985 resultados para Event-Driven Programming
Distributed digital control systems provide alternatives to conventional, centralised digital control systems. Typically, a modern distributed control system will comprise a multi-processor or network of processors, a communications network, an associated set of sensors and actuators, and the systems and applications software. This thesis addresses the problem of how to design robust decentralised control systems, such as those used to control event-driven, real-time processes in time-critical environments. Emphasis is placed on studying the dynamical behaviour of a system and identifying ways of partitioning the system so that it may be controlled in a distributed manner. A structural partitioning technique is adopted which makes use of natural physical sub-processes in the system, which are then mapped into the software processes to control the system. However, communications are required between the processes because of the disjoint nature of the distributed (i.e. partitioned) state of the physical system. The structural partitioning technique, and recent developments in the theory of potential controllability and observability of a system, are the basis for the design of controllers. In particular, the method is used to derive a decentralised estimate of the state vector for a continuous-time system. The work is also extended to derive a distributed estimate for a discrete-time system. Emphasis is also given to the role of communications in the distributed control of processes and to the partitioning technique necessary to design distributed and decentralised systems with resilient structures. A method is presented for the systematic identification of necessary communications for distributed control. It is also shwon that the structural partitions can be used directly in the design of software fault tolerant concurrent controllers. In particular, the structural partition can be used to identify the boundary of the conversation which can be used to protect a specific part of the system. In addition, for certain classes of system, the partitions can be used to identify processes which may be dynamically reconfigured in the event of a fault. These methods should be of use in the design of robust distributed systems.
A major application of computers has been to control physical processes in which the computer is embedded within some large physical process and is required to control concurrent physical processes. The main difficulty with these systems is their event-driven characteristics, which complicate their modelling and analysis. Although a number of researchers in the process system community have approached the problems of modelling and analysis of such systems, there is still a lack of standardised software development formalisms for the system (controller) development, particular at early stage of the system design cycle. This research forms part of a larger research programme which is concerned with the development of real-time process-control systems in which software is used to control concurrent physical processes. The general objective of the research in this thesis is to investigate the use of formal techniques in the analysis of such systems at their early stages of development, with a particular bias towards an application to high speed machinery. Specifically, the research aims to generate a standardised software development formalism for real-time process-control systems, particularly for software controller synthesis. In this research, a graphical modelling formalism called Sequential Function Chart (SFC), a variant of Grafcet, is examined. SFC, which is defined in the international standard IEC1131 as a graphical description language, has been used widely in industry and has achieved an acceptable level of maturity and acceptance. A comparative study between SFC and Petri nets is presented in this thesis. To overcome identified inaccuracies in the SFC, a formal definition of the firing rules for SFC is given. To provide a framework in which SFC models can be analysed formally, an extended time-related Petri net model for SFC is proposed and the transformation method is defined. The SFC notation lacks a systematic way of synthesising system models from the real world systems. Thus a standardised approach to the development of real-time process control systems is required such that the system (software) functional requirements can be identified, captured, analysed. A rule-based approach and a method called system behaviour driven method (SBDM) are proposed as a development formalism for real-time process-control systems.
En el presente trabajo se aplica el perfil de complejidad al modelamiento de procesos de negocio, desarrollado a partir del formalismo de Event-driven Process Chain (EPC). Al ser el perfil de complejidad una función de la información mutua entre elementos de un sistema, para cada nivel de escala de este, su aplicación al modelamiento de procesos permitirá establecer cuánta información recogen estos y cómo se distribuye esta información en cada posible secuencia de sus subprocesos. Se explora, en un inicio, las características cualitativas que tiene dicho perfil según cómo se encuentre estructurado el diagrama y qué significado esconden las estructuras más básicas con las que puede construirse un proceso. En la medida en que el modelado de procesos se realiza con el objetivo de optimizar el funcionamiento de un negocio, la aplicación del perfil de complejidad podrá ofrecer también una medida cuantitativa con la cual establecer cuánto afecta en el resultado final la modificación de un subproceso.
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si los anuncios de cambios de CEO y presidentes de Directorio de las empresas listadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL) afectan el valor de la firma en los días cercanos al anuncio. Fue la pronta salida de Steve Jobs como CEO de Apple Inc., a causa de una enfermedad mortal, lo que nos generó el cuestionamiento respecto a cuál sería el desempeño que tienen las acciones cuyas compañías pasan por eventos similares. Como se sabe, el mercado castigó la acción de Apple el día de la muerte de Steve Jobs, con caídas superiores al 2% el día del anuncio. ¿Tendrían los mercados desarrollados y emergentes el mismo comportamiento?, ¿los eventos de cambio de CEO generan las mismas reacciones en los países emergentes? Grande fue nuestra sorpresa al observar, a nivel local, cambios en la gerencia general como en Backus & Johnston (3/9/2013) sin un efecto significativo en el mercado, pues incluso el mercado no negoció dicho valor hasta el 19/9/2013. Con el objetivo de obtener una respuesta a las consultas inicialmente planteadas, se aplicó la metodología denominada Event Analysis, la cual ya ha sido utilizada para evaluar la existencia de retornos anormales ante cambios en CEO y presidentes de Directorio en mercados desarrollados como EE. UU., Países Bajos, Australia, España, etc., y también en mercados emergentes como Colombia, Chile y México. Nuestro estudio para el mercado peruano consistió en una muestra conformada por las cincuenta empresas cuyas acciones son las de mayor frecuencia de negociación en la BVL. Se tomó en consideración todos los eventos de cambio de CEO y presidentes de Directorio entre 1992 y el 2014. De acuerdo con los resultados de la investigación realizada, la existencia de retornos anormales en los cambios de CEO y presidentes de Directorio no son estadísticamente significativos, por lo que no podrían ser usado para generar estrategias del tipo Event-driven por parte de los hedge funds. La razón predominante es la alta volatilidad de los resultados y la poca profundidad del mercado que cuenta con poca liquidez; asimismo, el hecho de tener eventos relevantes que no son tomados en cuenta por el mercado.
The next generation of vehicles will be equipped with automated Accident Warning Systems (AWSs) capable of warning neighbouring vehicles about hazards that might lead to accidents. The key enabling technology for these systems is the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) but the dynamics of such networks make the crucial timely delivery of warning messages challenging. While most previously attempted implementations have used broadcast-based data dissemination schemes, these do not cope well as data traffic load or network density increases. This problem of sending warning messages in a timely manner is addressed by employing a network coding technique in this thesis. The proposed NETwork COded DissEmination (NETCODE) is a VANET-based AWS responsible for generating and sending warnings to the vehicles on the road. NETCODE offers an XOR-based data dissemination scheme that sends multiple warning in a single transmission and therefore, reduces the total number of transmissions required to send the same number of warnings that broadcast schemes send. Hence, it reduces contention and collisions in the network improving the delivery time of the warnings. The first part of this research (Chapters 3 and 4) asserts that in order to build a warning system, it is needful to ascertain the system requirements, information to be exchanged, and protocols best suited for communication between vehicles. Therefore, a study of these factors along with a review of existing proposals identifying their strength and weakness is carried out. Then an analysis of existing broadcast-based warning is conducted which concludes that although this is the most straightforward scheme, loading can result an effective collapse, resulting in unacceptably long transmission delays. The second part of this research (Chapter 5) proposes the NETCODE design, including the main contribution of this thesis, a pair of encoding and decoding algorithms that makes the use of an XOR-based technique to reduce transmission overheads and thus allows warnings to get delivered in time. The final part of this research (Chapters 6--8) evaluates the performance of the proposed scheme as to how it reduces the number of transmissions in the network in response to growing data traffic load and network density and investigates its capacity to detect potential accidents. The evaluations use a custom-built simulator to model real-world scenarios such as city areas, junctions, roundabouts, motorways and so on. The study shows that the reduction in the number of transmissions helps reduce competition in the network significantly and this allows vehicles to deliver warning messages more rapidly to their neighbours. It also examines the relative performance of NETCODE when handling both sudden event-driven and longer-term periodic messages in diverse scenarios under stress caused by increasing numbers of vehicles and transmissions per vehicle. This work confirms the thesis' primary contention that XOR-based network coding provides a potential solution on which a more efficient AWS data dissemination scheme can be built.
Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach – the generation of source code in different programming languages.
This paper describes the development and solution of binary integer formulations for production scheduling problems in market-driven foundries. This industrial sector is comprised of small and mid-sized companies with little or no automation, working with diversified production, involving several different metal alloy specifications in small tailor-made product lots. The characteristics and constraints involved in a typical production environment at these industries challenge the formulation of mathematical programming models that can be computationally solved when considering real applications. However, despite the interest on the part of these industries in counting on effective methods for production scheduling, there are few studies available on the subject. The computational tests prove the robustness and feasibility of proposed models in situations analogous to those found in production scheduling at the analyzed industrial sector. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper deals with “The Enchanted Journey,” which is a daily event tour booked by Bollywood-film fans. During the tour, the participants visit original sites of famous Bollywood films at various locations in Switzerland; moreover, the tour includes stops for lunch and shopping. Each day, up to five buses operate the tour. For operational reasons, however, two or more buses cannot stay at the same location simultaneously. Further operative constraints include time windows for all activities and precedence constraints between some activities. The planning problem is how to compute a feasible schedule for each bus. We implement a two-step hierarchical approach. In the first step, we minimize the total waiting time; in the second step, we minimize the total travel time of all buses. We present a basic formulation of this problem as a mixed-integer linear program. We enhance this basic formulation by symmetry-breaking constraints, which reduces the search space without loss of generality. We report on computational results obtained with the Gurobi Solver. Our numerical results show that all relevant problem instances can be solved using the basic formulation within reasonable CPU time, and that the symmetry-breaking constraints reduce that CPU time considerably.
Over the past years, the paradigm of component-based software engineering has been established in the construction of complex mission-critical systems. Due to this trend, there is a practical need for techniques that evaluate critical properties (such as safety, reliability, availability or performance) of these systems. In this paper, we review several high-level techniques for the evaluation of safety properties for component-based systems and we propose a new evaluation model (State Event Fault Trees) that extends safety analysis towards a lower abstraction level. This model possesses a state-event semantics and strong encapsulation, which is especially useful for the evaluation of component-based software systems. Finally, we compare the techniques and give suggestions for their combined usage
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) analysis methods can be quite generally divided into hypothesis-driven and data-driven approaches. The former are utilised in the majority of FMRI studies, where a specific haemodynamic response is modelled utilising knowledge of event timing during the scan, and is tested against the data using a t test or a correlation analysis. These approaches often lack the flexibility to account for variability in haemodynamic response across subjects and brain regions which is of specific interest in high-temporal resolution event-related studies. Current data-driven approaches attempt to identify components of interest in the data, but currently do not utilise any physiological information for the discrimination of these components. Here we present a hypothesis-driven approach that is an extension of Friman's maximum correlation modelling method (Neurolmage 16, 454-464, 2002) specifically focused on discriminating the temporal characteristics of event-related haemodynamic activity. Test analyses, on both simulated and real event-related FMRI data, will be presented.
Modern factories are complex systems where advances in networking and information technologies are opening new ways towards higher efficiency. Such move is being driven by market rules with ever-increasing competition levels, in search for faster time-to-market, improved process yield, non-stop operations, flexible manufacturing and tighter supply-chain coupling. All these aims present a common requirement, i.e. a realtime flow of information, from the plant-floor up to the management, maintenance, suppliers and clients, to support accurate monitoring and control of the factory. This stresses the importance achieved by the communication infrastructure in modern manufacturing industry. This paper presents the authors view concerning the current trends in modern factory communication systems. It addresses the problems of seamlessly integrating different information flows with diverse requirements, mainly in terms of timeliness. In this aspect, the debate between event-triggered and time-triggered communication is revisited as well as the joint support for both types of traffic. Finally, a view of where factory communication systems are moving to is also presented, showing the impact of open and widely available technologies.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática