973 resultados para Feed-in Tariff
Sea biscuits and sand dollars diverged from other irregular echinoids approximately 55 million years ago and rapidly dispersed to oceans worldwide. A series of morphological changes were associated with the occupation of sand beds such as flattening of the body, shortening of primary spines, multiplication of podia, and retention of the lantern of Aristotle into adulthood. To investigate the developmental basis of such morphological changes we documented the ontogeny of Clypeaster subdepressus. We obtained gametes from adult specimens by KCl injection and raised the embryos at 26 degrees C. Ciliated blastulae hatched 7.5 h after sperm entry. During gastrulation the archenteron elongated continuously while ectodermal red-pigmented cells migrated synchronously to the apical plate. Pluteus larvae began to feed in 3 d and were similar to 20 d old at metamorphosis; starved larvae died 17 d after fertilization. Postlarval juveniles had neither mouth nor anus nor plates on the aboral side, except for the remnants of larval spicules, but their bilateral symmetry became evident after the resorption of larval tissues. Ossicles of the lantern were present and organized in 5 groups. Each group had 1 tooth, 2 demipyramids, and 2 epiphyses with a rotula in between. Early appendages consisted of 15 spines, 15 podia (2 types), and 5 sphaeridia. Podial types were distributed in accordance to Loven's rule and the first podium of each ambulacrum was not encircled by the skeleton. Seven days after metamorphosis juveniles began to feed by rasping sand grains with the lantern. Juveniles survived in laboratory cultures for similar to 9 months and died with <500 mu m wide, a single open sphaeridium per ambulacrum, aboral anus, and no differentiated food grooves or petaloids. Tracking the morphogenesis of early juveniles is a necessary step to elucidate the developmental mechanisms of echinoid growth and important groundwork to clarify homologies between irregular urchins.
The emerging patterns of breastfeeding, sleep and wake circadian rhythms in an infant and the breastfeeding emergence pattern of his elder sister are presented. Both children were raised under regular contact with photic and non-photic Zeitgebers. Data are related to the first four months of life of the infants, which correspond to the exclusive and ad libitum breastfeeding stage of their lives. Discrimination is made of fasting-associated-wakefulness (FAW) which is a wake state without feeding. Our data show that while FAW episodes are concentrated in the diurnal phase of the day since the first week of life, breastfeeding rhythm takes longer to show statistically significant circadian periodicity (four weeks) and to become monophasic, concentrated in the diurnal phase of the day (three/four months). This precedence of the consolidation of FAW rhythm indicates tight association between nocturnal sleep fragmentation and the drive to feed, in the first months of life of infants.
Hookworms routinely reach the gut of nonpermissive hosts but fail to successfully feed, develop, and reproduce. To investigate the effects of host-parasite coevolution on the ability of hookworms to feed in nonpermissive hosts, we cloned and expressed aspartic proteases from canine and human hookworms. We show here that a cathepsin D-like protease from the canine hookworm Ancylosotoma caninum (Ac-APR-1) and the orthologous protease from the human hookworm Necator americanus (Na-APR-1) are expressed in the gut and probably exert their proteolytic activity extracellularly. Both proteases were detected immunologically and enzymatically in somatic extracts of adult worms. The two proteases were expressed in baculovirus, and both cleaved human and dog hemoglobin (Hb) in vitro. Each protease digested Hb from its permissive host between twofold (whole molecule) and sixfold (synthetic peptides) more efficiently than Hb from the nonpermissive host, despite the two proteases' having identical residues lining their active site clefts. Furthermore, both proteases cleaved Hb at numerous distinct sites and showed different substrate preferences. The findings suggest that the paradigm of matching the molecular structure of the food source within a host to the molecular structure of the catabolic proteases of the parasite is an important contributing factor for host-parasite compatibility and host species range.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e a qualidade dos ovos de codornas japonesas em postura, em função da redução e da substituição parcial ou total de microminerais (manganês, zinco, ferro, cobre, iodo e selênio) orgânicos em substituição ao micromineral inorgânico. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos no setor de avicultura do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo, com duração de 84 dias, distribuídos em quatro períodos de 21 dias. Em cada experimento, foram utilizadas 480 codornas japonesas fêmeas, com 79 dias de idade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso em 6 tratamentos, 10 repetições e 8 aves por unidade experimental. Foi utilizada uma mesma ração basal em ambos experimentos, variando apenas os níveis e a fonte dos microminerais utilizados. No primeiro experimento foi adicionado à essa ração cinco diferentes níveis de microminerais orgânicos 25; 50; 75; 100 e 125% da recomendação do complexo mineral orgânico e um nível com microminerais inorgânicos (100% da recomendação) sendo utilizado 1 kg/ton de ração. No segundo experimento, foram adicionados quatro diferentes níveis de mistura de microminerais orgânicos e inorgânicos (20% orgânico + 80% inorgânico, 40% orgânico + 60% inorgânico, 60% orgânico + 40% inorgânico e 80% orgânico + 20% inorgânico), um inorgânico (100%) e um orgânico (100%) na ração. As características avaliadas foram consumo de ração, taxa de postura, peso médio do ovo, massa dos ovos, conversão alimentar por massa do ovo e por dúzia de ovos, peso relativo e absoluto da gema, do albúmen e da casca, além da unidade Haugh. Os parâmetros avaliados não foram afetados de forma significativa pelas diferentes relações de uso de minerais orgânicos e inorgânicos. Observou-se que é possível reduzir para 25% da recomendação de microminerais, quando utiliza-se microminerais orgânicos e que, é possível a substituição em até 100% dos microminerais inorgânicos por orgânicos sem efeito sobre desempenho o produtivo e a qualidade de ovos de codornas japonesas.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica no Ramo de Energia
This paper is about a design of an urban area Darrieus VAWT, having self-start ability due to an innovative profile design named EN0005, avoiding the need of extra components or external electricity feed-in. An approach is presented to study the ability of a blade profile to offer self-start ability. Methodologies applied for the blade body and for profile development are reported. Field tests and main conclusions are presented to persuade for the arrangement of this design. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Desde o final do século XVIII, quando se iniciou a revolução industrial, o crescimento económico tem sido assente num consumo elevado de combustíveis fósseis que libertam gases com efeito de estufa. A emissão destes gases e a escassez dos combustíveis fósseis são temas que, desde as últimas duas décadas do século XX, ocupam um lugar de destaque nas agendas de política mundial. A produção de energia através de fontes renováveis surge como alternativa e poderá ser a solução para países com escassos recursos de origem fóssil, como é o caso de Portugal, minimizando também a sua dependência energética do exterior. Uma das medidas de incentivo lançada pelo Governo Português em 2007, foi a criação de um regime simplificado aplicável à microprodução descentralizada de eletricidade através de fontes de energia renováveis e de cogeração. À semelhança da maioria dos países europeus, o principal meio de promoção destes sistemas em Portugal foram as Feed-in-Tariffs, que consistem numa tarifa de venda de energia elétrica de origem renovável acima da tarifa de mercado. Estas tarifas permitiram, sobretudo, o crescimento do setor fotovoltaico em Portugal. Atualmente, o amadurecimento da tecnologia fotovoltaica, associado ao constante aumento das tarifas de energia elétrica, permite que se torne vantajosa a instalação de sistemas fotovoltaicos para autoconsumo. Neste contexto, o atual Governo Português, criou recentemente um regime jurídico aplicável à produção de eletricidade para autoconsumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar, com base na minha experiência profissional, a metodologia de dimensionamento de uma central fotovoltaica ligada à Rede Elétrica de Serviço Público. Será utilizado como objeto de estudo um projeto constituído por 28 centrais fotovoltaicas de Miniprodução de 100 kW, dispersas por Portugal Continental, para o qual será efetuada a análise financeira do investimento. Pretende-se ainda apresentar o novo enquadramento legislativo para o Autoconsumo e Pequena Produção distribuída, detalhar as suas principais caraterísticas e efetuar um estudo económico para cada um destes regimes.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Actualmente uma das preocupações da Comissão Europeia passa pela maneira como a energia é convertida e o modo como esta é aproveitada. Surgiu assim a estratégia Europa 2020, onde é claramente expressa a preocupação relativamente ao Ambiente e a diminuição da pegada ecológica. No campo relativo ao Ambiente e Energia existem metas tais como a redução das emissões de gases de efeito de estufa em 20%, o aumento da eficiência energética em 20% e a obtenção de 20% da energia consumida via energias renováveis. De maneira a que seja possível atingir as metas propostas, têm de surgir novos regimes para as energias renováveis uma vez que se tem verificado uma diminuição de apoios às tarifas feed-in. Estes factos levaram ao surgimento de um novo regime, o auto-consumo directo, que em tudo se diferencia das tarifas feed-in, uma vez que neste regime o produtor vendia toda a energia que produzia à rede. Já no regime de auto-consumo directo, o produtor consome a energia que produz, passando a ser um prosumer. Nesta dissertação é feito o levantamento sobre o conceito de auto-consumo directo assim como a legislação e ponto de situação da Europa e de Portugal no que diz respeito à paridade de rede. Foram ainda definidas as metodologias a aplicar. Com o auxílio da ferramenta informática desenvolvida em ambiente Java foi feita a análise de dois estudos de caso, uma indústria e um comércio e foi estudada a viabilidade económica, de cada caso, segundo vários indicadores e parâmetros definidos.
