963 resultados para European Environmental Requirements
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to optimize the management and operation of the Brazilian hydrothermal system. The system consists of a large set of individual hydropower plants and a set of aggregated thermal plants. The energy generated in the system is interconnected by a transmission network so it can be transmitted to centers of consumption throughout the country. The optimization model offered is capable of handling different types of constraints, such as interbasin water transfers, water supply for various purposes, and environmental requirements. Its overall objective is to produce energy to meet the country's demand at a minimum cost. Called HIDROTERM, the model integrates a database with basic hydrological and technical information to run the optimization model, and provides an interface to manage the input and output data. The optimization model uses the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) package and can invoke different linear as well as nonlinear programming solvers. The optimization model was applied to the Brazilian hydrothermal system, one of the largest in the world. The system is divided into four subsystems with 127 active hydropower plants. Preliminary results under different scenarios of inflow, demand, and installed capacity demonstrate the efficiency and utility of the model. From this and other case studies in Brazil, the results indicate that the methodology developed is suitable to different applications, such as planning operation, capacity expansion, and operational rule studies, and trade-off analysis among multiple water users. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000149. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Nowadays, competitiveness introduces new behaviors and leads companies to a discomforting situation and often to non adaptation to environmental requirements. A growing number of challenges associated with control of information in organizations with engineering activities can be seen, particularly, the growing amount of information subject to continuous changes. The innovative performance of an organization is directly proportional to its ability to manage information. Thus, the importance of information management is recognized by the search for more competent ways to face current demands. The purpose of this article was to analyze informationdependent processes in technology-based companies, through the four major stages of information management. The comparative method of cases and qualitative research were used. The research was conducted in nine technology-based companies which were incubated or recently went through the incubating process at the Technological Park of Sao Carlos, in the state of Sao Paulo. Among the main results, it was found that in graduated companies information management and its procedures were identified as more conscious and structured in contrast to those of the incubated companies.
At global level, the population is increasingly concentrating in the cities. In Europe, around 75% of the population lives in urban areas and, according to the European Environmental Agency (2010), urban population is foreseen to increase up to 80 % by 2020. At the same time, the quality of life in the cities is declining and urban pollution keeps increasing in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, waste, noise, and lack of greenery. Many of European cities struggle to cope with social, economic and environmental problems resulting from pressures such as overcrowding or decline, social inequity, health problems related to food security and pollution. Nowadays local authorities try to solve these problems related to the environmental sustainability through various urban logistics measures, which directly and indirectly affect the urban food supply system, thus an integrated approach including freight transport and food provisioning policies issues is needed. This research centres on the urban food transport system and its impact on the city environmental sustainability. The main question that drives the research analysis is "How the urban food distribution system affects the ecological sustainability in modern cities?" The research analyses the city logistics project for food transport implemented in Parma, Italy, by the wholesale produce market. The case study investigates the renewed role of the wholesale market in the urban food supply chain as commercial and logistic operator, referring to the concept of food hub. Then, a preliminary analysis on the urban food transport for the city of Bologna is presented. The research aims at suggesting a methodological framework to estimate the urban food demand, the urban food supply and to assess the urban food transport performance, in order to identify external costs indicators that help policymakers in evaluating the environmental sustainability of different logistics measures
Sea-level variability is characterized by multiple interacting factors described in the Fourth Assessment Report (Bindoff et al., 2007) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that act over wide spectra of temporal and spatial scales. In Church et al. (2010) sea-level variability and changes are defined as manifestations of climate variability and change. The European Environmental Agency (EEA) defines sea level as one of most important indicators for monitoring climate change, as it integrates the response of different components of the Earths system and is also affected by anthropogenic contributions (EEA, 2011). The balance between the different sea-level contributions represents an important source of uncertainty, involving stochastic processes that are very difficult to describe and understand in detail, to the point that they are defined as an enigma in Munk (2002). Sea-level rate estimates are affected by all these uncertainties, in particular if we look at possible responses to sea-level contributions to future climate. At the regional scale, lateral fluxes also contribute to sea-level variability, adding complexity to sea-level dynamics. The research strategy adopted in this work to approach such an interesting and challenging topic has been to develop an objective methodology to study sea-level variability at different temporal and spatial scales, applicable in each part of the Mediterranean basin in particular, and in the global ocean in general, using all the best calibrated sources of data (for the Mediterranean): in-situ, remote-sensig and numerical models data. The global objective of this work was to achieve a deep understanding of all of the components of the sea-level signal contributing to sea-level variability, tendency and trend and to quantify them.
