aconsegueix una bona eliminació de tinta sempre i quan les condicions hidrodinàmiques siguin les adequades.