985 resultados para Factor A de crecimiento endotelial vascular
Ocular neovascularisation is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries and the most potent angiogenic factor associated with neovascularisation is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We have previously described a sense oligonucleotide (ODN-1) that possesses anti-human and rat VEGF activity. This paper describes the synthesis of lipid-lysine dendrimers and their subsequent ability to delivery ODN-1 to its target and mediate a reduction in VEGF concentration both in vitro and in vivo. Positively charged dendrimers were used to deliver ODN-1 into the nucleus of cultured D407 cells. The effects on VEGF mRNA transcription and protein expression were analysed using RT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. The most effective dendrimers in vitro were further investigated in vivo using an animal model of choroidal neovascularisation (CNV). All dendrimer/ODN-1 complexes mediated in a significant reduction in VEGF expression during an initial 24 hr period (40-60%). Several complexes maintained this level of VEGF reduction during a subsequent, second 24 hr period, which indicated protection of ODN-1 from the effects of endogenous nucleases. In addition, the transfection efficiency of dendrimers that possessed 8 positive charges (chi = 81(.)51%) was significantly better (P = 0(.)0036) than those that possessed 4 positive charges (chi = 56(.)8%). RT-PCR revealed a correlation between levels of VEGF protein mRNA. These results indicated that the most effective structural combination was three branched chains of intermediate length with 8 positive charges such as that found for dendrimer 4. Dendrimer 4 and 7/ODN-1 complexes were subsequently chosen for in vivo analysis. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that both dendrimers significantly (P < 0(.)0001) reduced the severity of laser mediated CNV for up to two months post-injection. This study demonstrated that lipophilic, charged dendrimer mediated delivery of ODN-1 resulted in the down-regulation of in vitro VEGF expression. In addition, in vivo delivery of ODN-1 by two of the dendrimers resulted in significant inhibition of CNV in an inducible rat model. Time course studies showed that the dendrimer/ODN-1 complexes remained active for up to two months indicating the dendrimer compounds provided protection against the effects of nucleases. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Placental villous development requires the co-ordinated action of angiogenic factors on both endothelial and trophoblast cells. Like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C increases vascular permeability, stimulates endothelial cell proliferation and migration. In the present study, we investigated the expression of VEGF-C and its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 in normal and intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) placenta. Immunolocalisation studies showed that like VEGF and VEGFR-1, VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 co-localised to the syncytiotrophoblast, to cells in the maternal decidua, as well as to the endothelium of the large placental blood vessels. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in placental VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 protein expression in severe IUGR as compared to gestationally-matched third trimester pregnancies. Conditioned medium from VEGF-C producing pancreatic carcinoma (Suit-2) and endometrial epithelial (Hec-1B) cell lines caused an increased association of the phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) in VEGFR-3 immunoprecipitates from spontaneously transformed first trimester trophoblast cells. VEGF121 caused dose-dependant phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 in trophoblast cells as well as stimulating DNA synthesis. In addition, premixing VEGF165 with heparin sulphate proteoglycan potentiated trophoblast proliferation and the association of phospho-ERK with the VEGFR-2 receptor. VEGF165-mediated DNA synthesis was inhibited by anti-VEGFR-2 neutralising antibody. The results demonstrate functional VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 receptors on trophoblast and suggest that the decreased expression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 may contribute to the abnormal villous development observed in IUGR placenta.
Microcirculatory vessels are lined by endothelial cells (ECs) which are surrounded by a single or multiple layer of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Spontaneous and agonist induced spatiotemporal calcium (Ca2+) events are generated in ECs and SMCs, and regulated by complex bi-directional signaling between the two layers which ultimately determines the vessel tone. The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is an important factor in the determination of vascular resistance, blood flow and blood pressure. This dissertation presents theoretical insights into some of the important and currently unresolved phenomena in microvascular tone regulation. Compartmental and continuum models of isolated EC and SMC, coupled EC-SMC and a multi-cellular vessel segment with deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the cellular components were developed, and the intra- and inter-cellular spatiotemporal Ca2+ mobilization was examined. Coupled EC-SMC model simulations captured the experimentally observed localized subcellular EC Ca2+ events arising from the opening of EC transient receptor vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channels and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). These localized EC Ca2+ events result in endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production which transmit to the adjacent SMCs to ultimately result in vasodilation. The model examined the effect of heterogeneous distribution of cellular components and channel gating kinetics in determination of the amplitude and spread of the Ca2+ events. The simulations suggested the necessity of co-localization of certain cellular components for modulation of EDH and NO responses. Isolated EC and SMC models captured intracellular Ca2+ wave like activity and predicted the necessity of non-uniform distribution of cellular components for the generation of Ca2+ waves. The simulations also suggested the role of membrane potential dynamics in regulating Ca2+ wave velocity. The multi-cellular vessel segment model examined the underlying mechanisms for the intercellular synchronization of spontaneous oscillatory Ca2+ waves in individual SMC. From local subcellular events to integrated macro-scale behavior at the vessel level, the developed multi-scale models captured basic features of vascular Ca2+ signaling and provide insights for their physiological relevance. The models provide a theoretical framework for assisting investigations on the regulation of vascular tone in health and disease.
