994 resultados para FRUIT SIZE


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Para determinar la relación entre la carga frutal y la productividad, medida en términos de producción destinada a mitades (PDM) y producción para pulpa, se realizó un ensayo en un monte comercial de duraznero variedad Bowen, Andross y Ross. Se utilizaron árboles injertados sobre patrón Nemaguard, conducidos en vaso tipo californiano e implantados a 6 m entre hileras y a 5 m entre plantas (333 árboles/ha), los que fueron raleados 20 días después del inicio de endurecimiento de carozo. La carga frutal quedó establecida en el rango de 750 a 1350 frutos/planta en Bowen y Ross y entre 850 y 1400 frutos/planta en Andross. A la cosecha se evaluó: tamaño de frutos; producción de los árboles, a través de las variables producción total, producción destinada a mitades (PDM) y producción para pulpa; y valor de la producción. La carga frutal se vinculó, con un alto grado de correlación, con todas las variables analizadas y se observó una respuesta a la carga de frutos muy similar en las tres variedades en estudio. A medida que se incrementó la carga frutal, aumentó la producción total, aunque disminuyó el peso medio de frutos. La PDM aumentó en función de la carga frutal, hasta alcanzar valores máximos con 1200 frutos/planta; por encima de un valor crítico en la carga frutal, la PDM empezó a disminuir. Los rendimientos de pulpa, en fábrica, no se relacionaron linealmente con los rendimientos totales del monte frutal y respondieron a una función similar a la que relaciona carga frutal y PDM. Los resultados indicaron que, con independencia del destino de la fruta, el raleo de frutos aseguró los rendimientos y la calidad de frutos que permitieron maximizar la rentabilidad del productor, convirtiéndose en una tarea cultural imprescindible, desde el punto de vista técnico y económico.


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Se realizó un ensayo durante tres años consecutivos con el fin de monitorear la evolución del tamaño y del peso de los frutos de una plantación comercial de kiwi variedad Hayward ubicada en la provincia de Córdoba. El objetivo fue determinar la evolución del peso y del tamaño del fruto durante la etapa final de crecimiento. Se seleccionaron doce plantas representativas y se realizaron cosechas durante cuatro semanas en tres años sucesivos desde el 4/3 al 24/3, a partir de que los frutos alcanzaron 5° Brix. Las variables evaluadas fueron: peso del fruto, longitud del fruto, diámetro mayor y menor al momento de la cosecha y luego de seis días a temperatura ambiente. El peso del fruto se incrementó desde un valor mínimo de 83,71 g a 121,1 g. La pérdida de peso luego de seis días fue desde un mínimo de 3,11 g a un máximo de 6,01 g. La longitud pasó de 54,73 mm a 64,20 mm. El diámetro mayor pasó de 52,12 mm a 59,7 mm, presentando una disminución después de seis días de un mínimo de 0,27 mm a un máximo 7,12 mm. El diámetro menor pasó de 42 mm a 54,41 mm entre la primera y la cuarta cosecha. Todas las variables presentaron un incremento en la medida en que atrasaba la cosecha, lo que justifica una cosecha más tardía, en función del tamaño de los frutos.


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1. Some of the most damaging invasive plants are dispersed by frugivores and this is an area of emerging importance in weed management. It highlights the need for practical information on how frugivores affect weed population dynamics and spread, how frugivore populations are affected by weeds and what management recommendations are available. 2. Fruit traits influence frugivore choice. Fruit size, the presence of an inedible peel, defensive chemistry, crop size and phenology may all be useful traits for consideration in screening and eradication programmes. By considering the effect of these traits on the probability, quality and quantity of seed dispersal, it may be possible to rank invasive species by their desirability to frugivores. Fruit traits can also be manipulated with biocontrol agents. 3. Functional groups of frugivores can be assembled according to broad species groupings, and further refined according to size, gape size, pre- and post-ingestion processing techniques and movement patterns, to predict dispersal and establishment patterns for plant introductions. 4. Landscape fragmentation can increase frugivore dispersal of invasives, as many invasive plants and dispersers readily use disturbed matrix environments and fragment edges. Dispersal to particular landscape features, such as perches and edges, can be manipulated to function as seed sinks if control measures are concentrated in these areas. 5.Where invasive plants comprise part of the diet of native frugivores, there may be a conservation conflict between control of the invasive and maintaining populations of the native frugivore, especially where other threats such as habitat destruction have reduced populations of native fruit species. 6. Synthesis and applications. Development of functional groups of frugivore-dispersed invasive plants and dispersers will enable us to develop predictions for novel dispersal interactions at both population and community scales. Increasingly sophisticated mechanistic seed dispersal models combined with spatially explicit simulations show much promise for providing weed managers with the information they need to develop strategies for surveying, eradicating and managing plant invasions. Possible conservation conflicts mean that understanding the nature of the invasive plant-frugivore interaction is essential for determining appropriate management.


