913 resultados para FEAR CONDITIONING


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During Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning a previously neutral auditory stimulus (CS) gains emotional significance through pairing with a noxious unconditioned stimulus (US). These associations are believed to be formed by way of plasticity at auditory input synapses on principal neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). One proposed form of cellular plasticity involves structural changes in the number and morphology of dendritic spines...


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During Pavlovian auditory fear conditioning a previously neutral auditory stimulus (CS) gains emotional significance through pairing with a noxious unconditioned stimulus (US). These associations are believed to be formed by way of plasticity at auditory input synapses on principal neurons of the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA). While the LA has been implicated as a key brain structure for fear learning, how its network of cellular components performs these operations is not yet known...


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In classical fear conditioning a neutral conditioned stimulus (CS) such as a tone, is paired with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US) such as a shock. The CS thereby acquires the capacity to elicit a fear response. This type of associative learning is thought to require co-activation of principle neurons in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) by two sets of synaptic inputs, a weak CS and a strong US...


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La déficience intellectuelle est la cause d’handicap la plus fréquente chez l’enfant. De nombreuses évidences convergent vers l’idée selon laquelle des altérations dans les gènes synaptiques puissent expliquer une fraction significative des affections neurodéveloppementales telles que la déficience intellectuelle ou encore l’autisme. Jusqu’à récemment, la majorité des mutations associées à la déficience intellectuelle a été liée au chromosome X ou à la transmission autosomique récessive. D’un autre côté, plusieurs études récentes suggèrent que des mutations de novo dans des gènes à transmission autosomique dominante, requis dans les processus de la plasticité synaptique peuvent être à la source d’une importante fraction des cas de déficience intellectuelle non syndromique. Par des techniques permettant la capture de l’exome et le séquençage de l’ADN génomique, notre laboratoire a précédemment reporté les premières mutations pathogéniques dans le gène à transmission autosomique dominante SYNGAP1. Ces dernières ont été associées à des troubles comportementaux tels que la déficience intellectuelle, l’inattention, des problèmes d’humeur, d’impulsivité et d’agressions physiques. D’autres patients sont diagnostiqués avec des troubles autistiques et/ou des formes particulières d’épilepsie généralisée. Chez la souris, le knock-out constitutif de Syngap1 (souris Syngap1+/-) résulte en des déficits comme l’hyperactivité locomotrice, une réduction du comportement associée à l’anxiété, une augmentation du réflexe de sursaut, une propension à l’isolation, des problèmes dans le conditionnement à la peur, des troubles dans les mémoires de travail, de référence et social. Ainsi, la souris Syngap1+/- représente un modèle approprié pour l’étude des effets délétères causés par l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 sur le développement de circuits neuronaux. D’autre part, il est de première importance de statuer si les mutations humaines aboutissent à l’haploinsuffisance de la protéine. SYNGAP1 encode pour une protéine à activité GTPase pour Ras. Son haploinsuffisance entraîne l’augmentation des niveaux d’activité de Ras, de phosphorylation de ERK, cause une morphogenèse anormale des épines dendritiques et un excès dans la concentration des récepteurs AMPA à la membrane postsynaptique des neurones excitateurs. Plusieurs études suggèrent que l’augmentation précoce de l’insertion des récepteurs AMPA au sein des synapses glutamatergiques contribue à certains phénotypes observés chez la souris Syngap1+/-. En revanche, les conséquences de l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 sur les circuits