951 resultados para Eye Movement


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Children’s eye movements during reading. In this chapter, we evaluate the literature on children’s eye movements during reading to date. We describe the basic, developmental changes that occur in eye movement behaviour during reading, discuss age-related changes in the extent and time course of information extraction during fixations in reading, and compare the effects of visual and linguistic manipulations in the text on children’s eye movement behaviour in relation to skilled adult readers. We argue that future research will benefit from examining how eye movement behaviour during reading develops in relation to language and literacy skills, and use of computational modelling with children’s eye movement data may improve our understanding of the mechanisms that underlie the progression from beginning to skilled reader.


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A study of eye movements during simulated travel toward a grove of four stationary trees revealed that observers looked most at pairs of trees that converged or decelerated apart. Such pairs specify that one's direction of travel, called heading, is to the outside of the near member of the pair. Observers looked at these trees more than those that accelerated apart; such pairs do not offer trustworthy heading information. Observers also looked at gaps between trees less often when they converged or diverged apart, and heading can never be between such pairs. Heading responses were in accord with eye movements. In general, if observers responded accurately, they had looked at trees that converged or decelerated apart; if they were inaccurate, they had not. Results support the notion that observers seek out their heading through eye movements, saccading to and fixating on the most informative locations in the field of view.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The term Congenital Nystagmus (Early Onset Nystagmus or Infantile Nystagmus Syndrome) refers to a pathology characterised by an involuntary movement of the eyes, which often seriously reduces a subject’s vision. Congenital Nystagmus (CN) is a specific kind of nystagmus within the wider classification of infantile nystagmus, which can be best recognized and classified by means of a combination of clinical investigations and motility analysis; in some cases, eye movement recording and analysis are indispensable for diagnosis. However, interpretation of eye movement recordings still lacks of complete reliability; hence new analysis techniques and precise identification of concise parameters directly related to visual acuity are necessary to further support physicians’ decisions. To this aim, an index computed from eye movement recordings and related to the visual acuity of a subject is proposed in this thesis. This estimator is based on two parameters: the time spent by a subject effectively viewing a target (foveation time - Tf) and the standard deviation of eye position (SDp). Moreover, since previous studies have shown that visual acuity largely depends on SDp, a data collection pilot study was also conducted with the purpose of specifically identifying eventual slow rhythmic component in the eye position and to characterise in more detail the SDp. The results are presented in this thesis. In addition, some oculomotor system models are reviewed and a new approach to those models, i.e. the recovery of periodic orbits of the oculomotor system in patients with CN, is tested on real patients data. In conclusion, the results obtained within this research consent to completely and reliably characterise the slow rhythmic component sometimes present in eye position recordings of CN subjects and to better classify the different kinds of CN waveforms. Those findings can successfully support the clinicians in therapy planning and treatment outcome evaluation.


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Eye-movement abnormalities in schizophrenia are a well-established phenomenon that has been observed in many studies. In such studies, visual targets are usually presented in the center of the visual field, and the subject's head remains fixed. However, in every-day life, targets may also appear in the periphery. This study is among the first to investigate eye and head movements in schizophrenia by presenting targets in the periphery of the visual field.


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Coordinated eye and head movements simultaneously occur to scan the visual world for relevant targets. However, measuring both eye and head movements in experiments allowing natural head movements may be challenging. This paper provides an approach to study eye-head coordination: First, we demonstra- te the capabilities and limits of the eye-head tracking system used, and compare it to other technologies. Second, a beha- vioral task is introduced to invoke eye-head coordination. Third, a method is introduced to reconstruct signal loss in video- based oculography caused by cornea reflection artifacts in order to extend the tracking range. Finally, parameters of eye- head coordination are identified using EHCA (eye-head co- ordination analyzer), a MATLAB software which was developed to analyze eye-head shifts. To demonstrate the capabilities of the approach, a study with 11 healthy subjects was performed to investigate motion behavior. The approach presented here is discussed as an instrument to explore eye-head coordination, which may lead to further insights into attentional and motor symptoms of certain neurological or psychiatric diseases, e.g., schizophrenia.


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Impairment of cognitive performance during and after high-altitude climbing has been described in numerous studies and has mostly been attributed to cerebral hypoxia and resulting functional and structural cerebral alterations. To investigate the hypothesis that high-altitude climbing leads to cognitive impairment, we used of neuropsychological tests and measurements of eye movement (EM) performance during different stimulus conditions. The study was conducted in 32 mountaineers participating in an expedition to Muztagh Ata (7,546 m). Neuropsychological tests comprised figural fluency, line bisection, letter and number cancellation, and a modified pegboard task. Saccadic performance was evaluated under three stimulus conditions with varying degrees of cortical involvement: visually guided pro- and anti-saccades, and visuo-visual interaction. Typical saccade parameters (latency, mean sequence, post-saccadic stability, and error rate) were computed off-line. Measurements were taken at a baseline level of 440 m and at altitudes of 4,497, 5,533, 6,265, and again at 440 m. All subjects reached 5,533 m, and 28 reached 6,265 m. The neuropsychological test results did not reveal any cognitive impairment. Complete eye movement recordings for all stimulus conditions were obtained in 24 subjects at baseline and at least two altitudes and in 10 subjects at baseline and all altitudes. Measurements of saccade performances showed no dependence on any altitude-related parameter and were well within normal limits. Our data indicates that acclimatized climbers do not seem to suffer from significant cognitive deficits during or after climbs to altitudes above 7,500 m. We demonstrated that investigation of EMs is feasible during high-altitude expeditions.


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A large body of research suggests that when we retrieve visual information from memory, we look back to the location where we encoded these objects. It has been proposed that the oculomotor trace we act out during encoding is stored in long-term memory, along other contents of the episodic representation. If memory recall triggers the eyes to revisit the location where the stimulus was encoded, is there also an effect in the reverse direction? Can eye movements trigger memory recall? In Experiment 1 participants encoded two faces at two different locations on the computer screen. Then, the average face (morph) of these two faces appeared in either of the two encoding locations and participants had to indicate whether it resembles more the first or second face. In Experiment 2 the morph appeared in a new location, but participants had to repeat one of the oculomotor traces that was used during encoding. Participants’ morph perception was influenced both by the location and the eye-movement it was presented with. Our results suggest that eye-movements can bias memory recall, but only in a short-lasting and rather fragile way.


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New-onset impairment of ocular motility will cause incomitant strabismus, i.e., a gaze-dependent ocular misalignment. This ocular misalignment will cause retinal disparity, that is, a deviation of the spatial position of an image on the retina of both eyes, which is a trigger for a vergence eye movement that results in ocular realignment. If the vergence movement fails, the eyes remain misaligned, resulting in double vision. Adaptive processes to such incomitant vergence stimuli are poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the physiological oculomotor response of saccadic and vergence eye movements in healthy individuals after shifting gaze from a viewing position without image disparity into a field of view with increased image disparity, thus in conditions mimicking incomitance. Repetitive saccadic eye movements into a visual field with increased stimulus disparity lead to a rapid modification of the oculomotor response: (a) Saccades showed immediate disconjugacy (p < 0.001) resulting in decreased retinal image disparity at the end of a saccade. (b) Vergence kinetics improved over time (p < 0.001). This modified oculomotor response enables a more prompt restoration of ocular alignment in new-onset incomitance.


