992 resultados para Ferrari, Gaudenzio, approximately 1470-1546.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV
Evaluation of the assimilation pathway and depuration time of a given pollutant by aquatic species is important to understand the dynamics of this substance in the biota, and to search for potential ecological indicators. In the present study, the uptake pathway and depuration time and rate of the pollutant tributyltin (TBT) were investigated in the omnivorous hermit crab (Clibanarius vittatus). The assimilation and uptake pathway were investigated using hermit crabs collected in an area free of TBT. The crabs were held in the laboratory for 45 days, under one of four treatments: procedural control (PC) - water and food without TBT; T1 - water with and food without TBT; 12 - water without and food with Tiff; and 13 water and food with TBT. To determine the depuration time, the crabs were collected in a contaminated area, maintained in the laboratory with clean water, and removed every 15 days for 120 days. The concentrations of TBT and DBT (dibutyltin) were determined by chromatographic analysis. The TBT was taken up by the crabs mainly via food, and the presence of DBT in crab tissues was hypothesized to result from internal TBT degradation. TBT (as well as DBT) was depurated rapidly by C. vittatus. After approximately 30 days, the initial concentration of 111 +/- 36 ng Sn g(-1) w. w. decreased to 3 +/- 3 ng Sn g(-1) w. w., and after 75 days the TBT concentration was below the detection limit. The same pattern was recorded for DBT, which showed a higher deputation rate than TBT. The rapid TBT and DBT deputation is useful information, since C. vittatus and possibly other hermit crabs may be used as indicators of recent or recycled environmental contamination.
The mating behavior of the coffee berry borer, (Ferrari), was observed under laboratory conditions. Pairs of adult virgin male and female beetles were placed in the wells of a polystyrene microtiter plate, one pair per well. The mating activity of each pair was recorded for 24 h. The mating behavior of the coffee berry borer was similar to that of other Scolytinae and was clearly divided into precopulatory, copulatory and postcopulatory phases. The beetles started to mate within a few hours of emergence. Repeated mating occurred during the 24-hour period and increased in frequency with age. However, we cannot address multiple matings in , since we did not simulate the female-biased sex ratio of this species and the experimental design did not allow females to avoid additional mating attempts by males. In addition, further studies are necessary that focus on the effectiveness of sperm transmission and direct and indirect effects of multiple matings on the ei females and their offspring.
Introduction Approximately 20% JIA patients enters adulthood with clinically active disease and disabled, therefore work condition may be affected. Objectives To assess the prevalence of work disability among adult patients with JIA regularly attending a tertiary heumatology center and to determine possible associated risk factors. Methods This was a cross-sectional study that enrolled 43 JIA patients according to 2004 revised ILAR criteria. A questionnaire was developed in order to evaluate working status and labor activity: occupation, current/previous work, employment status and withdrawal rate were actively searched. Demographic data, JIA characteristics, clinical activity (DAS28>2.6), therapeutic intervention, comorbidities, physical activity, sedentarism (WHO definitions), functional class (1991 ACR criteria), HAQ and SF-36 were recorded. The prevalence of work disability was calculated using 95% confidence interval, and compared to all parameters; qualitative variables were analyzed using tests of association (chi-square test) and quantitative variables by Mann-Whitney or student test. Results Patients' mean age was 29+7.4 yrs (range 19-41) with mean JIA duration = 17.2+12.3 yrs (range 3-33); 63% were males and 37% females. JIA subtypes were 64% polyarticular, 11% oligoarticular, 9% systemic, 9% ERA, 2% extended oligoarticular, 2% psoriatic arthritis; 7% had uveitis. Serum RF was positive in 21% and ANA in 21%. The majority (72%, n = 31) of JIA patients were employed, whereas 28% (n = 12) were currently not working. In the latter group, 