949 resultados para Experimental test


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Thermal stress wave and spallation in aluminium alloy exposed to a high fluency and low energy electron beams are studied theoretically. A simple model for the study of energy deposition of electrons in materials is presented on the basis of some empirical formulae. Under the stress wave induced by energy deposition, microcracks and/or microvoids may appear in target materials, and in this case, the inelastic volume deformation should not vanish. The viscoplastic model proposed by Bodner and Partom with corresponding Gurson's yield function requires modification for this situation. The new constitutive model contains a scalar field variable description of the material damage which is taken as the void volume fraction of the polycrystalline material. Incorporation of the damage parameter permits description of rate-dependent, compressible, inelastic deformation and ductile fracture. The melting phenomenon has been observed in the experiment, therefore one needs to take into account the melting process in the intermediate energy deposition range. A three-phase equation of state used in the paper provides a more detailed and thermodynamical description of metals, particularly, in the melting region. The computational results based on the suggested model are compared with the experimental test for aluminium alloy, which is subjected to a pulsed electron beam with high fluency and low energy. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The transition process from steady to turbulent convection via subharmonic bifurcation in thermocapillary convection of half floating zone was studied by numerical simulation and experimental test. Both approaches gave structure of period doubling bifurcations in the present paper, and the Feigenbaum universal law was checked for the system of thermocapillary convection.


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The photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) from above-threshold ionization of atoms irradiated by one-cycle laser pulses satisfy a scaling law. The scaling law denotes that the main features of the PADs are determined by four dimensionless parameters: (1) the ponderomotive number u(p) = U-p/hw, the ponderomotive energy U-p in units of laser photon energy; (2) the binding number E-b = E-b/h(w), the atomic binding energy E-b in units of laser photon energy; (3) the number of absorbed photons q; (4) the carrier-envelope phase phi(0), the phase of the carrier wave with respect to the envelope. We verify the scaling law by theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, compared to that in long-pulse case. A possible experimental test to verify the scaling law is suggested.


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Recentemente a utilização de estruturas mistas, aço concreto, vem ganhando espaço nas construções. Isso deve-se principalmente a economia de tempo em sua execução. Além disto, nesta solução a utilização do aço e do concreto otimiza as características estruturais de seus elementos: a resistência a tração do aço e a compressão do concreto. A transferência dos esforços entre os dois materiais possui grande influência no desempenho de uma estrutura mista, sendo comum a utilização de conectores de cisalhamento na região da interface entre estes dois materiais. O Eurocode 4 define um ensaio experimental denominado push-out de modo a determinar a resistência e ductilidade de conectores de cisalhamento. Seu desempenho é influenciado pelas resistências do concreto a compressão, as dimensões e taxa de armadura da laje de concreto, dimensões do perfil de aço, a disposição e a geometria dos conectores e pelas características dos aços utilizados no conector, no perfil e nas barras de reforço. Nota-se com isso uma grande quantidade de variáveis que influenciam o ensaio. Assim, o presente trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo em elementos finitos com base no programa ANSYS para simulação de ensaios push-out. Os resultados numéricos apresentados neste trabalho foram calibrados com resultados obtidos em ensaios experimentais existentes na literatura de ensaios push-out para conectores do tipo pino com cabeça (stud) e conectores tipo perfobond. Estes últimos apresentam elevada resistência sendo influenciados por inúmeros fatores como: número e diâmetro dos furos no conector e a inclusão ou não de barras de reforço extras nestes furos.


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Os recentes desastres ocorridos no país, como o rompimento da adutora em Campo Grande e os desastres relacionados às enchentes urbanas, mostram a necessidade de desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas que auxiliem na compreensão e no dimensionamento das estruturas projetadas para atender a demanda da população. Os métodos analíticos e experimentais mais utilizados possuem algumas limitações de ordem teórica ou prática. Por outro lado, os métodos numéricos, capazes de simular etapas construtivas e envolver materiais com diferentes modelos constitutivos numa mesma análise, buscam atender às necessidades práticas dos projetos de geotecnia e, ao mesmo tempo, complementam os modelos analíticos e experimentais. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas comparações entre resultados obtidos em ensaios experimentais e resultados extraídos do modelo computacional, buscando aumentar a compreensão sobre a interação solo-estrutura em relação à distribuição de tensões mobilizadas e aos deslocamentos e deformações provocados. A simulação numérica foi feita com a utilização do PLAXIS/3D, software de análise geotécnica baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Os ensaios foram confeccionados na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP por Costa (2005) e envolveram dutos enterrados submetidos à perda de apoio ou elevação localizada. O estudo experimental foi realizado através de modelos físicos compostos por um maciço de areia pura, contendo um tubo repousando sobre um alçapão no centro do vão. Os modelos físicos foram equipados com instrumental capaz de medir as deflexões e as deformações específicas ao longo do duto, além das tensões totais no maciço de solo circundante e na base do equipamento.


