684 resultados para FOCI
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a frequência de propriedades positivas (focos) e de animais positivos para a tuberculose bovina no Estado da Paraíba. Foram utilizados dados da Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado, coletados de suas 23 microrregiões, durante o período de janeiro de 2008 a julho de 2009. Durante esse período, foram examinadas 10.963 propriedades e 54.472 bovinos foram submetidos ao teste de tuberculinização. Para o diagnóstico foi utilizada, como prova de triagem, a tuberculinização cervical simples para gado de leite e a tuberculinização na prega caudal para gado de corte; como prova confirmatória foi utilizada a tuberculinização cervical comparativa. Uma propriedade foi considerada foco quando apresentou pelo menos um animal soropositivo. Das propriedades investigadas, 62 (0,57%) apresentaram pelo menos um animal positivo e dos animais analisados, 136 (0,25%) foram positivos. Houve diferença significativa (p<0,001) na proporção de fêmeas (0,32%) e machos (0,04%) positivos. A despeito da baixa freqüência de focos de brucelose e de animais soropositivos, é necessária a condução de medidas que incluem a conscientização dos produtores, fiscalização nas barreiras sanitárias e levantamentos periódicos da situação epidemiológica desta doença, principalmente nas microrregiões com maior frequência da infecção, com o objetivo de evitar, ou pelo menos minimizar, a disseminação do agente.
Objetivando avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii, em caprinos leiteiros do estado de São Paulo, e verificar possíveis associações com idade, sexo, presença de gatos, problemas reprodutivos e potenciais riscos à saúde pública, foram considerados soros de 923 caprinos, de ambos os sexos e idade acima de três meses, provenientes de 17 propriedades de diferentes municípios. Para o diagnóstico, utilizou-se a reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFIe"16) e, também, um inquérito sobre saúde, a fim de se coletarem informações epidemiológicas e de esfera reprodutiva de todos os capris. Os resultados foram discutidos no nível de 5% de significância. Do total das 17 propriedades, foram diagnosticados 15 focos de T. gondii, com positividade entre 2,70% e 81,25%. Não foram verificadas associações entre freqüência de soropositividade e sexo dos animais nem ocorrência de falhas reprodutivas, nos capris. Constatou-se influência positiva na taxa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii pelo aumento da idade dos caprinos e presença de gatos, nos capris. Além de a enfermidade encontrar-se amplamente difundida no estado de São Paulo, o risco eminente de transmissão de T. gondii à saúde pública também deve ser considerado, uma vez que se encontraram focos onde se comercializavam produtos "in natura", como leite e carne.
The Amazon Basin provides an excellent environment for studying the sources, transformations, and properties of natural aerosol particles and the resulting links between biological processes and climate. With this framework in mind, the Amazonian Aerosol Characterization Experiment (AMAZE-08), carried out from 7 February to 14 March 2008 during the wet season in the central Amazon Basin, sought to understand the formation, transformations, and cloud-forming properties of fine-and coarse-mode biogenic aerosol particles, especially as related to their effects on cloud activation and regional climate. Special foci included (1) the production mechanisms of secondary organic components at a pristine continental site, including the factors regulating their temporal variability, and (2) predicting and understanding the cloud-forming properties of biogenic particles at such a site. In this overview paper, the field site and the instrumentation employed during the campaign are introduced. Observations and findings are reported, including the large-scale context for the campaign, especially as provided by satellite observations. New findings presented include: (i) a particle number-diameter distribution from 10 nm to 10 mu m that is representative of the pristine tropical rain forest and recommended for model use; (ii) the absence of substantial quantities of primary biological particles in the submicron mode as evidenced by mass spectral characterization; (iii) the large-scale production of secondary organic material; (iv) insights into the chemical and physical properties of the particles as revealed by thermodenuder-induced changes in the particle number-diameter distributions and mass spectra; and (v) comparisons of ground-based predictions and satellite-based observations of hydrometeor phase in clouds. A main finding of AMAZE-08 is the dominance of secondary organic material as particle components. The results presented here provide mechanistic insight and quantitative parameters that can serve to increase the accuracy of models of the formation, transformations, and cloud-forming properties of biogenic natural aerosol particles, especially as related to their effects on cloud activation and regional climate.
