977 resultados para Fishes -- Histology


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A combination of histological techniques applied to the study of Biomphalaria glabrata yielded some interesting new data about the histology of this snail, a major intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil. Three kinds of pigments were identified: a dark pigment which bleached following oxidation with potassium permanganate; a lipofuchsin-like, diastase-resistant PAS-positive pigment and an iron-containing pigment, probably related to hemosiderin. Calcium was detected in small deposits within the connective tissue and forming a dense core inside the chitinous radular teeth. The presence of fibrils, staining with sirius-red and birefringence under polarized light strongly suggest primitive collagen tissue. The radular apparatus appeared as a storing site for glycogen, while abundant Alcian-blue positive material (proteoglycans) was extremely concentrated in the radular sac.


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The, taxonomic status of the Brazilian species Anthobothrium pristis, A. piramutab, A. mandubé and A. karuatayi has been reappraised. A. pristis from an elasmobranch in the Amazon, is confirmed as a member of the tetraphyllidean genus Anthobothrium, but the others, from siluroid teleosts, are transferred to Proteocephalidea. A. piramutab is transferred to Proteocephalus as a new combination. Gibsoniela n.g. is erected in Zygobothriinae for A. mandubé and Brayela n.g. is erected in a new subfamily, Brayelainae for A. Karuatayi.


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It was found that fish livers from the Amazon have considerable amounts of vitamins A, D and E compared with the values of the standartized cod-liver oil. Tambaqui liver oil has high concentration of vitamin A1(retinol) and vitamin A2 (degidroretinol) whereas the liver oils of pirarucu and cuiu-cuiu have preferently the vitamin A2. The contents of the vitamins D and E observed in the liver oils of tambaqui and cuiu-cuiu was extremely high.


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Miracetyma etimaruyagen. et sp. n. is proposed from the gills filaments of Curimata cyprinoides(Linnaeus, 1758), Potamorhina latior(Spix, 1829) and Psectrogaster essequibensis(Gunther, 1864). The species of the new genus is characterized by having a more complex latching antenna. The claw is greatly reduced and has a groove; the third segment has one or two grooves; the first, second and third segments have one or two cuticular extensions. The legs have pectinate setae and the first endopod is greatly modified, very long, and without setae. The first segment of the first endopod is large, strong and elongate and the second segment is subcylindrical, slender and elongate. These modifications imply in a loss of swimming capacity which is linked to secure fixation on the gill filament. As a result, the leg morphology has evolved other functions.


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Two new species of Bucephalidae (Trematoda) are described from fishes of the Brazilian Amazon. Glandulorhynchus turgidus gen. et sp. n. from Hydrolycus sp. differs from all others in the family by having conspicuous glands near the anterior extremity and an expanded uterus used for storing eggs. Prosorhynchus piranhus sp. n. from Serrasalmus rhombeus is characterized as having a small rhynchus and pharynx, and a large cirrus sac.


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Two new Haploporidae (Trematoda) are described from fishes of the State of Rondônia, Brazil. Rondotrema microvitellarum gen. et sp. n., an intestinal parasite of Hemiodus microlepis, is characterized as having intercecal vitellaria limited to one small cluster on either side postero-lateral to the ovary. Lecithobotrioides elongatus sp. n., from Prochilodus nigricans, has an elongate, cylindrical body, short thick ceca, a small hemaphroditic sac and extensive vitellaria.


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The surface morphology of specimens from ten different genera of amphistomes (Trematoda, Cladorchiidae) from Amazonian fishes is described and illustrated. The importance of body shape as a generic character is considered. Morphological changes as a result of growth are shown and explained in relation to the species Dadaytrema oxycephala. Additionally, Doradamphistoma bacuensis gen. et sp. n. is described from the catfish, Megalodoras irwini Eigenmann, 1925.The new genus and species is elongate and flattened, with external pharyngeal pouches, an esophageal bulb, a spherical cirrus sac, a post-bifurcal genital pore and pre-equatorial testes.


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Over the last 20 years several projects carried on the Madeira River basin in the Amazon produced a great amount data on total Hg concentration in different fish species. In this paper we discuss temporal trends in Hg contamination and its relation to body weight in some of those fishes, showing that even within similar groups, such as carnivorous and non-migratory fish, the interspecies variability in Hg accumulation is considerable.


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