993 resultados para Floating multiparticles


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An overview on the onset of thermocapillary oscillatory convection in a floating half zone is provided, and it is a typical subject in the microgravity sciences related to the space materials science, especially the floating zone processing, and also to the microgravity fluid physics. The main interests are focused around the process for onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection, which is known also as the bifurcation transition from quasi-steady convection to oscillatory convection. The onset of oscillation depends on a set of critical parameters, such as the Marangoni number, Prandtl number, geometrical parameters, and heat transfer parameters. Recent studies show that, there exists the bifurcation transition from steady and axial symmetric convection to the steady and axial non-symmetric convection before the onset of oscillation in cases of small Prandtl number fluids and in cases of larger Prandtl number fluids of fat liquid bridge with small aspect ratio. The transition process is a strong non-linear process because the velocity deviation has the same order of magnitude as that of an average flow after the onset of oscillation, and unsteady 3-D numerical simulation is suitable to do in depth analysis on strong non-linear process, and leads generally to a better comparison with the experimental results.


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The microgravity research, as a branch of the advanced sciences and a spe- cialized field of high technology, has been made in China since the late 1980's. The research group investigating microgravity fluid physics consisted of our col- leagues and the authors in the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and we pay special attention to the floating zone convection as our first research priority. Now, the research group has expanded and is a part of the National Microgravity Laboratory of the CAS, and the research fields have been extended to include more subjects related to microgravity science. Howev- er, the floating zone convection is still an important topic that greatly holds our research interests.


1. models of floating zone convection
1.1 floating-zone crystal growth
1.2 physical model
1.3 hydrodynamic model
1.4 mathematical model
2. basic features of floating zone convection
2.1 equations and boundary conditions
2.2 simple solutions of fz convection
2.3 solution for two-layers flow
2.4 numerical simulation
2.5 onset of oscillation
3. experimental method of fz convection
3.1 ground-based simulation experiments for pr≥1
3.2 temperature and velocity oscillations
3.3 optical diagnostics of free surface oscillation
3.4 critical parameters
3.5 microgravity experiments
3.6 ground-based simulation experiment for pr《1
4. mechanism on the onset of oscillatory convection
4.1 order of magnitude analysis
4.2 mechanism of hydrothermal instability
4.3 linear stability analysis
4.4 energy instability of thermocapillary convection
4.5 unsteady numerical simulation of 2d and 3d
4.6 two bifurcation transitions in the case of small pr number fluid
4.7 two bifurcation transitions in the case of large pr number fluid
4.8 transition to turbulence
5. liquid bridge volume as a critical geometrical parameter
5.1 critical geometrical parameters
5.2 ground-based and mierogravity experiments
5.3 instability analyses of a large prandtl number (pr≥1)fluid
5.4 instability analyses of a small prandtl number (pr《1)fluid
5.5 numerical simulation on two bifurcation process
6. theoretical model of crystal growth by the floating zone method
6.1 concentration distribution in a pure diffusion process
6.2 solutal capillary convection and diffusion
6.3 coupling with phase change convection
6.4 engineering model of floating zone technique
7. influence of applied magnetic field on the fz convection
7.1 striation due to the time-dependent convection
7.2 applied steady magnetic field and rotational magnetic field
7.3 magnetic field design for floating half zone
7.4 influence of magnetic field on segregation
8. influence of residual acceleration and g-jitter
8.1 residual acceleration in microgravity experiments
8.2 order of magnitude analyses (oma)
8.3 rayleigh instability due to residual acceleration
8.4 ground-based experiment affected by a vibration field
8.5 numerical simulation of a low frequency g-jitter
8.6 numerical simulation of a high frequency g-jitter


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This paper investigates the effects of structure parameters on dynamic responses of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) under hydrodynamic loads. The structure parameters includes buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR), stiffness coefficients of the cable systems, tunnel net buoyancy and tunnel length. First, the importance of structural damp in relation to the dynamic responses of SFT is demonstrated and the mechanism of structural damp effect is discussed. Thereafter, the fundamental structure parameters are investigated through the analysis of SFT dynamic responses under hydrodynamic loads. The results indicate that the BWR of SFT is a key structure parameter. When BWR is 1.2, there is a remarkable trend change in the vertical dynamic response of SFT under hydrodynamic loads. The results also indicate that the ratio of the tunnel net buoyancy to the cable stiffness coefficient is not a characteristic factor affecting the dynamic responses of SFT under hydrodynamic loads.


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The utilization of waste waters in aquaculture were briefly reviewed. At the National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research (NIFFR), stocking density (20 to 160 fish/m super(3)) experiments using Sarotherodon galilaeus (without supplementary feeding) in floating cages were carried out in a sewage pond (0.4ha surface area). Cage culture of S. galilaeus was observed to have potentials in waste waters aquaculture. Recommendations were made on the execution of an intergrated waste water management and utilization.


