898 resultados para Expert Systems
This paper addresses some controversial issues relating to two main questions. Firstly, we discuss 'man-in-the loop' issues in SAACS. Some people advocate this must always be so that man's decisions can override autonomic components. In this case, the system has two subsystems - man and machine. Can we, however, have a fully autonomic machine - with no man in sight; even for short periods of time? What kinds of systems require man to always be in the loop? What is the optimum balance in self-to-human control? How do we determine the optimum? How far can we go in describing self-behaviour? How does a SAACS system handle unexpected behaviour? Secondly, what are the challenges/obstacles in testing SAACS in the context of self/human dilemma? Are there any lesson to be learned from other programmes e.g. Star-wars, aviation and space explorations? What role human factors and behavioural models play whilst in interacting with SAACS?.
The emergent behaviour of autonomic systems, together with the scale of their deployment, impedes prediction of the full range of configuration and failure scenarios; thus it is not possible to devise management and recovery strategies to cover all possible outcomes. One solution to this problem is to embed self-managing and self-healing abilities into such applications. Traditional design approaches favour determinism, even when unnecessary. This can lead to conflicts between the non-functional requirements. Natural systems such as ant colonies have evolved cooperative, finely tuned emergent behaviours which allow the colonies to function at very large scale and to be very robust, although non-deterministic. Simple pheromone-exchange communication systems are highly efficient and are a major contribution to their success. This paper proposes that we look to natural systems for inspiration when designing architecture and communications strategies, and presents an election algorithm which encapsulates non-deterministic behaviour to achieve high scalability, robustness and stability.
This paper presents a policy definition language which forms part of a generic policy toolkit for autonomic computing systems in which the policies themselves can be modified dynamically and automatically. Targeted enhancements to the current state of practice include: policy self-adaptation where the policy itself is dynamically modified to match environmental conditions; improved support for non autonomics-expert developers; and facilitating easy deployment of adaptive policies into legacy code. The policy definition language permits powerful expression of self-managing behaviours and facilitates a diverse policy behaviour space. Features include support for multiple versions of a given policy type, multiple configuration templates, and meta policies to dynamically select between policy instances. An example deployment scenario illustrates advanced functionality in the context of a multi policy stock trading system which is sensitive to environmental volatility.
This panel paper sets out to discuss what self-adaptation means, and to explore the extent to which current autonomic systems exhibit truly self-adaptive behaviour. Many of the currently cited examples are clearly adaptive, but debate remains as to what extent they are simply following prescribed adaptation rules within preset bounds, and to what extent they have the ability to truly learn new behaviour. Is there a standard test that can be applied to differentiate? Is adaptive behaviour sufficient anyway? Other autonomic computing issues are also discussed.
In Higher Education web-based course support systems are essential for supporting flexible learning environments. They provide tools to enable the interaction between student and tutor to reinforce transfer of theory to understanding particularly in an academic environment, therefore this paper will examine issues associated with the use of curriculum and learning resources within Web-based course support systems and the effectiveness of the resulting flexible learning environments This paper is a general discussion about flexible learning and in this case how it was applied to one of the courses at undergraduate level one. The first section will introduce what is flexible learning and the importance of flexible learning in Higher Education followed by the description of the course and why the flexible learning concepts is important in such a course and finally, how the flexibility was useful for this particular instance.
Those very few of us who were critical of the rise of legal expert systems in the early 1980s probably wonder, in idle moments, whether there is a possibility of rejuvenation of an approach which was once multi¬various and is now obscure and esoteric. Is it possible that after rising and falling, that legal expert system research programme could rise again? What were the conditions which gave impetus to the field and could they be repeated? In this article I want to return, with a personal viewpoint, on the rise of expert systems and why – despite their failure – the appeal of commoditising legal expertise continues to allure the unwary.
Based on the Dempster-Shafer (D-S) theory of evidence and G. Yen's (1989), extension of the theory, the authors propose approaches to representing heuristic knowledge by evidential mapping and pooling the mass distribution in a complex frame by partitioning that frame using Shafter's partition technique. The authors have generalized Yen's model from Bayesian probability theory to the D-S theory of evidence. Based on such a generalized model, an extended framework for evidential reasoning systems is briefly specified in which a semi-graph method is used to describe the heuristic knowledge. The advantage of such a method is that it can avoid the complexity of graphs without losing the explicitness of graphs. The extended framework can be widely used to build expert systems
The activity of Control Center operators is important to guarantee the effective performance of Power Systems. Operators’ actions are crucial to deal with incidents, especially severe faults like blackouts. In this paper, we present an Intelligent Tutoring approach for training Portuguese Control Center operators in tasks like incident analysis and diagnosis, and service restoration of Power Systems. Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) approach is used in the training of the operators, having into account context awareness and the unobtrusive integration in the working environment. Several Artificial Intelligence techniques were criteriously used and combined together to obtain an effective Intelligent Tutoring environment, namely Multiagent Systems, Neural Networks, Constraint-based Modeling, Intelligent Planning, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems, User Modeling, and Intelligent User Interfaces.
