949 resultados para Fisioterapia (especialidade)
The measurement of patient satisfaction can provide information about the success of the care provider in reaching the values and meeting the expectations of the patient. The purpose of this study was to translate into the Portuguese language and to culturally customize to the Brazilian population the instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy elaborated by Goldstein et al. The study sample was made up of 279 patients who were undergoing physical therapy treatment at 39 different private clinics in a middle-sized town in northeastern Brazil. For the translation of the survey instrument, the back-translation technique was employed, in association with the bilingual method. The reliability and validity of the Brazilian version of the instrument were both assessed. Reliability analysis, carried out with the computation of Cronbach alpha coefficients, showed that the measures obtained with the instrument have a high degree of internal consistency. The aspects dealing with the patient therapist relationship are the most important predictors of satisfaction, followed by those dealing with courtesy, privacy, and practical aspects such as efficiency of the facility in the patient admissions process, setting up of appointments, and waiting time in waiting room. Items dealing with aspects such as location of the facility and availability of parking facilities may underestimate the reliability of the instrument. This study translated, culturally customized, and validated an instrument to measure patient satisfaction with physical therapy originally developed in English. By so doing, this study has made this instrument available to the Brazilian society, and it has rendered it a useful parameter that can be utilized in our country in the field of physical therapy
The work has objective to present actions of Physiotherapy, developed by SUS in the State of Rio Grande do Norte; discuss under the humanization point of view such actions of health; discuss the importance of physioterapy to the Norte-Riograndense, or maybe its role in the perpetuation of actions of health centered in the binomial cause/efect. The study was done in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The data were obtained through public sources gathered in the health secretrary ship of this State. The collected data talks about physiotherapy sections developed by SUS in several areas of the State; such data was collected and analysed after the aproval of Ethic and Resarch Committee of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Concerning the physiotherapy, along with the State Health Secretaryship of the State fo Rio Grande do Norte, there were only records of attending based on cure/rehabillitation, not being observed during the curse of study, any record or action of prevention, promotion and protection towards health. It s possible to notice that there is a highligth to the interventions focusing on the treatment of illness of rheumatic origin and general complaints related to the vertebral column. Such research evidenced that the Physiotherapy in the SUS in the State priorizes the individualized attending centered in the carteziano health/illness model, where the developde actions are turned to the curative and rehabilliting attention, with role fo some or no highligth in the primary attention
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo tem como objetivos analisar a eficácia da fisioterapia em grupo sobre a marcha, o equilíbrio corporal e o risco de queda, e verificar se há correlação entre a capacidade funcional da marcha e o equilíbrio em indivíduos com hemiparesia crônica. Participaram do estudo 21 adultos hemiparéticos, com idade média de 58,9±10,6 anos, com seqüela de no mínimo 1 ano após acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico ou hemorrágico. Os sujeitos foram submetidos a um programa de 1 hora de fisioterapia em grupo duas vezes por semana durante seis meses. Foram avaliados por meio da escala de equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e do teste de levantar e caminhar cronometrado TLCC (TUG, na sigla em inglês de timed up & go) antes do programa, após 13 e ao fim de 26 semanas. Os resultados mostram uma redução progressiva, embora não-significativa, no tempo de execução do TLCC e aumento progressivo, também não-significativo, do escore na EEB. Foi observada forte correlação entre as duas escalas (r=0,7, p<0,05). Assim, a terapia não foi efetiva para produzir melhora nos escores dos testes, mas contribuiu para manter a mobilidade.
OBJETIVO: Verificar a influência da utilização da fisioterapia complexa descongestiva associada à dietoterapia com triglicerídeos de cadeia média (TCM) como forma de intervenção no linfedema de membro superior (MS). MÉTODOS: Para a avaliação do linfedema, foram utilizadas cirtometria, volumetria, pregas cutâneas e quantidade de água corporal total. A Escala Visual Análoga (EVA) foi utilizada para avaliar as sensações de desconforto, peso e dor no MS. Participaram deste estudo dez mulheres mastectomizadas com linfedema de MS homolateral à cirurgia, com idade média de 65,9 ± 10,4 anos e índice de massa corpórea (IMC) de 26,8 ± 3,0kg/m² que, após avaliação nutricional, foram divididas aleatoriamente em dois grupos: Grupo Controle (n= 5), submetido ao tratamento fisioterapêutico constando da terapia complexa descongestiva (massagem clássica, drenagem linfática manual, bandagem compressiva e cuidados com a pele) três vezes na semana, durante quatro semanas; Grupo TCM (n= 5), submetido ao mesmo protocolo fisioterapêutico somado ao tratamento dietético diário com ingestão de TCM, por quatro semanas. RESULTADOS: Ao final da intervenção, a análise da cirtometria e da volumetria mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos (< 0,05), com maior redução do linfedema no Grupo TCM. Não houve diferença significativa nos valores das pregas cutâneas e da quantidade de água corporal total. A sensação de peso no membro superior, antes e após a intervenção, foi significativamente menor (< 0,05) no Grupo TCM. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento fisioterapêutico somado à dietoterapia com ingestão de TCM em mulheres portadoras de linfedema de MS pós-cirurgia e tratamento de câncer de mama foi efetivo na involução desta condição.