En aquest projecte s'ha dissenyat i simulat una càmera d'ones mil·limètriques mitjançant "Spinning Reflectors" amb l'objectiu d'estudiar la qualitat de les imatges obtingudes, així com determinar la configuració de reflectors acceptable per a la nostra càmera. Per al seu disseny, s'ha realitzat el model d'una antena Cassegrain amb botzina alimentadora a FEKO i s'han simulat els diagrames de radiació corresponents als diferents angles de rotació d'ambdós reflectors al voltant de l'eix en el qual estan situats. Finalment, a partir del principi de funcionament de la nostra càmera, s'ha exposat la seva implementació física i s'ha representat en Matlab la seva PSF (Point Spread Function) i la imatge d'un objecte arbitrari d'acord amb les tècniques de formació d'imatges.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli turkiseläinrehun valmistajan, E - P:n Minkinrehu Oy:n, jakelutoimintojen nykytilan analysointi, kehityskohteiden etsiminen ja kehitystoimenpiteiden luominen. Logististen toimintojen nykytilaa pyrittiin selvittämään haastattelujen, tutustumiskäyntien sekä kerätyn aineiston avulla. Mukaan tarkasteluun otettiin myös alan kirjallisuutta. Tutkimuksen perusteella yrityksen suurimmat jakeluongelmat liittyivät puutteelliseen jakelun ja kuljetusten suunnitteluun, penis- ja lisäarvopalveluiden puuttumiseen sekä epämääräiseen jakeluhinnoittelumenetelmään. Osa ongelmista aiheutui toimialan ominaispiirteistä, kuten sesonkiluontoisuudesta, erikoisjakelukaluston käytöstä, kalliista varastointimenetelmistä ja tuotteiden pilaantumisherkkyydestä. Jakeluun liittyviä ongelmia olivat jakelun kohdistamisongelma ja paluukuormien puuttuminen. Edellä mainituista ominaispiirteistä ja ongelmista johtuen jakelu- ja kuljetuskustannukset olivat noin 4,5 miljoonaa euroa eli lähes 20 prosenttia yrityksen liikevaihdosta vuonna 2003. Toimenpide-ehdotusten mukaan yrityksen tulisi lisätä yhteistyötä sekä toimittajien että turkistarhojen eli yrityksen osakkeenomistajien kanssa. Lähitulevaisuudessa olisi paikallaan investoiminen asianmukaiseen ja tehokkaaseen jakelun ja kuljetusten suunnittelu- ja seurantajärjestelmään. Itse jakelussa tulisi siirtyä jakelureittien optimointiin ja naiden optimaalisten jakelureittien käyttöön. Tutkimuksen mukaan jakelussa tulee siirtyä joko asiakaskohtaiseen tai osareittien mukaiseen jakeluvalin harvennukseen sesonkiaikavälillä kesäkuu - joulukuu. Jakeluhinnoittelussa on unohdettava nykyinen vyöhykehinnoittelu ja otettava käyttöön tutkimuksen perusteella jakelun todellisia kustannuksia paremmin vastaava ja asiakkaita tasapuolisesti kohteleva hinnoittelumenetelmä. Yrityksen tulisi jatkossa sisäistää jatkuvan kehityksen periaatteet sekä liiketoiminnassaan että jakelutoiminnoissaan.
