862 resultados para Ferguson, Niall
Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) have recently attracted attention as potential mediators of the effects of gut microbiota on intestinal inflammation. Some of these effects have been suggested to occur through the direct actions of SCFAs on the GPR43 receptor in neutrophils, though the precise role of this receptor in neutrophil activation is still unclear. We show that mouse bone marrow derived neutrophils (BMNs) can chemotax effectively through polycarbonate filters towards a source of acetate, propionate or butyrate. Moreover, we show that BMNs move with good speed and directionality towards a source of propionate in an EZ-Taxiscan chamber coated with fibrinogen. These effects of SCFAs were mimicked by low concentrations of the synthetic GPR43 agonist phenylacetamide-1 and were abolished in GPR43(-/-) BMNs. SCFAs and phenylacetamide-1 also elicited GPR43-dependent activation of PKB, p38 and ERK and these responses were sensitive to pertussis toxin, indicating a role for Gi proteins. Phenylacetamide-1 also elicited rapid and transient activation of Rac1/2 GTPases and phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6. Genetic and pharmacological intervention identified important roles for PI3K gamma, Rac2, p38 and ERK, but not mTOR, in GPR43-dependent chemotaxis. These results identify GPR43 as a bona fide chemotactic receptor for neutrophils in vitro and start to define important elements in its signal transduction pathways.
This article documents the addition of 229 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acacia auriculiformis x Acacia mangium hybrid, Alabama argillacea, Anoplopoma fimbria, Aplochiton zebra, Brevicoryne brassicae, Bruguiera gymnorhiza, Bucorvus leadbeateri, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium giganteum, Echinogammarus berilloni, Epimedium sagittatum, Fraxinus excelsior, Labeo chrysophekadion, Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi, Paratrechina longicornis, Phaeocystis antarctica, Pinus roxburghii and Potamilus capax. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acacia peregrinalis, Acacia crassicarpa, Bruguiera cylindrica, Delphacodes detecta, Tumidagena minuta, Dictyostelium macrocephalum, Dictyostelium discoideum, Dictyostelium purpureum, Dictyostelium mucoroides, Dictyostelium rosarium, Polysphondylium pallidum, Epimedium brevicornum, Epimedium koreanum, Epimedium pubescens, Epimedium wushanese and Fraxinus angustifolia.
Background: The aim of this study was to identify novel candidate biomarker proteins differentially expressed in the plasma of patients with early stage acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using SELDI-TOF-MS as a high throughput screening technology. Methods: Ten individuals with recent acute ischemic-type chest pain (< 12 h duration) and ST-segment elevation AMI (1STEMI) and after a second AMI (2STEMI) were selected. Blood samples were drawn at six times after STEMI diagnosis. The first stage (T(0)) was in Emergency Unit before receiving any medication, the second was just after primary angioplasty (T(2)), and the next four stages occurred at 12 h intervals after T(0). Individuals (n = 7) with similar risk factors for cardiovascular disease and normal ergometric test were selected as a control group (CG). Plasma proteomic profiling analysis was performed using the top-down (i.e. intact proteins) SELDI-TOF-MS, after processing in a Multiple Affinity Removal Spin Cartridge System (Agilent). Results: Compared with the CG, the 1STEMI group exhibited 510 differentially expressed protein peaks in the first 48 h after the AMI (p < 0.05). The 2STEMI group, had similar to 85% fewer differently expressed protein peaks than those without previous history of AMI (76, p < 0.05). Among the 16 differentially-regulated protein peaks common to both STEMI cohorts (compared with the CG at T(0)), 6 peaks were persistently down-regulated at more than one time-stage, and also were inversed correlated with serum protein markers (cTnI, CK and CKMB) during 48 h-period after IAM. Conclusions: Proteomic analysis by SELDI-TOF-MS technology combined with bioinformatics tools demonstrated differential expression during a 48 h time course suggests a potential role of some of these proteins as biomarkers for the very early stages of AMI, as well as for monitoring early cardiac ischemic recovery. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Host responses following exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB) are complex and can significantly affect clinical outcome. These responses, which are largely mediated by complex immune mechanisms involving peripheral blood cells (PBCs) such as T-lymphocytes, NK cells and monocyte-derived macrophages, have not been fully characterized. We hypothesize that different clinical outcome following TB exposure will be uniquely reflected in host gene expression profiles, and expression profiling of PBCs can be used to discriminate between different TB infectious outcomes. In this study, microarray analysis was performed on PBCs from three TB groups (BCG-vaccinated, latent TB infection, and active TB infection) and a control healthy group. Supervised learning algorithms were used to identify signature genomic responses that differentiate among group samples. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis was used to determine sets of genes that were co-regulated. Multivariate permutation analysis (p < 0.01) gave 645 genes differentially expressed among the four groups, with both distinct and common patterns of gene expression observed for each group. A 127-probeset, representing 77 known genes, capable of accurately classifying samples into their respective groups was identified. In addition, 13 insulin-sensitive genes were found to be differentially regulated in all three TB infected groups, underscoring the functional association between insulin signaling pathway and TB infection. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Dwarf galaxies have attracted increased attention in recent years, because of their susceptibility to galaxy transformation processes within rich galaxy clusters. Direct evidence for these processes, however, has been difficult to obtain, with a small number of diffuse light trails and intra-cluster stars, being the only signs of galaxy disruption. Furthermore, our current knowledge of dwarf galaxy populations may be very incomplete, because traditional galaxy surveys are insensitive to extremely diffuse or compact galaxies. Aware of these concerns, we recently undertook an all-object survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster. This revealed a new population of compact members, overlooked in previous conventional surveys. Here we demonstrate that these 'ultra-compact' dwarf galaxies are structurally and dynamically distinct from both globular star clusters and known types of dwarf galaxy, and thus represent a new class of dwarf galaxy. Our data are consistent with the interpretation that these are the remnant nuclei of disrupted dwarf galaxies, making them an easily observed tracer of galaxy disruption.
The Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) project utilizes the Two-degree Field (2dF) multi-object spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT). Its aim is to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14 000 objects with 16 5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19 7 irrespective of their morphology in a 12 deg(2) area centred on the Fornax cluster. A sample of 24 Fornax cluster members has been identified from the first 2dF field (3.1 deg(2) in area) to be completed. This is the first complete sample of cluster objects of known distance with well-defined selection limits. Nineteen of the galaxies (with -15.8 < M-B < 12.7) appear to be conventional dwarf elliptical (dE) or dwarf S0 (dS0) galaxies. The other five objects (with -13.6 < M-B < 11.3) are those galaxies which were described recently by Drinkwater et al. and labelled 'ultracompact dwarfs' (UCDs). A major result is that the conventional dwarfs all have scale sizes alpha greater than or similar to 3 arcsec (similar or equal to300 pc). This apparent minimum scale size implies an equivalent minimum luminosity for a dwarf of a given surface brightness. This produces a limit on their distribution in the magnitude-surface brightness plane, such that we do not observe dEs with high surface brightnesses but faint absolute magnitudes. Above this observed minimum scale size of 3 arcsec, the dEs and dS0s fill the whole area of the magnitude-surface brightness plane sampled by our selection limits. The observed correlation between magnitude and surface brightness noted by several recent studies of brighter galaxies is not seen with our fainter cluster sample. A comparison of our results with the Fornax Cluster Catalog (FCC) of Ferguson illustrates that attempts to determine cluster membership solely on the basis of observed morphology can produce significant errors. The FCC identified 17 of the 24 FCSS sample (i.e. 71 per cent) as being 'cluster' members, in particular missing all five of the UCDs. The FCC also suffers from significant contamination: within the FCSS's field and selection limits, 23 per cent of those objects described as cluster members by the FCC are shown by the FCSS to be background objects.
We examine subnatural phase-dependent linewidths in the fluorescence spectrum of a three-level atom damped by a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum in a cavity. Using the dressed-atom model approach of a strongly driven three-level cascade system, we derive the master equation of the system from which we obtain simple analytical expressions for the fluorescence spectrum. We show that the phase effects depend on the bandwidths of the squeezed vacuum and the cavity relative to the Rabi frequency of the driving fields. When the squeezing bandwidth is much larger than the Rabi frequency, the spectrum consists of five lines with only the central and outer sidebands dependent on the phase. For a squeezing bandwidth much smaller than the Rabi frequency the number of lines in the spectrum and their phase properties depend on the frequency at which the squeezing and cavity modes are centered. When the squeezing and cavity modes are centered on the inner Rabi sidebands, the spectrum exhibits five lines that are completely independent of the squeezing phase with only the inner Rabi sidebands dependent on the squeezing correlations. Matching the squeezing and cavity modes to the outer Rabi sidebands leads to the disappearance of the inner Rabi sidebands and a strong phase dependence of the central line and the outer Rabi sidebands. We find that in this case the system behaves as an individual two-level system that reveals exactly the noise distribution in the input squeezed vacuum. [S1050-2947(97)00111-X].