943 resultados para Family Therapy
Families of 52 first-admission patients diagnosed with a severe psychiatric disorder were videotaped interacting with the patient. Behavioral coding was used to derive several indices of interaction: base rates of positive and negative behavior by patients and relatives, cumulative affect of patients and relatives (the difference between the rates of positive and negative behaviors), and classification of families as affect-regulated or unregulated. Family-affect regulation reflects positive cumulative affect by both people in a given interaction. Six months after hospital discharge patients were assessed on occurrence of relapse, global functioning, severity of psychiatric symptoms, and quality of life. Relative to affect-unregulated family interaction, affect-regulated interaction predicted significantly fewer relapses, better global functioning, fewer positive and negative psychiatric symptoms, and higher patient quality of life. Most of the predictions by family-affect regulation were independent of
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is part of a family of plasma membrane receptor tyrosine kinases that control many important cellular functions, from growth and proliferation to cell death. Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is an enzyme which catalyses the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostagladins and thromboxane. It is induced by various inflammatory stimuli, including the pro-inflammatory cytokines, Interleukin (IL)-1β, Tumour Necrosis Factor (TNF)-α and IL-2. Both EGFR and COX-2 are over-expressed in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and have been implicated in the early stages of tumourigenesis. This paper considers their roles in the development and progression of lung cancer, their potential interactions, and reviews the recent progress in cancer therapies that are directed toward these targets. An increasing body of evidence suggests that selective inhibitors of both EGFR and COX-2 are potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of NSCLC, in the adjuvant, metastatic and chemopreventative settings. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Family-centred and early intervention and prevention programs are a strong focus of current policy objectives within Australia, and a significant area of practice within the music therapy community. Recent shifts in the culture of policy and practice increasingly reflect ecological understandings by focussing on integrated and place-based approaches to service delivery. Further, current funding opportunities are strongly concerned with the extent to which interventions are able to reach out to highly vulnerable families that typically do not engage with services easily. Music therapy holds unique promise within these cultural shifts and thus advocates must develop a solid understanding of the concepts and related language in order to confidently engage with both funding and service systems. This paper uses an integrative review to first define and summarise current knowledge in three key areas relevant to contemporary Australian policy and practice: hard-to-reach families, home visiting as assertive outreach, and integrated or place-based service delivery. Evidence for the effectiveness of music therapy in relation to these key themes is then presented. Finally, the paper discusses the implications for the future of music therapy within the current Australian early intervention and prevention policy context and makes recommendations for moving forward on both practice and research fronts. While there is growing evidence and theory to suggest that music therapy may be uniquely efficacious in this area, greater Australian Journal of Music Therapy Vol 25, 2014 149 advocacy, documentation, research and adjustment of practices and language will further cement the position of the industry.
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To identify latent classes of individuals with distinct quality-of-life (QOL) trajectories, to evaluate for differences in demographic characteristics between the latent classes, and to evaluate for variations in pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine genes between the latent classes. DESIGN: Descriptive, longitudinal study. SETTING: Two radiation therapy departments located in a comprehensive cancer center and a community-based oncology program in northern California. SAMPLE: 168 outpatients with prostate, breast, brain, or lung cancer and 85 of their family caregivers (FCs). METHODS: Growth mixture modeling (GMM) was employed to identify latent classes of individuals based on QOL scores measured prior to, during, and for four months following completion of radiation therapy. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and haplotypes in 16 candidate cytokine genes were tested between the latent classes. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the relationships among genotypic and phenotypic characteristics and QOL GMM group membership. MAIN RESEARCH VARIABLES: QOL latent class membership and variations in cytokine genes. FINDINGS: Two latent QOL classes were found: higher and lower. Patients and FCs who were younger, identified with an ethnic minority group, had poorer functional status, or had children living at home were more likely to belong to the lower QOL class. After controlling for significant covariates, between-group differences were found in SNPs in interleukin 1 receptor 2 (IL1R2) and nuclear factor kappa beta 2 (NFKB2). For IL1R2, carrying one or two doses of the rare C allele was associated with decreased odds of belonging to the lower QOL class. For NFKB2, carriers with two doses of the rare G allele were more likely to belong to the lower QOL class. CONCLUSIONS: Unique genetic markers in cytokine genes may partially explain interindividual variability in QOL. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: Determination of high-risk characteristics and unique genetic markers would allow for earlier identification of patients with cancer and FCs at higher risk for poorer QOL. Knowledge of these risk factors could assist in the development of more targeted clinical or supportive care interventions for those identified.
Parent-centred interventions for childhood obesity aim to improve parents' skills and confidence in managing children's dietary and activity patterns, and in promoting a healthy lifestyle in their family. However, few studies assess changes in parenting over the course of treatment. This study describes the evaluation of a lifestyle-specific parenting program (Group Lifestyle Triple P) on multiple child and parent outcomes. One-hundred-and-one families with overweight and obese 4- to 11-year-old children participated in an intervention or waitlist control condition. The 12-week intervention was associated with significant reductions in child BMI z score and weight-related problem behaviour. At the end of the intervention, parents reported increased confidence in managing children's weight-related behaviour, and less frequent use of inconsistent or coercive parenting practices. All short-term intervention effects were maintained at one-year follow-up assessment, with additional improvements in child body size. The results support the efficacy of Group Lifestyle Triple P and suggest that parenting influences treatment outcomes. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the intervention and to elucidate the mechanisms of change. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
Oksidatiivisen stressin eli liiallisen reaktiivisten happiyhdisteiden määrän soluissa on jo pitkään arveltu olevan tärkeä Alzheimerin taudin kehittymiseen ja etenemiseen vaikuttava tekijä. Tämän vuoksi kiinnostus erilaisten antioksidanttien (yhdisteitä, jotka neutraloivat näitä happiradikaaleja soluissa) mahdollisia terapeuttisia ominaisuuksia Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu laajalti. Tähän mennessä ei kuitenkaan ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään antioksidanttia, joka olisi hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää pyrkiä löytämään uusia antioksidanttien lähteitä sekä tutkia niistä löytyviä aktiivisia yhdisteitä. Kiinnostus luonnon antioksidantteja kohtaan on kasvanut voimakkaasti viime aikoina. Huomio on kiinnittynyt erityisesti aromaattisista sekä lääkekasveista löytyviin antioksidantteihin. Lamiaceae- perheeseen kuuluvia tuoksuampiaisyrttiä (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) ja sitruunamelissaa (Melissa officinalis L.) on käytetty Iranissa pitkään sekä ruoanlaitossa että lääkinnässä, minkä vuoksi näiden kasvien uutteiden antioksidanttisisältöä päätettiin analysoida käyttäen useaa erilaista in vitro- menetelmää. Näissä kokeissa ilmeni, että uutteilla oli useita antioksidanttisia vaikutuksia. Näistä antioksidanttisista vaikutuksista vastaavia yhdisteitä pyrittiin tunnistamaan käyttäen HPLC-PDA- tekniikkaa, minkä seurauksena niiden havaittiin sisältävän erilaisia polyfenoleita, kuten hydroksyloituneita bentsoeeni- ja cinnamamidihapon johdannaisia sekä flavonoideja. Kummankin kasvin uutteissa runsaimmin esiintynyt yhdiste oli rosmariinihappo. Sitruunamelissaa (M. officinalis) on käytetty antiikin ajoista alkaen kognitiivisten toimintojen häiriöiden hoidossa. Perustuen tietoon kasvin käytöstä perinteisessä lääkinnässä, sen tehoa Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu viime aikoina kliinisin kokein. Sitruunamelissan todettiinkin olevan hyödyksi lievää ja keskivaikeaa Alzheimeimerin tautia sairastavien potilaiden hoidossa. Väitöskirjan osanan olevasta kooste-artikkelista käy ilmi, että tutkimalla lääkekasvien ominaisuuksia voidaan saada arvokkaita suuntaa-antavia vihjeitä Alzheimerin taudin lääkehoidon kehittämiseen. Tämän perusteella päätettiinkin testatata myös sitruunamelissauutteen kykyä estää asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AChE) toimintaa, koska tämän entsyymin toiminna estämisen tiedetään olevan hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Uute kykeni estämään AChE:n toimintaa, minkä vuoksi uutteen sisältämiä komponentteja päätettiin tutkia terkemmin. Uute jaettiin erilaisiin fraktioihin käyttäen HPLC-menetelmää, minkä jälkeen testattiin jokaisen fraktion kykyä inhiboida AchE. Suurin osa fraktioista kykeni inhiboimaan AChE:n toimintaa selkeästi tehokkaammin, kuin raakauute. Kaikista tehokkainta fraktiota analysoitiin tarkemmin sen aktiivisten yhdisteiden tunnistamiseksi, minkä seurauksena sen sisältämät yhdisteet tunnistettiin cis ja trans-rosmariinihapoiksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistettujen yhdisteiden hyödyllisyyttä Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa tulisi seuraavaksi tutkia erilaisissa in vivo-malleissa. Lisäksi jäljellä olevien fraktioiden kemiallinen koostumus tulisi selvittää sekä antioksidanttiaktiivisuuden ja AChE:n toiminnan inhiboinnin välistä mahdollista yhteyttä tulisi tutkia tarkemmin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa tuoksuampiasyrtin (D. moldavica) sekä sitruunamelissan (M. officinalis) sisältävän monenlaisia aktiivisia antioksidantteja. Lisäksi sitruunamelissan sisältämät yhdisteet kykenivät estämään asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AchE) toimintaa. Nämä tulokset tukevat osaltaan väitöskirjan osana olevan kooste-artikkelin johtopäätöksiä, joiden mukaan etnofarmakologinen kasvitutkimus voi osoittautua erittäin hyödylliseksi kehitettäessä uutta lääkehoitoa Alzheimerin tautiin. Lisäksi tässä väitöskirjassa kuvattu tutkimus osoittaakin, että perinteisesti lääkekasvina käytettyä sitruunamelissaa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää uusien Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon käytettävien lääkkeiden kehityksessä.
Aims: The aim of this work was to develop a rapid molecular test for the detection of the Chlamydiaceae family, irrespective of the species or animal host. Methods and Results: The method described herein is a polymerase chain reaction targeting the 16S rRNA gene of the Chlamydiaceae family, and the results demonstrate that the test reacts with five reference Chlamydiaceae but none of the 19 other bacterial species or five uninfected animal tissues tested. The results also indicate the enhanced sensitivity of this test when compared with conventional culture or serology techniques. This is demonstrated through parallel testing of six real clinical veterinary cases and confirmatory DNA sequence analysis. Conclusions, Significance and Impact of the Study: This test can be used by veterinary diagnostic laboratories for rapid detection of Chlamydiaceae in veterinary specimens, with no restriction of chlamydial species or animal host. The test does not differentiate chlamydial species, and if required, speciation must be carried out retrospectively using alternate methods. However, for the purpose of prescribing therapy for chlamydiosis, this test would be an invaluable laboratory tool.
Background: The Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT) are rare but highly malignant neoplasms that occur mainly in bone or but also in soft tissue. ESFT affects patients typically in their second decade of life, whereby children and adolescents bear the heaviest incidence burden. Despite recent advances in the clinical management of ESFT patients, their prognosis and survival are still disappointingly poor, especially in cases with metastasis. No targeted therapy for ESFT patients is currently available. Moreover, based merely on current clinical and biological characteristics, accurate classification of ESFT patients often fails at the time of diagnosis. Therefore, there is a constant need for novel molecular biomarkers to be applied in tandem with conventional parameters to further intensify ESFT risk-stratification and treatment selection, and ultimately to develop novel targeted therapies. In this context, a greater understanding of the genetics and immune characteristics of ESFT is needed. Aims: This study sought to open novel insights into gene copy number changes and gene expression in ESFT and, further, to enlighten the role of inflammation in ESFT. For this purpose, microarrays were used to provide gene-level information on a genomewide scale. In addition, this study focused on screening of 9p21.3 deletion sizes and frequencies in ESFT and, in another pediatric cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), in order to define more exact criteria for highrisk patient selection and to provide data for developing a more reliable diagnostic method to detect CDKN2A deletions. Results: In study I, 20 novel ESFT-associated suppressor genes and oncogenes were pinpointed using combined array CGH and expression analysis. In addition, interesting chromosomal rearrangements were identified: (1) Duplication of derivative chromosome der(22)(11;22) was detected in three ESFT patients. This duplication included the EWSR1-FLI1 fusion gene leading to increase in its copy number; (2) Cryptic amplifications on chromosomes 20 and 22 were detected, suggesting a novel translocation between chromosomes 20 and 22, which most probably produces a fusion between EWSR1 and NFATC2. In study II, bioinformatic analysis of ESFT expression profiles showed that inflammatory gene activation is detectable in ESFT patient samples and that the activation is characterized by macrophage gene expression. Most interestingly, ESFT patient samples were shown to express certain inflammatory genes that were prognostically significant. High local expression of C5 and JAK1 at the