Microcirculatory vessels are lined by endothelial cells (ECs) which are surrounded by a single or multiple layer of smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Spontaneous and agonist induced spatiotemporal calcium (Ca2+) events are generated in ECs and SMCs, and regulated by complex bi-directional signaling between the two layers which ultimately determines the vessel tone. The contractile state of microcirculatory vessels is an important factor in the determination of vascular resistance, blood flow and blood pressure. This dissertation presents theoretical insights into some of the important and currently unresolved phenomena in microvascular tone regulation. Compartmental and continuum models of isolated EC and SMC, coupled EC-SMC and a multi-cellular vessel segment with deterministic and stochastic descriptions of the cellular components were developed, and the intra- and inter-cellular spatiotemporal Ca2+ mobilization was examined.^ Coupled EC-SMC model simulations captured the experimentally observed localized subcellular EC Ca2+ events arising from the opening of EC transient receptor vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) channels and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs). These localized EC Ca2+ events result in endothelium-derived hyperpolarization (EDH) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production which transmit to the adjacent SMCs to ultimately result in vasodilation. The model examined the effect of heterogeneous distribution of cellular components and channel gating kinetics in determination of the amplitude and spread of the Ca2+ events. The simulations suggested the necessity of co-localization of certain cellular components for modulation of EDH and NO responses. Isolated EC and SMC models captured intracellular Ca2+ wave like activity and predicted the necessity of non-uniform distribution of cellular components for the generation of Ca2+ waves. The simulations also suggested the role of membrane potential dynamics in regulating Ca2+ wave velocity. The multi-cellular vessel segment model examined the underlying mechanisms for the intercellular synchronization of spontaneous oscillatory Ca2+ waves in individual SMC. ^ From local subcellular events to integrated macro-scale behavior at the vessel level, the developed multi-scale models captured basic features of vascular Ca2+ signaling and provide insights for their physiological relevance. The models provide a theoretical framework for assisting investigations on the regulation of vascular tone in health and disease.^
La pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva se caracteriza por la aparición brusca de múltiples pápulas eritematosas, asintomáticas, rodeadas de un halo blanquecino, con remisión espontánea. Histológicamente se observa dilatación vascular con escaso infiltrado inflamatorio. Su etiología permanece incierta a pesar de ser relacionada con virus o picaduras de insectos. Basados en el compromiso vascular, el objetivo del trabajo fue investigar la actividad de la enzima endotelial oxido nítrico sintetasa (eNOS) y la expresión del factor NF-kB por inmunohistoquimica en un intento de esclarecer su patogenia. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron diez pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva (PAE) que presentaron la dermatosis en forma epidémica. Se realizaron biopsias teñidas con Hematoxilina-Eosina y Tricrómico de Masson. Se efectuó estudio virológico de los pacientes Nª 4, 9 y 10 mediante determinaciones serológicas para echovirus, enterovirus, citomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 y hepatitis A, B y C. En cinco pacientes se obtuvo material para determinación de eNOS y NF-kB. Resultados: Todos los pacientes, 5 hombres y 5 mujeres presentaron pápulas eritematosas rodeadas por un halo blanquecino, especialmente en las extremidades, alrededor de las rodillas. Histológicamente mostraron vasos dilatados y células endoteliales prominentes con un infiltrado discreto perivascular. Todos los estudios serológicos fueron negativos. La actividad de eNOS fue significativamente menor comparada con la piel normal (p= 0,002) y la expresión de NF- ĸB fue fuertemente positiva en los vasos de la dermis papilar y reticular. Conclusiones: Todos los pacientes fueron afectados en verano, por lo que la picadura del mosquito debe ser considerada como un factor etiológico. La baja expresión de eNOS está relacionada con la vasodilatación y la expresión aumentada de NF-ĸB confirma que el proceso es de tipo inflamatorio.
