684 resultados para Evelyn Silvennan
Esse ensaio procura tra??ar os contornos desse novo Estado, os perfis dos agentes necess??rios ao seu funcionamento e as formas poss??veis para sua capacita????o. Ao final, faz-se uma avalia????o dos processos de mudan??a que come??am a ocorrer nas organiza????es p??blicas brasileiras, em que se evidencia o grande potencial que nelas existe para seu pr??prio desenvolvimento
O presente relat??rio visa divulgar informa????es sobre o perfil profissional dos gestores de recursos humanos da Administra????o P??blica Federal, resultantes de pesquisa realizada pela ENAP em 1998. A metodologia utilizada consistiu na consulta direta aos Gestores de Recursos Humanos GRHs por meio de um question??rio (composto por quest??es abertas e fechadas), enviado pelo correio, no m??s de outubro de 1998, a todo o universo poss??vel da pesquisa, ou seja, 194 ??reas de recursos humanos da administra????o p??blica federal, de acordo com os dados do Sistema de Pessoal Civil da Administra????o Federal (SIPEC). A amostra dosquestion??rios analisados foi de aproximadamente 24% do universo, ou 46 GRHs
Para a maior parte das sociedades contempor??neas tornou-se praticamente imposs??vel dissociar a boa governan??a da pr??tica de princ??pios democr??ticos, de um lado, e da produ????o de pol??ticas e servi??os p??blicos de qualidade, de outro. Essa vis??o sugere que a quest??o de melhorar continuamente o desempenho das m??quinas governamentais est?? agora no topo das preocupa????es desses governos. As recentes ondas de reforma da administra????o p??blica refletem isso. Do desempenho depende, em grande medida, a legitima????o desses governos (Peters& Pierre, 2010, ). Exatamente para obter melhor desempenho e maior legitimidade, os governos t??m procurado aproximar cada vez mais a burocracia dos cidad??os, para tornar os servi??os p??blicos em maior conformidade com suas necessidades e prefer??ncias, mais r??pidos e mais precisos. Entre as in??meras quest??es que emergem, no campo do desempenho das organiza????es p??blicas, est?? a da gest??o dos seus recursos humanos: quais s??o os elementos que contribuem para a motiva????o dos servidores p??blicos e quais incentivos s??o mais eficazes s??o perguntas sempre presentes, pois do sucesso dessas pol??ticas internas depende, em larga medida, a pr??pria percep????o que os cidad??os fazem de seus respectivos governos. Afinal, como argumentam Peters e Pierre (2010), os cidad??os se confrontam, com muito maior frequ??ncia, com a burocracia do que com os agentes pol??ticos. Esse estudo tem por objetivo colocar algumas hip??teses sobre quais s??o os incentivos- bem-sucedidos- ao desempenho dos servidores p??blicos, comparando as formas de gest??o dos governos federais da Austr??lia e do Brasil.
A utilização de mudas de bananeira micropropagadas de qualidade é o primeiro passo na implantação de um bom pomar e, para isso, sua aclimatização deve ser realizada de forma adequada. Em vista disso, objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o desempenho dos biofertilizantes HUMITEC® e RUTER AA® no desenvolvimento de mudas de bananeira micropropagadas, sendo instalado um experimento em viveiro comercial de produção de mudas. Foram utilizadas mudas de bananeira cv. Grand Naine, obtidas por micropropagação, sendo, posteriormente, transplantadas em sacos de polietileno preto (1,5 L), contendo, como substrato, terra de subsolo (Latossolo Amarelo), casca de arroz carbonizada e composto orgânico Organifol® (1:1:1). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, fatorial 2 x 4 (produtos e doses), com quatro repetições e quatro plantas úteis por parcela. Os tratamentos foram compostos pelos seguintes biofertilizantes e doses: HUMITEC® (0,0; 4,0; 8,0; 16,0 mL planta-1) e RUTER AA® (0,0; 2,0; 4,0; 8,0 mL planta-1). As doses dos produtos foram divididas em duas aplicações (28 e 56 dias após o transplantio das mudas), aplicadas via fertirrigação. Noventa e oito dias após o transplantio avaliaram-se as seguintes variáveis: altura das plantas (cm), diâmetro do colo rente superfície do solo (mm), área foliar total e por folha, biomassas fresca e seca da parte aérea e das raízes (g). Os dados foram submetidos análise da variância e quando o teste F foi significativo, realizou-se análise de regressão. Pode-se concluir que aplicações de HUMITEC® e RUTER AA® favoreceram o desenvolvimento das mudas e que, no verão, as plantas apresentaram maior desenvolvimento durante a aclimatização.
