953 resultados para Exame vestibular
O trabalho buscou conhecer os motivos que levaram mulheres do município de Piraí, estado do Rio de Janeiro, agendadas para realizar o exame de mamografia, a não comparecer ao mesmo
Este trabalho refere-se às atividades do estágio de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, apresentando-se casuística no âmbito dos planos sanitários e atividade clínica acompanhados. Como tema para discussão optou-se pela avaliação de touros através do exame andrológico. Após revisão bibliográfica analisaram-se dados obtidos pela VetAl (2008- 2012) caracterizando a população dos touros de carne no Sul de Portugal. Dos 184 touros avaliados foram aprovados 72,28 %, aumentando a probabilidade de reprovação tendencialmente com idade. Em parâmetros reprodutivos importantes como perímetro testicular existe influência de: idade (p<0,001), raça (p<0,05) e Pontuação da Condição Corporal (PCC) (p<0,05). Encontraram-se correlações significativas entre parâmetros tais como perímetro testicular e idade (p<0,001; r=0,52), PCC e parâmetros seminais microscópicos (p<0,05) e dos vários parâmetros entre si. O exame andrológico é essencial para estimar o potencial reprodutivo dos touros e importa fomentar a sua realização em Portugal para melhorar os níveis de fertilidade e rentabilidade das explorações; Abstract Rating of bulls’ reproductive potential through breeding soundness evaluation This document reports the activities of the traineeship for the Master in Veterinary Medicine, including the presentation of the number of cases attended during herd health plans and clinical activity. The theme chosen for discussion was bull fertility through breeding soundness evaluation. Data obtained by Vetal (2008-2012) were analyzed, according to the state of the art, with the aim of characterizing beef bulls’ population in Southern Portugal. Out of 184 bulls evaluated, 72,28 % were approved, unsuccessful outcome apparently increases with age. Scrotal circumference was significantly influenced by: age (p<0,001), breed (p<0,05) and Body Condition Scoring (BCS) (p<0,05). Correlations were significant between scrotal circumference and age (p<0,001; r=0,52), between BCS and microscopic semen evaluation parameters (p<0,05) and between these semen evaluation parameters. The breeding soundness evaluation is essential to assess bulls’ reproductive potential and routine performance of this exam should be encouraged in Portugal to improve fertility and herd profitability.
Hypothesis: As the anterior and posterior semicircular canals are vital to the regulation of gaze stability, particularly during locomotion or vehicular travel, we tested whether the high velocity vestibulo‐ocular reflex (VOR) of the three ipsilesional semicircular canals elicited by the modified Head Impulse Test would correlate with subjective dizziness or vertigo scores after vestibular neuritis (VN). Background: Recovery following acute VN varies with around half reporting persistent symptoms long after the acute episode. However, an unanswered question is whether chronic symptoms are associated with impairment of the high velocity VOR of the anterior or posterior canals. Methods: Twenty patients who had experienced an acute episode of VN at least three months earlier were included in this study. Participants were assessed with the video head impulse test (vHIT) of all six canals, bithermal caloric irrigation, the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) and the Vertigo Symptoms Scale short‐form (VSS). Results: Of these 20 patients, 12 felt that they had recovered from the initial episode whereas 8 did not and reported elevated DHI and VSS scores. However, we found no correlation between DHI or VSS scores and the ipsilesional single or combined vHIT gain, vHIT gain asymmetry or caloric paresis. The high velocity VOR was not different between patients who felt they had recovered and patients who felt they had not. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that chronic symptoms of dizziness following VN are not associated with the high velocity VOR of the single or combined ipsilesional horizontal, anterior or posterior semicircular canals.
Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editors
Background: The present study investigated whether prochlorperazine affects vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) and vestibulo-perceptual function. Methods: We studied 12 healthy naïve subjects 3 hours after a single dose of oral prochlorperazine 5mg in a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study in healthy young subjects. Two rotational tests in yaw were used: 1) a Threshold task investigating perceptual motion detection and nystagmic thresholds (acceleration steps of 0.5deg/s/s) and 2) Suprathreshold responses to velocity steps of 90deg/s in which vestibulo-ocular (VO) and vestibulo-perceptual (VP) time constants of decay, as well as VOR gain, were measured. Results: Prochlorperazine had no effect upon any measure of nystagmic or perceptual vestibular function compared to placebo. This lack of effects on vestibular-mediated motion perception suggests that the drug is likely to act more as an antiemetic than as an anti-vertiginous agent.
