843 resultados para FISIOLOGIA OCULAR


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EEG recordings are often contaminated with ocular artifacts such as eye blinks and eye movements. These artifacts may obscure underlying brain activity in the electroencephalogram (EEG) data and make the analysis of the data difficult. In this paper, we explore the use of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) based filtering technique to correct the eye blinks and eye movementartifacts in single channel EEG data. In this method, the single channel EEG data containing ocular artifact is segmented such that the artifact in each of the segment is considered as some type of slowly varying trend in the dataand the EMD is used to remove the trend. The filtering is done using partial reconstruction from components of the decomposition. The method is completely data dependent and hence adaptive and nonlinear. Experimental results are provided to check the applicability of the method on real EEG data and the results are quantified using power spectral density (PSD) as a measure. The method has given fairlygood results and does not make use of any preknowledge of artifacts or the EEG data used.


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The New Zealand White rabbit has been widely used as a model of limbal stem cell deficiency (LSCD). Current techniques for experimental induction of LSCD utilize caustic chemicals, or organic solvents applied in conjunction with a surgical limbectomy. While generally successful in depleting epithelial progenitors, the depth and severity of injury is difficult to control using chemical-based methods. Moreover, the anterior chamber can be easily perforated while surgically excising the corneal limbus. In the interest of creating a safer and more defined LSCD model, we have therefore evaluated a mechanical debridement technique based upon use of the AlgerBrush II rotating burr. An initial comparison of debridement techniques was conducted in situ using 24 eyes in freshly acquired New Zealand White rabbit cadavers. Techniques for comparison (4 eyes each) included: (1) non-wounded control, (2) surgical limbectomy followed by treatment with 100% (v/v) n-heptanol to remove the corneal epithelium (1-2 minutes), (3) treatment of both limbus and cornea with n-heptanol alone, (4) treatment of both limbus and cornea with 20% (v/v) ethanol (2-3 minutes), (5) a 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to both the limbus and cornea, and (6) a 1-mm pointed burr applied to the limbus, followed by the 2.5-mm rounded burr applied to the cornea. All corneas were excised and processed for histology immediately following debridement. A panel of four assessors subsequently scored the degree of epithelial debridement within the cornea and limbus using masked slides. The 2.5-mm burr most consistently removed the corneal and limbal epithelia. Islands of limbal epithelial cells were occasionally retained following surgical limbectomy/heptanol treatment, or use of the 1-mm burr. Limbal epithelial cells were consistently retained following treatment with either ethanol or n-heptanol alone, with ethanol being the least effective treatment overall. The 2.5-mm burr method was subsequently evaluated in the right eye of 3 live rabbits by weekly clinical assessments (photography and slit lamp examination) for up to 5 weeks, followed by histological analyses (hematoxylin & eosin stain, periodic acid-Schiff stain and immunohistochemistry for keratin 3 and 13). All 3 eyes that had been completely debrided using the 2.5-mm burr displayed symptoms of ocular surface failure as defined by retention of a prominent epithelial defect (~40% of corneal surface at 5 weeks), corneal neovascularization (2 to 3 quadrants), reduced corneal transparency and conjunctivalization of the corneal surface (demonstrated by the presence of goblet cells and/or staining for keratin 13). In conclusion, our findings indicate that the AlgerBrush II rotating burr is an effective method for the establishment of ocular surface failure in New Zealand White rabbits. In particular, we recommend use of the 2.5-mm rotating burr for improved efficiency of epithelial debridement and safety compared to surgical limbectomy.


