991 resultados para Export marketing.


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Although the internationalisation process of the firm has been well researched since the 1970s, the behaviour of firms prior to internationalisation has not received commensurate research attention.This paper argues that a focus on firms’ pre-internationalisation activities will not only offer an additional important perspective to the study of firm internationalisation but it will also address a significant research gap in studies that are theoretically based on the so-called stages models. During the pre-internationalisation phase, a firm is exposed to stimuli factors that may trigger an impulse for foreign market expansion. Decision makers’ perceptions of stimuli, their attitudinal commitment towards internationalisation, the firms’ resources and capabilities, as well as the mediating effect of lateral rigidity comprise a learning process that leads a firm towards readiness to initiate an internationalisation decision. This paper advances the concept of internationalisation readiness and proposes a method for developing an Internationalisation Readiness Index.


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Since the 1970s the internationalisation process of firms has attracted wide research interest. One of the dominant explanations of firm internationalisation resulting from this research activity is the Uppsala stages model. In this paper, a pre-internationalisation phase is incorporated into the traditional Uppsala model to address the question: What are the antecedents of this model? Four concepts are proposed as the key components that define the experiential learning process underlying a firm’s pre-export phase: export stimuli, attitudinal/psychological commitment, resources and lateral rigidity. Through a survey of 290 Australian exporting and non-exporting small-medium sized firms, data relating to the four pre-internationalisation concepts is collected and an Export Readiness Index (ERI) is constructed through factor analysis. Using logistic regression, the ERI is tested as a tool for analysing export readiness among Australian SMEs.


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In this globalized environment, Taiwanese firms have been very successful in achieving growth via international market expansion. In particular, the Taiwanese electronics industry has shown a dynamism lacking in comparable industries around the world. However, in recent years there has been a move by many of the larger Taiwanese manufacturing firms to outsource their manufacturing to low-cost producers such as China in order to remain competitive. Conversely, most Taiwanese small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have retained their production facilities in Taiwan. These SMEs seek to expand their sales beyond the domestic market by employing an export strategy, making a significant socioeconomic contribution to the domestic and regional economies. This paper highlights the key dimensions such as enhancing factors (benefits/advantages), inhibiting factors (barriers/costs), and managerial factors (characteristics/commitment) that play an important role in the internationalization of SMEs located within the Taiwanese electronics industry. A logistic regression model is used to predict the probability of a firm being an exporter.


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The objective of this exploratory study is to investigate the main drivers that enhance and inhibit the export performance of Chilean wineries. Based on survey data collected from Chilean wineries, the findings of this study suggest that the main constraints within the Chilean wineries in developing exports is the lack of financial resources, limited quantities of stocks for market expansion, management’s lack of knowledge and experience, and the high cost of travelling and participating in trade shows. The main drivers of wine export performance according to the respondents are high quality of the wines, well established network of international distributors, and marketing skills. The major inhibitors of developing wine exports are exchange rate variability, problems in selecting a reliable international distributor, and limited government support to promote wine exports. This study also shows that export managers of Chilean wineries have high educational levels and have international experience. The findings have important implications for export development efforts of both governments and managers.


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The Internet has been shown to positively influence the export activities of firms from developed countries. However, the literature is vague as to whether the Internet has an impact on the export market growth of firms form developing countries. This paper examines of a cross-national sample of 204 firms from a Latin American country (Chile). The results show that Internet marketing activities positively influence information availability and business relationships, which lead to an increase in export market growth. The findings indicate that the Internet influences not only information availability for export performance but also business relationships generally thought to be face to face interactions in nature.