Die (Wieder-)Nutzung auf Schwerkraft basierender Fördertechniken, die insbesondere durch das niedrige Energiepreisniveau in den Jahrzehnten nach dem 2. Weltkrieg in der Tagebautechnik nahezu vollständig verdrängt wurden, ist bei den heutigen wirtschaftlichen Randbedingungen und anzustrebenden ökologischen Standards eine Herausforderung für die bergbautreibende Industrie. Seit Aufnahme der Entwicklung des Förderkonzeptes – Geführte Versturztechnik – Mitte der 1990er Jahre haben sich die Kosten für Rohöl vor Steuern nach dem Tiefstand um das Jahr 1998 bis heute mehr als verdreifacht, alleine seit 2004 mehr als verdoppelt. Gesetzliche Regelwerke wie die europäische IVU-Richtlinie 96/61/EG zur „integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung der Umweltverschmutzung“ fordern, Genehmigungen nur noch bei Einsatz der besten verfügbaren Techniken (BVT oder BAT: „best available techniques“) zu erteilen. Die Umsetzung in nationale Vorschriften wie das Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz und nachgeordnete Regelwerke fordern hierauf aufbauend, dass Umweltbelastungen nicht in andere Medien verlagert werden dürfen. Die Anordnung einer Versturzrinne zur Nutzung von Massenschwerebewegungen am Beispiel von Quarzitabbau im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge bei denen die Förderbezugsebene unterhalb der Strossen liegt, die zur sichern und selektiven Gewinnung des Rohstoffs aufgefahren werden müssen, erfüllt durch Rückgriff auf ein vermeintlich „archaisches“ Förderkonzept durch Nutzung der Schwerkraft die obigen Anforderungen. Offenkundige Umweltbelastungen, die alleine durch die Verbrennung von Dieselkraftstoff und hieraus resultierender Schadstoff- und Wärmeeinträge in die Luft beim verbreiteten Einsatz von SLKW zur Abwärtsförderung entstehen, können erheblich vermindert werden. Der Aspekt der Betriebssicherheit einer solchen Anordnung kann durch Auffahren eines geradlinigen Bauwerks mit an das Fördergut angepassten Dimensionen sowie Einrichtungen zur Beschränkung der kinetischen Energie erreicht werden. Diese stellen auch gleichzeitig sicher, dass die Zerkleinerung des durch die Versturzrinne abwärts transportierten Materials betrieblich zulässige Grenzen nicht überschreitet. Hierfür kann auf das umfangreiche Wissen zu Massenschwerebewegungen Rückgriff genommen werden. Dem Aspekt des Umweltschutzes, der sich in Bezug auf das Medium Luft auf den autochtonen Staub reduziert, kann durch Vorrichtungen zur Staubniederschlagung Rechnung getragen werden. Vertiefende Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um die mit komplexen, aber erprobten Techniken arbeitende Tagebauindustrie auch in dicht besiedelten Regionen wieder an die Nutzung von Schwerkraft (-gestützten) Fördertechniken heranzuführen. Auch das Konzept – Geführte Versturztechnik – ist auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle hin in Details anzupassen.
