91 resultados para Ferrita-Metalurgía


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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AC Biosusceptometry (ACB) is a low-cost biomagnetic tool that has been successfully applied on pharmaceutical research to evaluate performance of solid dosage forms. The aim of this work was to evaluate the Horn & Shunck method to access tablet disintegration. To evaluate the HS results was record on video a test with a objet moving in a rail with a constant velocity. The desintegration was recorded on video and ACB, which used have seven pairs of detection coils and a pair of excitation coils to mensure the magnetic ux variation. The signals were ampli ed and digitalized to create images, which were restored by Wiener lter, while the video images are converted to gray scale, both are normalized and binarized and had the optical ow estimation calculated by Horn & Schunck (HS) algorithm. All signals and images are processed and developed algorithm on Matlab. During the tests the ve tablets (500mg ferrite, 375mg excipients, compression 10 to 50 kN) were on a becker between of the ACB system and of the video system, and only touching the surface of the water. With all OF maps calculated was realized the sum of the resultants of each, to get a disintegration process resultant for each compression. Whit that was possible observed the disintegration behaves. For the compression force study the HS components of each sequence was sum, take mean and normalized for sequence's max modulo, therefore can be observed a high growing on less compression tablets. We can conclude the HS algorithm is viable to tablets disintegration data collection and whit that was possible to create a tablets disintegration analyzes protocol, which would be useful on desintegration kinetics study


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This work aims to synthesize the manganese and zinc ferrite, by the polymeric precursor method, in order to obtain materials with appropriate characteristics for the application in medical diagnosis techniques. The manganese and zinc ferrite powders with the composition of Mn(1-x)ZnxFe2O4, where x=0,23, were prepared and calcined in air at different times and temperatures. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) data show that the sample calcined at 400°C crystallize as ferrite (monophase), but in an inverted spinel structure (high content of iron occupying manganese tetrahedral site and manganese occupying the iron octahedral site). The samples calcined at temperatures between 600°C and 900°C shows the secondary phase of hematite and the sample calcined at 1100oC shows to be monophase in ferrite with normal spinel structure. The monophase powders of ferrite showed a reduction in the surface area and an increasing in the pore size for higher calcination temperatures. The magnetic analysis show that the sample calcined at 400°C presents satisfactory magnetization at room temperature, however, it behaves as diamagnetic material at low temperatures (10K). The powder containing hematite, without the partial substitution of iron ions by manganese, showed to have low transition temperature, and consequently low magnetization at room temperature. The hematite, when partially substituted, provides materials with irregular magnetization at the saturation region. The powder calcined at 1100°C shows high magnetization either at room temperature or low temperature (10K)


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The Biosusceptometry AC (BAC) is a research tool that has been extensively explored by the group Biomagnetism IBB-UNESP for monitoring of the gastrointestinal tract, its response to a known drug or in vivo performance of solid dosage forms. During this period the BAC, which has the characteristics of high sensitivity and low cost, has been developed primarily for recording signals contraction of activity and traffic human gastrointestinal tract. With the possibility of producing images with this instrumentation, it was possible to evaluate different situations in vitro and in vivo for physiological studies and pharmaceuticals. Considering the good performance of this system to produce planar images, the first aim of the BAC system tomography (TBAC) was to evaluate the system performance of BAC to produce tomographic images of phantoms ferromagnetic for a single channel system. All these applications were only possible because of their sensitivity to materials of high magnetic suscepitibility as ferrite, which allow to produce an electrical signal proportional to the variation of the magnetic flux generated by the presence of magnetic marker next to a first-order gradiometer. Measuring this variation at various points was possible to generate planar images that recently came to be produced in systems with multiple detectors, said multi-channels. From planar images, also producing tomographic images of simulators BAC bars in a system of 13 channels using only the center channel, with good results when applied to simple objects as one and two bars. When testing the resolution of the system with more elaborate forms the quality and resolution of images reconstructed is not satisfactory, which would be solved by increasing the spatial sampling rate and hence the acquisition time. The present system works with an acquisition time of about five hours. Whereas this system will be applied for in vivo experiments, the acquisition time became a ...


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The gastrointestinal tract is the main route of nutrients absorption and drugs delivery. Is important to know the parameters related to the tract, like gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit, in order to better understand the behavior of different kind of meals or drugs passing through the GIT. Many techniques are used to study these parameters, such as manometry, scintigraphy, phenol red, activated charcoal and carbon-13 reading. However, these methods use radiation, are invasive and require animal sacrifice. As an alternative proposal, the Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB), a magnetic technique, has proved to be effective for these studies with small animals, in a noninvasive way, low cost, radiation free and avoiding the animal death. Associating the ACB to magnetic micro or nanoparticles used as tracers, it is possible to observe the meal behavior inside of the GIT. Focusing meanly on liquid meals digestion, this paper had the objective to evaluate the efficiency of the ACB technique in gastric emptying and gastrointestinal transit evaluation of liquid meals in rats. To perform the experiments, magnetic nanoparticles (ferrite, MgFe2O4) were used on a 1,5 ml solution introduced by gavage on similar weight and age rats. The sensor made by 2 pairs of coils, capable of generating and detecting magnetic fields, creates a field on the interest place and when this field is in contact with the marked meal, it changes, resulting on a variation of the measured voltage. The voltage variation is analyzed and is obtained a particle concentration on the interest region. The results showed that is possible to apply the ACB technique on the GIT evaluation of liquid particles digestion, gastric emptying and meal cecum arrival time curves were obtained and from that, is possible to observe a pattern of gastrointestinal transit. Both mean process time values were acquired, proving the technique capability of ...


