772 resultados para Exceptional


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A new concept of nanoporous metal organic framework particles stabilising emulsions was investigated. The copper benzenetricarboxylate MOF particles adsorbed at the oil/water interface play an exceptional role in stabilising both oil-in-water and water-in-oil emulsions. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Baeyer–Villiger oxidation of cyclic ketones, using H2O2 as the oxidising agent, was systematically studied using a range of metal chlorides in different solvents, and in neat chlorogallate(III) ionic liquids. The extremely high activity of GaCl3 in promoting oxidation with H2O2, irrespective of solvent, was reported for the first time. The activity of all other metal chlorides was strongly solvent-dependent. In particular, AlCl3 was very active in a protic solvent (ethanol), and tin chlorides, SnCl4 and SnCl2, were active in aprotic solvents (toluene and dioxane). In order to eliminate the need for volatile organic solvent, a Lewis acidic chlorogallate(III) ionic liquid was used in the place of GaCl3, which afforded typically 89–94% yields of lactones in 1–120 min, at ambient conditions. Raman and 71Ga NMR spectroscopic studies suggest that the active species, in both GaCl3 and chlorogallate(III) ionic liquid systems, are chlorohydroxygallate(III) anions, [GaCl3OH]−, which are the products of partial hydrolysis of GaCl3 and chlorogallate(III) anions; therefore, the presence of water is crucial.


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In previous work we showed how to verify a compiler for a small language with exceptions. In this article we show how to calculate, as opposed to verify, an abstract machine for this language. The key step is the use of Reynold's defunctionalization, an old program transformation technique that has recently been rejuvenated by the work of Danvy et al.


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An understanding of rates and mechanisms of incision and knickpoint retreat in bedrock rivers is fundamental to perceptions of landscape response to external drivers, yet only sparse field data are available. Here we present eye witness accounts and quantitative surveys of rapid, amphitheatre-headed gorge formation in unweathered granite from the overtopping of a rock-cut dam spillway by small-moderate floods (B100–1,500m3 s�1). The amount of erosion demonstrates no relationship with flood magnitude or bedload availability. Instead, structural pattern of the bedrock through faults and joints appears to be the primary control on landscape change. These discontinuities facilitate rapid erosion (4270m headward retreat; B100m incision; and B160m widening over 6 years) principally through fluvial plucking and block topple. The example demonstrates the potential for extremely rapid transient bedrock erosion even when rocks are mechanically strong and flood discharges are moderate. These observations are relevant to perceived models of gorge formation and knickpoint retreat.


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Regular classroom teachers, who often report that they lack adequate training and resources, increasingly find themselves supporting students with special education needs (Connelly & Graham, 2009). Teachers working in challenging environments can thrive in their role and continue to experience professional growth and passion about their work with students with exceptionalities (Perry, Brenner, Collie, & Hofer, 2015). Thriving is one framework of psychological wellness that can provide insight into the experiences of teachers working with exceptional learners (Spreitzer & Porath, 2014). Chronic stress from occupational demands such as heavy workload and insufficient resources can negatively affect the wellbeing of teachers and lead to poor mental health (Desrumaux et al., 2015). Burnout and compassion fatigue are two constructs of poor mental health that can inform our understanding of teachers’ social and emotional experiences. The purpose of this study was to explore the social and emotional experiences of teachers working with exceptional learners in regular classrooms. The objective of this study was to describe the elements within teachers’ professional roles that they report contribute to their social and emotional experiences understood through the lenses of thriving, burnout, and compassion fatigue. Interviews were conducted with five teachers: one full-time in-service teacher and four teachers who are pursuing graduate studies in education. The theme of thriving emerged as a significant component of the interview with all five participants. All five participants described experiences of vitality and learning as essential to their workplace satisfaction and overall thriving. Although the data from this study did not suggest that participants were experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue, elements of the two constructs did emerge as relevant to the social-emotional experiences of the teachers.


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Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI15/00558)


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Myostatin (MSTN) and α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) genes are potentially associated with preservation of muscle mass and oxidative capacity, respectively. To explore the possible role of these genes in exceptional longevity (EL), the allele/genotype frequency distribution of two polymorphisms in MSTN (rs1805086, K153R) and ACTN3 (rs1815739, R577X) was studied in Japanese centenarians of both sexes (n = 742) and healthy controls (n = 814). The rs1805086 R-allele (theoretically associated with muscle mass preservation at the expense of oxidative capacity) was virtually absent in the two groups, where genotype distributions were virtually identical. Likewise, no differences in allele (p = 0.838 (women); p = 0.193 (men); p = 0.587 (both sexes)) or genotype distribution were found between groups for ACTN3 rs1815739 (p = 0.975 (women), p = 0.136 (men), p = 0.752 (both sexes)). Of note, however, the frequency of the rs1805086 R-allele observed here is the lowest been reported to date whereas that of the 'highly oxidative/efficient' rs1815739 XX genotype in Japanese male centenarians (33.3%) or supercentenarians of both sexes (≥110 years) are the highest (32.6%), for a non-American population. No definite conclusions can be inferred in relation to EL owing to its lack of association with both rs1815739 and rs1805086. However, it cannot be excluded that these gene variants could eventually be related to a "healthy" metabolic phenotype in the Japanese population. Further research might determine if such metabolic profile is among the factors that can potentially predispose these individuals to live longer than Caucasians and what genetic variants might be actually involved.