tumor site was shown to associate with favorable clinical outcome, whereas high local expression of IL8 was shown to be detrimental. Studies III and IV showed that the smallest overlapping region of deletion in 9p21.3 includes CDKN2A in all cases and that the length of this region is 12.2 kb in both Ewing sarcoma and ALL. Furthermore, our results showed that the most widely used commercial CDKN2A FISH probe creates false negative results in the narrowest microdeletion cases (<190 kb). Therefore, more accurate methods should be developed for the detection of deletions in the CDKN2A locus. Conclusions: This study provides novel insights into the genetic changes involved in the biology of ESFT, in the interaction between ESFT cells and immune system, and in the inactivation of CDKN2A. Novel ESFT biomarker genes identified in this study serve as a useful resource for future studies and in developing novel therapeutic strategies to improve the survival of patients with ESFT.
Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) regulate a plethora of biological functions, in both the embryonic and adult stages of development, binding their cognate receptors and thus activating a variety of downstream signalling pathways. Deregulation of the FGF/FGFR signalling axis, observed in multifarious tumor types including squamous non-small cell lung cancer, occurs through genomic FGFR alterations that drive ligand-independent receptor signalling or alterations that support ligand-dependent activation. Mutations are not restricted to the tyrosine kinase domain and aberrations appear to be tumor type dependent. As well as its complementarity and synergy with VEGF of particular interest is the interplay between FGFR and EGFR and the ability of these pathways to offer a compensatory signalling escape mechanism when either is inhibited. Hence there exists a rationale for a combinatorial approach to inhibition of these dysregulated pathways to reverse drug resistance. To date, several multi-target tyrosine kinase inhibitors as well as FGFR specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), monoclonal antibodies and FGF ligand traps have been developed. Promising preclinical data has resulted in several drugs entering clinical trials. This review explores aberrant FGFR and its potential as a therapeutic target in solid tumors.
The p53-family consists of three transcription factors, p53, p73 and p63. The family members have similar but also individual functions connected to cell cycle regulation, development and tumorigenesis. p53 and p73 act mainly as tumor suppressors. During DNA damage caused by anticancer drugs or irradiation, p53 and p73 levels are upregulated in cancer cells leading to apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. p53 is mutated in almost 50 per cent of the cancers, causing the cancer cells unable to undergo cell death. Instead, p73 is rarely mutated in cancer cells and because of that could be more viable target for anticancer therapy. The network surrounding the regulation of p73 is extensive and has several potential targets for cancer therapy. One of the most studied is Itch ligase, the negative regulator of p73 levels. Gene therapy directed towards knockdown of Itch ligase is a potential approach but in need for more in vivo proof. p73 has two isoforms, transactivating TA-forms and dominant-negative ΔN-forms. The specific regulation of these isoforms could also offer a possible way for more effective cancer treatment. The literature work includes information of structures, isoforms, functions and possible therapeutic targets of p73. Also the main therapeutic approaches to date are introduced. The experimental part is based on transfection and cytotoxicity studies done e.g. in pancreatic cancer cells (Mia PaCa-2, PANC1, BxPc-3 and HPAC). The aim of the experimental work was to optimize the conditions for effective transfection with DAB16 dendrimer nanoparticles and to measure the cytotoxicity of plain dendrimers and DAB16-pDNA complexes. Also the protein levels of p73 and Itch ligase were measured by Western blotting. The work was done as a part of a bigger project, which was aiming to down regulate Itch ligase (negative regulator of p73) by siRNA/shRNA. Tranfection results were promising, showing good transfection efficacy with DAB16 N/P30 in pancreatic cancer cells (except in BxPc-3). Pancreatic cancer cells showed recovery in 3 days after they were exposed to plain dendrimer solution or to DAB16-pDNA. Measurement of protein levels by Western blotting was not optimal and the proposals for the improvement regarding e.g. the gels and the extracted protein amounts have been done.
Lipoplexes formed by the pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and lipid mixtures containing cationic gemini surfactant of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) Acmes family referred to as C16CnC16, where n = 2 3, 5, or 12, and the zwitterionic helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) have been studied from a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological standpoints. The study has been carried out using several experimental methods, such as zeta potential, gel electrophoresis, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), cryo-TEM, gene transfection, cell viability/cytotoxicity, and confocal fluorescence microscopy. As reported recently in a communication (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 18014), the detailed physicochemical and biological studies confirm that, in the presence of the studied series lipid mixtures, plasmid DNA is compacted with a large number of its associated Na+ counterions. This in turn yields a much lower effective negative charge, q(pDNA)(-), a value that has been experimentally obtained for each mixed lipid mixture. Consequently, the cationic lipid (CL) complexes prepared with pDNA and CL/DOPE mixtures to be used in gene transfection require significantly less amount of CL than the one estimated assuming a value of q(DNA)(-) = -2. This drives to a considerably lower cytotoxicity of the gene vector. Depending on the CL molar composition, alpha, of the lipid mixture, and the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex, rho(eff), the reported SAXS data indicate the presence of two or three structures in the same lipoplex, one in the DOPE-rich region, other in the CL-rich region, and another one present at any CL composition. Cryo-TEM and SAXS studies with C16CnC16/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes indicate that pDNA is localized between the mixed lipid bilayers of lamellar structures within a monolayer of similar to 2 nm. This is consistent with a highly compacted supercoiled pDNA conformation compared with that of linear DNA. Transfection studies were carried out with HEK293T, HeLa, CHO, U343, and H460 cells. The alpha and rho(eff) values for each lipid mixture were optimized on HEK293T cells for transfection, and using these values, the remaining cells were also transfected in absence (-FBS-FBS) and presence (-FBS+FBS) of serum. The transfection efficiency was higher with the CLs of shorter gemini spacers (n = 2 or 3). Each formulation expressed GFP on pDNA transfection and confocal fluorescence microscopy corroborated the results. C16C2C16/DOPE mixtures were the most efficient toward transfection among all the lipid mixtures and, in presence of serum, even better than the Lipofectamine2000, a commercial transfecting agent Each lipid combination was safe and did not show any significant levels of toxicity. Probably, the presence of two coexisting lamellar structures in lipoplexes synergizes the transfection efficiency of the lipid mixtures which are plentiful in the lipoplexes formed by CLs with short spacer (n = 2, 3) than those with the long spacer (n = 5, 12).
The impacts of antiretroviral therapy on quality of life, mental health, labor productivity, and economic wellbeing for people living with HIV/AIDS in developing countries are only beginning to be measured. We conducted a systematic literature review to analyze the effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on these non-clinical indicators in developing countries and assess the state of research on these topics. Both qualitative and quantitative studies were included, as were peer-reviewed articles, gray literature, and conference abstracts and presentations. Findings are reported from 12 full-length articles, 7 abstracts, and 1 presentation (representing 16 studies). Compared to HIV-positive patients not yet on treatment, patients on ART reported significant improvements in physical, emotional and mental health and daily function. Work performance improved and absenteeism decreased, with the most dramatic changes occurring in the first three months of treatment and then leveling off. Little research has been done on the impact of ART on household wellbeing, with modest changes in child and family wellbeing within households where adults are receiving ART reported so far. Studies from developing countries have not yet assessed non-clinical outcomes of therapy beyond the first year; therefore, longitudinal outcomes are still unknown. As ART roll out extends throughout high HIV prevalence, low-resource countries and is sustained over years and decades, both positive and adverse non-clinical outcomes need to be empirically measured and qualitatively explored in order to support patient adherence and maximize treatment benefits.
BACKGROUND: Few educational resources have been developed to inform patients' renal replacement therapy (RRT) selection decisions. Patients progressing toward end stage renal disease (ESRD) must decide among multiple treatment options with varying characteristics. Complex information about treatments must be adequately conveyed to patients with different educational backgrounds and informational needs. Decisions about treatment options also require family input, as families often participate in patients' treatment and support patients' decisions. We describe the development, design, and preliminary evaluation of an informational, evidence-based, and patient-and family-centered decision aid for patients with ESRD and varying levels of health literacy, health numeracy, and cognitive function. METHODS: We designed a decision aid comprising a complementary video and informational handbook. We based our development process on data previously obtained from qualitative focus groups and systematic literature reviews. We simultaneously developed the video and handbook in "stages." For the video, stages included (1) directed interviews with culturally appropriate patients and families and preliminary script development, (2) video production, and (3) screening the video with patients and their families. For the handbook, stages comprised (1) preliminary content design, (2) a mixed-methods pilot study among diverse patients to assess comprehension of handbook material, and (3) screening the handbook with patients and their families. RESULTS: The video and handbook both addressed potential benefits and trade-offs of treatment selections. The 50-minute video consisted of demographically diverse patients and their families describing their positive and negative experiences with selecting a treatment option. The video also incorporated health professionals' testimonials regarding various considerations that might influence patients' and families' treatment selections. The handbook was comprised of written words, pictures of patients and health care providers, and diagrams describing the findings and quality of scientific studies comparing treatments. The handbook text was written at a 4th to 6th grade reading level. Pilot study results demonstrated that a majority of patients could understand information presented in the handbook. Patient and families screening the nearly completed video and handbook reviewed the materials favorably. CONCLUSIONS: This rigorously designed decision aid may help patients and families make informed decisions about their treatment options for RRT that are well aligned with their values.
While the causes of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) still are not fully understood, increasingly research focuses on interventions and treatment of children diagnosed with ASD. Considerably less attention is paid to family systems, family functioning, and family needs. This paper takes a family system perspective exploring how families with children on the autism spectrum function during the particularly stressful period of the diagnosis process and thereafter. Recommendations made in this paper include the need for empirical studies that address in detail family systems, family needs, the assessment and diagnostic process, service provision, social support networks, and additional stressful life events. Furthermore, the development of a family functioning assessment tools is called for in order to promote child-family-centred assessment and intervention. Details of an ongoing comparative study are outlined that will make a contribution to family studies and autism research field with a specific focus on the diagnosis
Objective: The influence of sex hormones on intraocular pressure (IOP) has been the focus of recent debate. Previous studies investigating the effects of hormone therapy (HT) on IOP in postmenopausal women have produced conflicting results but have been limited by small numbers of participants. The aim of our study was to compare IOP in women without glaucoma taking HT with those not taking HT. Methods: A prospective cross-sectional study of postmenopausal women visiting a single ophthalmic medical practitioner was conducted. All women with a history of intraocular disease, a family history of glaucoma, or refractive error exceeding ±5 diopters were excluded. Applanation tonometry was used to measure IOP, and participants were then asked if they were current HT users. Results: A total of 263 participants were recruited, of whom 91 reported current use of HT; 172 had never used HT. Within the HT group, 33 were taking an estrogen-therapy and 58 were taking a estrogen-progesterone therapy. Mean IOP in the HT group was significantly lower than that in the non-HT group; the mean difference was 1.41 mm Hg (P <0.001). This difference remained statistically significant after statistical correction for age, use of systemic ß-blockers, and time of IOP measurement. There was no significant difference in mean IOP between women taking combined versus those taking estrogen-only preparations. Conclusions: Our study showed that IOP was significantly lower in women taking HT than in those who had never taken HT, even after removing other possible influences on IOP. The IOP-lowering effect of HT deserves further investigation to explore whether it may represent a possible new therapeutic modality for glaucoma. © 2010 by The North American Menopause Society.