83% (10/12) were retired due to JIA related disability. Further analysis comparing those currently working vs. Those not working revealed similar age (25,3 yrs vs.29,5 yrs, p = 0,09). Although not significantly, most patients currently working had Poly onset JIA (22 vs. 6 p = 0,37), higher frequencies of good education level >12 yrs of school (31 vs.9, p = 0,38), functional class I (p = 0,96), practiced regular physical activity (9 vs. 0, p = 0,89), were singles (26 vs. 8, p = 0,15). Both groups had comparable HAQ and DAS 28 scores (0,62 vs. 0.59, p = 0,47 and 2,51 vs.2,07, p = 0,64) and similar arthroplasty rate (8 vs. 4, p = 0,427). Frequencies of hypertension (3 vs.1, p = 0,999), dyslipidemia (1 vs. 1, p = 0,125), diabetes (1 vs. 0 p = 0,999), depression (1 vs. 0, p = 0,999) and smokers (3 vs. 1, p = 0,99) were alike in both groups. Remarkably, employed patients had higher SF 36 mental health component (84.0 vs. 70.42, P = 0.01). Conclusion High prevalence of almost 1/3 work disability and of retirement due to disease related incapacity remain major problems for adult JIA individuals. We also identified worse mental health in employed patients indicating that further research is needed, in addition to intense affirmative disability actions in order to remove possible disabling barriers and to adapt restrictive environments for these patients. Moreover, enhanced strategies and policy for inclusion of JIA patients in the job market is urged.
Programa de doctorado: Estudios interdisciplinares en lengua, literatura, cultura y traducción.
Questo progetto nasce dalla volontà di creare un oasi verde, dove poter studiare, fare ricerca e anche rilassarsi, distogliendo l’attenzione dalla distesa di fabbriche ceramiche che si stagliano per chilometri quadrati su tutto il territorio del comparto ceramico reggiano-modenese. Lo scenario che si presenta a chi fruisce di questi luoghi è, infatti, di straniamento. Si è pervasi da un forte senso di alienazione ed inadeguatezza a causa delle dimensioni di alcuni fabbricati e dalla bicromia che ne caratterizzano gli spazi. Tali caratteristiche ambientali cozzano prepotentemente con la presenza di verde molto intenso, quasi boschivo, che compone il parco delle Salse di Nirano e gli spazi circostanti il Castello di Spezzano, distante solo qualche centinaia di metri dal complesso fioranese della Ferrari e quindi dal sito in esame. Fra gli obiettivi progettuali non è mai stato prioritario salvaguardare le strutture industriali presenti sull’area, non tanto a causa dello scarso interesse architettonico dei manufatti, quanto conseguentemente alla considerazione che la tipicità di tali strutture è ben rappresentata anche dalle fabbriche dell’intorno. L’obiettivo prefissato è proprio quello di infrangere questa monotonia, di organizzare spazi e, soprattutto, servizi, fino ad ora, totalmente assenti. Questa mancanza può essere spiegata ricordando l’indirizzo prettamente industriale dell’area, ma, analizzando attentamente le emergenze limitrofe all’area in questione, è facile notare come la cittadella Ferrari, ad esempio, abbia cominciato a dare al problema una risposta molto forte dal punto di vista architettonico. Nonostante questa parziale risignificazione del territorio, la separazione fra topos urbano - residenziale e industriale all’interno del Distretto è fin troppo marcata. Va detto anche che la totale carenza di luoghi per poter camminare, magari riflettendo sui temi oggetto di ricerca, e per poter vivere all’aria aperta, induce a progettare una soluzione destinata a ovviare al problema. Ne consegue quindi una forte deficienza di infrastrutture, come i parcheggi, di luoghi dedicati al divertimento o anche solo al tempo libero. Proprio per questo motivo, fra i propositi c’è anche quello di integrare il progetto con qualche soluzione in favore di questa problematica, come un polo sportivo che comprenda palestre e piscine. Il contesto, caratterizzato dalla presenza del circuito, che ha risonanza internazionale, suggerisce di optare per una struttura planimetrica lineare: ciò va a massimizzare il contatto fra superficie degli edifici e l’intorno. Sviluppando questa linearità, prende corpo la problematica di creare una rotazione circa a metà della linea d’asse; in primo luogo per assecondare la morfologia dell’area e del contesto, mantenendo inalterati gli edifici situati