987 resultados para Fat Studies


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Body mass index (BMI) is related with cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), but less is known regarding the combined relationships between BMI and body fat (BF) on CRF. Cross-sectional study included 2361 girls and 2328 boys aged 10–18 years living in the area of Lisbon, Portugal. BMI was calculated by measuring height and weight, and obesity was assessed by international criteria. BF was assessed by bioimpedance. CRF was assessed by the 20-m shuttle run and the participants were classified as normal-to-high or low-CRF level according to Fitness gram criterion-referenced standards. The prevalence of low CRF was 47 and 39% in girls and boys, respectively. The corresponding values for the prevalence of obesity were 4.8 and 5.6% (not significant) and of excess BF of 12.1 and 25.1% (P <0.001), respectively. In both sexes, BMI and BF were inversely related with CRF: r = – 0.53 and – 0.45 for BMI and % BF, respectively, in boys and the corresponding values in girls were – 0.50 and – 0.33 (all P <0.01). When compared with a participant with normal BMI and BF, the odds ratios (95% confidence interval) for low CRF were 1.94 (1.46–2.58) for a participant with normal BMI and high BF, and 6.19 (5.02–7.63) for a participant with high BMI and high BF. The prevalence of low-CRF levels is high in Portuguese youths. BF negatively influences CRF levels among children/adolescents with normal BMI.


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To identify common variants influencing body mass index (BMI), we analyzed genome-wide association data from 16,876 individuals of European descent. After previously reported variants in FTO, the strongest association signal (rs17782313, P = 2.9 x 10(-6)) mapped 188 kb downstream of MC4R (melanocortin-4 receptor), mutations of which are the leading cause of monogenic severe childhood-onset obesity. We confirmed the BMI association in 60,352 adults (per-allele effect = 0.05 Z-score units; P = 2.8 x 10(-15)) and 5,988 children aged 7-11 (0.13 Z-score units; P = 1.5 x 10(-8)). In case-control analyses (n = 10,583), the odds for severe childhood obesity reached 1.30 (P = 8.0 x 10(-11)). Furthermore, we observed overtransmission of the risk allele to obese offspring in 660 families (P (pedigree disequilibrium test average; PDT-avg) = 2.4 x 10(-4)). The SNP location and patterns of phenotypic associations are consistent with effects mediated through altered MC4R function. Our findings establish that common variants near MC4R influence fat mass, weight and obesity risk at the population level and reinforce the need for large-scale data integration to identify variants influencing continuous biomedical traits.