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Purpose: The aim of the present study was to develop and test new digital imaging equipment and methods for diagnosis and follow-up of ocular diseases. Methods: The whole material comprised 398 subjects (469 examined eyes), including 241 patients with melanocytic choroidal tumours, 56 patients with melanocytic iris tumours, 42 patients with diabetes, a 52-year old patient with chronic phase of VKH disease, a 30-year old patient with an old blunt eye injury, and 57 normal healthy subjects. Digital 50° (Topcon TRC 50 IA) and 45° (Canon CR6-45NM) fundus cameras, a new handheld digital colour videocamera for eye examinations (MediTell), a new subtraction method using the Topcon Image Net Program (Topcon corporation, Tokyo, Japan), a new method for digital IRT imaging of the iris we developed, and Zeiss photoslitlamp with a digital camera body were used for digital imaging. Results: Digital 50° red-free imaging had a sensitivity of 97.7% and two-field 45° and 50° colour imaging a sensitivity of 88.9-94%. The specificity of the digital 45°-50° imaging modalities was 98.9-100% versus the reference standard and ungradeable images that were 1.2-1.6%. By using the handheld digital colour video camera only, the optic disc and central fundus located inside 20° from the fovea could be recorded with a sensitivity of 6.9% for detection of at least mild NPDR when compared with the reference standard. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free, and red light imaging showed 85.7% sensitivity, 99% specificity, and 98.2 % exact agreement versus the reference standard in differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from pseudomelanoma. The new subtraction method showed growth in four of 94 melanocytic tumours (4.3%) during a mean ±SD follow-up of 23 ± 11 months. The new digital IRT imaging of the iris showed the sphincter muscle and radial contraction folds of Schwalbe in the pupillary zone and radial structural folds of Schwalbe and circular contraction furrows in the ciliary zone of the iris. The 52-year-old patient with a chronic phase of VKH disease showed extensive atrophy and occasional pigment clumps in the iris stroma, detachment of the ciliary body with severe ocular hypotony, and shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole in both eyes. Infrared transillumination imaging and fluorescein angiographic findings of the iris showed that IR translucence (p=0.53), complete masking of fluorescence (p=0.69), presence of disorganized vessels (p=0.32), and fluorescein leakage (p=1.0) at the site of the lesion did not differentiate an iris nevus from a melanoma. Conclusions: Digital 50° red-free and two-field 50° or 45° colour imaging were suitable for DR screening, whereas the handheld digital video camera did not fulfill the needs of DR screening. Comparative use of digital colour, red-free and red light imaging was a suitable method in the differentiation of small choroidal melanoma from different pseudomelanomas. The subtraction method may reveal early growth of the melanocytic choroidal tumours. Digital IRT imaging may be used to study changes of the stroma and posterior surface of the iris in various diseases of the uvea. It contributed to the revealment of iris atrophy and serous detachment of the ciliary body with ocular hypotony together with the shallow retinal detachment of the posterior pole as new findings of the chronic phase of VKH disease. Infrared translucence and angiographic findings are useful in differential diagnosis of melanocytic iris tumours, but they cannot be used to determine if the lesion is benign or malignant.


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En el presente trabajo se estudió la prevalencia del Carcinoma escamoso ocular bovino y la relación que tiene esta enfermedad con la pigmentación ocular, la raza y la edad en la Empresa Genética “Roberto Alvarado” (Chiltepe). Para esto se estudiaron 4108 animales de los grupos raciales Holstein Friesian (Canadiense), Holstein Friesian (Criollo), Holstein x Pardo, 75% Holstein y Pardo Suizo. Se determinó que la prevalencia total del cáncer en la población analizada es de 2.6%. Además que existe presencia de lesión únicamente cuando existe pigmentación. Se concluyó que hay claras diferencias entre los grupos raciales estudiados siendo el más afectado el Holstein Friesian(Canadiense), y que hay una tendencia a incrementarse la presencia del cáncer a medida la edad.