Background: NF2 patients develop multiple nervous system tumors including bilateral vestibular schwannomas (VS). The tumors and their surgical treatment are associated with deafness, neurological disability, and mortality. Medical treatment with bevacizumab has been reported to reduce VS growth and to improve hearing. In addition to evaluating these effects, this study also aimed to determine other important consequences of treatment including patient-reported quality of life and the impact of treatment on surgical VS rates. Methods: Patients treated with bevacizumab underwent serial prospective MRI, audiology, clinical, CTCAE-4.0 adverse events, and NFTI-QOL quality-of-life assessments. Tumor volumetrics were classified according to the REiNs criteria and annual VS surgical rates reviewed. Results: Sixty-one patients (59% male), median age 25 years (range, 10–57), were reviewed. Median follow-up was 23 months (range, 3–53). Partial volumetric tumor response (all tumors) was seen in 39% and 51% had stabilization of previously growing tumors. Age and pretreatment growth rate were predictors of response. Hearing was maintained or improved in 86% of assessable patients. Mean NFTI-QOL scores improved from 12.0 to 10.7 (P < .05). Hypertension was observed in 30% and proteinuria in 16%. Twelve treatment breaks occurred due to adverse events. The rates of VS surgery decreased after the introduction of bevacizumab. Conclusion: Treatment with bevacizumab in this large, UK-wide cohort decreased VS growth rates and improved hearing and quality of life. The potential risk of surgical iatrogenic damage was also reduced due to an associated reduction in VS surgical rates. Ongoing follow-up of this cohort will determine the long-term benefits and risks of bevacizumab treatment.
Les estimations des mouvements de soi provenant des signaux vestibulaires contribuent à la planification et l’exécution des mouvements volontaires du bras lorsque le corps se déplace. Cependant, comme les senseurs vestibulaires sont fixés à la tête alors que le bras est fixé au corps, les signaux vestibulaires doivent être transformés d’un système de référence centré sur la tête à un système centré sur le corps pour pouvoir contribuer de façon appropriée au contrôle moteur du bras. Le but premier de ce travail était d’étudier l’évidence d’une telle transformation. La stimulation galvanique vestibulaire (SGV) a été utilisée pour activer les afférences vestibulaires et simuler une rotation autour d’un axe naso-occipital fixe pendant que des sujets humains faisaient des mouvements du bras dans le plan horizontal, avec la tête dans différentes orientations. Une transformation des signaux vestibulaires implique que la SVG devrait simuler une rotation autour d’un axe horizontal lorsque la tête est droite et autour d’un axe vertical lorsque la tête est en flexion antérieure. La SGV devrait ainsi perturber les mouvements du bras en fonction de l’orientation de la tête. Nos résultats démontrent que les signaux vestibulaires contribuant aux mouvements d’atteinte sont effectivement transformés en un système de référence centrée sur le corps. Le deuxième but de ce travail était d’explorer les mécanismes utilisant ces signaux vestibulaires transformés. En comparant les effets de la SGV appliquée avant ou pendant les mouvements d’atteinte nous avons montré que les signaux vestibulaires transformés contribuent à des mécanismes de compensation distincts durant la planification des mouvements d’atteinte comparativement à l’exécution.
Resumen basado en ficha elaborada por los autores
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Una de las bases m??s importantes en las que se apoya la educaci??n nacional es el examen. Se realiza una an??lisis hist??rico de la aparici??n de la figura del examen como m??todo evaluador y garante del nivel educativo. Se repasan las legislaciones y ordenaciones educativas que han existido a lo largo de la historia, centr??ndose en la atenci??n que ??stas le dan al instrumento del examen, se??alandose como ??ste va perfil??ndose poco a poco como una figura central en el sistema educativo. Finalmente se se??alan algunas propuestas que han existido alternativas a los ex??menes, como es la evaluaci??n cont??nua.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación