977 resultados para Fatigue crack growth
This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for a girth weld made of an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves. Use of these materials is motivated by the increasing demand in the number of applications for manufacturing high strength pipes for the oil and gas industry including marine applications and steel catenary risers. Testing of the pipeline girth welds employed side-grooved, clamped SE(T) specimens and shallow crack bend SE(B) specimens with a weld centerline notch to determine the crack growth resistance curves based upon the unloading compliance (UC) method using the single specimen technique. Recently developed compliance functions and η-factors applicable for SE(T) and SE(B) fracture specimens with homogeneous material and overmatched welds are introduced to determine crack growth resistance data from laboratory measurements of load-displacement records.
Magnox AL80 has been used for a study of creep crack propagation. A number of variables have been considered such as specimen geometry,notch root radius, material thickness, creep prestrain and stress level.The work has covered the material behaving under two values of the creep exponent, n=3.5 and n=7, according to the stress level. As well as observing initiation times and crack growth rates, scribed grids have been used to examine the near crack tip strain levels and distributions. It was shown that estimations of COD from notch flank opening can give misleading indications of material behaviour and that a more informative method was to monitor displacements in the material surrounding the crack tip. Strong evidence was found for crack advance being displacement controlled, however it was shown that the COD approach should be considered geometry dependant. The summation of ∈xx and ∈yy provided the most successful description of crack advance as it produced a single value that described propagation in all the cases concidered. The strain distributions indicates that σyy was related to distance from a point ahead of the crack tip by the exponent - (l/n+l) and that σxx is proportional to σyy. The constraint stresses arising in the DEN and CN specimens were evaluated. Initiation time was found to be principally affected by the stress level but was modified by the constraints arising from specimen geometry. Crack growth was found not to obey either the empirical K or σpett relationships but was reviewed in context of the observed strain behaviour.
The creep rupture properties of cast ½Cr½Mo¼V and 1Cr1Mo¼V alloy steel used in the manufacture of power station steam generating plant. have been investigated. The effects of constraint and geometry on the creep rupture properties are also considered. The validity of various criteria controlling macroscopic creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloys has been examined. It is found that neither the stress intensity factor nor reference stress correlate satisfactorily the creep crack growth rates at the test temperature of 550°C. Certain minimum displacements must be achieved for crack initiation and propagation. It is found that this displacement as measured by crack opening displacement or crack aspect ratio, is the same in both compact tension and centre-cracked panel geometries, is invariant with crack length and decreases with increasing constraint. The effect of constraint on creep crack growth rate in the two geometries is less conclusive. A new model describing creep crack growth in cast CrMoV alloy steels has been developed. The model is based on the results from a numerical finite element creep analysis of the relaxation and redistribution of stress ahead of an incubating creep crack . It is found that macroscopic creep crack growth in a material undergoing either plane stress or plane strain deformation can be described by a fracture stress which is based on the Von Mises equivalent stress. It has been shown that this model is capable of rationalising all of the experimental crack velocity data from the cast CrMoV alloys. The resultant degree of data correlation is far superior to that obtained when using the stress intensity factor or reference stress. A cumulative damage creep fracture model based upon the results from the numerical analysis has been developed. It is found that the model is capable of predicting the behaviour of propagating creep cracks in cast CrMoV alloys from smooth bar creep rupture data.
Silicone elastomers are commonly used in the manufacture of single-piece joint replacement implants for the finger joints. However, the survivorship of these implants can be poor, with failure typically occurring from fracture of the stems. The aim of this paper was to investigate the crack growth of medical-grade silicone using pure shear tests. Two medical-grade silicones (C6-180 and Med82-5010-80) were tested. Each sample had a 20 mm crack introduced and was subjected to a sinusoidally varying tensile strain, with a minimum of 0 per cent and a maximum in the range 10 to 77 per cent. Testing was undertaken at a frequency of 10 Hz. At various times during testing, the testing machine was stopped, the number of cycles completed was noted, and the crack length measured. Graphs of crack length against number of cycles were plotted, as well as the crack growth rate against tearing energy. The results show that Med82-5010-80 is more crack resistant than C6-180. Graphs of crack growth rate against tearing energy can be used to predict the failure of these medical-grade elastomers.