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Orain arte eskaladaren inguruan dagoen literaturan, antropometria, heltze indarra eta erantzun psikofisiologikoak aztertu dira nagusiki eta kontraesan ugari aurkitzen dira autore ezberdinen artean. Ikerketa honen bidez, kontraesan guzti hauek argitu nahi dira eta balorazio proba berri batzuen eraginkontarsuna aztertu. Gradu amaierako lan honen helburuak, lau balorazio proba ezberdin diseinatu, gauzatzea (heltze indarra, gauzatze aldagaiak, erantzun fisiologikoak eta RPE neurtuz) eta neurketa antropometrikoak egitea izan dira. Ondoren, maila ezberdineko eskalatzaileen eta bi sexuen arteko ezberdintasunak behatzeko. Ikerketan hiru emakume eta bederatzi gizonek parte hartu zuten, uniformeki maila ezberdineko taldetan banaturik. 1.taldea (6.gradukoak), emakume bat eta bi gizonek osatzen zuten, 2.taldea (7.gradukoak), emakume bat eta hiru gizonek eta 3.taldea (8.gradukoak), emakume bat eta lau gizonek. Diseinaturiko lau balorazio probak honako hauek izan ziren: 1.proba, suspentsio maximoa 1,8mmko regletan; 2.proba, trakzio kopuru maximoa; 3.proba, 7a zailtasuneko bia bat eskalatu akidura arte eta 4.proba, 6a+ zailtasuneko bia bat eskalatu akidura arte. Balorazio proba edo testekin hasi aurretik, atsedenean, bihotz maiztasuna eta tentsio arteriala neurtu eta esperientzia eta kirol praktikaren galdetegi bat pasa zitzaien. Ondoren, balorazio proba bakoitzaren aurretik eta ostean, gauzatze aldagaiak, heltze indarra, erantzun fisiologikoa eta RPE neurtu zitzaien. Erantzunei dagokionez, perfil antropometrikoan, gero eta maila altuagoko eskalatzaileek endomorfia baxuagoa dute eta emakumeek gizonezkoek baino balore altuagoak dituzte aldagai guztietan, gantz portzentaian izan ezik. Heltze indarrean aldiz, ez zen ezberdintasun adierazgarririk topatu hiru taldeen artean eta gizonezkoek emakumezkoek baino balore altuagoak izan arren, indar galera antzekoa dute. Erantzun fisiologikoetan ez zen ezberdintasun adierazgarririk topatu. Suspentsio maximoan (1.balorazio proban), gero eta maila altuagoko eskalatzaileek denbora gehiago irauten dute suspentsioan, trakzio kopuruetan aldiz (2.balorazio proba), ez dago ezberdintasun adierazgarririk. Kirol eskalada bertikalean aldiz (3. eta 4. balorazio probetan), maila altuagokoek distantzia luzeagoak eta mugimendu kopuru gehiago egiten dituzte proportzionalki denbora laburragoan. Ondorioz, helburuetako batzuk neurri handi batean bete dira. Laburbilduz, diseinaturiko balorazio probak erabilgarriak dira azkena izan ezik, eta antropometrian, heltze indarrean, suspentsio maximoan eta 3. balorazio probako gauzatze aldagaietan ezberdintasun adierazgarriak topatu dira.


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A cinetose tem elevada prevalência mundial, sendo mais frequente na infância e no sexo feminino, mas também pode acometer adultos. Resulta de um conflito vestíbulo-visual que incide durante a locomoção em diversos meios de transporte, como carro, ônibus, avião e barco. A forma mais dramática ocorre no transporte marítimo. Ocasiona náusea, vômito, sudorese, aumento da salivação, redução do apetite, hipotensão e mal-estar. Geralmente é produzida por estímulo vestibular, mas também pode ser induzida por estímulo visual. Tanto as acelerações lineares quanto angulares geram cinetose se persistirem por longo período em indivíduos susceptíveis. Recentemente ocorre maior interesse nessa afecção devido ao crescente uso de tecnologia de simulação de vôo e direção automobilística. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as alterações vestibulares nos indivíduos adultos com cinetose. Trata-se de um estudo prospectivo, tipo série de casos. Os pacientes do ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto-UERJ foram avaliados através de anamnese geral e dirigida e exame fisico geral e otorrinolaringológico. Aqueles com histórico de doença otológica foram excluídos. Posteriormente realizaram audiometria e testes vestibulares com o registro gráfico dos nistagmos através da vectoeletronistagmografia. Nos resultados das provas calóricas encontramos 3,33% de pacientes com alteração de predomínio direcional, 6,67% com alteração de predomínio labiríntico, 3,33% com hiperreflexia esquerda, 3,33% com hiporreflexia direita e 3,33% com hiporreflexia esquerda. Encontrados algumas variações na análise dos movimentos sacádicos, nistagmo optocinético e rastreio pendular. Os resultados foram de encontro aos achados da literatura. Diante dos achados, foi observado que o exame otoneurológico com registro gráfico da cinetose mostrou-se muito importante para a avaliação dos pacientes com essa afecção. O estudo traz benefícios por contribuir para o melhor entendimento da cinetose e estimular novas pesquisas na área.


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The ascorbic acid turnover from the ocular tissues of 11 species of fishes from a culture pond and the river Godavari (Andhra Pradesh, India) has been studied. The free ascorbic acid and ascorbigen contents were more in the case of bottom or deep dwelling fishes and the least in the case of surface living forms, depending upon the light penetration in the area that each species inhabits. The enzymic utilization and ascorbic acid-macromolecule complex varied among the fishes possibly depending upon individual energy requirements and not upon light intensity. No size-related or sex-related variation was observed. No variation was observed between riverine and pond-reared fishes of the same species.


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