neuronaux GABAergiques restent inconnues. Les enjeux de mon projet de PhD sont: 1) d’identifier l’impact de mutations humaines dans la fonction de SYNGAP1; 2) de déterminer si SYNGAP1 contribue au développement et à la fonction des circuits GABAergiques; 3) de révéler comment l’haploinsuffisance de Syngap1 restreinte aux circuits GABAergiques affecte le comportement et la cognition. Nous avons publié les premières mutations humaines de type faux-sens dans le gène SYNGAP1 (c.1084T>C [p.W362R]; c.1685C>T [p.P562L]) ainsi que deux nouvelles mutations tronquantes (c.2212_2213del [p.S738X]; c.283dupC [p.H95PfsX5]). Ces dernières sont toutes de novo à l’exception de c.283dupC, héritée d’un père mosaïque pour la même mutation. Dans cette étude, nous avons confirmé que les patients pourvus de mutations dans SYNGAP1 présentent, entre autre, des phénotypes associés à des troubles comportementaux relatifs à la déficience intellectuelle. En culture organotypique, la transfection biolistique de l’ADNc de Syngap1 wild-type dans des cellules pyramidales corticales réduit significativement les niveaux de pERK, en fonction de l’activité neuronale. Au contraire les constructions plasmidiques exprimant les mutations W362R, P562L, ou celle précédemment répertoriée R579X, n’engendre aucun effet significatif sur les niveaux de pERK. Ces résultats suggèrent que ces mutations faux-sens et tronquante résultent en la perte de la fonction de SYNGAP1 ayant fort probablement pour conséquences d’affecter la régulation du développement cérébral. Plusieurs études publiées suggèrent que les déficits cognitifs associés à l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 peuvent émerger d’altérations dans le développement des neurones excitateurs glutamatergiques. Toutefois, si, et auquel cas, de quelle manière ces mutations affectent le développement des interneurones GABAergiques résultant en un déséquilibre entre l’excitation et l’inhibition et aux déficits cognitifs restent sujet de controverses. Par conséquent, nous avons examiné la contribution de Syngap1 dans le développement des circuits GABAergiques. A cette fin, nous avons généré une souris mutante knockout conditionnelle dans laquelle un allèle de Syngap1 est spécifiquement excisé dans les interneurones GABAergiques issus de l’éminence ganglionnaire médiale (souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+). En culture organotypique, nous avons démontré que la réduction de Syngap1 restreinte aux interneurones inhibiteurs résulte en des altérations au niveau de leur arborisation axonale et dans leur densité synaptique. De plus, réalisés sur des coupes de cerveau de souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+, les enregistrements des courants inhibiteurs postsynaptiques miniatures (mIPSC) ou encore de ceux évoqués au moyen de l’optogénétique (oIPSC) dévoilent une réduction significative de la neurotransmission inhibitrice corticale. Enfin, nous avons comparé les performances de souris jeunes adultes Syngap1+/-, Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+ à celles de leurs congénères contrôles dans une batterie de tests comportementaux. À l’inverse des souris Syngap1+/-, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+ ne présentent pas d’hyperactivité locomotrice, ni de comportement associé à l’anxiété. Cependant, elles démontrent des déficits similaires dans la mémoire de travail et de reconnaissance sociale, suggérant que l’haploinsuffisance de Syngap1 restreinte aux interneurones GABAergiques dérivés de l’éminence ganglionnaire médiale récapitule en partie certains des phénotypes cognitifs observés chez la souris Syngap1+/-. Mes travaux de PhD établissent pour la première fois que les mutations humaines dans le gène SYNGAP1 associés à la déficience intellectuelle causent la perte de fonction de la protéine. Mes études dévoilent, également pour la première fois, l’influence significative de ce gène dans la régulation du développement et de la fonction des interneurones. D’admettre l’atteinte des cellules GABAergiques illustre plus réalistement la complexité de la déficience intellectuelle non syndromique causée par l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1. Ainsi, seule une compréhension raffinée de cette condition neurodéveloppementale pourra mener à une approche thérapeutique adéquate.