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In this study three aspects of sexual reproduction in Everglades plants were examined to more clearly understand seed dispersal and the allocation of resources to sexual reproduction—spatial dispersal process, temporal dispersal of seeds (seedbank), and germination patterns in the dominant species, sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense). Community assembly rules for fruit dispersal were deduced by analysis of functional traits associated with this process. Seedbank ecology was investigated by monitoring emergence of germinants from sawgrass soil samples held under varying water depths to determine the fate of dispersed seeds. Fine-scale study of sawgrass fruits yielded information on contributions to variation in sexually produced propagules in this species, which primarily reproduces vegetatively. It was hypothesized that Everglades plants possess a set of functional traits that enhance diaspore dispersal. To test this, 14 traits were evaluated among 51 species by factor analysis. The factorial plot of this analysis generated groups of related traits, with four suites of traits forming dispersal syndromes. Hydrochory traits were categorized by buoyancy and appendages enhancing buoyancy. Anemochory traits were categorized by diaspore size and appendages enhancing air movement. Epizoochory traits were categorized by diaspore size, buoyancy, and appendages allowing for attachment. Endozoochory traits were categorized by diaspore size, buoyancy, and appendages aiding diaspore presentation. These patterns/trends of functional trait organization also represent dispersal community assembly rules. Seeds dispersed by hydrochory were hypothesized to be caught most often in the edge of the north side of sawgrass patches. Patterns of germination and dispersal mode of all hydrochorous macrophytes with propagules in the seedbank were elucidated by germination analysis from 90 soil samples collected from 10 sawgrass patches. Mean site seed density was 486 seeds/m2 from 13 species. Most seeds collected at the north side of patches and significantly in the outer one meter of the patch edge (p = 0.013). Sawgrass seed germination was hypothesized to vary by site, among individual plants, and within different locations of a plant’s infructescence. An analysis of sawgrass fruits with nested ANOVAs found that collection site and interaction of site x individual plant significantly affect germination ability, seed viability, and fruit size (p ≤ 0.050). Fruit location within a plant’s infructescence did not significantly affect germination. As for allocation of resources to sexual reproduction, only 17.9% of sawgrass seeds germinated and only 4.8% of ungerminated seeds with fleshy endosperm were presumed viable, but dormant. Collectively, only 22% of all sawgrass seeds produced were viable.


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In this study three aspects of sexual reproduction in Everglades plants were examined to more clearly understand seed dispersal and the allocation of resources to sexual reproduction— spatial dispersal process, temporal dispersal of seeds (seedbank), and germination patterns in the dominant species, sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense). Community assembly rules for fruit dispersal were deduced by analysis of functional traits associated with this process. Seedbank ecology was investigated by monitoring emergence of germinants from sawgrass soil samples held under varying water depths to determine the fate of dispersed seeds. Fine-scale study of sawgrass fruits yielded information on contributions to variation in sexually produced propagules in this species, which primarily reproduces vegetatively. It was hypothesized that Everglades plants possess a set of functional traits that enhance diaspore dispersal. To test this, 14 traits were evaluated among 51 species by factor analysis. The factorial plot of this analysis generated groups of related traits, with four suites of traits forming dispersal syndromes. Hydrochory traits were categorized by buoyancy and appendages enhancing buoyancy. Anemochory traits were categorized by diaspore size and appendages enhancing air movement. Epizoochory traits were categorized by diaspore size, buoyancy, and appendages allowing for attachment. Endozoochory traits were categorized by diaspore size, buoyancy, and appendages aiding diaspore presentation. These patterns/trends of functional trait organization also represent dispersal community assembly rules. Seeds dispersed by hydrochory were hypothesized to be caught most often in the edge of the north side of sawgrass patches. Patterns of germination and dispersal mode of all hydrochorous macrophytes with propagules in the seedbank were elucidated by germination analysis from 90 soil samples collected from 10 sawgrass patches. Mean site seed density was 486 seeds/m2 from 13 species. Most seeds collected at the north side of patches and significantly in the outer one meter of the patch edge (p = 0.013). Sawgrass seed germination was hypothesized to vary by site, among individual plants, and within different locations of a plant’s infructescence. An analysis of sawgrass fruits with nested ANOVAs found that collection site and interaction of site x individual plant significantly affect germination ability, seed viability, and fruit size (p < 0.050). Fruit location within a plant’s infructescence did not significantly affect germination. As for allocation of resources to sexual reproduction, only 17.9% of sawgrass seeds germinated and only 4.8% of ungerminated seeds with fleshy endosperm were presumed viable, but dormant. Collectively, only 22% of all sawgrass seeds produced were viable.


