949 resultados para European short stories


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This paper explores the literary representation of Iceland and Norway in two short stories by contemporary German writer Judith Hermann. It analyses both the depiction of these countries as part of the globalised western world and the redemptive power they are tentatively ascribed by the author. Continuing a long German tradition of looking at Scandinavia from an almost colonial perspective, Hermann on the one hand presents these northern countries as a mere extension of central Europe, largely devoid of distinguishing national characteristics. At the same time she makes reference to the topos of the north as a vast and empty space and highlights both the specific arctic nature of the environment and the effect it has on her urban characters, who find themselves on a search for meaning and orientation in a postmodern fragmented world. Despite Hermann's overall sceptical attitude towards her characters' quest for happiness, these northern locations ultimately appear as potential places of self-realisation and enlightenment.


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Throughout history, women have played an important role in literature. Nevertheless, since Sappho's poetry until now, feminine voices have had to struggle for recognition of their works. ^ Before the nineteenth century, women were almost ignored in Spanish literature. Society kept them as “ángeles de la familia,” taking care of their homes, husbands, and children. Some of them, such as María de Zayas y Sotomayor in Spain and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in Mexico, complained about their situation in their writings. However, they expressed their fight not as a generation but as individuals. ^ In the nineteenth century, the ideas and ideals of Romanticism, were brought to Latin America from Europe. Cuba was among those countries where the new movement took roots. Initiated by Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, a group of women began to participate in literary reunions, and to found newspapers and magazines where works authored by women, dedicated to feminist ideas, were published. They indeed through literature started to live out womanhood in order to intellectually leave the ideological prisons where society had been keeping them. ^ This study scans the literary works of all Romantic women writers in Cuba. It specifically analyzes poetry and short stories, and investigates how these authors expressed themselves in their works against the patriarchal society, where they lived and wrote their books. An eclectic critical method has been used. ^ Findings were very revealing. Only three of the fourteen writers studied in my dissertation had been previously mentioned by major critics. Most of them had been ignored. However, the greatest discovery was that they prompted something new: For the first time they projected themselves as a group, as a collective consciousness, and this fact established a difference with former women writers in Cuban literature before Romanticism. In other words, they produced a “Renaissance” in Cuba's literature. In spite of how they lived between 1820 and 1900, their struggles for women's rights have linked them to our current times. ^


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Tim Burton sitúa su versión de Las aventuras de Alicia en el país de las maravillas (1865), de Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, más conocido por su pseudónimo Lewis Carroll, en la Inglaterra victoriana durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Presenta a una Alicia, con 19 años, que vuelve a la mansión donde había vivido de niña.


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This thesis uses Sergei Eisenstein’s filmic theories of montage to examine the modernist American short story cycle, a genre of independent short stories that work together to create a larger and interrelated whole. Similar to the shot-by-shot editing process of montage, the story cycle builds its intertextual meaning story-by-story from an aggregate of abrupt narrative transitions and juxtapositions. Eisenstein famously felt that montage, the editing together of film fragments, was not a process of linkage, but of collision –each radically different shot in a film should crash into the next shot, until audience members were intellectually provoked into synthesizing these collisions through dialectical processes. I offer montage as an interpretive strategy for negotiating the narrative collisions in story cycles such as Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio, William Faulkner’s Go Down, Moses, and Eudora Welty’s The Golden Apples. For Go Down, Moses, I argue that Eisenstein’s politically rendered “montage of attractions” provides a template for investigating the shock tactics behind Faulkner’s chronologically and racially entangled stories of whites and African Americans. For The Golden Apples, I consider the opposites and doubles in Welty’s fiction with Eisenstein’s similar belief in the “opposing passions” of the world. Not only, then, do I suggest that the modernist story cycle bears a cinematic influence, but I also offer Eisenstein’s theories of montage and collision as a heuristic for formal, thematic, and even political patterns in a genre infamous for its resistance to definition and classification.