Introduction: Pneumonia is an inflammatory lung disease and it is the greatest cause of deaths in children younger than five years of age worldwide. Chest physiotherapy is widely used in the treatment of pneumonia because it can help to eliminate inflammatory exudates and tracheobronchial secretions, remove airway obstructions, reduce airway resistance, enhance gas exchange and reduce the work of breathing. Thus, chest physiotherapy may contribute to patient recovery as an adjuvant treatment even though its indication remains controversial. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of chest physiotherapy in relation to time until clinical resolution in children (from birth up to 18 years old) of either gender with any type of pneumonia. Methods: We searched CENTRAL 2013, Issue 4; MEDLINE (1946 to May week 4, 2013); EMBASE (1974 to May 2013); CINAHL (1981 to May 2013); LILACS (1982 to May 2013); Web of Science (1950 to May 2013); and PEDro (1950 to May 2013). We consulted the ClinicalTrials.gov and the WHO ICTRP registers to identify planned, ongoing and unpublished trials. We consulted the reference lists of relevant articles found by the electronic searches for additional studies. We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared chest physiotherapy of any type with no chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia. Two review authors independently selected the studies to be included in the review, assessed trial quality and extracted data. Results: Three RCTs involving 255 inpatient children are included in the review. They addressed conventional chest physiotherapy, positive expiratory pressure and continuous positive airway pressure. The following outcomes were measured: duration of hospital stay, time to clinical resolution (observing the following parameters: fever, chest indrawing, nasal flaring, tachypnoea and peripheral oxygen saturation levels), change in adventitious sounds, change in chest X-ray and duration of cough in days. Two of the included studies found a significant improvement in respiratory rate and oxygen saturation whereas the other included study failed to show that standardised respiratory physiotherapy and positive expiratory pressure decrease the time to clinical resolution and the duration of hospital stay. No adverse effects related to the interventions were xvi described. Due to the different characteristics of the trials, such as the duration of treatment, levels of severity, types of pneumonia and the techniques used in children with pneumonia, as well as differences in their statistical presentation, we were not able to pool data. Two included studies had an overall low risk of bias whereas one included study had an overall unclear risk of bias. Conclusion: Our review does not provide conclusive evidence to justify the use of chest physiotherapy in children with pneumonia due to a lack of data. The number of included studies is small and they differed in their statistical presentation
This work aims at investigating the surgeons-dentists acceptability in the field of public health in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, about the possibility of medicinal plants insertion in basic attencion of health. Moreover, it searchs to know if during their professinal formation it had some theoretician-pratical basement on this subject, as well as investigating their confidence on the medicinal plants. The basic motivation for developing this study is the possibility of contributing to the insertion of a tradicional health pratical at public assistance scope, endorsed by popular use, but now scientifically proven. For in a such way, the medicinal plants use is emphasized as a way to be followed to increase basic pharmaceutical assistance, improving the acess to the medicine and diminish expenses. Following this logic, family health program constitutes the way through which this pratical will be available to the users of health services. The research was done over thirty surgeonsdentists, all ofthem pertaining to public service ofNatal, state ofRio Grande do Norte. It was used, as research instrument, semi-estructured interview associated with methodological analysis user s speeches. On this form, this work is inserted in a trend observed nowadays not only in Brazil, where the use of the medicinal plants has been stimulated and defended to be inserted at programs ofprimary attenction of health
INTRODUÇÃO: Recém-nascidos (RN) prematuros apresentam elevada morbidade respiratória e necessidade de ventilação mecânica, assim, a fisioterapia respiratória é parte integrante da assistência neonatal. Objetivo: Comparar os efeitos da fisioterapia respiratória convencional (FRC) versus aumento do fluxo expiratório (AFE), na saturação de O2 (SpO2), freqüência cardíaca (FC) e na freqüência respiratória (FR) em prematuros no período pós-extubação. Método: Ensaio clínico randomizado realizado na UTI Neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas de BotucatuUNESP, comparando duas técnicas fisioterapêuticas, aplicadas em recém-nascidos prematuros, nas primeiras 48 horas pós-extubação. Para a análise estatística foram utilizados o teste t Student, Mann-Whitney, Qui-quadrado e o teste exato de Fisher, com nível de significância em 5%. Resultados: Os dois grupos de estudo: Grupo FRC (n= 20) e grupo AFE (n= 20), não diferiram quanto à idade gestacional (média de 28 semanas) e peso de nascimento (média de 1100 gramas). em ambos os grupos a síndrome do desconforto respiratório (SDR) foi o principal diagnóstico. A mediana da idade no início da fisioterapia foi de sete dias no grupo AFE e 11 dias na FRC. Ambas as técnicas produziram aumento significativo da SpO2 aos 10 e 30 minutos, sem alterações na FR. A FC aumentou significativamente após a FRC e não se alterou após o AFE. Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que o AFE é menos estressante que a FRC e pode ser aplicado em prematuros no período pós-extubação. Nestes recém-nascidos o AFE parece ser seguro e benéfico a curto prazo.