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Aspergillus fumigatus is a common mould whose spores are a component of the normal airborne flora. Immune dysfunction permits developmental growth of inhaled spores in the human lung causing aspergillosis, a significant threat to human health in the form of allergic, and life-threatening invasive infections. The success of A. fumigatus as a pathogen is unique among close phylogenetic relatives and is poorly characterised at the molecular level. Recent genome sequencing of several Aspergillus species provides an exceptional opportunity to analyse fungal virulence attributes within a genomic and evolutionary context. To identify genes preferentially expressed during adaptation to the mammalian host niche, we generated multiple gene expression profiles from minute samplings of A. fumigatus germlings during initiation of murine infection. They reveal a highly co-ordinated A. fumigatus gene expression programme, governing metabolic and physiological adaptation, which allows the organism to prosper within the mammalian niche. As functions of phylogenetic conservation and genetic locus, 28% and 30%, respectively, of the A. fumigatus subtelomeric and lineage-specific gene repertoires are induced relative to laboratory culture, and physically clustered genes including loci directing pseurotin, gliotoxin and siderophore biosyntheses are a prominent feature. Locationally biased A. fumigatus gene expression is not prompted by in vitro iron limitation, acid, alkaline, anaerobic or oxidative stress. However, subtelomeric gene expression is favoured following ex vivo neutrophil exposure and in comparative analyses of richly and poorly nourished laboratory cultured germlings. We found remarkable concordance between the A. fumigatus host-adaptation transcriptome and those resulting from in vitro iron depletion, alkaline shift, nitrogen starvation and loss of the methyltransferase LaeA. This first transcriptional snapshot of a fungal genome during initiation of mammalian infection provides the global perspective required to direct much-needed diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and reveals genome organisation and subtelomeric diversity as potential driving forces in the evolution of pathogenicity in the genus Aspergillus.


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Certain areas of the city of Sao Paulo, as many others around the world, including in Lisbon, Barcelona and Buenos Aires, have been going through a process of requalification, in special the ones commonly known as old and/or traditional city. Regarding Sao Paulo, some exceptional actions have been taken downtown with investments in rehabilitation/requalification of areas that concentrated the historical, urbanistic and cultural heritages, such as Praca da S and its cathedral, as well as the revaluation/rehabilitation projects of other squares like Praca da Republica, other areas as the previously called Cracolandia (due to high consumption/deal of crack), known today as Nova Luz, besides propositions to reevaluate areas already modified, such as Vale do Anhangabau. In all propositions to modify sites, it is firstly underlined its deterioration, litter and the presence of low-income populations (passer-bys, street vendors or residents), generally stigmatized as ""potential suspects"", emphasizing danger and lack of security in those places. This belief, which has become consensual, results in that: public as well as private companies promote the rehabilitation of the areas basing their reasoning in the necessity of adding value to the existing urban heritage, although, as it will be discussed in this paper, part of this heritage might be destroyed in this very process, under the allegation that upon completion, the action would allow the social, cultural and economical revaluation/requalification of the area. This paper is intended to provide a contribution to this discussion.


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The formation of clouds is an important process for the atmosphere, the hydrological cycle, and climate, but some aspects of it are not completely understood. In this work, we show that microorganisms might affect cloud formation without leaving the Earth's surface by releasing biological surfactants (or biosurfactants) in the environment, that make their way into atmospheric aerosols and could significantly enhance their activation into cloud droplets. In the first part of this work, the cloud-nucleating efficiency of standard biosurfactants was characterized and found to be better than that of any aerosol material studied so far, including inorganic salts. These results identify molecular structures that give organic compounds exceptional cloud-nucleating properties. In the second part, atmospheric aerosols were sampled at different locations: a temperate coastal site, a marine site, a temperate forest, and a tropical forest. Their surface tension was measured and found to be below 30 mN/m, the lowest reported for aerosols, to our knowledge. This very low surface tension was attributed to the presence of biosurfactants, the only natural substances able to reach to such low values. The presence of strong microbial surfactants in aerosols would be consistent with the organic fractions of exceptional cloud-nucleating efficiency recently found in aerosols, and with the correlations between algae bloom and cloud cover reported in the Southern Ocean. The results of this work also suggest that biosurfactants might be common in aerosols and thus of global relevance. If this is confirmed, a new role for microorganisms on the atmosphere and climate could be identified.