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An experiment was conducted in 2013 and 2014 with three newly introduced cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.), namely “Antonio Errani”, “Tirynthos” and “Ninfa” to study their performance and adaptability under Egyptian conditions. Results indicated that calculating the chilling hours temperature at or below 15°C was more suitable than temperatures at or below 7.2°C and 10°C. The cultivar with a low chilling requirement started with the opening of vegetative and flower buds earlier when compared to other cultivars. Furthermore, the cultivar Ninfa required less heat units as compared to the other two cultivars. Thus, the accumulated growing degree-days (GDDs) from the time of the flower bud break l until fruit maturity was low in early matured Ninfa cultivar. However, Antonio Errani and Tirynthos cultivars were late in the date of fruit ripening. Meanwhile, there was no significant difference in the opening percentage of vegetative and flower buds, trunk circumference, fruit drop, fruit number and yield weight among cultivars during the two seasons. Conversely, the leaf drop of Antonio Errani cultivar was earlier while Ninfa cultivar started it’s leaf drop later in the two seasons. Tirynthos gave the highest fruit weight, fruit size and fruit surface lightness. Meanwhile, the Antonio Errani cultivar was the highest in fruit firmness and total soluble solids. The appearance and behavior of cultivars under the study varied from one season to another with shoot length, leaf area, percentage of fruit set and acidity. It can be recommended from the present study that, Antonio Errani, Tirynthos and Ninfa cultivars are well adapted under Egyptian conditions. Further, fruits from the cultivars mature early and late in the season and can fulfill the demands of the market.


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Unravelling the Musa genome allows genes and alleles linked to desired traits to be identified. Short stature and early flowering are desirable agronomic features of banana, as they are of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). In wheat they were achieved through knowledge of the physiology and genetics of vernalization and photoperiod during development. Bananas and plantains have a facultative long-day response to photoperiod, as do wheat and wall cress (Arabidopsis thaliana). Using keyword searches of the genome of Musa acuminata 'Pahang' we found homologues of the genes of either T. aestivum or Arabidopsis that govern responses to vernalization and photoperiod. This knowledge needs to be interpreted in the context of plant development. Bananas have juvenile, mid-vegetative and reproductive phases of development. Leaf and bunch 'clocks' operate concurrently throughout the juvenile and mid-vegetative phases. In the mid-vegetative phase the plant becomes sensitive to photoperiod. Increased sensitivity to photoperiod reduces the overall pace of the bunch clock without affecting the leaf clock. Separation of the clocks changes the link between leaf number and time of flowering. The 'critical' quantitative trait for the time of flowering is the pace of the bunch clock up to bunch initiation. For bunch size it is the duration of the subsequent phase of female hand formation. Plants with either a short juvenile phase or a faster bunch clock in the mid-vegetative phase will produce fewer leaves and bunch early. In turn, independent manipulation of hand number per bunch and/or fruit per hand will provide manageable bunches with appropriate fruit size. Using published data we explore relationships between plant height, leaf number, bunch weight and hand number among bananas and plantains. Identifying and then manipulating the appropriate genes in Musa opens opportunities for earlier flowering, leading to plants with desirable agronomic qualities.