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A character discovering and testing the limits of his emotional or psychological range most interests me. What will he choose to do? Stay within his old boundaries? Or try and go beyond them? What does he learn about himself in the process? And, finally, what price will be exacted, either for his staying where he is, or for his choosing a new level of self-knowledge? "The Short Reign Of Sultan Osman and Other Stories" is a collection of short stories set in either the United States, Greece, or Brazil, and ranging in time from 1972 to today. Each story presents its protagonist with challenges unique to a specific time and place. In most of these stories, the protagonists are driven by an urge for love or for mastery, and these urges send them across landscapes of delusion or folly before they can arrive at some sense of self-knowledge.


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The visual image is a fundamental component of epiphany, stressing its immediacy and vividness, corresponding to the enargeia of the traditional ekphrasis and also playing with cultural and social meanings. Morris Beja in his seminal book Epiphany in the Modern Novel, draws our attention to the distinction made by Joyce between the epiphany originated in a common object, in a discourse or gesture and the one arising in “a memorable phase of the mind itself”. This type materializes in the “dream-epiphany” and in the epiphany based in memory. On the other hand, Robert Langbaum in his study of the epiphanic mode, suggests that the category of “visionary epiphany” could account for the modern effect of an internally glowing vision like Blake’s “The Tyger”, which projects the vitality of a real tyger. The short story, whose length renders it a fitting genre for the use of different types of epiphany, has dealt with the impact of the visual image in this technique, to convey different effects and different aesthetic aims. This paper will present some examples of this occurrence in short stories of authors in whose work epiphany is a fundamental concept and literary technique: Walter Pater, Joseph Conrad, K. Mansfield, Clarice Lispector. Pater’s “imaginary portraits” concentrate on “priviledged moments” of the lives of the characters depicting their impressions through pictorial language; Conrad tries to show “moments of awakening” that can be remembered by the eye; Mansfield suggests that epiphany, the “glimpse”, should replace plot as an internal ordering principle of her impressionist short-stories; in C. Lispector the visualization of some situations is so aggressive that it causes nausea and a radical revelation on the protagonist’s.


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The affinities of the short story with the style of painting dominating the period in which it is produced have often been debated by critics. The effects of the application of impressionist and vorticist principles in painting turns out differently in Katherine Mansfield and Wyndham Lewis’ short stories structure and strategies, according to their conceptions of Art and Life and to his career as a painter.


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Abstract: To cluster textual sequence types (discourse types/modes) in French texts, K-means algorithm with high-dimensional embeddings and fuzzy clustering algorithm were applied on clauses whose POS (part-ofspeech) n-gram profiles were previously extracted. Uni-, bi- and trigrams were used on four 19th century French short stories by Maupassant. For high-dimensional embeddings, power transformations on the chi-squared distances between clauses were explored. Preliminary results show that highdimensional embeddings improve the quality of clustering, contrasting the use of bi and trigrams whose performance is disappointing, possibly because of feature space sparsity.


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According to Hemingway all good prose has the dignity and draught of an iceberg. This is especially true of Hemingway's short stories. "Francis Macomber" counts among the best composed short stories in English. Interpretation sways between Hemingway's idealisation of the male code and its deconstruction. Is the White Hunter a British scourge of American values or is Margot the tragic victim of a newly founded male friendship? Is the open ending rather a hunting accident or the mean murder of an unloved spouse? Hemingway gives hitherto uninterpreted clues by mentioning strategies of big game hunting and ballistics. Carter's magic story "Master"; deals with the regression of a White Hunter who has become 'his own negative'. An Englishman dissolves into the Amazonian jungle and is killed by his own victim. The story can be read as a macabre crime of sexuality and murder or as a dystopian warning of the future of mankind if we go on exploiting and destroying our planet.


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Poetry Short Stories


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Hardy's novels and poetry have received extensive criticism, in due proportion to their merit. Hardy's short stories, however, have been virtually excluded from the annals of Hardy criticism, even though Hardy wrote over forty short stories, several of which are truly outstanding. In part, the reason for this neglect is because of the neglected state of the short story in Victorian England. Short fiction, published mainly only in periodicals and never collected in volume form, was obscured to a large extent by the highly popular serial novel. This thesis examines Thomas Hardy's short stories in the context of both the Victorian period and the Victorian short story genre, and explores the ways in which Thomas Hardy improved upon and deviated from some of the common types of short fiction being written in his day.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)