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The dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) has a critical role on the expression of defensive responses to predator odor. Anatomical evidence suggests that the PMd should also modulate memory processing through a projecting branch to the anterior thalamus. By using a pharmacological blockade of the PMd with the NMDA-receptor antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (AP5), we were able to confirm its role in the expression of unconditioned defensive responses, and further revealed that the nucleus is also involved in influencing associative mechanisms linking predatory threats to the related context. We have also tested whether olfactory fear conditioning, using coffee odor as CS, would be useful to model predator odor. Similar to cat odor, shock-paired coffee odor produced robust defensive behavior during exposure to the odor and to the associated context. Shock-paired coffee odor also up-regulated Fos expression in the PMd, and, as with cat odor, we showed that this nucleus is involved in the conditioned defensive responses to the shock-paired coffee odor and the contextual responses to the associated environment. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study we provide a comprehensive analysis of the hypothalamic activation pattern during exposure to a live predator or an environment previously associated with a predator. Our results support the view that hypothalamic processing of the actual and the contextual predatory threats share the same circuit, in which the dorsal premammillary nucleus (PMd) plays a pivotal role in amplifying this processing. To further understand the role of the PMd in the circuit organizing antipredatory defensive behaviors, we studied rats with cytotoxic PMd lesions during cat exposure and examined the pattern of behavioral responses as well as how PMd lesions affect the neuronal activation of the systems engaged in predator detection, in contextual memory formation and in defensive behavioral responses. Next, we investigated how pharmacological blockade of the PMd interferes with the conditioned behavioral responses to a context previously associated with a predator, and how this blockade affects the activation pattern of periaqueductal gray (PAG) sites likely to organize the conditioned behavioral responses to the predatory context. Behavioral observations indicate that the PMd interferes with both unconditioned and conditioned antipredatory defensive behavior. Moreover, we have shown that the PMd influences the activation of its major projecting targets, i.e. the ventral part of the anteromedial thalamic nucleus which is likely to influence mnemonic processing, and PAG sites involved in the expression of antipredatory unconditioned and conditioned behavioral responses. Of particular relevance, this work provides evidence to elucidate the basic organization of the neural circuits integrating unconditioned and contextual conditioned responses to predatory threats.


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The dorsal striatum (DS) is involved in various forms of learning and memory such as procedural learning, habit learning, reward-association and emotional learning. We have previously reported that bilateral DS lesions disrupt tone fear conditioning (TFC), but not contextual fear conditioning (CFC) [Ferreira TL, Moreira KM, Ikeda DC, Bueno OFA, Oliveira MGM (2003) Effects of dorsal striatum lesions in tone fear conditioning and contextual fear conditioning. Brain Res 987:17-24]. To further elucidate the participation of DS in emotional learning, in the present study, we investigated the effects of bilateral pretest (postraining) electrolytic DS lesions on TFC. Given the well-acknowledged role of the amygdala in emotional learning, we also examined a possible cooperation between DS and the amygdala in TFC, by using asymmetrical electrolytic lesions, consisting of a unilateral lesion of the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeA) combined to a contralateral DS lesion. The results show that pre-test bilateral DS lesions disrupt TFC responses, suggesting that DS plays a role in the expression of TFC. More importantly, rats with asymmetrical pre-training lesions were impaired in TFC, but not in CFC tasks. This result was confirmed with muscimol asymmetrical microinjections in DS and CeA, which reversibly inactivate these structures. On the other hand, similar pretest lesions as well as unilateral electrolytic lesions of CeA and DS in the same hemisphere did not affect TFC. Possible anatomical substrates underlying the observed effects are proposed. Overall, the present results underscore that other routes, aside from the well-established CeA projections to the periaqueductal gray, may contribute to the acquisition/consolidation of the freezing response associated to a TFC task. It is suggested that CeA may presumably influence DS processing via a synaptic relay on dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra compacta and retrorubral nucleus. The present observations are also in line with other studies showing that TFC and CFC responses are mediated by different anatomical networks. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have recently verified that the monoamine depleting drug reserpine at doses that do not modify motor function - impairs memory in a rodent model of aversive discrimination. In this study, the effects of reserpine (0.1-0.5 mg/kg) on the performance of rats in object recognition, spatial working memory (spontaneous alternation) and emotional memory (contextual freezing conditioning) tasks were investigated. While object recognition and spontaneous alternation behavior were not affected by reserpine treatment, contextual fear conditioning was impaired. Together with previous studies, these results suggest that mild monoamine depletion would preferentially induce deficits in tasks involved with emotional contexts. Possible relationships with cognitive and emotional processing deficits in Parkinson disease are discussed