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The internationalisation process of firms has attracted much research interest since the 1970s. It is noted, however, that a significant research gap exists in studies with a primary focus on the pre-internationalisation behaviour of firms. This paper proposes the incorporation of a pre-internationalisation phase into the traditional Uppsala model of firm internationalisation to address the issue of export readiness. Through extensive literature review, the concepts fundamental to the ability of an Uppsala type firm to begin internationalisation through an export entry mode are identified: exposure to stimuli factors, attitudinal commitment of decision makers towards exporting, the firm’s resource capabilities, as well as the moderating effect of lateral rigidity. The concept of export readiness is operationalised in this study through the construction of an export readiness index (ERI) using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. The index is then applied to some representative cases and tested using logistic regression to establish its validity as a diagnostic tool. The proposed ERI presents not only a more practical approach towards analysing firms’ export readiness but has also major public policy implications as a possible tool for government export promotion agencies.


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Today, small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) collectively contribute to the largest percentage of job creation in OECD countries. SMEs have become increasingly international since the turn of the century despite being smaller in size in comparison to large multinational firms, and notably, exporting is the most favoured mode of international market entry utilised by SMEs in their internationalisation strategy. Governments around the world have acknowledged the importance of export promotion and have employed policies that are targeted at increasing the export activity of SMEs. However, in many countries, the involvement of SMEs in export operations remains rather low. Within Australia, for example, only about one-third of local SMEs are exporting and this raises an important question as to why there is such a huge percentage of non-exporters. Much scholarly research that focuses on this problem has concentrated on the broad concept of 'export barriers' that act as obstacles to a firm's export development. This paper takes a different approach to previous studies and proposes that a firm's resistance to commence exporting can be better understood through an analysis of the behavioural decision process during its pre-export state. Using a sample of Australian SMEs, the factors that are important in preventing a firm’s initial export commencement decision are categorised and discussed through the use of factor analysis.


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The Internet has been shown to positively enhance internationalisation for SMEs, but scant empirical testing limits our understanding of the explicit impact of the Internet on firm internationalisation. This paper highlights key areas where the integration of the Internet can be leveraged through Internet-related capabilities within the internationalisation of the firm. Specifically, this study investigates how Internet marketing capabilities play a role in altering international information availability, international strategic orientation, and international business network relationships. This study provides evidence, indicating that these key relationships may vary between countries. To examine these key relationships this study utilises draws from data small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in three export intensive markets; Australia (215 international SMEs), Chile (204 international SMEs) and Taiwan (130 international SMEs); and tests a conceptual model through structural equation modelling. Results from the data show the impact of Internet marketing capabilities in positively impacting traditional internationalisation elements, which varies between countries. That is, our findings highlight the international business network relationships in Australia and Taiwan are directly impacted by Internet marketing capabilities, but not in Chile. We offer some insight into why we see variance across comparative exporting countries in how they leverage new technological capabilities for internationalisation and firm performance.


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This book contains guidelines on market-driven production for export markets, with information on how the marketing chain operates and what risks are involved. Using rice flower as an example, the book gives growers strategies to enhance their market performance and improve the profitability of their enterprises. It outlines some practical suggestions for marketing rice flower in Japan, the United States, Taiwan and Hong Kong as well as in Australia, and also provides a draft standard for rice flower for export markets.


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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from emerging markets in Latin America are increasingly engaging in export-related activities. Nevertheless, limited research exists into the export behavior of such firms. This study proposes and tests a conceptual model that includes the main drivers and inhibitors of export intensity for SMEs from Chile. The model uses confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to develop the underlying multi-item constructs and structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the model. Results show that manager’s export commitment as well as managerial and organizational resources and capabilities are drivers of export intensity. In addition, the results show that managerial perceptions of internal barriers, such as a manager’s lack of international experience and knowledge, act as significant barriers to developing exports. However, unlike previous findings from developed countries no evidence exists of external cost barriers having a significant impact on export intensity, which is possibly an indication of a competitive business environment in Chile.