During rat hepatocarcinogenesis preneoplastic lesions (PNL) emerge which may persist (pPNL) and be sites of progress to cancer or suffer remodeling (rPNL) tending to disappear. Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in both phenotypes are not sufficiently elucidated. pPNL and rPNL cellular proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated in rats submitted to the resistant hepatocyte (RH) model, and an adjusted growth index (AGI) was established. p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B p65 subunit expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in pPNL and rPNL. p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation was evaluated by Western blot assays in whole livers. A lower number of BrdU-stained hepatocyte nuclei/mm(2) and higher number of apoptotic bodies (AB) per mm(2) were observed in remodeling compared to pPNL. Cytoplasmic p53 accumulation is related to increased hepatocarcinoma malignancy. We observed that 71.3% pPNL and 25.4% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p53 staining in the cytoplasm. Similarly, 67.7% pPNL and 23.1 % rPNL (P < 0.05) presented increased Bcl-2 staining. Thirty-two percent pPNL and 15.6% rPNL (P < 0.05) presented p65 staining. Compared to normal rats, increase (P < 0.05) of hepatic p65 expression and NF-kappa B activation in rats submitted to the RH model was observed. in agreement to previous studies hepatic pPNL and rPNL differ regarding cell proliferation and apoptosis. Moreover, persistence and remodeling involve differences in p53, Bcl-2, and NF-kappa B pathways. These data point to molecular pathways that may direct preneoplastic lesions to spontaneously regress or to progress to cancer.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ranks in prevalence and mortality among top 10 cancers worldwide. Butyric acid (BA), a member of histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) has been proposed as an anticareinogenic agent. However, its short half-life is a therapeutical limitation. This problem could be circumvented with tributyrin (TB), a proposed BA prodrug. To investigate TB effectiveness for chemoprevention, rats were treated with the compound during initial phases of ""resistant hepatocyte"" model of hepatocarcinogenesis, and cellular and molecular parameters were evaluated. TB inhibited (p < 0.05) development of hepatic preneoplastic lesions (PNL) including persistent ones considered HCC progression sites. TB increased (p < 0.05) PNL remodeling, a process whereby they tend to disappear. TB did not inhibit cell proliferation in PNL, but induced (p < 0.05) apoptosis in remodeling ones. Compared to controls, rats treated with TB presented increased (P < 0.05) hepatic levels of BA indicating its effectiveness as a prodrug. Molecular mechanisms of TB-induced hepatocarcinogenesis chemoprevention were investigated. TB increased (p < 0.05) hepatic nuclear histone H3K9 hyperacetylation specifically in PNL and p21 protein expression, which could be associated with inhibitory HDAC effects. Moreover, it reduced (p < 0.05) the frequency of persistent PNL with aberrant cytoplasmic p53 accumulation, an alteration associated with increased malignancy. Original data observed in our study support the effectiveness of TB as a prodrug of BA and as an HDACi in hepatocarcinogenesis chemoprevention. Besides histone acetylation and p21 restored expression, molecular mechanisms involved with TB anticarcinogenic actions could also be related to modulation of p53 pathways. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fluoxetine (FIX) is a drug commonly used as antidepressant. However, its effects on tumorigenesis remain controversial. Aiming to evaluate the effects of FIX treatment on early malignant changes, we analyzed serotonin (5-HT) metabolism and recognition, aberrant crypt foci (ACF), proliferative process, microvessels, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression in colon tissue. Male Wistar rats received a daily FLX-gavage (30 mg kg(-1)) and, a single dose of 1.2 dimethylhydrazine (DMH; i.p., 125 mg kg(-1)). After 6 weeks of FIX-treatment, our results revealed that FIX and nor-fluoxetine (N-FIX) are present in colon tissue, which was related to significant increase in serotonin (5-HT) levels (P < 0.05) possibly through a blockade in SERT mRNA (serotonin reuptake transporter; P < 0.05) resulting in lower 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) levels (P < 0.01) and, 5-HT2C receptor mRNA expressions. FIX-treatment decreased dysplastic ACF development (P < 0.01) and proliferative process (P < 0.001) in epithelia. We observed a significant decrease in the development of malignant microvessels (P < 0.05), VEGF (P < 0.001), and COX-2 expression (P < 0.01). These findings suggest that FIX may have oncostatic effects on carcinogenic colon tissue, probably due to its modulatory activity on 5-HT metabolism and/or its ability to reduce colonic malignant events. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and colon rectal mucosal epithelial cell proliferation have been shown to be increased in patients with colon cancer and have been largely used for early detection of factors that influence colorectal carcinogenesis in rats. Fifty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups. The groups G1 to G4 were given 4 injections of the carcinogen 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). The G2 group received Lychnophora ericoides (LE) extracts for 6 wk. The groups G3 and G4 received LE for 4 wk and 2 wk, respectively, at the postinitiation and initiation phases of colonic carcinogenesis. The group G5 was the control. Forty-two days after the first injections of DMH for the neoplasic induction, we observed a statistically significant decrease in the number of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and an attenuation of the increase in cell proliferation induced by DMH in all the LE-treated groups. Thus, we concluded that Lychnophora ericoides extracts were effective against the development of cancer. These data suggest that LE has a protective influence on the process of colon carcinogenesis, suppressing both the initiation and the promotion of colonic carcinogenesis.