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The amygdala has been studied extensively for its critical role in associative fear conditioning in animals and humans. Noxious stimuli, such as those used for fear conditioning, are most effective in eliciting behavioral responses and amygdala activation when experienced in an unpredictable manner. Here, we show, using a translational approach in mice and humans, that unpredictability per se without interaction with motivational information is sufficient to induce sustained neural activity in the amygdala and to elicit anxiety-like behavior. Exposing mice to mere temporal unpredictability within a time series of neutral sound pulses in an otherwise neutral sensory environment increased expression of the immediate-early gene c-fos and prevented rapid habituation of single neuron activity in the basolateral amygdala. At the behavioral level, unpredictable, but not predictable, auditory stimulation induced avoidance and anxiety-like behavior. In humans, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that temporal unpredictably causes sustained neural activity in amygdala and anxiety-like behavior as quantified by enhanced attention toward emotional faces. Our findings show that unpredictability per se is an important feature of the sensory environment influencing habituation of neuronal activity in amygdala and emotional behavior and indicate that regulation of amygdala habituation represents an evolutionary-conserved mechanism for adapting behavior in anticipation of temporally unpredictable events.


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Latrepirdine (Dimebon) is a pro-neurogenic, antihistaminic compound that has yielded mixed results in clinical trials of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, with a dramatically positive outcome in a Russian clinical trial that was unconfirmed in a replication trial in the United States. We sought to determine whether latrepirdine (LAT)-stimulated amyloid precursor protein (APP) catabolism is at least partially attributable to regulation of macroautophagy, a highly conserved protein catabolism pathway that is known to be impaired in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). We utilized several mammalian cellular models to determine whether LAT regulates mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and Atg5-dependent autophagy. Male TgCRND8 mice were chronically administered LAT prior to behavior analysis in the cued and contextual fear conditioning paradigm, as well as immunohistological and biochemical analysis of AD-related neuropathology. Treatment of cultured mammalian cells with LAT led to enhanced mTOR- and Atg5-dependent autophagy. Latrepirdine treatment of TgCRND8 transgenic mice was associated with improved learning behavior and with a reduction in accumulation of Aβ42 and α-synuclein. We conclude that LAT possesses pro-autophagic properties in addition to the previously reported pro-neurogenic properties, both of which are potentially relevant to the treatment and/or prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. We suggest that elucidation of the molecular mechanism(s) underlying LAT effects on neurogenesis, autophagy and behavior might warranty the further study of LAT as a potentially viable lead compound that might yield more consistent clinical benefit following the optimization of its pro-neurogenic, pro-autophagic and/or pro-cognitive activities.


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It is well accepted that the hippocampus (HIP) is important for spatial and contextual memories, however, it is not clear if the entorhinal cortex (EC), the main input/output structure for the hippocampus, is also necessary for memory storage. Damage to the EC in humans results in memory deficits. However, animal studies report conflicting results on whether the EC is necessary for spatial and contextual memory. Memory consolidation requires gene expression and protein synthesis, mediated by signaling cascades and transcription factors. Extracellular-signal regulated kinase (ERK) cascade activity is necessary for long-term memory in several tasks, including those that test spatial and contextual memory. In this work, we explore the role of ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC on spatial and contextual memory. ^ To evaluate this role, post-training infusions of reversible pharmacological inhibitors specific for the ERK cascade that do not affect normal neuronal activity were targeted directly to the EC of awake, behaving animals. This technique provides spatial and temporal control over the inhibition of the ERK cascade without affecting performance during training or testing. Using the Morris water maze to study spatial memory, we found that ERK inhibition in the EC resulted in long-term memory deficits consistent with a loss of spatial strategy information. When animals were allowed to learn and consolidate a spatial strategy for solving the task prior to training and ERK inhibition, the deficit was alleviated. To study contextual memory, we trained animals in a cued fear-conditioning task and saw an increase in the activation of ERK in the EC 90 minutes following training. ERK inhibition in the EC over this time point, but not at an earlier time point, resulted in increased freezing to the context, but not to the tone, during a 48-hour retention test. In addition, animals froze maximally at the time the shock was given during training; similar to naïve animals receiving additional training, suggesting that ERK-mediated plasticity in the EC normally suppresses the temporal nature of the freezing response. These findings demonstrate that plasticity in the EC is necessary for both spatial and contextual memory, specifically in the retention of behavioral strategies. ^