Proposta de uma política de saúde para atender à população do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil com base num esquema de integração de recursos, com tríplice alcance. Em primeiro lugar, a integração entre as atividades de medicina preventiva e as de sentido curativo e assistencial. Em segundo lugar, a integração dos setores que executam os programas de saneamento básico, sob coordenação da "autoridade sanitária" representada pela Secretaria de Estado da Saúde. Em terceiro lugar, a integração dos órgãos e estruturas assistenciais - ambulatoriais ou hospitalares - tanto as ligadas ao poder público federal, estadual e municipal, quanto as dependentes da iniciativa particular, num "sistema de saúde".
Apresenta-se uma análise dos principais problemas médico-sanitários do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Verificou-se a possibilidade de definição de 5 regiões, cujas características são apreciavelmente homogêneas: a primeira, representada pelas sub-regiões de São José do Rio Preto, Araçatuba e Presidente Prudente; a segunda, correspondente a Bauru e Marília; a terceira, inclui as áreas de Sorocaba, do Litoral e do Vale do Paraíba; a quarta, abrange Campinas e Ribeirão Preto; e a quinta, correspondente à Grande São Paulo. Para cada uma dessas regiões foram descritos os indicadores básicos de saúde e alguns aspectos relativos ao equipamento de saúde disponível. Verificou-se a dificuldade de relacionar os dois tipos de indicadores. Foram examinados os problemas básicos relativos ao atendimento da população urbana e da que habita as regiões rurais do Estado de São Paulo.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação da prática de atividades físicas no lazer com a percepção do ambiente por idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 385 idosos com 60 anos ou mais residentes do distrito de Ermelino Matarazzo no município de São Paulo, SP, em 2007. Para a avaliação das atividades físicas no lazer foi utilizado o Questionário Internacional de Atividades Físicas versão longa, acrescida de questões específicas para o estudo. A avaliação do ambiente foi realizada por meio de escala de percepção adaptada do instrumento Neighborhood Environmental Walkability Scale. Para a análise estatística, modelos de análise de regressão logística múltipla foram estratificados segundo sexo, controlados por escolaridade. Para a classificação de ativo no lazer, foi utilizado o ponto de corte de 150 min semanais de atividade física. RESULTADOS: A proporção de idosos fisicamente ativos no lazer foi de 15,2% (19,1% e 12,5%, para homens e mulheres, respectivamente). A presença de quadras (OR=2,95), agências bancárias (OR=3,82) e postos de saúde (OR=3,60), boa percepção de segurança durante o dia (OR=4,21) e receber convite de amigos para fazer atividade física (OR=3,13) tiveram associação com a prática de atividade física no lazer nos homens. Presença de igrejas ou templos religiosos (OR=5,73), academias (OR=2,49) e praças (OR=3,63) tiveram associação com a prática de atividade física no lazer em mulheres. CONCLUSÕES: Programas de promoção de atividades físicas para a população idosa devem considerar as variáveis relacionadas às estruturas públicas e privadas (academias, praças, quadras, postos de saúde e bancos), locais que congregam reuniões sociais (igrejas), ao suporte social (ser convidado por amigos para praticar atividade física) e percepção de segurança.
An epizootic outbreak of rabies occurred in 1995 in Ribeirão Preto, SP, with 58 cases of animal rabies (54 dogs, 3 cats and 1 bat) confirmed by the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, and one human death. The need to provide care to a large number of people for the application of equine rabies immune globulin (ERIG) prevented the execution of the skin sensitivity test (SST) and often also the execution of desensitization, procedures routinely used up to that time at the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo (EU-UHFMRP-USP), a reference hospital for the application of heterologous sera. In view of our positive experience of several years with the abolition of SST and of the use of premedication before the application of antivenom sera, we used a similar schedule for ERIG application. Of the 1489 victims of animal bites, 1054 (71%) received ERIG; no patient was submitted to SST and all received intravenously anti-histamines (anti-H1 + anti-H2) and corticosteroids before the procedure. The patients were kept under observation for 60 to 180 minutes and no adverse reaction was observed. On the basis of these results, since December 1995 ERIG application has been decentralized in Ribeirão Preto and has become the responsibility of the Emergency Unit of the University Hospital and the Central Basic Health Unit, where the same routine is used. Since then, 4216 patients have received ERIG (1818 at the Basic Health Unit and 2398 at the EU-UHFMRP), with no problems. The ideal would be the routine use of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG) in public health programs, but this is problematic, because of their high cost. However, while this does not occur, the use of SST is no longer justified at the time of application of ERIG, in view of the clinical evidence of low predictive value and low sensitivity of SST involving the application of heterologous sera. It is very important to point out that a negative SST result may lead the health team to a feeling of false safety that no adverse reaction will occur, but this is not true for the anaphylactoid reactions. The decision to use premedication, which is based on knowledge about anaphylaxis and on the pharmacology of the medication used, is left to the judgment of health professionals, who should always be prepared for eventual untoward events.
The objective of this study is to identify subtypes of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) and to analyze the presence of mutations associated to antiretroviral resistance in the protease (PR) and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions from 48 HIV-1 positive treatment naïve patients from an outpatient clinic in Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. Sequencing was conducted using PR, partial RT and group-specific antigen gene (gag) nested PCR products from retrotranscribed RNA. Transmitted resistance was determined according to the Surveillance Drug Resistance Mutation List (SDRM) algorithm. Phylogenetic and SimPlot analysis of concatenated genetic segments classified sequences as subtype B 19/48 (39.6%), subtype C 12/48 (25%), subtype F 4/48 (8.3%), with 13/48 (27.1%) recombinant forms. Most recombinant forms were B mosaics (B/F 12.5%, B/C 10.4%), with one C/F (2.1%) and one complex B/C/F mosaic (2.1%). Low levels of transmitted resistance were found in this study, 2/48 (2.1% to NRTIs and 2.1% for PI). This preliminary data may subsidize the monitoring of the HIV evolution in the region.
Foram atendidas no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto/USP, durante os anos de 1980 a 1989, 21 crianças vítimas de acidente crotálico, 16 das quais apresentaram sinais clínicos de envenenamento grave à admissão e 5, de envenenamento moderado. Quatro pacientes (20%) desenvolveram necrose tubular aguda, dois dos quais necessitaram métodos dialíticos. Um paciente (5%) foi a óbito no 13.° dia do acidente, após intercorrências graves, como hemorragia digestiva e insuficiência respiratória aguda. São apresentadas as características clínicas, laboratoriais e epidemiológicas do acidente crotálico nesses pacientes, enfatizando os conhecimentos atuais sobre a fisiopatologia do envenenamento por Crotalus durissus terrificus. Ao mesmo tempo, pretendeu-se contribuir para a correta abordagem terapêutica, no que diz respeito ao emprego adequado do soro antiveneno e à prevenção da necrose tubular aguda, a mais séria e grave complicação do acidente crotálico.
Given the limitations of different types of remote sensing images, automated land-cover classifications of the Amazon várzea may yield poor accuracy indexes. One way to improve accuracy is through the combination of images from different sensors, by either image fusion or multi-sensor classifications. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine which classification method is more efficient in improving land cover classification accuracies for the Amazon várzea and similar wetland environments - (a) synthetically fused optical and SAR images or (b) multi-sensor classification of paired SAR and optical images. Land cover classifications based on images from a single sensor (Landsat TM or Radarsat-2) are compared with multi-sensor and image fusion classifications. Object-based image analyses (OBIA) and the J.48 data-mining algorithm were used for automated classification, and classification accuracies were assessed using the kappa index of agreement and the recently proposed allocation and quantity disagreement measures. Overall, optical-based classifications had better accuracy than SAR-based classifications. Once both datasets were combined using the multi-sensor approach, there was a 2% decrease in allocation disagreement, as the method was able to overcome part of the limitations present in both images. Accuracy decreased when image fusion methods were used, however. We therefore concluded that the multi-sensor classification method is more appropriate for classifying land cover in the Amazon várzea.
Up to 20% of patients with pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) experience a poor outcome. BRAF alterations and Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) point mutations are key molecular alterations in Pas, but their clinical implications are not established. We aimed to determine the frequency and prognostic role of these alterations in a cohort of 69 patients with PAs. We assessed KIAA1549:BRAF fusion by fluorescence in situ hybridization and BRAF (exon 15) mutations by capillary sequencing. In addition, FGFR1 expression was analyzed using immunohistochemistry, and this was compared with gene amplification and hotspot mutations (exons 12 and 14) assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization and capillary sequencing. KIAA1549:BRAF fusion was identified in almost 60% of cases. Two tumors harbored mutated BRAF. Despite high FGFR1 expression overall, no cases had FGFR1 amplifications. Three cases harbored a FGFR1 p.K656E point mutation. No correlation was observed between BRAF and FGFR1 alterations. The cases were predominantly pediatric (87%), and no statistical differences were observed in molecular alterations-related patient ages. In summary, we confirmed the high frequency of KIAA1549:BRAF fusion in PAs and its association with a better outcome. Oncogenic mutations of FGFR1, although rare, occurred in a subset of patients with worse outcome. These molecular alterations may constitute alternative targets for novel clinical approaches, when radical surgical resection is unachievable.
The economic value of flounder from shore angling around Ireland was assessed. Flounder catches from shore angling tournaments around Ireland were related to domestic and overseas shore angling expenditure in order to determine an economic value for the species. Temporal trends in flounder angling catches, and specimen (trophy) flounder reports were also investigated. Flounder was found to be the most caught shore angling species in competitions around Ireland constituting roughly one third of the shore angling competition catch although this did vary by area. The total value of flounder from shore angling tourism was estimated to be of the order of €8.4 million. No significant temporal trends in flounder angling catches and specimen reports were found. Thus there is no evidence from the current study for any decline in flounder stocks. The population dynamics of 0-group flounder during the early benthic stage was investigated at estuarine sites in Galway Bay, west of Ireland. Information was analysed from the March to June sampling period over five years (2002 to 2006). Spatial and temporal variations in settlement and population length structure were analysed between beach and river habitats and sites. Settlement of flounder began from late March to early May of each year, most commonly in April. Peak settlement was usually in April or early May. Settlement was recorded earlier than elsewhere, although most commonly was similar to the southern part of the UK and northern France. Settlement was generally later in tidal rivers than on sandy beaches. Abundance of 0-group flounder in Galway Bay did not exhibit significant inter -annual variability. 0-group flounder were observed in dense aggregations of up to 105 m'2, which were patchy in distribution. Highest densities of 0-group flounder were recorded in limnetic and oligohaline areas as compared with the lower densities in polyhaline and to a lesser extent mesohaline areas. Measurements to of salinity allowed the classification of beaches, and tidal river sections near the mouth, into a salinity based scheme for length comparisons. Beaches were classified as polyhaline,the lower section of rivers as mesohaline, and the middle and upper sections as oligohaline. Over the March to June sampling period 0-group flounder utilised different sections at different length ranges and were significantly larger in more upstream sections. During initial settlement in April, 0-group flounder of 8-10 mm (standard length, SL) were present in abundance on polyhaline sandy beaches. By about 10mm (SL), flounder were present in all polyhaline, mesohaline and (oligohaline) sections. 0-group flounder became absent or in insignificant numbers in polyhaline and mesohaline sections in a matter of weeks after first appearance. From April to June, 0-group flounder of 12-30mm (SL) were found in more upstream locations in the oligohaline sections. About one month (May or June) after initial settlement, 0-group flounder became absent from the oligohaline sections. Concurrently, flounder start to reappear in mesohaline and polyhaline areas at approximately 30mm (SL) in June. The results indicate 0-group flounder in the early benthic stage are associated with low salinity areas, but as they grow, this association diminishes. Results strongly suggest that migration of 0-group flounder between habitats takes place during the early benthic phase.