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Seeking to meet the requirements: relatively low cost of materials and wide applicability in the automotive industry. The best option was the steel Dual Phase (DP), because that is lighter, have high formability, meet the cost requirements and applicability, steel Dual Phase (DP) came to meet these requirements with its two-phase microstructure, ferrite and martensite microstructure who claim to respect and mechanical properties. In this context, the aim of this study was to correlate the microstructure revealed in metallography to the mechanical properties observed in hardness and tensile tests. The microstructure is revealed by etching in 2% nital and then captured images of the sample were processed in ImageJ software to aid in determining the volume fraction of the phases present. Therefore, the mechanical properties were evaluated with respect to volume fraction of the steel layers and analyzed DP 600 together with the mechanical properties obtained by Rockwell hardness test and tensile test. With the values of the mechanical properties calculated and tested, it was possible to describe the method of metallography, as the attack phase and counts, so that it can use this relationship tested/calculated property as a qualitative analytical tool. The method used for the correlation between the microstructure and mechanical properties confirmed the importance of the phases present in the Dual Phase steel to obtain the desired mechanical properties in the application of the steel


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This work aims to study the Dual-Phase 600 and 780 steels, which are part of technology development project materials for the automotive industry. It is worth underscoring the antagonistic properties as the Dual-Phase steel assemble, high mechanical strength and elongation due its microstructure, ferrite and martensite. These properties are obtained by a intercritical heat treatment which facilitates the formation of a hardness metastable microstructure shaped plates of low carbon steels. The applicability of Dual Phase steel in the structure of vehicles is huge and its production is already on a commercial scale, so the study and development of this material implies lower cost in automobile manufacturing processes. The dual phase steels DP600 and DP780 underwent tensile, hardness and metallographic analysis to evaluate and comparing its properties. The results indicate that the DP780 steel has higher strength and hardness than the DP600 steel and its microstructure consists of martensite higher fraction which accounts for the higher resistance and hardness. However, the DP600 has higher conformability to DP780 steel


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Con este estudio se pretende cuantificar la cantidad de martensita que precipita durante la laminación en frío de los aceros inoxidables austeníticos tipo X5CrNi18-10 (AISI 304), X2CrNiN18-7 (AISI 301 LN) y X2CrNiMo17-12-2 (AISI 316L) con distintos grados de endurecimiento por deformación en frío. Los tres aceros elegidos para el estudio, aunque pertenecen a la familia de los aceros austeníticos, presentan diferentes cromo y níquel equivalentes, lo que se traduce según Schaeffer-Delong en diferentes microestructuras. El tipo X2CrNiMo17-12-2 tiene el mayor níquel equivalente y presenta una microestructura formada por austenita y ferrita delta, mientras que los X5CrNi18-10 y X2CrNiN18-7, de menor níquel equivalente, tienen una austenita más metaestable que conduce a una mayor formación de martensita durante la deformación [48] [49]. Una vez deformados en frío, con distintos grados de reducción de la sección, se cuantificará la martensita mediante métodos metalográficos cuantitativos, mediante estudios de difracción de rayos X [26] [28] [108], y, por último, por variación de permeabilidad magnética relativa por técnicas ferritoscópicas. Por último, se estudiará la correlación entre la precipitación de martensita [47] [60] y la variación de propiedades mecánicas mediante ensayos de tracción [31] y compresión a diferentes temperaturas [39], dada la gran influencia de aquélla en la transformación austenita→martensita [82] [83]. Las curvas límite de conformación (FLC), obtenidas con diferentes geometrías de probeta, permiten simular diferentes procesos de conformado (embutición y estirado) [84], y el análisis metalográfico cuantitativo, a diferentes distancias de la sección de rotura, proporciona la influencia de la precipitación de martensita en aquélla [85]. Estos estudios experimentales proporcionarán información sobre la influencia de la martensita de deformación en la conformabilidad de las chapas de estos aceros inoxidables austeníticos, y contribuirán a un mejor conocimiento de los fenómenos de recuperación elástica durante los procesos de conformado en frío insuficientemente conocidos en la actualidad.


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Los aceros 9% en cromo son utilizados en plantas de producción de energía eléctrica debido a su elevada resistencia a la corrosión, buenas propiedades mecánicas y resistencia a la termofluencia. Estos aceros presentan una estructura completamente martensítica. Sin embargo, la realización de uniones soldadas los hace susceptibles a la aparición en la zona fundida de ferrita delta, que reduce sus propiedades de termofluencia y tenacidad. Este trabajo analiza la microestructura del metal de aporte producido durante la soldadura manual con electrodo consumible (SMAW) utilizando aportes con diferentes composiciones en cromo y otros elementos de aleación como molibdeno, wolframio, cobre y cobalto. El objetivo ha sido el análisis de consumibles con diferente composición química con los cuales se obtengan zonas fundidas con estructuras martensíticas libres de ferrita delta en la soldadura de aceros 9%Cr.