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γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A receptors mediate fast inhibitory synaptic transmission and have been implicated in responses to sedative/hypnotic agents (including neuroactive steroids), anxiety, and learning and memory. Using gene targeting technology, we generated a strain of mice deficient in the δ subunit of the GABA type A receptors. In vivo testing of various behavioral responses revealed a strikingly selective attenuation of responses to neuroactive steroids, but not to other modulatory drugs. Electrophysiological recordings from hippocampal slices revealed a significantly faster miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current decay time in null mice, with no change in miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current amplitude or frequency. Learning and memory assessed with fear conditioning were normal. These results begin to illuminate the novel contributions of the δ subunit to GABA pharmacology and sedative/hypnotic responses and behavior and provide insights into the physiology of neurosteroids.


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The Sanfilippo syndrome type B is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutation in the gene (NAGLU) encoding α-N-acetylglucosaminidase, a lysosomal enzyme required for the stepwise degradation of heparan sulfate. The most serious manifestations are profound mental retardation, intractable behavior problems, and death in the second decade. To generate a model for studies of pathophysiology and of potential therapy, we disrupted exon 6 of Naglu, the homologous mouse gene. Naglu−/− mice were healthy and fertile while young and could survive for 8–12 mo. They were totally deficient in α-N-acetylglucosaminidase and had massive accumulation of heparan sulfate in liver and kidney as well as secondary changes in activity of several other lysosomal enzymes in liver and brain and elevation of gangliosides GM2 and GM3 in brain. Vacuolation was seen in many cells, including macrophages, epithelial cells, and neurons, and became more prominent with age. Although most vacuoles contained finely granular material characteristic of glycosaminoglycan accumulation, large pleiomorphic inclusions were seen in some neurons and pericytes in the brain. Abnormal hypoactive behavior was manifested by 4.5-mo-old Naglu−/− mice in an open field test; the hyperactivity that is characteristic of affected children was not observed even in younger mice. In a Pavlovian fear conditioning test, the 4.5-mo-old mutant mice showed normal response to context, indicating intact hippocampal-dependent learning, but reduced response to a conditioning tone, perhaps attributable to hearing impairment. The phenotype of the α-N-acetylglucosaminidase-deficient mice is sufficiently similar to that of patients with the Sanfilippo syndrome type B to make these mice a good model for study of pathophysiology and for development of therapy.


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Synaptotagmin (Syt) IV is a synaptic vesicle protein. Syt IV expression is induced in the rat hippocampus after systemic kainic acid treatment. To examine the functional role of this protein in vivo, we derived Syt IV null [Syt IV(−/−)] mutant mice. Studies with the rotorod revealed that the Syt IV mutants have impaired motor coordination, a result consistent with constitutive Syt IV expression in the cerebellum. Because Syt IV is thought to modulate synaptic function, we also have examined Syt IV mutant mice in learning and memory tests. Our studies show that the Syt IV mutation disrupts contextual fear conditioning, a learning task sensitive to hippocampal and amygdala lesions. In contrast, cued fear conditioning is normal in the Syt IV mutants, suggesting that this mutation did not disrupt amygdala function. Conditioned taste aversion, which also depends on the amygdala, is normal in the Syt IV mutants. Consistent with the idea that the Syt IV mutation preferentially affects hippocampal function, Syt IV mutant mice also display impaired social transmission of food preference. These studies demonstrate that Syt IV is critical for brain function and suggest that the Syt IV mutation affects hippocampal-dependent learning and memory, as well as motor coordination.