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Although texts and wall paintings suggest that bees were kept in the Ancient Near East for the production of precious wax and honey, archaeological evidence for beekeeping has never been found. The Biblical term ""honey"" commonly was interpreted as the sweet product of fruits, such as dates and figs. The recent discovery of unfired clay cylinders similar to traditional hives still used in the Near East at the site of Tel Rehov in the Jordan valley in northern Israel suggests that a large-scale apiary was located inside the town, dating to the 10th-early 9th centuries B.C.E. This paper reports the discovery of remains of honeybee workers, drones, pupae, and larvae inside these hives. The exceptional preservation of these remains provides unequivocal identification of the clay cylinders as the most ancient beehives yet found. Morphometric analyses indicate that these bees differ from the local subspecies Apis mellifera syriaca and from all subspecies other than A. m. anatoliaca, which presently resides in parts of Turkey. This finding suggests either that the Western honeybee subspecies distribution has undergone rapid change during the last 3,000 years or that the ancient inhabitants of Tel Rehov imported bees superior to the local bees in terms of their milder temper and improved honey yield.


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The changing ways of clothing in Australia, which has communicated disaffection within the public sphere, is enquired. The relationship between clothes as protested in everyday public life, and those exceptional, socially disruptive clothes on view at specific protest gatherings, are also explored. It is shown that dissident dress in the 1980s demonstrated a greater degree of solidarity in its radical difference from mainstream dress of 2000s. It is suggested that building on reconceptualised notion of protest dressing as process not fixity, the relationship of dissident dress to the mainstream has become, for the most part, less dichotomous.


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DNA replication fork arrest during the termination phase of chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis is brought about by the replication terminator protein (RTP) bound to specific DNA terminator sequences (Tev sites) distributed throughout the terminus region. An attractive suggestion by others was that crucial to the functioning of the RTP-Ter complex is a specific interaction between RTP positioned on the DNA and the helicase associated with the approaching replication fork. Ln support of this was the behaviour of two site-directed mutants of RTP. They appeared to bind Ter DNA normally but were ineffective in fork arrest as ascertained by in vitro Escherichia coli DnaB helicase and replication assays. We describe here a system for assessing the fork-arrest behaviour of RTP mutants in a bona fide in vivo assay in B. subtilis. One of the previously studied mutants, RTP.Y33N, was non-functional in fork arrest in vivo, as predicted. But through extensive analyses, this RTP mutant was shown to be severely defective in binding to Ter DNA, contrary to expectation. Taken in conjunction with recent findings on the other mutant (RTP.E30K), it is concluded that there is as yet no substantive evidence from the behaviour of RTP mutants to support the Rm-helicase interaction model for fork arrest. In an extension of the present work on RTP.Y33N, we determined the dissociation rates of complexes formed by wild-type (wt) RTP and another RTP mutant with various terminator sequences. The functional wtRTP-TerI complex was quite stable (half-life of 182 minutes), reminiscent of the great stability of the E. coli Tus-Ter complex. More significant were the exceptional stabilities of complexes comprising wtRTP and an RTP double-mutant (E39K.R42Q) bound to some particular terminator sequences. From the measurement of in vivo fork-arrest activities of the various complexes, it is concluded that the stability (half-life) of the whole RTP-Ter complex is not the overriding determinant of arrest, and that the RTP-Ter complex must be actively disrupted, or RTP removed, by the action of the approaching replication fork. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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Neonatal screening for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is useful in diagnosing salt wasting form (SW). However, there are difficulties in interpreting positive results in asymptomatic newborns. The main objective is to analyze genotyping as a confirmatory test in children with neonatal positive results. Patients comprised 23 CAH children and 19 asymptomatic infants with persistently elevated 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) levels. CYP21A2 gene was sequenced and genotypes were grouped according to the enzymatic activity of the less severe allele: A1 null, A2 < 2%, B 3-7%, C > 20%. Twenty-one children with neonatal symptoms and/or 17OHP levels > 80 ng/ml carried A genotypes, except two virilized girls (17OHP < 50 ng/ml) without CAH genotypes. Patients carrying SW genotypes (A1, A2) and low serum sodium levels presented with neonatal 17OHP > 200 ng/ml. Three asymptomatic boys carried simple virilizing genotypes (A2 and B): in two, the symptoms began at 18 months; another two asymptomatic boys had nonclassical genotypes (C). The remaining 14 patients did not present CAH genotypes, and their 17OHP levels were normalized by 14 months of age. Molecular analysis is useful as a confirmatory test of CAH, mainly in boys. It can predict clinical course, identify false-positives and help distinguish between clinical forms of CAH.


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We examined the possibility that the heart of the turtle Chrysemys scripta is an exceptional anaerobic performer, by measuring myocardial power output, lactate output, and estimated ATP turnover in perfused heart preparations. Over a range of myocardial power outputs at 5 and 15 degrees C we find that turtle hearts perfused with anoxic saline do not show a particularly outstanding ability to produce ATP anaerobically. Furthermore, at 15 degrees C anoxia reduced the ATP turnover rate to 50% of the normoxic rate. At 5 degrees C the anoxia-induced depression of ATP turnover was even more pronounced, being 4-fold lower than the normoxic rate. In addition, anoxia at 5 degrees C reduced the basal metabolic rate of the turtle heart. We conclude that long-term cardiac tolerance of hypoxia in this species is more likely related to metabolic depression rather than to an exceptional anaerobic performance. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Inc.