In the temperature range 200-400 degree C the Ni-base superalloy, N901, develops marked dynamic strain ageing effects in its tensile behavior. These include inverse strain rate sensitivity, especially in UTS values, strongly serrated stress-strain curves and a heavily sheared failure mode at the higher test-temperatures. As for steels these effects seem to be due to interactions between the dislocations and the interstitial carbon atoms present. The results of tensile and fatigue threshold tests carried out between 20 degree C and 420 degree C are reported and the fatigue behavior is discussed in terms of the effects of surface roughness induced closure, temperature and strain aging interactions.
This paper compares the crack growth resistance of an experimental spray-formed extrusion with that of a commercial aluminium alloy, the two alloys having similar compositions but markedly different grain structures. Tensile and fracture behaviour is similar in both materials and is influenced by inclusion content. The two materials differ in their crack growth resistance, which is shown to be dependent upon grain size and shape. Environmentally-induced crack growth is favoured by aligned grain boundaries and small grain size.
Hydrogen assisted subcritical cleavage of the ferrite matrix occurs during fatigue of a duplex stainless steel in gaseous hydrogen. The ferrite fails by a cyclic cleavage mechanism and fatigue crack growth rates are independent of frequency between 0.1 and 5 Hz. Macroscopic crack growth rates are controlled by the fraction of ferrite grains cleaving along the crack front, which can be related to the maximum stress intensity, Kmax. A superposition model is developed to predict simultaneously the effects of stress intensity range (ΔK) and K ratio (Kmin/Kmax). The effect of Kmax is rationalised by a local cleavage criterion which requires a critical tensile stress, normal to the {001} cleavage plane, acting over a critical distance within an embrittled zone at the crack tip. © 1991.
This paper examines the effects of non-metallic particles on fatigue performance and, in particular, their influence on fatigue crack propagation at high ΔK (Kmax) levels. The nature and properties of a number of common non-metallic particles found in Fe- and Al- based alloys are described, and consideration is given to the consequences of mismatch of physical and chemical properties between particle and matrix. Effects of particles on fatigue in conventional alloys are illustrated and compared with the behaviour of Al/SiCp MMC. The problems associated with developing particulate reinforced MMC with adequate fatigue crack growth resistance and toughness for structural applications are discussed. © 1991.
Anisotropic characterization of crack growth in the tertiary flow of asphalt mixtures in compression
Asphalt mixtures exhibit primary, secondary, and tertiary stages in sequence during a rutting deterioration. Many field asphalt pavements are still in service even when the asphalt layer is in the tertiary stage, and rehabilitation is not performed until a significant amount of rutting accompanied by numerous macrocracks is observed. The objective of this study was to provide a mechanistic method to model the anisotropic cracking of the asphalt mixtures in compression during the tertiary stage of rutting. Laboratory tests including nondestructive and destructive tests were performed to obtain the viscoelastic and viscofracture properties of the asphalt mixtures. Each of the measured axial and radial total strains in the destructive tests were decomposed into elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, viscoplastic, and viscofracture strains using the pseudostrain method in an extended elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle. The viscofracture strains are caused by the crack growth, which is primarily signaled by the increase of phase angle in the tertiary flow. The viscofracture properties are characterized using the anisotropic damage densities (i.e., the ratio of the lost area caused by cracks to the original total area in orthogonal directions). Using the decomposed axial and radial viscofracture strains, the axial and radial damage densities were determined by using a dissipated pseudostrain energy balance principle and a geometric analysis of the cracks, respectively. Anisotropic pseudo J-integral Paris' laws in terms of damage densities were used to characterize the evolution of the cracks in compression. The material constants in the Paris' law are determined and found to be highly correlated. These tests, analysis, and modeling were performed on different asphalt mixtures with two binders, two air void contents, and three aging periods. Consistent results were obtained; for instance, a stiffer asphalt mixture is demonstrated to have a higher modulus, a lower phase angle, a greater flow number, and a larger n1 value (exponent of Paris' law). The calculation of the orientation of cracks demonstrates that the asphalt mixture with 4% air voids has a brittle fracture and a splitting crack mode, whereas the asphalt mixture with 7% air voids tends to have a ductile fracture and a diagonal sliding crack mode. Cracks of the asphalt mixtures in compression are inclined to propagate along the direction of the external compressive load. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
On yleisesti tiedossa, että väsyttävän kuormituksen alaisena olevat hitsatut rakenteet rikkoutuvat juuri hitsausliitoksista. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksia sisältävien rakenteiden asiantunteva suunnittelu janykyaikaiset valmistusmenetelmät ovat lähes eliminoineet väsymisvauriot hitsatuissa rakenteissa. Väsymislujuuden parantaminen tiukalla täyden tunkeuman vaatimuksella on kuitenkin epätaloudellinen ratkaisu. Täyden tunkeuman hitsausliitoksille asetettavien laatuvaatimuksien on määriteltävä selkeät tarkastusohjeet ja hylkäämisperusteet. Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tutkia geometristen muuttujien vaikutusta kuormaa kantavien hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen. Huomio kiinnitettiin pääasiassa suunnittelumuuttujiin, joilla on vaikutusta väsymisvaurioiden syntymiseen hitsauksen juuren puolella. Nykyiset määräykset ja standardit, jotka perustuvat kokeellisiin tuloksiin; antavat melko yleisiä ohjeita hitsausliitosten väsymismitoituksesta. Tämän vuoksi muodostettiin kokonaan uudet parametriset yhtälöt sallitun nimellisen jännityksen kynnysarvon vaihteluvälin, ¿¿th, laskemiseksi, jotta vältettäisiin hitsausliitosten juuren puoleiset väsymisvauriot. Lisäksi, jokaiselle liitostyypille laskettiin hitsin juuren puolen väsymisluokat (FAT), joita verrattiin olemassa olevilla mitoitusohjeilla saavutettuihin tuloksiin. Täydentäviksi referensseiksi suoritettiin useita kolmiulotteisia (3D) analyysejä. Julkaistuja kokeellisiin tuloksiin perustuvia tietoja käytettiin apuna hitsausliitosten väsymiskäyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseksi ja materiaalivakioiden määrittämiseksi. Kuormaa kantavien vajaatunkeumaisten hitsausliitosten väsymislujuus määritettiin käyttämällä elementtimenetelmää. Suurimman pääjännityksen kriteeriä hyödynnettiin murtumiskäyttäytymisen ennakoimiseksi. Valitulle hitsatulle materiaalille ja koeolosuhteille murtumiskäyttäytymistä mallinnettiin särön kasvunopeudella da/dN ja jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälillä, 'K. Paris:n yhtälön numeerinen integrointi suoritettiin FRANC2D/L tietokoneohjelmalla. Saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan laskea FAT tutkittavassa tapauksessa. ¿¿th laskettiin alkusärön jännitysintensiteettikertoimen vaihteluvälin ja kynnysjännitysintensiteettikertoimen, 'Kth, perusteella. ¿Kth arvoa pienemmällä vaihteluvälillä särö ei kasva. Analyyseissäoletuksena oli hitsattu jälkikäsittelemätön liitos, jossa oli valmis alkusärö hitsin juuressa. Analyysien tulokset ovat hyödyllisiä suunnittelijoille, jotka tekevät päätöksiä koskien geometrisiä parametreja, joilla on vaikutusta hitsausliitosten väsymislujuuteen.