990 resultados para Exchange interactions
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We study the spin-1/2 Ising model on a Bethe lattice in the mean-field limit, with the interaction constants following one of two deterministic aperiodic sequences, the Fibonacci or period-doubling one. New algorithms of sequence generation were implemented, which were fundamental in obtaining long sequences and, therefore, precise results. We calculate the exact critical temperature for both sequences, as well as the critical exponents beta, gamma, and delta. For the Fibonacci sequence, the exponents are classical, while for the period-doubling one they depend on the ratio between the two exchange constants. The usual relations between critical exponents are satisfied, within error bars, for the period-doubling sequence. Therefore, we show that mean-field-like procedures may lead to nonclassical critical exponents.
Taste receptors for sweet, bitter and umami tastants are G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). While much effort has been devoted to understanding G-protein-receptor interactions and identifying the components of the signalling cascade downstream of these receptors, at the level of the G-protein the modulation of receptor signal transduction remains relatively unexplored. In this regard a taste-specific regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS), RGS21, has recently been identified. To study whether guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) are involved in the transduction of the signal downstream of the taste GPCRs we investigated the expression of Ric-8A and Ric-8B in mouse taste cells and their interaction with G-protein subunits found in taste buds. Mammalian Ric-8 proteins were initially identified as potent GEFs for a range of G alpha subunits and Ric-8B has recently been shown to amplify olfactory signal transduction. We find that both Ric-8A and Ric-8B are expressed in a large portion of taste bud cells and that most of these cells contain IP3R-3 a marker for sweet, umami and bitter taste receptor cells. Ric-8A interacts with G alpha-gustducin and G alpha i2 through which it amplifies the signal transduction of hTas2R16, a receptor for bitter compounds. Overall, these findings are consistent with a role for Ric-8 in mammalian taste signal transduction.
Hedamycin, a member of the pluramycin class of antitumour antibiotics, consists of a planar anthrapyrantrione chromophore to which is attached two aminosugar rings at one end and a bisepoxide-containing sidechain at the other end, Binding to double-stranded DNA is known to involve both reversible and non-reversible modes of interaction. As a part of studies directed towards elucidating the structural basis for the observed 5'-pyGT-3' sequence selectivity of hedamycin, we conducted one-dimensional NMR titration experiments at low temperature using the hexadeoxyribonucleotide duplexes d(CACGTG)(2) and d(CGTACG)(2). Spectral changes which occurred during these titrations are consistent with hedamycin initially forming a reversible complex in slow exchange on the NMR timescale and binding through intercalation of the chromophore. Monitoring of this reversible complex over a period of hours revealed a second type of spectral change which corresponds with formation of a non-reversible complex. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Extracellular copper regulates the DNA binding activity of the CopY repressor of Enterococcus hirae and thereby controls expression of the copper homeostatic genes encoded by the cop operon. CopY has a CxCxxxxCxC metal binding motif. CopZ, a copper chaperone belonging to a family of metallochaperones characterized by a MxCxxC metal binding motif, transfers copper to CopY. The copper binding stoichiometries of CopZ and CopY were determined by in vitro metal reconstitutions. The stoichiometries were found to be one copper(l) per CopZ and two copper(l) per CopY monomer. X-ray absorption studies suggested a mixture of two- and three-coordinate copper in Cu(1)CopZ, but a purely three-coordinate copper coordination with a Cu-Cu interaction for Cu(1)(2)CopY. The latter coordination is consistent with the formation of a compact binuclear Cu(l)-thiolate core in the CxCxxxxCxC binding motif of CopY. Displacement of zinc, by copper. from CopY was monitored with 2,4-pyridylazoresorcinol. Two copper(l) ions were required to release the single zinc(II) ion bound per CopY monomer. The specificity of copper transfer between CopZ and CopY was dependent on electrostatic interactions. Relative copper binding affinities of the proteins were investigated using the chelator, diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DDC). These data suggest that CopY has a higher affinity for copper than CopZ. However, this affinity difference is not the sole factor in the copper exchange: a charge-based interaction between the two proteins is required for the transfer reaction to proceed. Gain-of-function mutation of a CopZ homologue demonstrated the necessity of four lysine residues on the chaperone for the interaction with CopY. Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism for copper exchange between CopZ and CopY.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the business interactions involved in the purchase of services related to marketing activities. We build on the literature about business services classifications and the interaction between clients and providers of business services. An empirical study is conducted by means of a survey questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample of 80 buying firms of services related to marketing activities who agreed to cooperate and represent medium and large Portuguese’s firms. The results show that the buying of services related to marketing activities involves both the client and the provider in the interaction process. This paper contributes to understanding the interaction process of buying services related to marketing activities in terms of the parties involved, product/service exchange, financial and information exchange. Providers of services related to marketing activities can expect stable and preferred relationships if they can offer a good price and quality of service, meet the agreed deadlines and respond quickly to client orders. On the client’s side, the relevance, the characteristics and the wide diversity of services related to marketing activities requires a good understanding and management of the interaction portfolio with providers.