The present work is included in the context of the assessment of sustainability in the construction field and is aimed at estimating and analyzing life cycle cost of the existing reinforced concrete bridge “Viadotto delle Capre” during its entire life. This was accomplished by a comprehensive data collection and results evaluation. In detail, the economic analysis of the project is performed. The work has investigated possible design alternatives for maintenance/rehabilitation and end-of-life operations, when structural, functional, economic and also environmental requirements have to be fulfilled. In detail, the economic impact of different design options for the given reinforced concrete bridge have been assessed, whereupon the most economically, structurally and environmentally efficient scenario was chosen. The Integrated Life-Cycle Analysis procedure and Environmental Impact Assessment were also discussed in this work. The scope of this thesis is to illustrate that Life Cycle Cost analysis as part of Life Cycle Assessment approach could be effectively used to drive the design and management strategy of new and existing structures. The final objective of this contribution is to show how an economic analysis can influence decision-making in the definition of the most sustainable design alternatives. The designers can monitor the economic impact of different design strategies in order to identify the most appropriate option.
This paper evaluates whether the Swiss monitoring programme for foreign substances in animal products fulfils basic epidemiological quality requirements, and identifies possible sources of bias in the selection of samples. The sampling was analysed over a 4-year period (2002-05). The sampling frame in 37 participating abattoirs covered 51% of all slaughtered pigs, 73% of calves, 68% of beef and 36% of cows. The analysis revealed that some sub-populations as defined by the region of origin were statistically over-represented while others were under-represented. The programme that is in accordance with European Union requirements contained some relevant bias. Patterns of under-sampled regions characterized by management type differences were identified. This could lead to an underestimate of the number of contaminated animals within the programme. Although the current sampling was stratified and partially risk-based, its efficiency could be improved by adopting a more targeted approach.
Antipatharia are a diverse group of corals with many species found in deep water. Many Antipatharia are habitat for associates, have extreme longevity and some species can occur beyond 8500 m depth. As they are major constituents of 'coral gardens', which are Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), knowledge of their distribution and environmental requirements is an important pre-requisite for informed conservation planning particularly where the expense and difficulty of deep-sea sampling prohibits comprehensive surveys. This study uses a global database of Antipatharia distribution data to perform habitat suitability modelling using the Maxent methodology to estimate the global extent of black coral habitat suitability. The model of habitat suitability is driven by temperature but there is notable influence from other variables of topography, surface productivity and oxygen levels. This model can be used to predict areas of suitable habitat, which can be useful for conservation planning. The global distribution of Antipatharia habitat suitability shows a marked contrast with the distribution of specimen observations, indicating that many potentially suitable areas have not been sampled, and that sampling effort has been disproportionate to shallow, accessible areas inside marine protected areas (MPAs). Although 25% of Antipatharia observations are located in MPAs, only 7-8% of predicted suitable habitat is protected, which is short of the Convention on Biological Diversity target to protect 10% of ocean habitats by 2020.
The municipalities have the main tool to address climate change to their own municipal powers. In our country, these are defined in the Basic Law of Local Government and the Regulatory Law of Local Finances. This article analyzes the performance capability of these competencies within the field of European environmental policies, analyzing their complementarity with the Thematic Strategy VI Climate Change Action Programme Environment of the European Union (2002). This is done by searching the areas of municipal responsibilities in the program and analyzing the importance in each of the various fields. This will define the areas in which municipalities have a greater capacity to reduce emissions under the European program Los ayuntamientos cuentan como principal herramienta para hacer frente al Cambio Climático sus propias competencias municipales. En nuestro país vienen fijadas en la Ley de Bases del Régimen Local y la Ley Reguladora de las Haciendas Locales. Este artículo analiza la capacidad de actuación de estas competencias dentro del ámbito de las políticas ambientales europeas, analizando su complementariedad con la Estrategia Temática del Cambio Climático del VI Programa de Acción en Materia de Medio Ambiente de la Unión Europea (2002). La metodología consiste en buscar los ámbitos de las competencias municipales en dicho programa, analizando la importancia en cada uno de los distintos campos. De este modo se definen los campos en los cuales los ayuntamientos cuentan con una mayor capacidad para disminuir las emisiones en relación con el programa europeo