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Cat’s claw creeper vine, Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) Lohmann (syn. Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) Gentry) (Bignoniaceae), is a major environmental weed in Australia. Two distinct forms of this weed (‘long’ and ‘short’ pod), with differences in leaf morphology and fruit size, occur in Australia. The long pod form has only been reported in less than fifteen localities in the whole of south-east Queensland, while the short pod form is widely distributed in Queensland and New South Wales. This study sought to compare growth traits such as specific leaf area, relative growth rate, stem length, shoot/root ratio, tuber biomass and branching architecture between these forms. These traits were monitored under glasshouse conditions over a period of 18 months. Short pod exhibited higher values of relative growth rates, stem length, number of tubers and specific leaf area than long pod, but only after 10 months of plant growth. Prior to this, long and short pod did not differ significantly. Higher values for these traits have been described as characteristics of successful colonizers. Results from this study could partly explain why the short pod form is more widely distributed in Australia while long pod is confined to a few localities.


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The objective of this research was to study the effect of complementary pollination on kiwifruit production and quality. For 3 years, complementary application of wet or dry pollen have been done at different stages of flower opening on vines in the Portuguese regions of Entre-Douro e Minho and Beira Litoral. Commercial production data were collected and fruit quality attributes were measured at harvest. Complementary pollination did not affect fruit soluble solids content or firmness in any year, and was beneficial for fruit size and commercial production in the third year only, showing that it is important in some conditions, when natural pollination is inadequate.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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The objective of this research was to study the effect of complementary pollination on kiwifruit production and quality. For 3 years, complementary application of wet or dry pollen have been done at different stages of flower opening on vines in the Portuguese regions of Entre-Douro e Minho and Beira Litoral. Commercial production data were collected and fruit quality attributes were measured at harvest. Complementary pollination did not affect fruit soluble solids content or firmness in any year, and was beneficial for fruit size and commercial production in the third year only, showing that it is important in some conditions, when natural pollination is inadequate.


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RESUMO: Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a divergência genética e as características físicas e químicas de frutos de duas populações do maracujazeiro azedo na região Norte do Espírito Santo, como as progênies de meio-irmãos de acesso local de um plantio comercial (genótipos: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9 e 10) e do híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho (genótipos: 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19 e 20). A divergência genética foi avaliada por procedimentos multivariados como a distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D2) e pelos métodos de agrupamento de otimização de Tocher e UPGMA. Encontrou-se divergência genética entre as populações estudadas promovendo a formação de grupos diferentes entre o método de Tocher e do UPGMA. As características, referentes ao tamanho do fruto, diâmetro polar e equatorial, foram as que mais contribuíram na diversidade genética dos genótipos. Nas populações estudadas de maracujazeiro azedo há grande variabilidade genética quanto às características avaliadas, o que possibilita selecionar plantas com elevado potencial para fins de melhoramento genético. O híbrido BRS Ouro Vermelho apresenta boa adaptação às condições locais. ABSTRACT: The aim of the present work was to evaluate genetic divergence and physical and chemical characteristics in fruit of two populations of sour passion fruit in the northern region of the State of Espírito Santo, Brazil, these being half-sibling progenies from local accessions of a commercial crop (genotypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10) and the hybrid BRS Ouro Vermelho (genotypes: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20). Genetic divergence was evaluated using such multivariate procedures as the generalised Mahalanobis distance (D2) and the Tocher optimisation and UPGMA clustering methods. Genetic divergence was found between the populations under study, promoting the formation of different groups between the Tocher and UPGMA methods. As characteristics for fruit size, the polar and equatorial diameters had the most impact on the genetic diversity of the genotypes. In the populations of sour passion fruit being studied, great genetic variability is seen in the evaluated characteristics, making it possible to select plants of high potential for breeding purposes. The BRS Ouro Vermelho hybrid is well adapted to the local conditions.