Solvatochromic UV-Vis shifts of four indicators (4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitrophenol and N,N-dimethy-1-4-nitro aniline) have been measured at 298.15 K in the ternary mixture methano1/1-propanol/acetonitrile (MeOH/1-PrOH/MeCN) in a total of 22 mole fractions, along with 18 additional mole fractions for each of the corresponding binary mixtures, MeOH/1-PrOH, 1-PrOH/MeCN and MeOH/MeCN. These values, combined with our previous experimental results for 2,6-dipheny1-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl)phenolate (Reichardt's betaine dye) in the same mixtures, permitted the computation of the Kamlet-Taft solvent parameters, alpha, beta, and pi*. The rationalization of the spectroscopic behavior of each probe within each mixture's whole mole fraction range was achieved through the use of the Bosch and Roses preferential solvation model. The applied model allowed the identification of synergistic behaviors in MeCN/alcohol mixtures and thus to infer the existence of solvent complexes in solution. Also, the addition of small amounts of MeCN to the binary mixtures was seen to cause a significant variation in pi*, whereas the addition of alcohol to MeCN mixtures always lead to a sudden change in a and The behavior of these parameters in the ternary mixture was shown to be mainly determined by the contributions of the underlying binary mixtures. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Different metal-ion exchanged NaY zeolite, Na(M)Y, were used to prepare poly(vinylidene fluoride) based composites by solvent casting and melting crystallization. The effect of different metal ion-exchanged zeolites on polymer crystallization and electrical properties was reported. Cation-framework interactions and hydration energy of the cations determined that K+ is the most efficient exchanged ion in NaY zeolite, followed by Cs+ and Li+. The electroactive phase crystallization strongly depends on the ions present in the zeolite, leading to variations of the surface energy characteristics of the Na(M)Y zeolites and the polymer chain ability of penetration in the zeolite. Thus, Na(Li)Y and NaY induces the complete electroactive -phase crystallization of the crystalline phase of PVDF, while Na(K)Y only induces it partly and Na(Cs)Y is not able to promote the crystallization of the electroactive phase. Furthermore, different ion size/weigh and different interaction with the zeolite framework results in significant variations in the electrical response of the composite. In this way, iinterfacial polarization effects in the zeolite cavities and zeolite-polymer interface, leads to strong increases of the dielectric constant on the composites with lightest ions weakly bound to the zeolite framework. Polymer composite with Na(Li)Y show the highest dielectric response, followed by NaY and Na(K)Y. Zeolite Na(Cs)Y contribute to a decrease of the dielectric constant of the composite. The results show the relevance of the materials for sensor development.
We study whether people's behavior in unbalanced gift exchange markets with repeated interaction are affected by whether they are on the excess supply side or the excess demand side of the market. Our analysis is based on the comparison of behavior between two types of experimental gift exchange markets, which vary only with respect to whether first or second movers are on the long side of the market. The direction of market imbalance could influence subjects' behavior, as second movers (workers) might react differently to favorable actions by first movers (firms) in the two cases. While our data show strong deviations from the standard game-theoretic prediction, we find mainly secondary treatment effects. Wage offers are not higher when there is an excess supply of firms, and workers do not respond more favorably to a given wage when there is an excess supply of labor. The state of competition does not appear to have strong effects in our data. We also present data from single-period sessions that show substantial gift exchange even without repeated interactions.
The International Molecular Exchange (IMEx) consortium is an international collaboration between major public interaction data providers to share literature-curation efforts and make a nonredundant set of protein interactions available in a single search interface on a common website (http://www.imexconsortium.org/). Common curation rules have been developed, and a central registry is used to manage the selection of articles to enter into the dataset. We discuss the advantages of such a service to the user, our quality-control measures and our data-distribution practices.
GTPases of the Rab1 subclass are essential for membrane traffic between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi complex in animals, fungi and plants. Rab1-related proteins in higher plants are unusual because sequence comparisons divide them into two putative subclasses, Rab-D1 and Rab-D2, that are conserved in monocots and dicots. We tested the hypothesis that the Rab-D1 and Rab-D2 proteins of Arabidopsis represent functionally distinct groups. RAB-D1 and RAB-D2a each targeted fluorescent proteins to the same punctate structures associated with the Golgi stacks and trans-Golgi-network. Dominant-inhibitory N121I mutants of each protein inhibited traffic of diverse cargo proteins at the ER but they appeared to act via distinct biochemical pathways as biosynthetic traffic in cells expressing either of the N121I mutants could be restored by coexpressing the wild-type form of the same subclass but not the other subclass. The same interaction was observed in transgenic seedlings expressing RAB-D1 [N121I]. Insertional mutants confirmed that the three Arabidopsis Rab-D2 genes were extensively redundant and collectively performed an essential function that could not be provided by RAB-D1, which was non-essential. However, plants lacking RAB-D1, RAB-D2b and RAB-D2c were short and bushy with low fertility, indicating that the Rab-D1 and Rab-D2 subclasses have overlapping functions.
BACKGROUND: Molecular interaction Information is a key resource in modern biomedical research. Publicly available data have previously been provided in a broad array of diverse formats, making access to this very difficult. The publication and wide implementation of the Human Proteome Organisation Proteomics Standards Initiative Molecular Interactions (HUPO PSI-MI) format in 2004 was a major step towards the establishment of a single, unified format by which molecular interactions should be presented, but focused purely on protein-protein interactions. RESULTS: The HUPO-PSI has further developed the PSI-MI XML schema to enable the description of interactions between a wider range of molecular types, for example nucleic acids, chemical entities, and molecular complexes. Extensive details about each supported molecular interaction can now be captured, including the biological role of each molecule within that interaction, detailed description of interacting domains, and the kinetic parameters of the interaction. The format is supported by data management and analysis tools and has been adopted by major interaction data providers. Additionally, a simpler, tab-delimited format MITAB2.5 has been developed for the benefit of users who require only minimal information in an easy to access configuration. CONCLUSION: The PSI-MI XML2.5 and MITAB2.5 formats have been jointly developed by interaction data producers and providers from both the academic and commercial sector, and are already widely implemented and well supported by an active development community. PSI-MI XML2.5 enables the description of highly detailed molecular interaction data and facilitates data exchange between databases and users without loss of information. MITAB2.5 is a simpler format appropriate for fast Perl parsing or loading into Microsoft Excel.