We demonstrate tomographic imaging of the refractive index of turbid media using bifocal optical coherence refractometry (BOCR). The technique, which is a variant of optical coherence tomography, is based on the measurement of the optical pathlength difference between two foci simultaneously present in a medium of interest. We describe a new method to axially shift the bifocal optical pathlength that avoids the need to physically relocate the objective lens or the sample during an axial scan, and present an experimental realization based on an adaptive liquid-crystal lens. We present experimental results, including video clips, which demonstrate refractive index tomography of a range of turbid liquid phantoms, as well as of human skin in vivo.
Demotivation in English language learning was investigated, using Vietnam as a case study, with three main foci: (i) the reasons (i.e., the demotives) underlying demotivation; (ii) the degree of influence of different demotives; and (iii) students’ experiences in overcoming demotivation. Using stimulated recall essays from 100 university students of their foreign language learning experiences, the findings indicated that demotivation was a significant issue for EFL learning, and a framework for discussing the different sources of demotives was developed. While some categories of demotives occurred more frequent than others, no category appeared to be more or less difficult to overcome. Rather, students’ awareness of the role of English language and their determination to succeed were critical factors in overcoming demotivation.
Cerebral responses to alternating periods of a control task and a selective letter generation paradigm were investigated with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Subjects selectively generated letters from four designated sets of six letters from the English language alphabet, with the instruction that they were not to produce letters in alphabetical order either forward or backward, repeat or alternate letters. Performance during this condition was compared with that of a control condition in which subjects recited the same letters in alphabetical order. Analyses revealed significant and extensive foci of activation in a number of cerebral regions including mid-dorsolateral frontal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus, precuneus, supramarginal gyrus, and cerebellum during the selective letter generation condition. These findings are discussed with respect to recent positron emission tomography (PET) and fMRI studies of verbal working memory and encoding/retrieval in episodic memory.
Previously we described activating mutations of h beta(c), the common signaling subunit of the receptors for the hematopoietic and inflammatory cytokines, GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-5. The activated mutant, h beta(c)FI Delta, is able to confer growth factor-independent proliferation on the murine myeloid cell line FDC-P1, and on primary committed myeloid progenitors. We have used this activating mutation to study the effects of chronic cytokine receptor stimulation. Transgenic mice were produced carrying the h beta(c)FI Delta cDNA linked to the constitutive promoter derived from the phosphoglycerate kinase gene, PGK-1. Transgene expression was demonstrated in several tissues and functional activity of the mutant receptor was confirmed in hematopoietic tissues by the presence of granulocyte macrophage and macrophage colony-forming cells (CFU-GM and CFU-M) in the absence of added cytokines. All transgenic mice display a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by splenomegaly, erythrocytosis, and granulocytic and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. This disorder resembles the human disease polycythemia vera, suggesting that activating mutations in h beta(c) may play a role in the pathogenesis of this myeloproliferative disorder. In addition, these transgenic mice develop a sporadic, progressive neurological disease and display bilateral, symmetrical foci of necrosis in the white matter of brain stem associated with an accumulation of macrophages. Thus, chronic h beta(c) activation has the potential to contribute to pathological events in the central nervous system.
The effect of aging on host resistance to systemic candidosis was assessed by monitoring the course of infection in 16-month-old CBA/CaH mice (aged non-immune) and in a comparable group that had been infected with a sublethal dose of Candida albicans at 6 weeks of age (aged immune). Aged non-immune mice showed rapid progression of the disease, with a marked increase in the number of mycelia in the brain and kidney, and early morbidity, Foci of myocardial necrosis were evident, but inflammatory cells were sparse. The histological picture in the aged immune mice was similar to that in the aged non-immune group, although fewer mycelial aggregates were seen. Both groups of aged mice showed a significantly lower fungal burden in the brain on day 1 of infection, but on day 4, colony counts increased significantly in the aged non-immune mice, Comparison of cytokine gene expression in the infected brains showed that the relative amount of interferon-gamma and tumour necrosis factor-alpha cDNA were similar in all three groups. Interleukin-6 was elevated in both infected non-immune and uninfected aged mice. Aged immune mice showed no morbidity after challenge, and both colonisation and tissue damage were reduced in comparison with the aged non-immune animals.
Background and Objectives: A number of familial temporal lobe epilepsies (TLE) have been recently recognized. Mutations in LGI1 (leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1 gene) have been found in a few families with the syndrome of autosomal dominant partial epilepsy with auditory features (ADPEAF). The authors aimed to determine the spectrum of TLE phenotypes with LGI1 mutations, to study the frequency of mutations in ADPEAF, and to examine the role of LGI1 paralogs in ADPEAF without LGI1 mutations. Methods: The authors performed a clinical and molecular analysis on 75 pedigrees comprising 54 with a variety of familial epilepsies associated with TLE and 21 sporadic TLE cases. All were studied for mutations in LGI1. ADPEAF families negative for LGI1 mutations were screened for mutations in LGI2, LGI3, and LGI4. Results: Four families had ADPEAF, 22 had mesial TLE, 11 had TLE with febrile seizures, two had TLE with developmental abnormalities, and 15 had various other TLE syndromes. LGI1 mutations were found in two of four ADPEAF families, but in none of the other 50 families nor in the 21 individuals with sporadic TLE. The mutations were novel missense mutations in exons 1 (c. 124T --> G; C42G) and 8 (c. 1418C --> T; S473L). No mutations in LGI2, LGI3, or LGI4 were found in the other two ADPEAF families. Conclusion: In TLE, mutations in LGI1 are specific for ADPEAF but do not occur in all families. ADPEAF is genetically heterogeneous, but mutations in LGI2, LGI3, or LGI4 did not account for families without LGI1 mutations.
This study, using a Delphi approach, sought the opinion of a self-selected panel of 320 district nurses regarding research priorities for district nursing in Australia. Over three rounds of questionnaires, the 419 research clinical problem areas requiring research as suggested by the panel were each rated in importance by the panel and then ranked through analysis from high to low average rating scores, thereby, whittling down the list to the top 15% (68) research questions and to a final list of the top 10 research priorities overall. Research questions focusing on discharge planning are dominant in these top 10 priorities, with documentation issues the second most common focus. Other foci in the top 10 priorities are staffing, aged care, palliative care, and assessment. The organization-specific top 10 research priorities focus on wound care, funding, education, and communication issues. Additionally, the top 68 priorities, which are either finitely practice-based or contextual-issues research questions, were categorized into 20 themes. The results will hopefully lead to scarce human and financial resources being directed to practice-relevant research programs that will facilitate improved health for district nursing (primarily home-nursing) clients in Australia and elsewhere. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study examined group and individual factors that facilitate changes in cooperation and learning outcomes in trained and untrained work groups of elementary school-age children. The study had two foci. The first was to determine if the cooperative behaviors and interactions of children in classroom groups who were trained in cooperative learning skins were different from those of children who were given no training, and the second was to investigate small group interactions and achievement in these groups over time. The results showed that there were observable differences between student interactions in the two conditions and these differences were maintained over time. Compared with children in the untrained groups, those in the trained groups were consistently more cooperative and helpful to each other; they actively tried to involve each other in the learning task by using language which was more inclusive (e.g., frequent use of ''we''), and they gave more explanations to assist each other as they worked together. It appeared that as the children worked together over time, they became more responsive to the learning needs of each other. Furthermore, the children in the trained groups performed significantly better on the learning outcomes questionnaire than those in the untrained groups. (C) 1997 Society for the Study of School Psychology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.