934 resultados para Experimental Methods.


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The complex domain structure in ferroelectrics gives rise to electromechanical coupling, and its evolution (via domain switching) results in a time-dependent (i.e. viscoelastic) response. Although ferroelectrics are used in many technological applications, most do not attempt to exploit the viscoelastic response of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of understanding and accurate models for their description and prediction. Thus, the aim of this thesis research is to gain better understanding of the influence of domain evolution in ferroelectrics on their dynamic mechanical response. There have been few studies on the viscoelastic properties of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of experimental methods. Therefore, an apparatus and method called Broadband Electromechanical Spectroscopy (BES) was designed and built. BES allows for the simultaneous application of dynamic mechanical and electrical loading in a vacuum environment. Using BES, the dynamic stiffness and loss tangent in bending and torsion of a particular ferroelectric, viz. lead zirconate titanate (PZT), was characterized for different combinations of electrical and mechanical loading frequencies throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis. Experimental results showed significant increases in loss tangent (by nearly an order of magnitude) and compliance during domain switching, which shows promise as a new approach to structural damping. A continuum model of the viscoelasticity of ferroelectrics was developed, which incorporates microstructural evolution via internal variables and associated kinetic relations. For the first time, through a new linearization process, the incremental dynamic stiffness and loss tangent of materials were computed throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis for different combinations of mechanical and electrical loading frequencies. The model accurately captured experimental results. Using the understanding gained from the characterization and modeling of PZT, two applications of domain switching kinetics were explored by using Micro Fiber Composites (MFCs). Proofs of concept of set-and-hold actuation and structural damping using MFCs were demonstrated.


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We know very little about the role of birds in different ecosystems, despite numerous interesting works of researchers and amateur ornithologist scattered throughout the world. Less attention is paid to freshwater ecosystems because of the difficulties encountered in the experimental methods as well as a lack of interest on behalf of hydrobiologists, for the activities of birds in these ecosystems. This article summarises types and morphoecological forms of waterfowl and their place in the lake ecosystem.


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河南南阳独山玉的开采历史可以追溯到新石器时代,在我国玉文化中占有重要地位。鉴于当前对独山玉进行无损鉴别的方法较少,利用质子激发X荧光技术(proton induced X-ray emission,PIXE)、X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction,XRD)、激光Raman光谱(laser Raman spectroscopy,LRS)和扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)等技术对河南南阳独山玉料进行岩石矿物学分析。结果表明:独山玉主要由钙长石矿物构成,晶粒细小且结合紧密的显微结构与独山玉具有极高的稳定性有较大关系。PIXE,XRD和Raman技术作为无损分析方法为鉴定独山玉提供了准确有效的方法,为研究贵重的古玉样品提供了技术支持。


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We present the results of a study that uses theoretical and experimental methods to investigate the characteristics of the upconversion luminescence of Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped TeO2-BiCl3 glass system as a function of the BiCl3 fraction. These glasses are potentially important in the design of upconversion fiber lasers. Effect of local environment around Tm3+ on upconversion fluorescence intensity was analyzed by theoretical calculations. The structure and spectroscopic properties were investigated in the experiments by measuring the Raman spectra, IR transmission spectra, and absorption and fluorescence intensities at room temperature. The results indicate that blue luminescence quantum efficiency increases with increasing BiCl3 content from 10 to 60 mol%, which were interpreted by the increase of asymmetry of glass structure, decrease of phonon energy and removing of OH- groups. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Os recentes desastres ocorridos no país, como o rompimento da adutora em Campo Grande e os desastres relacionados às enchentes urbanas, mostram a necessidade de desenvolvimento de pesquisas científicas que auxiliem na compreensão e no dimensionamento das estruturas projetadas para atender a demanda da população. Os métodos analíticos e experimentais mais utilizados possuem algumas limitações de ordem teórica ou prática. Por outro lado, os métodos numéricos, capazes de simular etapas construtivas e envolver materiais com diferentes modelos constitutivos numa mesma análise, buscam atender às necessidades práticas dos projetos de geotecnia e, ao mesmo tempo, complementam os modelos analíticos e experimentais. Nesse trabalho foram realizadas comparações entre resultados obtidos em ensaios experimentais e resultados extraídos do modelo computacional, buscando aumentar a compreensão sobre a interação solo-estrutura em relação à distribuição de tensões mobilizadas e aos deslocamentos e deformações provocados. A simulação numérica foi feita com a utilização do PLAXIS/3D, software de análise geotécnica baseado no método dos elementos finitos. Os ensaios foram confeccionados na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos/USP por Costa (2005) e envolveram dutos enterrados submetidos à perda de apoio ou elevação localizada. O estudo experimental foi realizado através de modelos físicos compostos por um maciço de areia pura, contendo um tubo repousando sobre um alçapão no centro do vão. Os modelos físicos foram equipados com instrumental capaz de medir as deflexões e as deformações específicas ao longo do duto, além das tensões totais no maciço de solo circundante e na base do equipamento.


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Despite the widespread use of stabilisation/solidification (S/S) techniques, the validation and the availability of predictive modelling of the behaviour of stabilised/solidified soils in the longer-term is very limited. The authors were involved in the assessment of the behaviour of a contaminated site in the UK treated with cement-based in-situ S/S over the first five years after treatment. In parallel, two experimental methods, namely elevated temperatures and combined elevated temperatures and accelerated carbonation, were used in the laboratory to model accelerated ageing of the site soil. A graphical technique, based on the Arrhenius equation, was then used to model the laboratory observations and the in-situ five-year behaviour. The paper presents the details of the two experimental methods used for the accelerated ageing of stabilised/solidified model site soil, the numerical predictive model and a comparison between the results of the two experimental techniques and with the site results. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group.


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One-cell-thick monolayers are the simplest tissues in multicellular organisms, yet they fulfill critical roles in development and normal physiology. In early development, embryonic morphogenesis results largely from monolayer rearrangement and deformation due to internally generated forces. Later, monolayers act as physical barriers separating the internal environment from the exterior and must withstand externally applied forces. Though resisting and generating mechanical forces is an essential part of monolayer function, simple experimental methods to characterize monolayer mechanical properties are lacking. Here, we describe a system for tensile testing of freely suspended cultured monolayers that enables the examination of their mechanical behavior at multi-, uni-, and subcellular scales. Using this system, we provide measurements of monolayer elasticity and show that this is two orders of magnitude larger than the elasticity of their isolated cellular components. Monolayers could withstand more than a doubling in length before failing through rupture of intercellular junctions. Measurement of stress at fracture enabled a first estimation of the average force needed to separate cells within truly mature monolayers, approximately ninefold larger than measured in pairs of isolated cells. As in single cells, monolayer mechanical properties were strongly dependent on the integrity of the actin cytoskeleton, myosin, and intercellular adhesions interfacing adjacent cells. High magnification imaging revealed that keratin filaments became progressively stretched during extension, suggesting they participate in monolayer mechanics. This multiscale study of monolayer response to deformation enabled by our device provides the first quantitative investigation of the link between monolayer biology and mechanics.


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In recent years, growth of GaN-based materials-related quantum dots has become a hot topic in semiconductor materials research. Considerable efforts have been devoted to growth of self-assembled quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD (Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition) and there are a lot of relevant literatures. There is, however, few review papers for the topic. In this paper, different experimental methods for fabrication of quantum dots of GaN-based materials via MOCVD are critically reviewed and the experimental conditions and parameters, which may affect growth of the quantum dots, are analyzed, with an aim at providing some critical reference for the related future experiment research.


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本文对ECR离子源引出的混合束流传输特性进行了较为深入讨论,并在此基础上,对ECR混合束流传输的模拟计算以及空间电荷中和方法,从理论和实验两方面做了较为深入的研究。在同时考虑到离子空间电荷效应,离子一离子碰撞所造成的离子间动量交换,以及离子与管道剩余气体作用、不同电荷态离子之间的作用所造成的电荷交换效应的基础上,结合原子物理方法和蒙特卡罗方法,充分利用计算机可视化程序设计方法,独立成功研制了一套专门的混合束传输程序McIBs1.0,并且对中国科学院近代物理研究所原子试验平台(14.5GHzECR离子源及相关的传输线)做了初步的模拟计算。通过计算发现Glaser透镜确实对离子具有很强的分选作用。同时发现,在一定的条件下,可以依靠Glaser透镜对混合束聚焦形成空心束流。另一方面,对Glaser透镜在ECR混合束传输过程中的作用做了较为深入细致的分析研究。除发现Glaser透镜具有以上所提到的分选功能以及可以在一定条件下形成空心束的功能外,还提出了Glaser透镜和ECR离子源弓!出线包可能能够共同形成磁约束空间电荷透镜的新观点。完成了负高压电极法中和束流空间电荷效应的实验研究,其典型结果是,在负偏压电极加一6KV负高压时,对于O6+,在终端法拉第筒上取得了束流强度与原束流强度相比增加幅度为26%<△I<30%的较好试验结果。同时自行构建模型,对其做了仔细的理论分析和计算。针对 ECR高电荷态强流离子束,在该领域首次独立提出使用负电性气体中和高电荷态混合离子束空间电荷效应的新方法,完成实验,证明了其可行性和可靠性。并取得了通过该方法,使O7+束流稳定增加12%、Ar11+束流稳定增长14%、Ar8+稳定增长39%的较好结果。