This study examines Smart Grids and distributed generation, which is connected to a single-family house. The distributed generation comprises small wind power plant and solar panels. The study is done from the consumer point of view and it is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical part and the second part presents the research part. The theoretical part consists of the definition of distributed generation, wind power, solar energy and Smart Grids. The study examines what the Smart Grids will enable. New technology concerning Smart Grids is also examined. The research part introduces wind and sun conditions from two countries. The countries are Finland and Germany. According to the wind and sun conditions of these two countries, the annual electricity production from wind power plant and solar panels will be calculated. The costs of generating electricity from wind and solar energy are calculated from the results of annual electricity productions. The study will also deal with feed-in tariffs, which are supporting systems for renewable energy resources. It is examined in the study, if it is cost-effective for the consumers to use the produced electricity by themselves or sell it to the grid. Finally, figures for both countries are formed. The figures include the calculated cost of generating electricity from wind power plant and solar panels, retail and wholesale prices and feed-in tariffs. In Finland, it is not cost-effective to sell the produced electricity to the grid, before there are support systems. In Germany, it is cost-effective to sell the produced electricity from solar panels to the grid because of feed-in tariffs. On the other hand, in Germany it is cost-effective to produce electricity from wind to own use because the retail price is higher than the produced electricity from wind.
Climate innovations, that cover both technological applications and process and service innovations, play a key role in climate change mitigation. The purpose of this study was to examine how the Finnish innovation system could be enhanced with governmental measures so that the diffusion of climate innovations could be speeded up. During the study, it became evident that the governmental measures need to support the whole innovation chain, which comprises of research, development, demonstration and deployment. Only this can lead to the successful birth and diffusion of low carbon innovations. The study found that the strengths of the Finnish innovation system are research and development, and the current national innovation policies strongly support these activities. However, these have been emphasised at the expense of the demonstration and deployment. Consequently, the biggest bottlenecks in the Finnish innovation landscape are the lack of pilot and demonstration projects and slow commercialisation, thus the high price of the innovation. To meet with the challenge, the government should firstly promote strict greenhouse gas emission reduction targets. This would boost up the innovation activities, which would also lower the prices of the innovations. To speed up the commercialisation process, measures that stimulate the domestic market, such as feed-in-tariffs and public procurements, are needed. Special attention should also be paid to the measures that could shift the traditional closed innovation chain towards open innovation. This means that the product development should involve experts from several fields such as the user and marketing experts to speed up the commercialisation. In addition, efficient innovation co-operation between both private and public sector is essential. Finally, as the domestic resources are not adequate for producing all the innovations needed, the domestic innovation activities should be focused on a few sectors, and at the same time promote efficient import policies.
The biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials is an important natural process because it is responsible for the carbon recycling. When induced under controlled conditions, this process can be used for technological applications such as biopulping, biobleaching of cellulosic pulps, pre-treatment for subsequent saccharification and cellulosic-ethanol production, and increase of the digestibility in agroindustrial residues used for animal feed. In the present work, the enzymatic and non-enzymatic mechanisms involved in the biodegradation of lignocellulosic materials by fungi were reviewed. Furthermore, the technological applications of these extracellular metabolites are presented and discussed.
The purpose of this study was to simulate and to optimize integrated gasification for combine cycle (IGCC) for power generation and hydrogen (H2) production by using low grade Thar lignite coal and cotton stalk. Lignite coal is abundant of moisture and ash content, the idea of addition of cotton stalk is to increase the mass of combustible material per mass of feed use for the process, to reduce the consumption of coal and to increase the cotton stalk efficiently for IGCC process. Aspen plus software is used to simulate the process with different mass ratios of coal to cotton stalk and for optimization: process efficiencies, net power generation and H2 production etc. are considered while environmental hazard emissions are optimized to acceptance level. With the addition of cotton stalk in feed, process efficiencies started to decline along with the net power production. But for H2 production, it gave positive result at start but after 40% cotton stalk addition, H2 production also started to decline. It also affects negatively on environmental hazard emissions and mass of emissions/ net power production increases linearly with the addition of cotton stalk in feed mixture. In summation with the addition of cotton stalk, overall affects seemed to negative. But the effect is more negative after 40% cotton stalk addition so it is concluded that to get maximum process efficiencies and high production less amount of cotton stalk addition in feed is preferable and the maximum level of addition is estimated to 40%. Gasification temperature should keep lower around 1140 °C and prefer technique for studied feed in IGCC is fluidized bed (ash in dry form) rather than ash slagging gasifier