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The main objective of this paper is to introduce bamboo floating cage and net enclosure fish culture technology aimed at producing fish from almost all available inland bodies of water in Nigeria. The experimental approach embarked upon at Kainji Lake Research Institute is discussed. Results obtained from these experiments would help in identifying the inherent problems of this culture system and in determining the urgently needed information that will serve as management and production guidelines for adapting the technology to local conditions of varying ecological characteristics in Nigeria. Ultimately, the project is aimed at increasing the productivity of fishermen/fish farmers and hastening the development of rural communities


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A vortex-induced vibration (VIV) model is presented for predicting the nonlinear dynamic response of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) tethers which are subjected to wave, current and tunnel oscillatory displacements at their upper end in horizontal and vertical directions. A nonlinear fluid force formula is introduced in this model, and the effect of the nonlinearity of tether is investigated. First, the tunnel is stationary and the tether vibrates due to the vortices shedding. The calculated results show that the cross-flow amplitude of VIV decreases compared with the linear model. However the in-line amplitude of VIV increases. Next, the periodical oscillation of tunnel is considered. The oscillation caused by wave forces plays the roles of parametric exciter and forcing exciter to the VIV of tether. The time history of displacement of the tether mid-span is obtained by the proposed model. It is shown that the in-line amplitude increases obviously and the corresponding frequency is changed. The cross-flow amplitude exhibits a periodic behavior.


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The recent progress of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) investigation and SFT prototype (SFTP) project in Qiandao Lake (Zhejiang Province, P.R. China) is the background of this research. Structural damping effect is brought into present computation model in terms of Rayleigh damping. Based on the FEM computational results of SFTPs as a function of buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR) under hydrodynamic loads, the effect of BWR on the dynamic response of SFT is illustrated. In addition, human comfort index is adopted to discuss the comfort status of the SFTP.


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Since 2001, a research group in the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has been devoted to the research of essential mechanics issues for submerged floating tunnel (SFT). In addition to the structural design of the SFT prototype in Qiandao Lake, the relevant researches cover a number of topics. This paper briefly describes the research procedure and results, including dynamic response of SFT due to surface wave, vortex-induced vibration of anchoring system, structural analysis of curved SFT, temperature effects of curved SFT, structural dynamic response due to accidental load, and effects of structural parameters (buoyancy-weight ratio, tunnel length,tether stiffness,etc.) on dynamic response.


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The inadequate supply of tilapia seed is considered as one of the major present constraints to the development of the culture industry in Nigeria. The floating bamboo net-hapa hatchery/nursery system was observed to be very efficient in the mass production of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fry and fingerlings at Kainji Lake Research Institute. This system was therefore, recommended for small-scale (artisanal) commercial operators consisting of fishermen families in order to increase their productivity and hasten development of rural communities. The economic analysis of this system showed that loan obtained for the recommended scale of operation can be amortized within 2 years of the project. It was emphasized that the operational and managerial skills of the fish farm operators account largely to the production cost and profitability of the enterprise


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Tilapia once termed "poor man's" fish, still remains as the highly-priced food fish in many developing countries. The good attributes of this fish prompt its use in intensive aquaculture vertically integrated systems (VIS) which embrace broodstock development, hatchery/nursery and growout phase. Based on the series of studies carried out at Kainji Lake Research Institute, in New Bussa, Nigeria using Oreochromis (Tilapia niloticus) in floating bamboo hapas/cages, the recommended intensive modular systems were estimated to be capable of producing 4 million Tilapia fingerlings and 729 tons fish (Market-size) annually. Cost-benefit analysis showed the venture to have high prospects. It is recommended that priority be given to Tilapia cage culture at the national level in order to contribute immensely towards increased fish production


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The paper describes the uniqueness and invasiveness of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on Lake Kainji (Nigeria). The mechanical blocking device design concept based on the Kainji Lake flooding regime is also highlighted. Water hyacinth coverage, that was over 23% at high water in level in 1994, was reduced to 0.75% in the same period in 2000. Although this feat cannot be wholly ascribed to mechanical control effort alone, the first year of the device's full operation more than 1.04 million kg of fresh weight of water hyacinth were trapped, collected and deposited in two separate dumping pits, each at about 1 km off the shoreline of either side of the Lake. On further analysis over a period of one year of uncleared inflow of water hyacinth indicated the effectiveness of the bloom. Recommendations are advanced for the use of such local but highly technical knowledge to control floating water hyacinth that is vastly taking over the intricate network of Nigerian water systems and within the West African sub-region


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It has long been known that tunas frequently associate with floating objects, such as trees washed out to sea during periods of heavy rainfall, and fishermen have taken advantage of this behavior to facilitate the capture of fish. In some coastal areas, such as the Philippines, artisanal fishermen construct anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) to attract fish. More recently, large numbers of free-floating FADs have been constructed for deployment by large purse seiners on the high seas. The FADs often can be interrogated by the seiner and located at great distances using radio telemetry and/or GPS (Global Positioning System) technologies. In some cases a fleet of fishing vessels has a tender vessel which deploys and maintains the FADs, and notifies the fishing vessels when fish are seen around them. This workshop was convened by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission and sponsored by Bumble Bee Seafoods, Inc., for the purpose of bringing together scientists and fishermen who have studied the association of tunas with floating objects. Special efforts were made to get participants from all the areas in which tunas associated with floating objects are the targets of fisheries. Thus the "regional review papers" include contributions for the eastern Atlantic, the southern Caribbean Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the eastern and western Pacific Oceans. Many of these reviews and other contributed papers are published in this proceedings volume. Other papers discussed in the workshop were published elsewhere; these papers are cited in the list of background documents in the Report of the Workshop.