Phoneutria nigriventer spider accidental envenomation provokes neurotoxic manifestations, which when critical, results in epileptic-like episodes. In rats, P. nigriventer venom (PNV) causes blood-brain barrier breakdown (BBBb). The PNV-induced excitotoxicity results from disturbances on Na(+), K(+) and Ca(2+) channels and glutamate handling. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), beyond its angiogenic effect, also, interferes on synaptic physiology by affecting the same ion channels and protects neurons from excitotoxicity. However, it is unknown whether VEGF expression is altered following PNV envenomation. We found that adult and neonates rats injected with PNV showed immediate neurotoxic manifestations which paralleled with endothelial occludin, β-catenin, and laminin downregulation indicative of BBBb. In neonate rats, VEGF, VEGF mRNA, and Flt-1 receptors, glutamate decarboxylase, and calbindin-D28k increased in Purkinje neurons, while, in adult rats, the BBBb paralleled with VEGF mRNA, Flk-1, and calbindin-D28k increases and Flt-1 decreases. Statistically, the variable age had a role in such differences, which might be due to age-related unequal maturation of blood-brain barrier (BBB) and thus differential cross-signaling among components of the glial neurovascular unit. The concurrent increases in the VEGF/Flt-1/Flk-1 system in the cerebellar neuron cells and the BBBb following PNV exposure might imply a cytokine modulation of neuronal excitability consequent to homeostatic perturbations induced by ion channels-acting PNV neuropeptides. Whether such modulation represents neuroprotection needs further investigation.
Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common neoplasm of the larynx, and its evolution depends on tumor staging. Vascular endothelial growth factor is a marker of angiogenesis, and its expression may be related to increased tumor aggressiveness, as evidenced by the presence of cervical lymphatic metastases. To evaluate the expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor marker in non-glottic advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx (T3/T4) and correlate it with the presence of cervical lymph node metastases. Retrospective clinical study and immunohistochemical analysis of vascular endothelial growth factor through the German scale of immunoreactivity in products of non-glottic squamous cell carcinomas. This study analyzed 15 cases of advanced non-glottic laryngeal tumors (T3/T4), four of which exhibited cervical lymphatic metastases. There was no correlation between vascular endothelial growth factor expression and the presence of cervical metastases. Although vascular endothelial growth factor was expressed in a few cases, there was no correlation with the spread of cervical lymph metastases.
Background: The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a major promoter of endothelial growth and migration. Some studies have shown a correlation between expression of this growth factor and prognosis in several cancers, including well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Aim: We studied VEGF expression, local invasiveness, and other prognostic factors in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) to test the hypothesis that the expression of VEGF is correlated with the degree of invasion of PTC. Patients and Methods: Clinical and pathological data of 76 patients with PTC were retrospectively reviewed. Group 1 consisted of patients with gross locally invasive tumors, group 2 consisted of patients with only invasion of the thyroid capsule, and group 3 consisted of patients with noninvasive PTC. Results: VEGF expression was noted within the tumor in all groups of PTC patients but was absent in the surrounding normal tissue. Older patients had higher expression of VEGF than younger patients. The age of patients with strong reaction to VEGF was 46 +/- 14 (mean +/- standard deviation), and that in patients with a weaker reaction was 39 +/- 16 (p<0.05). Only 20% of patients with a follicular variant of PTC had a strong reaction to VEGF compared with 68% of patients with classical PTC (p<0.01). Conclusions: VEGF expression appears to be an early event in the development of PTC. Whether VEGF expression promotes the progression of PTC is not known, but the answer to this question may be important in view of its greater expression in older patients, a group whose prognosis in PTC is worse.
It has been demonstrated that human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs) enhance vascular density in ischemic tissues, suggesting that they can differentiate into vascular cells or release angiogenic factors that may stimulate neoangiogenesis. Moreover, there is evidence that shear stress (SS) may activate proliferation and differentiation of embryonic and endothelial precursor stem cells into endothelial cells (ECs). In this work, we investigated the effect of laminar SS in promoting differentiation of hASCs into ECs. SS (10 dyn/cm(2) up to 96 h), produced by a cone plate system, failed to induce EC markers (CD31, vWF, Flk-1) on hASC assayed by RT-PCR and flow cytometry. In contrast, there was a cumulative production of nitric oxide (determined by Griess Reaction) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF; by ELISA) up to 96 h of SS stimulation ( NO(2)(-) in nmol/10(4) cells: static: 0.20 +/- 0.03; SS: 1.78 +/- 0.38, n = 6; VEGF in pg/10(4) cells: static: 191.31 +/- v35.29; SS: 372.80 +/- 46.74, n = 6, P < 0.05). Interestingly, the VEGF production was abrogated by 5 mM N(G)-L-nitro-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) treatment (VEGF in pg/10(4) cells: SS: 378.80 +/- 46.74, n = 6; SS + L-NAME: 205.84 +/- 91.66, n = 4, P < 0.05). The results indicate that even though SS failed to induce EC surface markers in hASC under the tested conditions, it stimulated NO-dependent VEGF production.
Expansion of adipose tissue in obesity is associated with angiogenesis and adipose tissue mass depends on neovascularization. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the main angiogenic factor in the adipose tissue, and VEGF expression is tightly regulated at both transcriptional and translational levels. However, no previous study has tested the hypothesis that genetic polymorphisms in the VEGF gene could affect susceptibility to obesity. To test this hypothesis, we compared the distribution of genotypes and haplotypes including three VEGF genetic polymorphisms in obese children and adolescents with those found in healthy controls. We studied 172 healthy children and adolescents and 113 obese children and adolescents. Genotypes of three clinically relevant VEGF polymorphisms in the promoter region (C-2578A, G-1154A, and G-634C) of the VEGF gene were determined by TaqMan allele discrimination assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction. VEGF haplotypes were inferred using Haplo. stats and PHASE 2.1 programs. We found no differences in the distributions of VEGF genotypes and alleles (p > 0.05). However, the CAG haplotype was more frequent in the obese group than in the control group (4% versus 0%, respectively, in white subjects; p = 0.008; odds ratio 10.148 (95% confidence interval: 1.098-93.788). Our findings suggest that VEGF haplotypes affect susceptibility to obesity in children and adolescents.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a homodimeric glycoprotein produced mostly in endothelial cells and its transcription is regulated by a variety of growth factors and cytokines. VEGF plays many relevant roles, and three functional polymorphisms in the promoter region of the VEGF gene (C-2578A, G-1154A, and G-634C) have been associated with disease conditions. Although some studies suggest that interethnic differences exist in the distribution of these variants, no previous study has examined this hypothesis in admixed populations. We examined the distribution of these three clinically relevant VEGF single-nucleotide polymorphisms in 175 white and 185 black subjects. We have also estimated the haplotype distribution and assessed associations between these variants. Although the A-2578 and A-1154 variants were more common in whites (39% and 29%, respectively) than in blacks (29% and 16%, respectively; both p < 0.05), no significant interethnic differences were found with regards to the G-634C polymorphism. While the haplotype including the C-2578, G-1154, and G-634 variants was the most common in both ethnic groups, it was more common in blacks than in whites (p < 0.05). The haplotype including the C-2578, A-1154, and G-634 alleles and the haplotype including the C-2578, A-1154, and C-634 alleles were more common in whites than in blacks (both p < 0.05). These results show marked interethnic differences in the distribution of genetic variants of VEGF that may explain, at least in part, interethnic disparities in the susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases.