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The mismatch in thermal response between a High Pressure Compressor (HPC) drum and casing is a limiting factor in the reduction of compressor clearance. An experimental test rig has been used to demonstrate the concept of radial inflow to reduce the thermal time constant of HPC discs. The testing uses a simulated idle - Maximum Take Off (MTO) - idle transient in order to measure the thermal response directly. The testing is fully scaled in the dimensionless sense to engine conditions. A simple closure model based on lumped capacitance is used to illustrate the scope of potential benefits. The proof-of-concept testing shows that HPC disc time constant reductions of the order 2 are feasible with a radial-inflow bleed of only 4% of bore flow at scaled MTO conditions. Using the experimental results, the simple closure modelling suggests that for a stage with a significant mismatch in thermal response, reductions in 2D axis-symmetric clearance of as much as 50% at MTO conditions may be possible along with significant scope for improvements at cruise conditions. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.


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This thesis focuses on the modelling of settlement induced damage to masonry buildings. In densely populated areas, the need for new space is nowadays producing a rapid increment of underground excavations. Due to the construction of new metro lines, tunnelling activity in urban areas is growing. One of the consequences is a greater attention to the risk of damage on existing structures. Thus, the assessment of potential damage of surface buildings has become an essential stage in the excavation projects in urban areas (Chapter 1). The current damage risk assessment procedure is based on strong simplifications, which not always lead to conservative results. Object of this thesis is the development of an improved damage classification system, which takes into account the parameters influencing the structural response to settlement, like the non-linear behaviour of masonry and the soil-structure interaction. The methodology used in this research is based on experimental and numerical modelling. The design and execution of an experimental benchmark test representative of the problem allows to identify the principal factors and mechanisms involved. The numerical simulations enable to generalize the results to a broader range of physical scenarios. The methodological choice is based on a critical review of the currently available procedures for the assessment of settlement-induced building damage (Chapter 2). A new experimental test on a 1/10th masonry façade with a rubber base interface is specifically designed to investigate the effect of soil-structure interaction on the tunnelling-induced damage (Chapter 3). The experimental results are used to validate a 2D semi-coupled finite element model for the simulation of the structural response (Chapter 4). The numerical approach, which includes a continuum cracking model for the masonry and a non-linear interface to simulate the soil-structure interaction, is then used to perform a sensitivity study on the effect of openings, material properties, initial damage, initial conditions, normal and shear behaviour of the base interface and applied settlement profile (Chapter 5). The results assess quantitatively the major role played by the normal stiffness of the soil-structure interaction and by the material parameters defining the quasi-brittle masonry behaviour. The limitation of the 2D modelling approach in simulating the progressive 3D displacement field induced by the excavation and the consequent torsional response of the building are overcome by the development of a 3D coupled model of building, foundation, soil and tunnel (Chapter 6). Following the same method applied to the 2D semi-coupled approach, the 3D model is validated through comparison with the monitoring data of a literature case study. The model is then used to carry out a series of parametric analyses on geometrical factors: the aspect ratio of horizontal building dimensions with respect to the tunnel axis direction, the presence of adjacent structures and the position and alignment of the building with respect to the excavation (Chapter 7). The results show the governing effect of the 3D building response, proving the relevance of 3D modelling. Finally, the results from the 2D and 3D parametric analyses are used to set the framework of an overall damage model which correlates the analysed structural features with the risk for the building of being damaged by a certain settlement (Chapter 8). This research therefore provides an increased experimental and numerical understanding of the building response to excavation-induced settlements, and sets the basis for an operational tool for the risk assessment of structural damage (Chapter 9).


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During the packaging of optoelectrome device, a problem always met is the instability of output power. The main effect causing this problem, Fabry-Perot interference, is discussed in this paper. Both theoretical analysis and experimental test are carried out and in good agreement. As an example of avoiding the disadvantage of Fabry-Perot interference, the packaging process of Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) based Variable Optical Attenuator(VOA) is shown at last.


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This research uses a multitask, multimodel approach to probe teh problem of risk perception. It consists of three parts. First, the research of risk perception in general social circumstances, the aim is to collect information about the risk perceived by popular; Secondly, the research of risk perception under working circumstances, in the form of questionaire on enterprises; Thirdly, an experimental test of risk cognitive strategies by computer simulation, that is 2x2x3 design of laboratory research based on questionaire.