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Schizophrenia is the most prevalent mental disorder in the world, affecting approximately one percent of the population. Antipsychotic medications have successfully treated schizophrenic psychotic symptoms for years, however their positive effects on cognitive dysfunction, a core feature of schizophrenia, are inconclusive. Recent studies have shown that improved cognitive functioning is most often associated with the best long-term prognosis. Thus, clarifying the cognitive effects of commonly prescribed antipsychotic medications is pivotal to improving quality of life and long-term care of schizophrenic patients.^ Previous studies on cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia utilized complex neuropsychological tasks requiring many intact areas of the brain for proper completion. These complexities make interpretation of acquired data difficult. Recently, eye movements have been identified as a more effective surrogate for investigating cognitive functioning. Eye movements are easily measured, require known discrete areas of the brain for processing, and are ubiquitous. They influence what we attend to and process in the brain; thus they are a pivotal aspect of cognitive functioning. This study sought to examine the effects of antipsychotic medications on eye movements in forty-two schizophrenic patients. These patients were divided equally into the three tested medication groups: haloperidol, olanzapine, and aripiprazole. To the extent possible, these groups were further separated into task-impaired and task-nonimpaired subgroups, and again analyzed. Clinical and neuropsychological scales were administered to assess clinical and eye movement changes.^ The results of this study found the olanzapine-treated group exhibited superior cognitive effects to the aripiprazole-treated group, who was superior to the haloperidol-treated group. Furthermore, upon subdivision into cognitively impaired and nonimpaired subgroups, both olanzapine-treated subgroups continued to show improvement, while only the aripiprazole-treated impaired subgroup showed cognitive benefit. The haloperidol-treated nonimpaired subgroup actually demonstrated worsening effects. Interestingly, despite the cognitive decline of some subgroups, the clinical assessment results indicated virtually all subgroups exhibited significant clinical improvement. Hence, careful selection of an antipsychotic medication is crucial, as this study shows some treatments may help whereas others may hinder cognitive functioning in schizophrenia. ^ The results of this study are extremely important given the relationship between cognitive improvement and long-term prognosis in schizophrenia. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, these results indicate that clinical improvement is not necessarily indicative of cognitive improvement. ^


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Functional anatomical and single-unit recording studies indicate that a set of neural signals in parietal and frontal cortex mediates the covert allocation of attention to visual locations, as originally proposed by psychological studies. This frontoparietal network is the source of a location bias that interacts with extrastriate regions of the ventral visual system during object analysis to enhance visual processing. The frontoparietal network is not exclusively related to visual attention, but may coincide or overlap with regions involved in oculomotor processing. The relationship between attention and eye movement processes is discussed at the psychological, functional anatomical, and cellular level of analysis.


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Although advertising is pervasive in our daily, it proves to be not necessarily efficient all the times due to bad conditions or bad contexts of reception. Indeed, the communication process might be jeopardized at its very last stage because of advertising exposure quality. However critical it may be, ad exposure quality is not very much examined by researchers or practitioners. In this paper, we investigate how tiredness combined with ad complexity might influence the way consumers extract and process ad elements. Investigating tiredness is useful because it is a common daily state experienced by everyone at various moments of the day. And although it might drastically alter ad reception, it has not been studied in advertising for the moment. In this regards, we observe eye movement patterns of consumers viewing simple or complex advertisements being tired or not. We surprisingly find that tired subjects viewing complex ads don’t adopt a lessening effort visual strategy. They rather use a resource demanding one. We assume that the Sustained Attention strategy occurring is a kind of adaptive strategy allowing to deal with an anticipated lack of resource.


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Background - Not only is compulsive checking the most common symptom in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) with an estimated prevalence of 50–80% in patients, but approximately ~15% of the general population reveal subclinical checking tendencies that impact negatively on their performance in daily activities. Therefore, it is critical to understand how checking affects attention and memory in clinical as well as subclinical checkers. Eye fixations are commonly used as indicators for the distribution of attention but research in OCD has revealed mixed results at best. Methodology/Principal Finding - Here we report atypical eye movement patterns in subclinical checkers during an ecologically valid working memory (WM) manipulation. Our key manipulation was to present an intermediate probe during the delay period of the memory task, explicitly asking for the location of a letter, which, however, had not been part of the encoding set (i.e., misleading participants). Using eye movement measures we now provide evidence that high checkers’ inhibitory impairments for misleading information results in them checking the contents of WM in an atypical manner. Checkers fixate more often and for longer when misleading information is presented than non-checkers. Specifically, checkers spend more time checking stimulus locations as well as locations that had actually been empty during encoding. Conclusions/Significance - We conclude that these atypical eye movement patterns directly reflect internal checking of memory contents and we discuss the implications of our findings for the interpretation of behavioural and neuropsychological data. In addition our results highlight the importance of ecologically valid methodology for revealing the impact of detrimental attention and memory checking on eye movement patterns.