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The quantity of fruit consumed by dispersers is highly variable among individuals within plant populations. The outcome Of Such selection operated by firugivores has been examined mostly with respect to changing spatial contexts. The influence of varying temporal contexts on frugivore choice, and their possible demographic and evolutionary consequences is poorly understood. We examined if temporal variation in fruit availability across a hierarchy of nested temporal levels (interannual, intraseasonal, 120 h, 24 h) altered frugivore choice for a complex seed dispersal system in dry tropical forests of southern India. The interactions between Phyllanthus emblica and its primary disperser (ruminants) was mediated by another frugivore (a primate),which made large quantities of fruit available on the ground to ruminants. The direction and strength of crop size and neighborhood effects on this interaction varied with changing temporal contexts.Fruit availability was higher in the first of the two study years, and at the start of the season in both years. Fruit persistence on trees,determined by primate foraging, was influenced by crop size andconspecific neighborhood densities only in the high fruit availability year. Fruit removal by ruminants was influenced by crop size in both years and neighborhood densities only in the high availability year. In both years, these effects were stronger at the start of the season.Intraseasonal reduction in fruit availability diminished inequalities in fruit removal by ruminants and the influence of crop size and fruiting neighborhoods. All trees were not equally attractive to frugivores in a P. emblica population at all points of time. Temporal asymmetry in frugivore-mediated selection could reduce potential for co-evolution between firugivores and plants by diluting selective pressures. Inter-dependencies; formed between disparate animal consumers can add additional levels of complexity to plant-frugivore mutualistic networks and have potential reproductive consequences for specific individuals within populations.


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Fruit flies require protein for reproductive development and actively feed upon protein sources in the field. Liquid protein baits mixed with insecticide are used routinely to manage pest fruit flies, such as Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt). However, there are still some gaps in the underpinning science required to improve the efficacy of bait spray technology. The spatial and temporal foraging behaviour of B. tryoni in response to protein was investigated in the field. A series of linked trials using either wild flies in the open field or laboratory-reared flies in field cages and a netted orchard were undertaken using nectarines and guavas. Key questions investigated were the fly's response to protein relative to: height of protein within the canopy, fruiting status of the tree, time of day, season and size of the experimental arena. Canopy height had a significant response on B. tryoni foraging, with more flies foraging on protein in the mid to upper canopy. Fruiting status also had a significant effect on foraging, with most flies responding to protein when applied to fruiting hosts. B. tryoni demonstrated a repeatable diurnal response pattern to protein, with the peak response being between 12:00–16:00 h. Season showed significant but unpredictable effects on fruit fly response to protein in the subtropical environment where the work was undertaken. Relative humidity, but not temperature or rainfall, was positively correlated with protein response. The number of B. tryoni responding to protein decreased dramatically as the spatial scale increased from field cage through to the open field. Based on these results, it is recommend that, to be most effective, protein bait sprays should be applied to the mid to upper canopies of fruiting hosts. Overall, the results show that the protein used, an industry standard, has very low attractancy to B. tryoni and that further work is urgently needed to develop more volatile protein baits.


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The invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta & White, and the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) are highly destructive horticultural pests of global significance. Bactrocera invadens originates from the Indian subcontinent and has recently invaded all of sub-Saharan Africa, while B. dorsalis principally occurs from the Indian subcontinent towards southern China and South-east Asia. High morphological and genetic similarity has cast doubt over whether B. invadens is a distinct species from B. dorsalis. Addressing this issue within an integrative taxonomic framework, we sampled from across the geographic distribution of both taxa and: (i) analysed morphological variation, including those characters considered diagnostic (scutum colour, length of aedeagus, width of postsutural lateral vittae, wing size, and wing shape); (ii) sequenced four loci (ITS1, ITS2, cox1 and nad4) for phylogenetic inference, and; (iii) generated a cox1 haplotype network to examine population structure. Molecular analyses included the closely related species, Bactrocera kandiensis Drew & Hancock. Scutum colour varies from red-brown to fully black for individuals from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. All individuals east of the Indian subcontinent are black except for a few red-brown individuals from China. The postsutural lateral vittae width of B. invadens is narrower than B. dorsalis from eastern Asia, but the variation is clinal, with subcontinent B. dorsalis populations intermediate in size. Aedeagus length, wing shape and wing size cannot discriminate between the two taxa. Phylogenetic analyses failed to resolve B. invadens from B. dorsalis, but did resolve B. kandiensis. Bactrocera dorsalis and B. invadens shared cox1 haplotypes, yet the haplotype network pattern does not reflect current taxonomy or patterns in thoracic colour. Some individuals of B. dorsalis/B. invadens possessed haplotypes more closely related to B. kandiensis than to conspecifics, suggestive of mitochondrial introgression between these species. The combined evidence fails to support the delimitation of B. dorsalis and B. invadens as separate biological species. Consequently, existing biological data for B. dorsalis may be applied to the invasive population in Africa. Our recommendation, in line with other recent publications, is that B. invadens be synonymized with B. dorsalis.