La emisión de polvo por efecto del viento desde depósitos de residuos mineros o industriales y el paso de vehículos en vías no pavimentadas, es un problema que afecta las actividades productivas; el ambiente y la salud de las personas que permanecen en el área contaminada. En Chile, en los últimos años la sensibilidad social y las exigencias ambientales han aumentado, así como la oferta de diferentes supresores y tecnologías de aplicación. Se han revisado las causas que provocan emisión de polvo y las tecnologías disponibles en Chile para la supresión de polvo, además de las metodologías y normativa para evaluar el desempeño de los materiales tratados con diferentes supresores. En algunos casos no es posible comparar propiedades de desempeño, como durabilidad, dosis a aplicar y frecuencia de las aplicaciones, entre otros aspectos. Los procedimientos descritos en la norma NCh3266-2012 permiten evaluar la erosión eólica en depósitos de residuos, sitios eriazos y caminos no pavimentados, entre otros, junto con evaluar el desempeño de diferentes tipos de supresores de polvo a partir de datos objetivos comparables. Esto permite seleccionar el supresor más adecuado, mejorar la eficiencia de los tratamientos, optimizar los costos y mejorar los procesos productivos. Palabras clave: Erosión-eólica, supresor de polvo, residuos-mineros, caminos-no pavimentados. Dust emissions by wind effect from mining deposits or industrial waste and passing vehicles on unpaved roads, is a problem that affects the productive activities; the environment and the health of those who remain in the contaminated area. The social sensitivity and environmental requirements on this issue in Chile have increased, as well as offering different suppressors and application technologies. Have been reviewed the causes of dust emission and technologies available in Chile for dust suppression, plus methodologies and standards for assessing the performance of the treated materials with different suppressors. In some cases it is not possible to compare performance properties such as durability, application dose and frequency of applications, among others aspects. The procedures described in the NCh 3266-2012 standard allows the assessment of wind erosion in waste deposits, vacant lots and unpaved roads, among others, along with evaluating the performance of different types of dust suppressants from comparable objective data. This allows selecting the most suitable suppressor, improve efficiency of treatments, optimize costs and improve production processes. Keywords: Wind-erosion, dust-suppressor, mining-waste, unpavedroads
El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo generar una metodología validada que permita predecir el consumo de vehículos turismo circulando en cualquier tramo de vía a partir del perfil orográfico y del diagrama velocidad-tiempo. Para la generación de la metodología, se ha realizado un modelo de simulación con el programa ADVISOR que permite calcular el consumo de combustible para un determinado recorrido en el que se tiene en cuenta el perfil orográfico. Este modelo fue validado con datos reales medidos con equipos on-board y se usó para calcular el consumo de combustible diferencial debido al efecto de la pendiente de la vía, al poderse simular con y sin pendiente. Se realizaron múltiples simulaciones de recorridos con velocidad máxima variable con el fin de obtener un número significativo de datos. Con los resultados de las diferentes simulaciones, se realizó un estudio estadístico, para determinar las variables influyentes y se generó una función estadística (Ecuación de Consumo Estimado – ECE) que permite calcular el consumo de combustible debido a la pendiente de la vía, conociendo el consumo del vehículo en carretera llana (sin pendiente). Esta función estadística generada (ECE), se validó con datos reales medidos en tráfico real. Con el fin de darle generalidad y aplicabilidad a la función generada, y teniendo en cuenta que el consumo de combustible en carretera llana no está siempre disponible, se ha calculado el consumo de combustible sin pendiente utilizando la metodología Copert 4, metodología oficial desarrollada por la Agencia de Medio Ambiente de Europa (EEA) para la estimación de emisiones y consumo de combustible que está basada en datos experimentales pero que no tiene en cuenta la pendiente de la vía. La Ecuación de Consumo Estimado (ECE) aplicada a los consumos calculados por la metodología Copert 4, se valida también usando datos reales medidos en tráfico real y se comprueba que esta función se ajusta considerablemente bien a la realidad, con un error en el consumo acumulado frente al del ensayo real de un 1% y una correlación