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A key question regarding primate visual motion perception is whether the motion of 2D patterns is recovered by tracking distinctive localizable features [Lorenceau and Gorea, 1989; Rubin and Hochstein, 1992] or by integrating ambiguous local motion estimates [Adelson and Movshon, 1982; Wilson and Kim, 1992]. For a two-grating plaid pattern, this translates to either tracking the grating intersections or to appropriately combining the motion estimates for each grating. Since both component and feature information are simultaneously available in any plaid pattern made of contrast defined gratings, it is unclear how to determine which of the two schemes is actually used to recover the plaid"s motion. To address this problem, we have designed a plaid pattern made with subjective, rather than contrast defined, gratings. The distinguishing characteristic of such a plaid pattern is that it contains no contrast defined intersections that may be tracked. We find that notwithstanding the absence of such features, observers can accurately recover the pattern velocity. Additionally we show that the hypothesis of tracking "illusory features" to estimate pattern motion does not stand up to experimental test. These results present direct evidence in support of the idea that calls for the integration of component motions over the one that mandates tracking localized features to recover 2D pattern motion. The localized features, we suggest, are used primarily as providers of grouping information - which component motion signals to integrate and which not to.


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This paper presents both modelling and experimental test data to characterise the performance of four non-destructive tests. The focus is on determining the presence and rough magnitude of thermal fatigue cracks within the solder joints for a surface mount resistor on a strip of FR4 PCB. The tests all operate by applying mechanical loads to the PCB and monitoring the strain response at the top of the resistor. The modelling results show that of the four tests investigated, three are sensitive to the presence of a crack in the joint and its magnitude. Hence these tests show promise in being able to detect cracking caused by accelerated testing. The experimental data supports these results although more validation is required.


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Thermocouples are one of the most popular devices for temperature measurement due to their robustness, ease of manufacture and installation, and low cost. However, when used in certain harsh environments, for example, in combustion systems and engine exhausts, large wire diameters are required, and consequently the measurement bandwidth is reduced. This article discusses a software compensation technique to address the loss of high frequency fluctuations based on measurements from two thermocouples. In particular, a difference equation sDEd approach is proposed and compared with existing methods both in simulation and on experimental test rig data with constant flow velocity. It is found that the DE algorithm, combined with the use of generalized total least squares for parameter identification, provides better performance in terms of time constant estimation without any a priori assumption on the time constant ratios of the thermocouples.


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This paper summarises the results obtained from non-linear finite-element analysis (NLFEA) of a series of reinforced-concrete one-way slabs with various boundary conditions representative of a bridge deck slab strip in which compressive membrane action governs the structural behaviour. The application of NLFEA for the optimum analysis and design of in-plane restrained concrete slabs is explored. An accurate material model and various equation solution methods were assessed to find a suitable finite-element method for the analysis of concrete slabs in which arching action occurs. Finally, the results from the NLFEA are compared and validated with those from various experimental test data. Significantly, the numerical analysis was able to model the arching action that occurred as a result of external in-plane restraint at the supports and which enhanced the ultimate strength of the slab. The NLFEA gave excellent predictions for the ultimate load-carrying capacity and far more accurate predictions than those obtained using standard flexural or elastic theory.


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In the investigation of real loading capacities in concrete bridge deck slabs,the study of this type of structure was carried out with consideration of compressive membrane action.A series of experimental test of steel-concrete bridge structures was developed with the analysis of influences from the varying of structural parameters on loading capacities,including reinforcement percentages,supporting beam sizes and concrete compressive strength.Through the study of the experimental results,it was found that the real structural loading capacities are larger than those predicted by current design methods.Therefore,based on the previous research,a prediction method for loading capacities of concrete bridge deck slabs was established with consideration of CMA,which was built based on the plastic ultimate analysis.In this method,the lateral restraint stiffness subjected by concrete bridge deck slabs was provided.The proposed theoretical model is capable of predicting the loading capacities of this type of structure accurately with comparison of results from several bridge deck experimental tests.


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The pattern of predator-prey interactions is thought to be a key determinant of ecosystem processes and stability. Complex ecological networks are characterized by distributions of interaction strengths that are highly skewed, with many weak and few strong interactors present. Theory suggests that this pattern promotes stability as weak interactors dampen the destabilizing potential of strong interactors. Here, we present an experimental test of this hypothesis and provide empirical evidence that the loss of weak interactors can destabilize communities in nature. We ranked 10 marine consumer species by the strength of their trophic interactions. We removed the strongest and weakest of these interactors from experimental food webs containing >100 species. Extinction of strong interactors produced a dramatic trophic cascade and reduced the temporal stability of key ecosystem process rates, community diversity and resistance to changes in community composition. Loss of weak interactors also proved damaging for our experimental ecosystems, leading to reductions in the temporal and spatial stability of ecosystem process rates, community diversity, and resistance. These results highlight the importance of conserving species to maintain the stabilizing pattern of trophic interactions in nature, even if they are perceived to have weak effects in the system.