Procedimentos cirúrgicos torácicos podem alterar a mecânica respiratória, repercutindo na função pulmonar. A presença de profissionais fisioterapeutas é fundamental no preparo e na reabilitação dos indivíduos que são submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca, visto que dispõem de um grande arsenal de técnicas. O objetivo foi verificar a efetividade de exercícios respiratórios, com e sem a utilização de dispositivos, e o treinamento muscular respiratório pré-cirurgia cardíaca na redução das complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias. Mesmo existindo controvérsias a respeito de qual técnica utilizar, estudos demonstram a eficácia da fisioterapia respiratória pré-cirúrgica na prevenção e na redução de complicações pulmonares pós-operatórias.
Fisioterapia é a ciência da saúde que estuda, previne e trata os distúrbios cinéticos funcionais em órgãos e sistemas do corpo humano. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a expectativa dos alunos do primeiro ao quinto semestre de fisioterapia sobre a atuação do fisioterapeuta em saúde pública e a expectativa desses alunos quanto à inserção do profissional de fisioterapia no Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF). Trata-se de estudo realizado na Faculdade Marechal Rondon, com 107 alunos, tendo como critério de exclusão os alunos do sétimo semestre. Foi usado um questionário, contendo onze questões, sendo oito de múltipla escolha e três dissertativas. Os dados passaram por tratamento estatístico, em que foram utilizadas a análise descritiva através do programa Microsoft Excel 2003 e análise do discurso do sujeito coletivo. A respeito da atuação do fisioterapeuta no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), 44% dos alunos consideram muito importante, 36% consideraram que o papel do fisioterapeuta no PSF é muito importante, enquanto 24% dos alunos consideram não saber informar quanto à eficácia de seu atendimento. Os alunos consideram importante a atuação do fisioterapeuta no SUS e PSF, mas pouco tem conhecimento sobre a atuação do fisioterapeuta em saúde pública.
Objective. To describe balance of stroke patients in the UNIA-RARAS Physical Therapy clinic school evaluating the correlation with age and time of lesion. Method. It was an observational study with 22 subjects, both genders, with diagnosis of stroke, ages ranged from 23 to 86 years old. The subjects were submitted to balance evaluation with Berg's Scale of Functional Balance (BSFB), Brazilian version, composed by fourteen tasks. Results. Stroke patients had an average punctuation of 37 points, showing a high risk of falls. There was no significant correlation between the patient's age and time of lesion with BSFB punctuation. Conclusion. This study showed that stroke patients present high risks of falls, independently of age and time of lesion.
Recent studies have shown consistent results using the physical therapy in cases of pain and limitation of movement from temporomandibular dysfunction. Thus, our objective was to assess the effect of ten sessions of physical therapy and laser therapy in treatment of muscular pain and arthralgias in a woman with temporomandibular dysfunction. The painful symptoms relief achieved by session was over 20 %, up to zero at the end of treatment. Results demonstrated that the treatment protocol used was effective to reduce the temporomandibular joint and the masseter muscle tension and a decreased of drugs by patient. However, more studies are needed to define with more accuracy the effect of other physiotherapy programs and its interaction with other treatment modalities.
Introduction. Studies show that 70% of body weight in patients with stroke during the transfer from sitting to standing position is transferred to the uninvolved limb. Significantly interfering with activities of daily living. Objective. The influence of aquatic therapy on eight in the affected hemisphere during the transition from sitting to standing. Method. Participated in this study a patient with right hemiparesis, the protocol lasted eight sessions in a liquid medium. The data of activation of the gluteus muscle were collected from surface electromyography and data as the weight transfer was examined by baropodometry platform. Results. Initial electromyography (151.1uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus 229.1uv) and Final electromyography (113.6 uv right gluteus maximus and left gluteus maximus113.3uv). Evolution was 19% in weight transferin paretic hemibody compared the pre and post intervention. Conclusion. The results showed that treatment was favorable to the patient, because at the end of application of the observed activation of the gluteus maximus and improved weight-bearing, and consequently these factors interfered positively in the security and independe in transferring from sitting to standing position.
Pós-graduação em Fisioterapia - FCT