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Marine by-products coming under the ancillary products group found many applications in pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. Although many of these products are fetching very high price at the export market, adequate statistics regarding their current production, marketing and utilisation is lacking. The present analysis deals with the production potential, level of exploitation, uses, export growth rate and potential for the future of some of these marine by-products. The analysis revealed that an estimated quantity of 205 t. of shells, 10 t. of gastropod operculum, 4,932 t. of shark liver oil and 4,384 t. of shark cartilage could be produced annually in India with the current landings. The production potential of chitin is estimated as 3,560 t. from shrimp shell wastes and 1,354 t. from crab shell wastes. The high unit value of different products clearly indicates the scope for their development by evolving appropriate utilisation and marketing strategies.


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El consumo de productos naturales en el mundo es cada vez más creciente, y dentro de ello las bebidas funcionales que desde sus orígenes han tenido una performance relativamente satisfactoria. El yacón (Smallanthus sochifolius)es una planta perene, herbácea, que crece en toda la serranía peruana. Su demanda en el mercado exterior ha hecho que cada vez tenga mayor importancia. En el 2014 se exportó USD 2 899.398,00 en forma de polvo, jarabe, deshidratado; sin embargo su consumo en el mercado nacional es bajo, a pesar del gran potencial nutritivo que posee. El mercado de Lima moderna se presenta como un importante atractivo de mercado que podría consumir la bebida. Por ello el objetivo del presente trabajo es Realizar un Plan de Marketing para el mercado de Lima moderna a fin de evaluar la factibilidad de insertar una bebida nueva: yacón con piña, para fomentar el consumo interno de este producto. La metodología utilizada fue de carácter exploratorio, descriptivo cuantitativa y cualitativa mediante información primaria y secundaria que ayudó a su desarrollo. Dentro de la información primaria se utilizó como herramienta la encuesta y la información secundaria a través de informes y estudios que se hicieron para el sector de bebidas no alcohólicas. El sector de bebidas no alcohólicas en el Perú, muestra un importante crecimiento en lo referente a bebidas saludables. En el último año (2014) el crecimiento de este sector fue de 6 por ciento, motivados por la percepción del consumidor en los beneficios saludables de estas bebidas. La zona de Lima moderna acoge al 72,2 por ciento del nivel socio económico A y B, este segmento concentra el más alto promedio de ingresos. En el análisis de Porter, se describe a la empresa como una industria, el cual para este rubro las barreras de ingreso son altas por la inversión en activos físicos y la inversión en publicidad y promoción por ser un producto nuevo. A través del estudio realizado se encontró que existe demanda para este producto, el 31,1 por ciento de los encuestados compraría definitivamente, 25,5 por ciento una vez por semana y el 18,3 por ciento todos los días. La estrategia utilizada en el presente trabajo fue la diferenciación, por las características saludables de la bebida y única en el mercado. La bebida es un producto de introducción en el mercado, el precio fijado es alto porque se orienta a un segmento de mercado selectivo y además fijado en la imagen y calidad del producto. La distribución se realizará a través de los supermercados, minimarkets, hoteles categorizados. Y por último se concluye que la introducción de un producto novedoso, podría marcar estándares en el mercado de bebidas no alcohólicas y permitir la creación de una nueva categoría de productos Premium naturales y funcionales.


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In this study prospects of marketing the indigenous ornamental fishes of kerala, point out that the export market, consumer preferences in the domestic ornamental fishes, SWOT (strength weakness opportunities and threats) analysis etc. The study notes that the product indigenous ornamental fishes are mostely marketed by exporters and suppliers rather than the retail aquarium shopkeepers. The research findings on the attributes of indigenous ornamental fishes that matches customers preference in aquarium fish.SWOT analysis was carried out to classify the results of the study into strengths,weakness,opportunities and threats faced by the ornamental fish industry in kerala. The marketers in the study show less market perception compaired to the exporters of India. Rather than market survey, interest and experience and raw materials availability inspires them. The developments for large scale marketing have to be carried out, ensuring the sustainable exploitation of the wild fish population by adopting conservation measures such as breeding programmes, quota implementation, setting up of natural sanctuaries to protect the natural resource of ornamental fishes.