141 resultados para Excretory urography


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Humoral immune response of water buffalo naturally infected with Toxocara vitulorum was monitored using three different antigens of this parasite in serum and colostrum of buffalo cows and calves. Soluble extract (Ex) and excretory/secretory (ES) larval antigens and perienteric fluid antigen (Pe) of adult T vitulorum were used to measure the antibody levels by an indirect ELISA. Serum of 7-12 buffalo cows for the first 365 days and colostrum of the same number of buffalo cows for the first 60 days of parturition, and serum of 8-10 buffalo calves for the first 365 days afterbirth were assayed. The ELISA detected antibodies against all three T vitulorum antigens in the colostrum and serum of 100% of buffalo cows and calves examined. The highest antibody levels against Ex, ES and Pe antigens were detected in the buffalo cow sera during the perinatal period and were maintained at high levels through 300 days after parturition. on the other hand, colostrum antibody concentrations of all three antigens were highest on the first day post-parturition, but decreased sharply during the first 15 days. Concomitantly to the monitoring of immune response, the parasitic status of the calves was also evaluated. In calves, antibodies passively acquired were at the highest concentrations 24 h after birth and remained at high levels until 45 days coincidentally with the peak of T vitulorum infection. The rejection of the worms by the calves occurred simultaneously with the decline of antibody levels, which reached their lowest levels between 76 and 150 days. Thereafter, probably because of the presence of adults/larvae stimulation, the calves acquired active immunity and the antibodies started to increase slightly in the serum and plateaued between the days 211 and 365. All three antigens were detected by the serum antibodies of buffalo calves; however, the concentration of anti-Pe antibody was higher than anti-EX and anti-ES, particularly after 90 days of age. By conclusion, the buffalo cows develop immunity and keep high levels of antibodies against T vitulorum-Ex, ES and Pe antigens and these antibodies are transferred to their calves through the colostrum. This passively acquired immunity does not protect the calves against the acquisition of the infection, but these antibodies, passively or actively acquired, may have an important role during worm rejection by the calves and prevention of intestinal reinfection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Glandular atrophy is one of several alterations which can aflict the salivary glands, caused generally by obstructive lesions such as sialo1ithiasis, infections or compression by neoplastic processes arnong others. In this work, a morphological and immunohistochemical study was carried out in rat parotid glands, which were submitted to obstruction of the main excretory duct suffering atrophy at varied time intervals, with the aim of appraising the behavior of myoepithelial cells during the process of glandular atrophy. It was analized the immunohistochemical expression of calponin which detects myoepithelial cells in the parotids of 28 animaIs, which were divided into 7 groups, each one made up of 4 rats, afier the ductal ligature procedure, in the following time intervals: zero hour (control), 24 hours, 7, 15, 21, 30 and 60 days. Analysis of the immunohistochemicaI profile was carried through in which the calponin expression was veritied through its distribution pattem and numericaI index. All specimens exhibited positivity for calponin in myoepithelial cells which were distributed around the acini and the ductaI structures, a small number of positiveIy marked cells being detected in the controI group and in the 24-hour group when compared to subsequent ones, where it was perceived a Iarge increase in the number of positiveIy marked cens, mainly surrounding the ductiform structures which originated during the obstruction time. Upon application of statistical tests it was verified that the rise in the number the myoepithelial positive cells for calponin, when the control groups (zero hour) was compared to the 7, 15,21, 30 and 60-day groups afier obstruction, was statistica1ly significant. It was concluded then that the detected rise probably carne about due to an elevation in the rate of proliferation of the myoepitheliaI cells subsequent to the ductal obstruction, associated with a growing resistance of these cells to glandular atrophy.


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Objetivo: Apresentar um portador de leishmaniose com lesão palpebral e dilatação de via lacrimal excretora. Relato de caso: O paciente em questão foi portador de leishmaniose do tipo cutâneo-mucosa, tendo apresentado múltiplas lesões de pele, ectrópio da pálpebra inferior, lesões na mucosa nasal e alterações na drenagem lacrimal. Discussão: O acometimento da pálpebra e da via lacrimal raramente ocorre em portadores de leishmaniose. Os autores chamam atenção para o diagnóstico e para a necessidade de se adotar medidas preventivas contra os vetores e a rápida instituição do tratamento.


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Objective: To evaluate a significant number of cases of fistulae of the lower lip with the light microscope in order to investigate the histological variation and to attempt to define the histopathological pattern of the lesion.Methods: Congenital fistulae of the lower lips of 17 patients with Van der Woude syndrome were analyzed by light microscopy,Results and Conclusion: the walls of most of the fistulae consisted of stratified nonkeratinized squamous epithelium and a lamina propria of dense connective tissue with areas of lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrates. Bundles of striated muscle fibers, blood vessels, nerves, adipose tissue, and mixed acinar glands were observed. These glands surrounded the entire wall of the lesion, and their excretory ducts opened into the lumen of the fistula, explaining the clinical observation of elimination of mucous secretion through the opening of the fistula, Two microform cases of fistula were analyzed that presented only a depression in the epithelium at the site corresponding to the opening of the fistula.


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Results from our laboratory revealed propolis activity on Giardia trophozoites proliferation. Since therapeutic agents can inhibit the activity of proteases related to relevant biologic and physiologic processes of parasites, this study was undertaken to characterise the proteolytic activity of excretory/secretory products (ESP) of trophozoites treated with propolis. ESP was obtained from culture supernatants of trophozoites exposed to 250 and 500 mu g mL(-1) of propolis. ESP were tested in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for the protein profiles and the protease activity was assayed in gelatin-containing gels. Synthetic inhibitors were used to characterise the protease classes. Treated and non-treated ESP showed a similar protein and hydrolysis pattern. A simple pattern of protein composed by five evident bands of approximately 167, 132, 79, 61 and 51 kDa was found, and the zymograms comprised hydrolysis zones distributed from > 170 to 23 kDa. No inhibition was seen on protease activity of propolis-treated trophozoites, whose hydrolysis pattern was similar to control. One may conclude that both ESP degraded gelatin and the activity was predominantly due to cysteine proteases. Although propolis had no effect on the proteolytic activity, further studies could identify the active constituents responsible for propolis antigiardial activity and their mechanisms of action.


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A lagarta da soja (Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner) tem grande interesse econômico, pois afeta significativamente a cultura da soja em todo o mundo. Este trabalho descreve a morfologia do intestino posterior de larvas de A. gemmatalis, com ênfase nos seus aspectos histológicos. O intestino posterior é constituído por regiões morfologicamente distintas, identificadas como piloro, íleo, cólon e reto. Independente da região, a parede do intestino posterior é constituída por fina cutícula, epitélio simples e camada muscular. A íntima cuticular apresenta espículas no anel intersticial posterior, entre o intestino médio e o posterior, e na região posterior do piloro. A musculatura do reto é formada por camada única de largas fibras circulares, diferindo das demais regiões do intestino posterior que apresentam duas camadas de fibras musculares. As extremidades distais dos túbulos de Malpighi atravessam as paredes do reto, constituindo o sistema criptonefridial característico de Lepidoptera.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study describes the morphology of salivary glands of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus female ticks at beginning of feeding (24-48 h of attachment) and semi-engorged (4-5 days of attachment) to verify the degenerative characteristics of these organs and the secretory phase in which the process begins. At the beginning of feeding, secretion granules had been observed only in the cytoplasm of cells b, c(1), c(2), c(4) (type II acinus) and d (type III acinus), as well as large nuclei with regular and preserved morphology. In the semi-engorged females the acini presented few normal cells, few partially preserved ones, and the remaining ones in several stages of degeneration, that is, with retraction and cytoplasmic vacuolization, and nuclei with chromatin in several stages of condensation, picnotic and/or in fragmentation. In type I acinus and in the excretory ducts of the studied glands, at both feeding stages, no degenerative characteristic was observed. In females of R. (B.) microplus, the salivary glands degenerate asynchronically and precociously when compared with those of others tick's species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Themorphology of the venom gland in workers of the ant Pachycondyla striata (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Ponerinae) consists of an elongated sac that is directly connected to the sting apparatus. Three distinct regions compose this gland: the external secretory portion, composed by a secretory filament that bifurcates to originate another two; the internal secretory portion, which is represented by the convoluted gland from which rises the excretory duct that liberates the venom; and the storage portion, consisting of a large sac-shaped reservoir. The histology showed that the gland possesses a strong musculature on its distal third. Underneath these muscle layers, we noted the presence of an epithelium that envelops the internal wall of the reservoir. The presence of a convoluted gland as well as secretion inside the reservoir was also noted.


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The sternal glands of the abdomen of Oxaea flavescens consist of class ill glandular cells, with the excretory canaliculus linking to the lateral intersegmental membrane of segments ill, TV and V. The intersegmental membrane is augmented and folded into several lobes forming a reservoir covered by secretory cells. The intersegmental membrane is then transformed into an intima that lines a reservoir space containing secretions of a type of mucus which is periodic acid-Schiff positive. The storage of a great amount of secretion suggests that it is not used continuously. These glands are absent from males, indicating that their products must have a specific function linked to the female sex.


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We describe here the morphology, histology and ultrastructure of the mandibular glands of Atta sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) worker ants. The mandibular glands consist of a reservoir with an excretory duct and a secretory portion linked to the reservoir trough canaliculi. These glands have the same morphology in the three castes studied, differing only in size, with smaller glands observed in minima workers and larger glands in soldiers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)