Process supervision is the activity focused on monitoring the process operation in order to deduce conditions to maintain the normality including when faults are present Depending on the number/distribution/heterogeneity of variables, behaviour situations, sub-processes, etc. from processes, human operators and engineers do not easily manipulate the information. This leads to the necessity of automation of supervision activities. Nevertheless, the difficulty to deal with the information complicates the design and development of software applications. We present an approach called "integrated supervision systems". It proposes multiple supervisors coordination to supervise multiple sub-processes whose interactions permit one to supervise the global process
The paper focuses on taking advantage of large amounts of data that are systematically stored in plants (by means of SCADA systems), but not exploited enough in order to achieve supervisory goals (fault detection, diagnosis and reconfiguration). The methodology of case base reasoning (CBR) is proposed to perform supervisory tasks in industrial processes by re-using the stored data. The goal is to take advantage of experiences, registered in a suitable structure as cam, avoiding the tedious task of knowledge acquisition and representation needed by other reasoning techniques as expert systems. An outlook of CBR terminology and basic concepts are presented. The adaptation of CBR in performing expert supervisory tasks, taking into account the particularities and difficulties derived from dynamic systems, is discussed. A special interest is focused in proposing a general case definition suitable for supervisory tasks. Finally, this structure and the whole methodology is tested in a application example for monitoring a real drier chamber
Avui en dia no es pot negar el fet que els humans són un component més de les conques fluvials i que la seva activitat afecta enormement la qualitat de les aigües. A nivell europeu, l'elevada densitat de població situada en les conques fluvials ha comportat un increment de la mala qualitat de les seves aigües fluvials. En les darreres dècades l'increment de les càrregues de nutrients en els sistemes aquàtics ha esdevingut un problema prioritari a solucionar per les administracions competents en matèria d'aigua. La gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials no és una tasca fàcil. Els gestors es troben amb què són sistemes molt complexos, donada l'estreta relació existent entre els ecosistemes fluvials i els ecosistemes terrestres que drenen. Addicionalment a la complexitat d'aquests sistemes es troba la dificultat associada de la gestió o control de les entrades de substàncies contaminants tant de fonts puntuals com difoses. Per totes aquestes raons la gestió de la qualitat de les aigües fluvials esdevé una tasca complexa que requereix un enfocament multidisciplinar. Per tal d'assolir aquest enfocament diverses eines han estat utilitzades, des de models matemàtics fins a sistemes experts i sistemes de suport a la decisió. Però, la major part dels esforços han estat encarats cap a la resolució de problemes de reduïda complexitat, fent que molts dels problemes ambientals complexos, com ara la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials, no hagin estat vertaderament tractats. Per tant, es requereix l'aplicació d'eines que siguin de gran ajuda en els processos de presa de decisions i que incorporin un ampli coneixement heurístic i empíric: sistemes experts i sistemes de suport a la decisió. L'òptima gestió de la qualitat de l'aigua fluvial requereix una aproximació integrada i multidisciplinar, que pot ésser aconseguida amb una eina intel·ligent construïda sobre els conceptes i mètodes del raonament humà. La present tesi descriu la metodologia desenvolupada i aplicada per a la creació i construcció d'un Sistema Expert, així com el procés de desenvolupament d'aquest Sistema Expert, com el principal mòdul de raonament d'un Sistema de Suport a la Decisió Ambiental. L'objectiu principal de la present tesi ha estat el desenvolupament d'una eina d'ajuda en el procés de presa de decisions dels gestors de l'aigua en la gestió de trams fluvials alterats antròpicament per tal de millorar la qualitat de la seva aigua fluvial. Alhora, es mostra el funcionament de l'eina desenvolupada a través de dos casos d'estudi. Els resultats derivats del Sistema Expert desenvolupat, implementat i presentat en la present tesi mostren que aquests sistemes poden ésser eines útils per a millorar la gestió dels ecosistemes fluvials.
The ultimate criterion of success for interactive expert systems is that they will be used, and used to effect, by individuals other than the system developers. A key ingredient of success in most systems is involving users in the specification and development of systems as they are being built. However, until recently, system designers have paid little attention to ascertaining user needs and to developing systems with corresponding functionality and appropriate interfaces to match those requirements. Although the situation is beginning to change, many developers do not know how to go about involving users, or else tackle the problem in an inadequate way. This paper discusses the need for user involvement and considers why many developers are still not involving users in an optimal way. It looks at the different ways in which users can be involved in the development process and describes how to select appropriate techniques and methods for studying users. Finally, it discusses some of the problems inherent in involving users in expert system development, and recommends an approach which incorporates both ethnographic analysis and formal user testing.