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Les facteurs de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires, telle, que la détérioration du profil lipidique, deviennent plus prononcés après la ménopause, ce qui fait de la maladie coronarienne, l’une des principales causes de décès chez les femmes ménopausées. Une proportion importante de femmes prennent du poids après la ménopause en particulier dans la région abdominale entraînant par conséquent des perturbations métaboliques. Des données récentes suggèrent également que l’absence des œstrogènes observée à la ménopause favorise le développement de la stéatose hépatique. Cette dernière a été incriminée pour incriminée dans le développement de la résistance à l'insuline, et est de ce fait considérée comme une composante hépatique du syndrome métabolique. Il est impératif d'établir des stratégies visant à contrecarrer l'accumulation de graisse dans le foie et l’accroissement du tissu adipeux chez les femmes ménopausées, en tenant compte que l'utilisation de l'hormonothérapie substitutive est de nos jours moins soutenue. Les quatre études de la présente thèse ont été conduites pour tenter de fournir des informations sur le traitement et la prévention de l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et de la stéatose hépatique qu’entraîne la suppression des œstrogènes, à travers les modifications du mode de vie (diète et exercice physique) chez la rate ovariectomizée (Ovx); un modèle animal de la ménopause. Dans les deux premières études nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’augmentation de la masse graisseuse et sa reprise suite à une perte de poids. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que les rates Ovx qui ont suivi un programme de restriction alimentaire (FR) ont diminué significativement (P < 0.01) leur poids corporel, leur contenu en graisses intra-abdominales ainsi que leurs triacylglycérols (TAG) hépatiques, comparativement aux rates Ovx nourries à la diète normale. De plus, l’entraînement en résistance (RT) a prévenu la reprise de poids corporel ainsi que l’accroissement du tissu adipeux et l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie des rates Ovx, après l’arrêt du régime amaigrissant. Les résultats de la deuxième étude ont confirmé l'efficacité de la restriction alimentaire associée à l’entraînement en résistance (FR + RT) dans la réduction du poids corporel, des lipides dans le foie et le tissu adipeux chez les rates Ovx. Tenant compte des résultats de notre première étude, l’entraînement en résistance seulement a constitué un atout pour atténuer le poids corporel et la masse grasse reprise par les rates Ovx suite à un programme de perte de poids (FR + RT); bien que l'impact ait été moindre comparé au maintien seul de la restriction alimentaire. De la même manière que la supplémentation en œstrogènes, les résultats de la troisième étude indiquent que l'entraînement en endurance mené concurremment avec l’ovariectomie a significativement atténué l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi que dans le tissu adipeux. Toutefois, l’entraînement en endurance effectué avant l'ovariectomie n'a pas protégé contre l'accumulation des graisses qu’entraîne l'ovariectomie, si celui-ci est interrompu après l'ovariectomie. Enfin, pour compléter les résultats antérieurs, nous avons montré dans la quatrième étude que l’expression des gènes impliqués dans la synthèse de lipide; SREBP-1c, SCD-1, ChREBP, et ACC dans le foie a augmenté après le retrait des œstrogènes, tandis qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) des niveaux d'ARNm de PPAR-α a été observée. De plus, l'expression hépatique des gènes des cytokines pro-inflammatoires incluant IKKβ, IL-6 ainsi que le contenu protéinique de NF-кB étaient augmentés (P < 0.01) chez les rates Ovx par rapport aux rates ayant subi une Ovx simulée (Sham). Toutes ces perturbations ont été améliorées avec la supplémentation en œstrogènes seulement, ainsi qu'avec l'entraînement en endurance seulement. Dans l'ensemble, nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice physique (en résistance ou en endurance) a un impact significatif sur la réduction de l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie et dans le tissu adipeux des rates Ovx. De plus, chez les rates Ovx, l’entraînement en endurance mimerait les effets des œstrogènes sur l'expression des gènes impliqués dans l'accumulation de lipides et l’inflammation préclinique dans le foie.


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L’accumulation de triglycérides (TG) dans les hépatocytes est caractéristique de la stéatose hépatique non-alcoolique (SHNA). Cette dernière se produit dans diverses conditions dont le facteur commun est le métabolisme anormal des lipides. Le processus conduisant à l'accumulation des lipides dans le foie n’a pas encore été totalement élucidé. Toutefois, des lipides s'accumulent dans le foie lorsque les mécanismes qui favorisent leur exportation (oxydation et sécrétion) sont insuffisants par rapport aux mécanismes qui favorisent leur importation ou leur biosynthèse. De nos jours il est admis que la carence en œstrogènes est associée au développement de la stéatose hépatique. Bien que les résultats des études récentes révèlent l'implication des hormones ovariennes dans l'accumulation de lipides dans le foie, les mécanismes qui sous-tendent ce phénomène doivent encore être étudiés. En conséquence, les trois études présentées dans cette thèse ont été menées sur des rates ovariectomizées (Ovx), comme modèle animal de femmes post-ménopausées, pour étudier les effets du retrait des œstrogènes sur le métabolisme des lipides dans le foie, en considérant l'entraînement physique comme étant un élément positif pouvant contrecarrer ces effets. Il a été démontré que l'entraînement physique peut réduire l'accumulation de graisses dans le foie chez les rates Ovx. Dans la première étude, nous avons montré que chez les rates Ovx nourries à la diète riche en lipides (HF), les contenus de TG hépatiques étaient élevées (P < 0.01) comparativement aux rates Sham, 5 semaines après la chirurgie. Le changement de la diète HF par la diète standard (SD) chez les rates Sham a diminué l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. Toutefois, chez les rates Ovx, 8 semaines après le changement de la HF par la SD le niveau de TG dans le foie était maintenu aussi élevé que chez les rates nourries continuellement avec la diète HF. Lorsque les TG hépatiques mesurés à la 13e semaine ont été comparés aux valeurs correspondant au retrait initial de la diète HF effectué à la 5e semaine, les niveaux de TG hépatiques chez les animaux Ovx ont été maintenus, indépendamment du changement du régime alimentaire; tandis que chez les rats Sham le passage à la SD a réduit (P < 0.05) les TG dans le foie. Les mêmes comparaisons avec la concentration des TG plasmatiques ont révélé une relation inverse. Ces résultats suggèrent que la résorption des lipides au foie est contrée par l'absence des œstrogènes. Dans cette continuité, nous avons utilisé une approche physiologique dans notre seconde étude pour investiguer la façon dont la carence en œstrogènes entraîne l’accumulation de graisses dans le foie, en nous focalisant sur la voie de l'exportation des lipides du foie. Les résultats de cette étude ont révélé que le retrait des œstrogènes a entraîné une augmentation (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie en concomitance avec la baisse (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG et une réduction l'ARNm et de la teneur en protéines microsomales de transfert des triglycérides (MTP). Tous ces effets ont été corrigés par la supplémentation en œstrogènes chez les rates Ovx. En outre, l'entraînement physique chez les rates Ovx a entraîné une réduction (P < 0.01) de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie ainsi qu’une diminution (P < 0.01) de production de VLDL-TG accompagnée de celle de l'expression des gènes MTP et DGAT-2 (diacylglycérol acyltransférase-2). Des études récentes suggèrent que le peptide natriurétique auriculaire (ANP) devrait être au centre des intérêts des recherches sur les métabolismes énergétiques et lipidiques. Le ANP est relâché dans le plasma par les cellules cardiaques lorsque stimulée par l’oxytocine et exerce ses fonctions en se liant à son récepteur, le guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A). En conséquence, dans la troisième étude, nous avons étudié les effets du blocage du système ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire (OT-ANP) en utilisant un antagoniste de l’ocytocine (OTA), sur l'expression des gènes guanylyl cyclase-A et certains marqueurs de l’inflammation dans le foie de rates Ovx. Nous avons observé une diminution (P < 0.05) de l’ARNm de la GC-A chez les rates Ovx et Sham sédentaires traitées avec l’OTA, tandis qu’une augmentation (P < 0.05) de l'expression de l’ARNm de la protéine C-réactive (CRP) hépatique a été notée chez ces animaux. L’exercice physique n'a apporté aucun changement sur l'expression hépatique de ces gènes que ce soit chez les rates Ovx ou Sham traitées avec l’OTA. En résumé, pour expliquer l’observation selon laquelle l’accumulation et la résorption de lipides dans le foie dépendent des mécanismes associés à des niveaux d’œstrogènes, nos résultats suggèrent que la diminution de production de VLDL-TG induite par une déficience en œstrogènes, pourrait être un des mecanismes responsables de l’accumulation de lipides dans le foie. L’exercice physique quant à lui diminue l'infiltration de lipides dans le foie ainsi que la production de VLDL-TG indépendamment des niveaux d'œstrogènes. En outre, l'expression des récepteurs de l’ANP a diminué par l'OTA chez les rates Ovx et Sham suggérant une action indirecte de l’ocytocine (OT) au niveau du foie indépendamment de la présence ou non des estrogènes. L’axe ocytocine-peptide natriurétique auriculaire, dans des conditions physiologiques normales, protègerait le foie contre l'inflammation à travers la modulation de l’expression de la GC-A.


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Objectives: To conduct it detailed evaluation, with meta-analyses, of the published evidence on milk and dairy consumption and the incidence of vascular diseases and diabetes. Also to summarise the evidence on milk and dairy consumption and cancer reported by the World Cancer Research Fund and then to consider the relevance of milk and dairy consumption to survival in the UK, a typical Western community. Finally, published evidence on relationships with whole milk and fat-reduced milks was examined. Methods: Prospective cohort studies of vascular disease and diabetes with baseline data on milk or dairy consumption and a relevant disease outcome were identified by searching MEDLINE, and reference lists in the relevant published reports. Meta-analyses of relationships in these reports were conducted. The likely effect of milk and dairy consumption on survival was then considered, taking into account the results of published overviews of relationships of these foods with cancer. Results: From meta-analysis of 15 studies the relative risk of stroke and/or heart disease in subjects with high milk or dairy consumption was 0.84 (95% CI 0.76, 0,93) and 0.79 (0.75, 0.82) respectively, relative to the risk in those with low consumption. Four studies reported incident diabetes as an outcome, and the relative risk in the Subjects with the highest intake of milk or diary foods was 0.92 (0.86, 0.97). Conclusions: Set against the proportion of total deaths attributable to the life-threatening diseases in the UK, vascular disease, diabetes and cancer, the results of meta-analyses provide evidence of an overall survival advantage from the consumption of milk and dairy foods.