a nord, e, non meno importante, assegnare il giusto orientamento all’ambito residenziale, che per la sua architettura dovrà essere rivolto perfettamente verso sud. Spostando poi lo sguardo verso gli stabilimenti della Rossa, la via Giardini offre numerosi spunti progettuali. Porta a essere ripensata, lungo i suoi margini, per rapportarla meglio al contesto Ferrari, che è, a sua volta, legato indissolubilmente a quello che si trova al di là di tale asse viario; il Circuito di Fiorano e il progetto del centro ricerca. Per questo motivo risulta una priorità anche la progettazione di percorsi pedonali che colleghino il centro degli stabilimenti Ferrari con l’area del circuito, in modo da favorire la fruibilità di questo luogo di indubbio fascino e carico di storia. In conclusione, il progetto dovrà sviluppare un articolazione che consenta di percepire l’architettura in movimento. La volontà progettuale è chiaramente scenografica e si occuperà anche del rapporto fra tecnica e uomo (macchina/natura). La necessità percepita è quella, dunque, di creare un impianto di forte espressività per sanare una situazione urbana lacerata e caotica. La vastità dell’area in esame permette di incrementare la presenza di entità naturali ad esempio con l’aggiunta dell’enorme vasca d’acqua che può essere utilizzata direttamente anche per scopi funzionali al centro ricerca. L’articolazione progettuale si rivela perciò molto sfaccettata e ricca di spunti.
In Airbus GmbH (Hamburg) has been developed a new design of Rear Pressure Bulkhead (RPB) for the A320-family. The new model has been formed with vacuum forming technology. During this process the wrinkling phenomenon occurs. In this thesis is described an analytical model for prediction of wrinkling based on the energetic method of Timoshenko. Large deflection theory has been used for analyze two cases of study: a simply supported circular thin plate stamped by a spherical punch and a simply supported circular thin plate formed with vacuum forming technique. If the edges are free to displace radially, thin plates will develop radial wrinkles near the edge at a central deflection approximately equal to four plate thicknesses w0/ℎ≈4 if they’re stamped by a spherical punch and w0/ℎ≈3 if they’re formed with vacuum forming technique. Initially, there are four symmetrical wrinkles, but the number increases if the central deflection is increased. By using experimental results, the “Snaptrhough” phenomenon is described.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate effects of isoflurane at approximately the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) on the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) of the forelimb of ponies as a method for quantifying anesthetic potency. ANIMALS: 7 healthy adult Shetland ponies. PROCEDURE: Individual MAC (iMAC) for isoflurane was determined for each pony. Then, effects of isoflurane administered at 0.85, 0.95, and 1.05 iMAC on the NWR were assessed. At each concentration, the NWR threshold was defined electromyographically for the common digital extensor and deltoid muscles by stimulating the digital nerve; additional electrical stimulations (3, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mA) were delivered, and the evoked activity was recorded and analyzed. After the end of anesthesia, the NWR threshold was assessed in standing ponies. RESULTS: Mean +/- SD MAC of isoflurane was 1.0 +/- 0.2%. The NWR thresholds for both muscles increased significantly in a concentration-dependent manner during anesthesia, whereas they decreased in awake ponies. Significantly higher thresholds were found for the deltoid muscle, compared with thresholds for the common digital extensor muscle, in anesthetized ponies. At each iMAC tested, amplitudes of the reflex responses from both muscles increased as stimulus intensities increased from 3 to 40 mA. A concentration-dependent depression of evoked reflexes with reduction in slopes of the stimulus-response functions was detected. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Anesthetic-induced changes in sensory-motor processing in ponies anesthetized with isoflurane at concentrations of approximately 1.0 MAC can be detected by assessment of NWR. This method will permit comparison of effects of inhaled anesthetics or anesthetic combinations on spinal processing in equids.