1000 resultados para Farmacologia veterinária.
Radiotherapy in veterinary practice is already known and widely distributed in large specialized centers of developed countries. In early 2000, there were about 30 radiotherapy equipment specifically designed for the veterinary clinic in the United States. In Brazil, the veterinary radiotherapy is still confined to research in universities, where most of the procedures is radiation therapy performed with superficial x-ray machines, with a voltage between 50 and 150 kVp, focus-distance surface (DFS) between 20,0cm and 40,0cm. As that occurs in human medicine, new research strengthens the development and prospects for the use of radiotherapy as a safe option for treating cancer in animals. This paper presents a methodology for calculating the exposure time for superficial radiotherapy procedures in veterinary medicine for small animals (dogs and cats). The dosimetric parameters of X-rays are determined using a spreadsheet tool for Microsoft Office Excel, developed in this paper for a device Dermopan 2, Veterinary Hospital of UNESP in Araçatuba. Using the worksheet helps the veterinarian to determine the time of exposure to radiation determined for each clinical case, optimize the workflow for professionals in veterinary radiotherapy procedures, which often lack the medical physics in team and at the time of radiotherapy. The correct use of spreadsheet decreases the chances of errors in dose rates of radiation, providing a higher quality of care
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of treatment, which is based in the grounds of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Despite the ancient history, it’s not completely widespread in Brazil, neither so comprehensive in veterinary medicine as used in humans. The technique of inserting needles into acupuncture points, can also be stimulated by heat, electrical stimulation or implants of metal, is mainly focused on neuromuscular disorders in small animals. The difficulty of comprehension of language and the lack of cientific bases restricted the possible applications of acupuncture. This work will address some of the clinical situations this complementary treatment can act, such as neurological, cardiorespiratory, reproductive, gastrointestinal, immunological, and postoperative intensive care
Os anti-inflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) estão entre os medicamentos mais prescritos em todo o mundo, tanto na medicina humana, como na medicina veterinária. Atualmente os AINEs são classificados em não seletivos (convencionais ou clássicos), que são os mais antigos, e seletivos para COX-2 ou coxibes. Alguns estudos constataram uma possível relação entre os inibidores COX-2 seletivos e os efeitos adversos no sistema cardiovascular. Devido a isso, objetivou-se realizar um levantamento de pesquisas que comprovem os efeitos cardiovasculares ocasionados por essa classe farmacológica utilizando livros e artigos das bases de dados PubMed, Periódicos da Capes e SciELO que respondessem à pergunta: a inibição da COX-2 acarreta efeitos adversos para o sistema cardiovascular?. Do total de resultados encontrados, foram utilizados 16 artigos. Os trabalhos mostraram que o uso de inibidores da COX-2 alterou o perfil de coagulação para uma tendência trombótica, além de diminuir a resposta vasodilatadora gerada na resposta inflamatória. Diante dos resultados obtidos através desses estudos, conclui-se que a COX-2 desempenha papel fisiológico no sistema cardiovascular, facilitando a não formação de trombos nos vasos sanguíneos, e, portanto, que sua inibição favorece a coagulação. Assim, os fármacos que inibem a COX-2 devem ser prescritos com cautela, levando-se em consideração o perfil de coagulação do paciente
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
De larvas e pupas de Musca domestica, Chrysomya albiceps, Cochliomyia homivorax, Stomoxys calcitrans e Syntesiomyia nudiseta coletadas em diversos ambiente, em São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais, foram obtidas dez espécies de microhimenópteros parasitóides da supermamília Chalcidoidea, algumas assinaladas pela primeira vez no Brasil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work presents a brief historical about the use of ionizing radiations in Veterinary Medicine, instructing the physical beginnings and techniques wrapped in the realization of the proceedings of radiotherapy in animals, illustrating some treated cases, highlighting the difficulties and pointing to the perspectives and importance of the acting of the medical physics in this kind of therapeutic still little used in the national scenery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Research on natural products is extremely important either for new compound discovery with possible pharmacology uses or for its impact on economy, which moves millions of dollars for year. Scientific studies related on utilization and characterization of bioactive substances are important due to the fact that many drugs currently used by the population were synthetized from isolated compounds of natural products. Among many medicinal species commonly used, there are that ones from the genus Eugenia, witch belongs to Myrtaceae family. Eugenia is one of the biggest genus from this family and has about 5000 species and Brazil has 400 of them, which are appreciated on gastronomy for its fruits, for example, pitanga (Eugenia uniflora), cherry (Eugenia involucrata), clove (Eugenia caryophyllata) and cagaita (Eugenia dysinterica). Phytochemical studies of plants from this genus report the presence of several secondary metabolites like flavonoids, tannins, coumarins, anthocyanins and more. Eugenia species have important pharmacology activity as antioxidant, hypothermic, antidiarrheal, antihypertensive, antimicrobial and fungicide. Thus, Eugenia is a genus which has species with potencial phytotherapic products
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Farmacologia) - IBB
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