973 resultados para Farms -- Catalonia -- Osona


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Farming of salmon has become a significant industry in many countries over the past two decades. A major challenge facing this sector is infestation of the salmon by sea lice. The main way of treating salmon for such infestations is the use of medicines such as organophosphates, pyrethrins, hydrogen peroxide or benzoylphenyl ureas. The use of these medicines in fish farms is, however, highly regulated due to concerns about contamination of the wider marine environment. In this paper we report the use of photochemically active biocides for the treatment of a marine copepod, which is a model of parasitic sea lice. Photochemical activation and subsequent photodegradation of PDAs may represent a controllable and environmentally benign option for control of these parasites or other pest organisms in aquaculture. 


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Using the contingent valuation method, this study investigates the preferences of local people for a wind farm that is planned in the Province of Rome. We estimate the reductions in their bimonthly electrical bills over a period of time that respondents are willing to accept as compensation for the installation of the wind farm. Our results suggest that respondents who perceive that the wind farm generates substantial negative impacts on landscape beauty ask higher reductions than others, while respondents who believe that the wind farm produces economic benefits for local communities ask lower reductions than others. Finally, we find that the demand for compensative measures is influenced particularly by socio-economic factors such as age and education.


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo sobre otimização económica de parques eólicos, com o objetivo de obter um algoritmo para otimização económica de parques eólicos através do custo da energia produzida. No estudo utilizou-se uma abordagem multidisciplinar. Inicialmente, apresentam-se as principais tecnologias e diferentes arquiteturas utilizadas nos parques eólicos. Bem como esquemas de funcionamento e gestão dos parques. São identificadas variáveis necessárias e apresenta-se um modelo dimensionamento para cálculo dos custos da energia produzida, tendo-se dado ênfase às instalações onshore e ligados a rede elétrica de distribuição. É feita uma análise rigorosa das características das topologias dos aerogeradores disponíveis no mercado, e simula-se o funcionamento de um parque eólico para testar a validade dos modelos desenvolvidos. Também é implementado um algoritmo para a obtenção de uma resposta otimizada para o ciclo de vida económico do parque eólico em estudo. A abordagem proposta envolve algoritmos para otimização do custo de produção com multiplas funções objetivas com base na descrição matemática da produção de eletricidade. Foram desenvolvidos modelos de otimização linear, que estabelece a ligação entre o custo económico e a produção de eletricidade, tendo em conta ainda as emissões de CO2 em instrumentos de política energética para energia eólica. São propostas expressões para o cálculo do custo de energia com variáveis não convencionais, nomeadamente, para a produção variável do parque eólico, fator de funcionamento e coeficiente de eficiência geral do sistema. Para as duas últimas, também é analisado o impacto da distribuição do vento predominante no sistema de conversão de energia eólica. Verifica-se que os resultados obtidos pelos algoritmos propostos são similares às obtidas por demais métodos numéricos já publicados na comunidade científica, e que o algoritmo de otimização económica sofre influência significativa dos valores obtidos dos coeficientes em questão. Finalmente, é demonstrado que o algoritmo proposto (LCOEwso) é útil para o dimensionamento e cálculo dos custos de capital e O&M dos parques eólicos com informação incompleta ou em fase de projeto. Nesse sentido, o contributo desta tese vem ser desenvolver uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão de um gestor, investidor ou ainda agente público em fomentar a implantação de um parque eólico.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança.