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It has been repeatedly demonstrated that ACTH administration lowers plasma lipid concentrations in man. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis, based on observations of decreased apolipoprotein B (ApoB) synthesis and secretion in vitro, that ACTH administration inhibits the postprandial output of ApoB in man. Therefore, we studied the response to a fat-rich meal supplemented with Vitamin A in eight healthy volunteers, who underwent this test without premedication, after 4 days administration of ACTH, and after 4 days administration of a glucocorticoid (betamethasone). As expected, fasting plasma levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL)-cholesterot (-25%) and ApoB (-17%) decreased after ACTH, but not after betamethasone administration. Also, the elevation of plasma ApoB-48 in response to fat intake (to twice the basal levels) was markedly reduced after ACTH administration. However, the postprandial rise in plasma triglycerides and retinyl palmitate was unimpaired, suggesting that ACTH administration induced the secretion of fewer but larger chylomicrons. The effect of betamethasone on the postprandial response was similar but less pronounced. This study confirms earlier reports on the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH and supports our theory, based on in vitro studies, that the lipid-lowering effects of ACTH administration in man involves an inhibition of ApoB production. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To describe the calculations and approaches used to design experimental diets of differing saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) compositions for use in a long-term dietary intervention study, and to evaluate the degree to which the dietary targets were met. Design, setting and subjects: Fifty-one students living in a university hall of residence consumed a reference (SFA) diet for 8 weeks followed by either a moderate MUFA (MM) diet or a high MUFA (HM) diet for 16 weeks. The three diets were designed to differ only in their proportions of SFA and MUFA, while keeping total fat, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), trans-fatty acids, and the ratio of palmitic to stearic acid, and n-6 to n-3 PUFA, unchanged. Results: Using habitual diet records and a standardised database for food fatty acid compositions, a sequential process of theoretical fat substitutions enabled suitable fat sources for use in the three diets to be identified, and experimental margarines for baking, spreading and the manufacture of snack foods to be designed. The dietary intervention was largely successful in achieving the fatty acid targets of the three diets, although unintended differences between the original target and the analysed fatty acid composition of the experimental margarines resulted in a lower than anticipated MUFA intake on the HM diet, and a lower ratio of palmitic to stearic acid compared with the reference or MM diet. Conclusions: This study has revealed important theoretical considerations that should be taken into account when designing diets of specific fatty acid composition, as well as practical issues of implementation.


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Cardiovascular risk is determined by the complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors. The apoE genotype represents the most-widely-studied single nucleotide polymorphism in relation to CVD risk, with >3600 publications cited in PubMed. Although originally described as a mediator of lipoprotein metabolism, the lipoprotein-independent functions of apoE are being increasingly recognised, with limited data available on the potential impact of genotype on these metabolic processes. Furthermore, although meta-analyses suggest that apoE4 carriers may have a 40-50% increased CVD risk, the associations reported in individual studies are highly heterogeneous and it is recognised that environmental factors such as smoking status and dietary fat composition influence genotype-phenotype associations. However, information is often derived from observational studies or small intervention trials in which retrospective genotyping of the cohort results in small group sizes in the rarer E2 and E4 subgroups. Either larger well-standardised intervention trials or smaller trials with prospective recruitment according to apoE genotype are needed to fully establish the impact of diet on genotype-CVD associations and to establish the potential of dietary strategies such as reduced total fat, saturated fat, or increased antioxidant intakes to counteract the increased CVD burden in apoE4 carriers.


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Vitamin E absorption requires the presence of fat; however, limited information exists on the influence of fat quantity on optimal absorption. In the present study we compared the absorption of stable-isotope-labelled vitamin E following meals of varying fat content and source. In a randomised four-way cross-over study, eight healthy individuals consumed a capsule containing 150 mg H-2-labelled RRR-alpha-tocopheryl acetate with a test meal of toast with butter (17.5 g fat), cereal with full-fat milk (17.5 g fat), cereal with semi-skimmed milk (2.7 g fat) and water (0g fat). Blood was taken at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 6 and 9 h following ingestion, chylomicrons were isolated, and H-2-labelled alpha-tocopherol was analysed in the chylomicron and plasma samples. There was a significant time (P<0.001) and treatment effect (P<0.001) in H-2-labelled alpha-tocopherol concentration in both chylomicrons and plasma between the test meals. H-2-labelled alpha-tocopherol concentration was significantly greater with the higher-fat toast and butter meal compared with the low-fat cereal meal or water (P< 0.001), and a trend towards greater concentration compared with the high-fat cereal meal (P= 0.065). There was significantly greater H-2-labelled α-tocopherol concentration with the high-fat cereal meal compared with the low-fat cereal meal (P< 0.05). The H-2-labelled alpha-tocopherol concentration following either the low-fat cereal meal or water was low. These results demonstrate that both the amount of fat and the food matrix influence vitamin E absorption. These factors should be considered by consumers and for future vitamin E intervention studies.


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The primary objective was to compare the fat and fatty acid contents of cooked retail chickens from intensive and free range systems. Total fat comprised approximately 14, 2.5, 8, 9 and 15 g/100 g cooked weight in whole birds, skinless breast, breast with skin, skinless leg and leg meat with skin, respectively, with no effect of intensive compared with free range systems. Free range breast and leg meat contained significantly less polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6 and n-3) than did those from intensive rearing and had a consistently higher n-6/n-3 ratio (6.0 vs. 7.9). Generally, the concentrations of long chain n-3 fatty acids were considerably lower than those reported in earlier research studies. Overall, there was no evidence that meat from free range chickens had a fatty acid profile that would be classified as healthier than that from intensively reared birds and indeed, in some aspects, the opposite was the case. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Vascular dysfunction is recognised as an integrative marker of CVD. While dietary strategies aimed at reducing CVD risk include reductions in the intake of SFA, there are currently no clear guidelines on what should replace SFA. The purpose of this review was to assess the evidence for the effects of total dietary fat and individual fatty acids (SFA, MUFA and n-6 PUFA) on vascular function, cellular microparticles and endothelial progenitor cells. Medline was systematically searched from 1966 until November 2010. A total of fifty-nine peer-reviewed publications (covering fifty-six studies), which included five epidemiological, eighteen dietary intervention and thirty-three test meal studies, were identified. The findings from the epidemiological studies were inconclusive. The limited data available from dietary intervention studies suggested a beneficial effect of low-fat diets on vascular reactivity, which was strongest when the comparator diet was high in SFA, with a modest improvement in measures of vascular reactivity when high-fat, MUFA-rich diets were compared with SFA-rich diets. There was consistent evidence from the test meal studies that high-fat meals have a detrimental effect on postprandial vascular function. However, the evidence for the comparative effects of test meals rich in MUFA or n-6 PUFA with SFA on postprandial vascular function was limited and inconclusive. The lack of studies with comparable within-study dietary fatty acid targets, a variety of different study designs and different methods for determining vascular function all confound any clear conclusions on the impact of dietary fat and individual fatty acids on vascular function.


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Previous studies have reported that cheese curd syneresis kinetics can be monitored by dilution of chemical tracers, such as Blue Dextran, in whey. The objective of this study was to evaluate an improved tracer method to monitor whey volumes expelled over time during syneresis. Two experiments with different ranges of milk fat (0-5% and 2.3-3.5%) were carried out in an 11 L double-O laboratory scale cheese vat. Tracer was added to the curd-whey mixture during the cutting phase of cheese making and samples were taken at 10 min intervals up to 75 min after cutting. The volume of whey expelled was measured gravimetrically and the dilution of tracer in the whey was measured by absorbance at 620 nm. The volumes of whey expelled were significantly reduced at higher milk fat levels. Whey yield was predicted with a SEP ranging from 3.2 to 6.3 g whey/100 mL of milk and a CV ranging from 2.03 to 2.7% at different milk fat levels.


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Genome-wide association studies have identified SNPs reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D). We examined the effect of genetic predisposition to T2D on insulin sensitivity and secretion using detailed phenotyping in overweight individuals with no diagnosis of T2D. Furthermore, we investigated whether this genetic predisposition modifies the responses in beta-cell function and insulin sensitivity to a 24-week dietary intervention. We genotyped 25 T2D-associated SNPs in 377 white participants from the RISCK study. Participants underwent an IVGTT prior to and following a dietary intervention that aimed to lower saturated fat intake by replacement with monounsaturated fat or carbohydrate. We composed a genetic predisposition score (T2D-GPS) by summing the T2D risk-increasing alleles of the 25 SNPs and tested for association with insulin secretion and sensitivity at baseline, and with the change in response to the dietary intervention. At baseline, a higher T2D-GPS was associated with lower acute insulin secretion (AIRg 4% lower/risk allele, P = 0.006) and lower insulin secretion for a given level of insulin sensitivity, assessed by the disposition index (DI 5% lower/risk allele, P = 0.002), but not with insulin sensitivity (Si). T2D-GPS did not modify changes in insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity or the disposition index in response to the dietary interventions to lower saturated fat. Participants genetically predisposed to T2D have an impaired ability to compensate for peripheral insulin resistance with insulin secretion at baseline, but this does not modify the response to a reduction in dietary saturated fat through iso-energetic replacement with carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat.


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With the substantial economic and social burden of CVD, the need to modify diet and lifestyle factors to reduce risk has become increasingly important. Milk and dairy products, being one of the main contributors to SFA intake in the UK, are a potential target for dietary SFA reduction. Supplementation of the dairy cow's diet with a source of MUFA or PUFA may have beneficial effects on consumers' CVD risk by partially replacing milk SFA, thus reducing entry of SFA into the food chain. A total of nine chronic human intervention studies have used dairy products, modified through bovine feeding, to establish their effect on CVD risk markers. Of these studies, the majority utilised modified butter as their primary test product and used changes in blood cholesterol concentrations as their main risk marker. Of the eight studies that measured blood cholesterol, four reported a significant reduction in total and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) following chronic consumption of modified milk and dairy products. Data from one study suggested that a significant reduction in LDL-C could be achieved in both the healthy and hypercholesterolaemic population. Thus, evidence from these studies suggests that consumption of milk and dairy products with modified fatty acid composition, compared with milk and dairy products of typical milk fat composition, may be beneficial to CVD risk in healthy and hypercholesterolaemic individuals. However, current evidence is insufficient and further work is needed to investigate the complex role of milk and cheese in CVD risk and explore the use of novel markers of CVD risk.


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Milk provides many key nutrients but the saturated and trans fatty acids in milk fat are associated with perceived negative effects on human health, especially cardiovascular disease. Recent epidemiological studies and dietary intervention trials challenge this perception, however; available evidence does not support the concept that consumption of saturated fats or dairy products adversely affects the risk of coronary heart disease (although replacing some saturated fats with mono or polyunsaturated fats is likely to provide benefit). Furthermore, the trans fats found in dairy products are consumed in very low amounts and do not appear to have the negative health effects associated with the consumption of industrial sources of trans fat. Milk fat is an excellent source of oleic acid that originates mainly by endogenous synthesis from stearic acid, but increasing the milk fat content of unsaturated fatty acids requires dietary formulations that bypass rumen biohydrogenation. Recent research indicates that long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acids have potential beneficial effects in health maintenance and the prevention of chronic diseases. Enhancing the milk fat content of these fatty acids offers exciting possibilities, but educating consumers about inaccurate and inappropriate generalisations about fat remains the primary challenge. Finally, individuals do not simply consume milk-fat-derived fatty acids on their own, but rather as components in dairy foods which are highly complex and may contain many beneficial ingredients. Overall, dairy products are critical in providing many of the essential nutrients in the human diet. Nevertheless, dairy products vary in their nutrient composition, including fat, and this needs to be considered in the context of dietary recommendations and our need to consume a balanced diet.