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) production is regulated by growth factors and inflammatory cytokines, and VEGF plays a role in migraine. We examined for the first time whether three functional polymorphisms in the promoter region of VEGF gene (C(-2578)A, G(-1154A), and G(-634C)) and VEGF haplotypes are associated with migraine. We studied 114 healthy women without migraine and 175 women with migraine (129 without aura, and 46 with aura). We found no differences in the distributions of VEGF genotypes and alleles (p > 0.05). However, the CAC haplotype was more frequent in controls than in migraine patients, and the AGC haplotype was more frequent in patients with migraine with aura than in controls (both p < 0.05). These findings suggest that VEGF haplotypes affect susceptibility to migraine.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the microvascular density in canine soft-tissue sarcomas. Immunohistochemistry for VEGF expression was performed on 20 canine neoplasms by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method using an anti-VEGF mouse monoclonal antibody (ab-119). The Volume fraction of microvessels in the sarcomas was quantified in hematoxylin and eosin-stained tissue sections. At least 10 fields of view (40x magnification) per neoplasm were analyzed by positioning a grid with 100 points and counting the microvessels that fell into the intersection points. This percentage was considered the volume fraction of these microvessels in the tumor section. VEGF expression was detected in 65% of the neoplasms. In 92.3% of the neoplasms, the expression occurred in the peritumor region; in 46.15%, in the intratumor region; and in 38.46%, the expression was present in both regions. The cells responsible for VEGF expression were fibroblasts and macrophages in the peritumor region or in the pseudocapsule and neoplastic cells in the intratumor region. Greater intratumoral VEGF was expressed in hemangiopericytomas (P = 0.04). No difference was present in the volume fraction of tumor microvessels between VEGF-positive and VEGF-negative neoplasms (P = 0.3416) or for the different types of neoplasms (P = 0.5). The results of this study suggest that VEGF participates in the angiogenesis of soft-tissue sat-coma in dogs. Additional research will be necessary to elucidate the contribution of VEGF to the progression of malignancy.
Objective: This study investigated and correlated the kinetic expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A(165) messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) with the associated use or not of an infrared laser and a visible red laser during the wound healing in rats. Background Data: There is a lack of scientific evidence demonstrating the influence of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on the expression of VEGF mRNA in vivo. Materials and Methods: Forty-five Wistar rats were randomly allocated to one of three groups: I (n = 5, nonoperated animals), II (n = 25, operated animals), and III (n = 25, animals operated and subjected to laser irradiation). A surgical wound was performed using a scalpel in the right side of the tongue of operated animals. In group III, two sessions of laser irradiation were performed, one right after the surgical procedure (infrared laser, 780 nm, 70mW, 35 J/cm(2)) and the other 48 h later (visible red laser, 660 nm, 40mW, 5J/cm(2)). Five animals each were sacrificed 1, 3, 5, and 7 days postoperatively in groups II and III, and samples of tongue tissue were obtained. The animals of group I were sacrificed on day 7. Total RNA was extracted using guanidine-isothiocyanate-phenol-chloroform method. The results of horizontal electrophoresis after reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction permitted the ratio of VEGF-A(165) mRNA and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase mRNA expression for groups I, II, and III to be assessed (two-way analysis of variance and Tukey test, p<0.05). Results: The expression of VEGF-A(165) mRNA in group II (0.770 +/- 0.098) was statistically greater than that observed in groups I (0.523 +/- 0.164) and III (0.504 +/- 0.069) in the first day after surgery (p<0.05). Significant differences between the groups were not observed in other time periods. Conclusion: LLLT influenced the expression of VEGF-A(165) mRNA during wound healing after a surgical procedure on the tongue of Wistar rats.
Myb is a key transcription factor that can regulate proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis, predominantly in the haemopoietic system. Abnormal expression of Myb is associated with a number of cancers, both haemopoietic and non-haemopoietic. In order to better understand the role of Myb in normal and tumorigenic processes, we undertook a cDNA array screen to identify genes that are regulated by this factor. In this way, we identified the gene encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as being potentially regulated by the Myb oncoprotein in myeloid cells. To determine whether this was a direct effect on VEGF gene transcription, we examined the activity of the murine VEGF promoter in the presence of either wild-type (WT) or mutant forms of Myb. It was found that WT Myb was able to activate the VEGF promoter and that a minimal promoter region of 120 bp was sufficient to confer Myb responsiveness. Surprisingly, activation of the VEGF promoter was independent of DNA binding by Myb. This was shown by the use of DNA binding-defective Myb mutants and by mutagenesis of a potential Myb-binding site in the minimal promoter. Mutation of Sp1 sites within this region abolished Myb-mediated regulation of a reporter construct, suggesting that Myb DNA binding-independent activation of VEGF expression occurs via these Sp1 binding elements. Regulation of VEGF production by Myb has implications for the potential role of Myb in myeloid leukaemias and in solid tumours where VEGF may be functioning as an autocrine growth factor. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.