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L’utilisation d’antimicrobiens chez les animaux de consommation est une source de préoccupation importante pour la santé publique à travers le monde en raison de ses impacts potentiels sur l’émergence de micro-organismes résistants aux antimicrobiens et sur la présence de résidus antimicrobiens néfastes dans la viande. Cependant, dans les pays en développement, peu de données sont disponibles sur les pratiques d’utilisation des antimicrobiens à la ferme. Par conséquent, une étude épidémiologique transversale a été menée de juin à août 2011 dans des élevages de poulets de chair situés dans le sud du Vietnam, ayant pour objectifs de décrire la prévalence d’utilisation des antimicrobiens ajoutés à l’eau de boisson ou aux aliments à la ferme, et de tester les associations entre les caractéristiques des fermes et la non-conformité avec les périodes de retrait recommandés sur l’étiquette des produits. Un échantillon d’accommodement de 70 fermes a été sélectionné. Les propriétaires des fermes ont été interrogés en personne afin de compléter un questionnaire sur les caractéristiques des fermes et les pratiques d’utilisation d’antimicrobiens. Au cours des 6 mois précédant les entrevues, il a été rapporté que la colistine, la tylosine, l’ampicilline, l’enrofloxacine, la doxycycline, l’amoxicilline, la diavéridine et la sulfadimidine ont été utilisés au moins une fois dans les fermes échantillonnées, avec une fréquence descendante (de 75.7% à 30.0%). D’après deux scénarios de risque basés sur la comparaison de la période de retrait recommandée sur l’étiquette du produit et celle pratiquée à la ferme, de 14.3% à 44.3% des propriétaires de ferme interrogés n’ont pas respecté la période de retrait recommandée sur l’étiquette au moins une fois au cours des 6 derniers mois, et ce pour au moins un antimicrobien. Les facteurs de risque associés (p<0.05) avec une non-conformité avec la période de retrait recommandée sur l’étiquette pour au moins un des deux scénarios sont les suivants : élever des oiseaux qui n’appartiennent pas tous à des races d’origine asiatique, vacciner contre la bronchite infectieuse, avoir utilisé plus de 6 différents antimicrobiens à la ferme au cours des 6 derniers mois, et utiliser un mélange d’aliments fait maison et commerciaux. Nos résultats soulignent l’importance d’utiliser les antimicrobiens de façon judicieuse et en respectant les temps de retrait officiels, afin de protéger le consommateur contre les risques pour la santé causés par une exposition à des niveaux nocifs de résidus antimicrobiens.


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Vibrio are important during hatchery rearing. aquaculture phase and post-harvest quality of shrimps. Vibrio spp are of concern to shrimp farmers and hatchery operators because certain species can cause Vibriosis. Vibrio species are of concern to humans because certain species cause serious diseases.With the progress in aquaculture, intensive systems used for shrimp aquaculture create an artificial environment that increases bacterial growth. To maintain the productivity of such an intensive aquaculture, high inputs of fish protein have to be employed for feeding together with high levels of water exchange and the massive use of antibiotics/ probiotics / chemicals. It seems that the combination of these conditions favours the proliferation of vibrios and enhances their virulence and disease prevalence. The risk of a microbial infection is high, mainly at larval stages. The effect and severity are related to Vibrio species and dose, water, feed, shrimp quality and aquaculture management.Consumption of seafood can occasionally result in food-bome illnesses due to the proliferation of indigenous pathogens like Vibrio.Of the l2 pathogenic Vibrio species, 8 species are known to be directly food associated. Strict quality guidelines have been laid by the importing nations, for the food products that enter their markets. The microbiological quality requirement for export of frozen shrimp products is that V.cholerae, V.parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus should be absent in 25g of the processed shrimp (Export Inspection Council of India, 1995). The mere presence of these pathogenic Vibrios is sufficient for the rejection of the exported product.The export rejections cause serious economic loss to the shrimp industry and might harm the brand image of the shrimp products from the countiy.There is a need for an independent study on the incidence of different pathogenic vibrios in shrimp aquaculture and investigate their biochemical characteristics to have a better understanding about the growth and survival of these organisms in the shrimp aquaculture niche. PCR based methods (conventional PCR, duplex PCR, multiplex-PCR and Real Time PCR) for the detection of the pathogenic Vibrios is important for rapid post-harvest quality assessment. Studies on the genetic heterogeneity among the specific pathogenic vibrio species isolated from shrimp aquaculture system provide; valuable information on the extent of genetic diversity of the pathogenic vibrios, the shrimp aquaculture system.So the present study was undertaken to study the incidence of pathogenic Vibrio spp. in Penaeus monodon shrimp hatcheries and aquaculture farms, to carry out biochemical investigations of the pathogenic Vibrio spp isolated from P. monodon hatchery and. aquaculture environments, to assess the effect of salt (NaCl) on the growth and enzymatic activities of pathogenic Vibrio spp., to study the effect of preservatives, and chemicals on the growth of pathogenic Vibrio spp. and to employ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods for the detection of pathogenic V ibrio spp.Samples of water (n=7) and post-larvae (n=7) were obtained from seven Penaeus monodon hatcheries and samples of water (n=5), sediment (n=5) and shrimp (n=5) were obtained from five P. monodon aquaculture farms located on the East Coast of lndia. The microbiological examination of water, sediment, post-larvae and shrimp samples was carried out employing standard methods and by using standard media.The higher bacterial loads were obtained in pond sediments which can be attributed to the accumulation of organic matter at the pond bottom which stimulated bacterial growth.Shrimp head. (4.78 x 105 +/- 3.0 x 104 cfu/g) had relatively higher bacterial load when compared to shrimp muscle 2.7 x 105 +/- 1.95 x 104 cfu/g). ln shrimp hatchery samples, the post-larvae (2.2 x 106 +/- 1.9 x 106 cfu/g) had higher bacterial load than water (5.6 x 103 +/- 3890 cfu/ml).The mean E.coli counts were higher in aquaculture pond sediment (204+/-13 cfu/g) and pond water (124+/-88 cfu/ml). Relatively lower Escherichia coli counts were obtained from shrimp samples (12+/-11 to 16+/-16.7 cfu/g). The presence of E.coli in aquaculture environment might have been from the source water. E.coli was not detected in hatchery waters and post-larvae.


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Of 33 phages isolated from various shrimp farms in Kerala, India, six were segregated to have broad spectrum lytic efficiency towards 87 isolates of Vibrio harveyi with cross-infecting potential to a few other important aquaculture pathogens. They were further tested on beneficial aquaculture micro-organisms such as probiotics and nitrifying bacterial consortia and proved to be noninfective. Morphological characterization by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and molecular characterization by RAPD and SDS-PAGE proved them distinct and positioned under Caudovirales belonging to Myoviridae and Siphoviridae


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Organic agriculture in developing countries has increased in past decades especially due to the high demand of organic products in developed countries. The rate of conversion to organic production in Nepal, however, is observed much slower than expected. This study investigates factors that determine the conversion to organic production using Nepalese tea producers as a case study. A survey of 181 farmers was conducted in the Ilam and Panchthar district of Nepal, among which 86 were organic farmers and 95 were conventional farmers. A discriminant analysis was used to identify socio-economic characteristics that distinguish conventional and organic farmers. Results from the estimated discriminant function suggest that farmers located in a distance from regional markets, older in age, better trained, affiliated with institutions and having larger farms are more likely to adopt organic production. Similarly, a factor analysis shows that environmental awareness, bright market prospects, observable economic benefit and health consciousness are the major factors influencing farmers’ decisions on the conversion to organic production. While planning programs for the development of the organic tea sector in Nepal, policy makers should consider the support of farmers’ institutions, provision of training to farmers and raise farmers’ awareness about the environmental, economic and health benefits of organic farming.


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Agricultural systems with conventional tillage and intensive use of agrochemicals, especially those on high slopes and with shallow soils, have the potential to release pollutants. This study aimed at evaluating the soil, water and nutrient lost via agricultural runoff in large plots (small catchments) under conventional and organic farming of vegetables as well as under forest (control) system in a Cambisol in the Campestre catchment. Samples of runoff were collected biweekly for one year through a Coshocton wheel. The soil and water losses from the conventional farming were 218 and 6 times higher, respectively, than forest. Under organic farming the soil and water losses were 12 and 4 times higher, respectively, than forest. However the soil losses (0.5 to 114 kg ha^(−1) year^(−1)) are considered low in agronomy but environmentally represent a potential source of surface water contamination by runoff associated pollutants. The concentrations and losses of all forms of phosphorus (P) were higher in the conventional system (9.5, 0.9 and 0.3 mg L^(−1) of total P for conventional, organic and forest systems, respectively), while the organic system had the highest concentrations and losses of soluble nitrogen (4.7, 38.6 and 0.4 mg L^(−1) of NO_3-N, respectively). The percentage of bioavailable P was proportionally higher in the organic system (91% of total P lost was as bioavailable P), indicating greater potential for pollution in the short term.


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Facing growth in demand, dairy production in peri-urban areas of developing countries is changing rapidly. To characterise this development around Bamako (Mali), this study establishes a typology of dairy production systems with a special focus on animal genetic resources. The survey included 52 dairy cattle farms from six peri-urban sites. It was conducted in 2011 through two visits, in the dry and harvest seasons. The median cattle number per farm was 17 (range 5-118) and 42% of farmers owned cropland (8.3 +/- 7.3 ha, minimum 1 ha, maximum 25 ha). Feeding strategy was a crucial variable in farm characterisation, accounting for about 85% of total expenses. The use of artificial insemination and a regular veterinary follow-up were other important parameters. According to breeders’ answers, thirty genetic profiles were identified, from local purebreds to different levels of crossbreds. Purebred animals raised were Fulani Zebu (45.8%), Maure Zebu (9.2%), Holstein (3.0%), Azawak Zebu (1.3%), Mere Zebu (0.5%) and Kuri taurine (0.1%). Holstein crossbred represented 30.5% of the total number of animals (19.0% Fulani-Holstein, 11.2% Maure-Holstein and 0.3% Kuri-Holstein). Montbéliarde, Normande and Limousin crossbreds were also found (6.6%, 0.7% and 0.3%, respectively). A multivariate analysis helped disaggregate the diversity of management practices. The high diversity of situations shows the need for consideration of typological characteristics for an appropriate intervention. Although strongly anchored on local breeds, the peri-urban dairy systems included a diversity of exotic cattle, showing an uncoordinated quest of breeders for innovation. Without a public intervention, this dynamic will result in an irremediable erosion of indigenous animal genetic resources.


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En aquest projecte es presenta una Proposta de Parc Rural a la Vall de Llémena, que ha de servir per definir el marc gestor del desenvolupament d’aquest espai rural. Es pretén dinamitzar el sector agroramader, forestal i de serveis per tal de millorar la situació socioeconòmica de la Vall de Llémena. Això ha d’ajudar a fixar la població al territori, i tenir en compte la integració de les accions a les potencialitats i requeriments del medi. Amb aquesta finalitat, s’han definit una sèrie de línies estratègiques on s’han proposat accions per la Producció Agrària Ecològica i la Integració del turisme a l’activitat agrària. Aquestes accions s’han basat en les opinions i els suggeriments dels llemenencs, detectats al procés de Participació Ciutadana


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Un dels reptes cabdals de la Universitat és enllaçar l’experiència de recerca amb la docència, així com promoure la internacionalització dels estudis, especialment a escala europea, tenint present que ambdues poden actuar com a catalitzadores de la millora de la qualitat docent. Una de les fórmules d’internacionalització és la realització d’assignatures compartides entre universitats de diferents països, fet que suposa l’oportunitat d’implementar noves metodologies docents. En aquesta comunicació es presenta una experiència en aquesta línia desenvolupada entre la Universitat de Girona i la Universitat de Joensuu (Finlàndia) en el marc dels estudis de Geografia amb la realització de l’assignatura 'The faces of landscape: Catalonia and North Karelia'. Aquesta es desenvolupa al llarg de dues setmanes intensives, una en cadascuna de les Universitats. L’objectiu és presentar i analitzar diferents significats del concepte paisatge aportant també metodologies d’estudi tant dels aspectes físics i ecològics com culturals que s’hi poden vincular i que són les que empren els grups de recerca dels professors responsables de l’assignatura. Aquesta part teòrica es completa amb una presentació de les característiques i dinàmiques pròpies dels paisatges finlandesos i catalans i una sortida de camp. Per a la part pràctica es constitueixen grups d’estudi multinacionals que treballen a escala local algun dels aspectes en els dos països, es comparen i es realitza una presentació i defensa davant del conjunt d’estudiants i professorat. La llengua vehicular de l’assignatura és l’anglès