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Hace bastantes años, cuando iniciaba mis estudios en la Universidad, había cerca de mi casa una tienda de componentes electrónicos que se llamaba El Ojo Mágico. No sé si aún seguirá existiendo, pero recuerdo que para todos los que, por esas fechas, querían iniciarse en lo que denominábamos el cacharreo acudían allí para encontrar la válvula electrónica que no localizaban en ningún otro lado o la ferrita que acababa de aparecer en EE UU y que había llegado allí nadie sabía cómo.


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O desenvolvimento dos aços inoxidáveis Super-Martensíticos (SM) nasce da necessidade de implementar novas tecnologias, mais econômicas e amigáveis ao meio ambiente. Os aços inoxidáveis SM são uma derivação dos aços inoxidáveis martensíticos convencionais, diferenciando-se basicamente no menor teor de carbono, na adição de Ni e Mo. Foram desenvolvidos como uma alternativa para aços inoxidáveis duplex no uso de dutos para a extração de petróleo offshore em meados dos anos 90. Para que esses aços apresentem as propriedades mecânicas de resistência à tração e tenacidade é necessário que sejam realizados tratamentos de austenitização, seguido de têmpera, e de revenimento, onde, particularmente para este último, há várias opções de tempos e temperaturas. Como os tratamentos térmicos geram as propriedades mecânicas através de transformações de fase (precipitação) podem ocorrer alterações da resistência à corrosão. São conhecidos os efeitos benéficos da adição de Nb em aços inoxidáveis tradicionais. Por isso, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar aços inoxidáveis SM contendo Nb. Foi pesquisada a influência da temperatura de revenimento sobre a resistência à corrosão de três aços inoxidáveis SM, os quais contêm 13% Cr, 5% Ni, 1% a 2% Mo, com e sem adições de Nb. No presente trabalho, foram denominados de SM2MoNb, SM2Mo e SM1MoNb, que representam aços com 2% Mo, 1% Mo e 0,11% Nb. Dado que os principais tipos de corrosão para aços inoxidáveis são a corrosão por pite (por cloreto) e a corrosão intergranular (sensitização), optou-se por determinar os Potenciais de Pite (Ep) e os Graus de Sensitização (GS) em função da temperatura de revenimento. Os aços passaram por recozimento a 1050°C por 48 horas, para eliminação de fase ferrita delta. Em seguida foram tratados a 1050 °C por 30 minutos, com resfriamento ao ar, para uniformização do tamanho de grão. A estrutura martensítica obtida recebeu tratamentos de revenimento em temperaturas de: 550 °C, 575 °C, 600 °C, 625 °C, 650 °C e 700 °C, por 2 horas. O GS foi medido através da técnica de reativação eletroquímica potenciodinâmica na versão ciclo duplo (DL-EPR), utilizando-se eletrólito de 1M H2SO4 + 0,01M KSCN. Para determinar o Ep foram realizados ensaios de polarização potenciodinâmica em 0,6M NaCl. Os resultados obtidos foram discutidos através das variações microestruturais encontradas. Foram empregadas técnicas de microscopia ótica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), simulação termodinâmica de fases através do programa Thermo-Calc e determinação de austenita revertida mediante difração de raios X (DRX) e ferritoscópio. A quantificação da austenita por DRX identificou que a partir de 600 °C há formação desta fase, apresentando máximo em 650 °C, e novamente diminuindo para zero a 700 °C. Por sua vez, o método do ferritoscópio detectou austenita nas condições em que a analise de DRX indicou valor nulo, sendo as mais críticas a do material temperado (sem revenimento) e do aço revenido a 700 °C. Propõe-se que tais diferenças entre os dois métodos se deve à morfologia fina da austenia retida, a qual deve estar localizada entre as agulhas de martensita. Os resultados foram discutidos em termos da precipitação de Cr23C6, Mo6C, NbC, fase Chi, austenita e ferrita, bem como das consequências do empobrecimento em Cr e Mo, gerados por tais microconstituintes. São propostos três mecanismos para explicar a sensitização: o primeiro é devido a precipitação de Cr23C6, o segundo a precipitação de fase Chi (rica em Cr e Mo) e o terceiro é devido a formação de ferrita durante o revenimento. O melhor desempenho quanto ao GS foi obtido para os revenimentos a 575 °C e 600°C, por 2 horas. Os resultados de Ep indicaram que o aço SM2MoNb, revenido a 575°C, tem o melhor desempenho quanto à resistência à corrosão por cloreto. Isso associado ao baixo GS coloca este aço, com este tratamento térmico, numa posição de destaque para aplicações onde a resistência à corrosão é um critério de seleção de material, uma vez que, segundo a literatura a temperatura de 575 °C está no intervalo de temperaturas de revenimento onde são obtidas as melhores propriedades mecânicas.