con el consumo instantáneo del ensayo real de 0,93. Se concluye, que la Función de Consumo Estimado (ECE), permite predecir el efecto de la pendiente sobre el consumo de combustible de un vehículo turismo en tráfico real con un error menor del 1%. Abstract This projects aims to develop a validated methodology that enables to predict cars consumption while circulating at any kind of road section based on its orographic outline and the speed-time diagram. In order to develop this methodology, a simulation model has been performed with the programme ADVISOR, that allows fuel consumption calculation for an specific route in which the orographic outline is considered. This model was validated by real data measured with an on-board equipment and it was used to calculate the differential fuel consumption caused by the effect of the slope on the road, as it was possible to simulate with or without slope. Many simulations were run with routes with variable maximum speed, aiming to obtain a significant amount of data. An statistical study was carried out with the results of those simulations with the purpose to determine the influential variables and an statistical function ( Estimated Consumption Equation – ECE) that enables fuel consumption calculation due to the road’s slope when the consumption of a vehicle on horizontal road (without any slope) is known. This statistical function (ECE) was validated by real data measured in real traffic conditions. With the purpose to generalise the function and increase its applicability, considering that the consumption of a vehicle on horizontal road is not always available, the nonslope fuel consumption has been calculated through Copert 4 methodology, which is the official methodology developed by the European Environmental Agency (EEA) for emissions and fuel consumption calculation based on experimental data, but without taking into consideration the road’s slope. The Estimated Consumption Equation (ECE) applied to the consumption calculated through Copert 4 methodology is also validated using real data measured in real traffic conditions. It was verified that this function considerably adjusts to reality, with an error on the accumulated consumption compared to the real test of 1% and a correlation with the real test immediate fuel consumption of 0,93. It is concluded that the Estimated Consumption Equation (ECE) enables to predict the effect of the slope on the fuel consumption of a car in real traffic conditions with an error less than 1%.
O projeto é uma etapa importante do empreendimento do subsetor Edificações, pois é o momento em que muitas decisões sobre o seu desempenho e a execução podem ser tomadas. Por essa razão, essa etapa é estratégica em relação à sustentabilidade ambiental. O objetivo geral da presente tese é propor diretrizes de gestão para empresas de projeto com foco no atendimento a requisitos ambientais em projetos de edificações. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, três etapas de pesquisa foram realizadas. A Etapa 1 tem foco no diagnóstico das práticas de algumas empresas que atuam no mercado: empresas de projeto de edificações e de consultoria em sustentabilidade ambiental. Os métodos utilizados nessa etapa são pesquisa-ação, questionário e pesquisa exploratória. Na Etapa 2 da pesquisa, três estudos de caso envolvendo empresas de projeto da cidade de São Paulo foram realizados, a fim de analisar a sua gestão com foco em sustentabilidade ambiental. Na Etapa 3, uma pesquisa survey foi realizada buscando investigar, de modo mais abrangente, se a sustentabilidade ambiental é considerada nos processos gerenciais das empresas. Os principais resultados dos estudos mostram que há fatores externos e internos à empresa que influenciam em sua reação frente às demandas de mercado ou da sociedade; a consideração da sustentabilidade ambiental pela empresa de projeto trouxe mudanças aos seus processos gerenciais. Esses resultados e a literatura fundamentaram a proposição de diretrizes de orientação de gestão para empresas de projeto com foco no atendimento a requisitos ambientais. A gestão propicia um ambiente mais favorável aos conceitos de sustentabilidade, durabilidade e desempenho.
Pesquisadores e indústrias de todo o mundo estão firmemente comprometidos com o propósito de fazer o processo de usinagem ser precisamente veloz e produtivo. A forte concorrência mundial gerou a procura por processos de usinagem econômicos, com grande capacidade de produção de cavacos e que produzam peças com elevada qualidade. Dentre as novas tecnologias que começaram a ser empregadas, e deve tornar-se o caminho certo a ser trilhado na busca da competitividade em curto espaço de tempo, está a tecnologia de usinagem com altas velocidades (HSM de High Speed Machining). A tecnologia HSM surge como componente essencial na otimização dos esforços para manutenção e aumento da competitividade global das empresas. Durante os últimos anos a usinagem com alta velocidade tem ganhado grande importância, sendo dada uma maior atenção ao desenvolvimento e à disponibilização no mercado de máquinas-ferramentas com rotações muito elevadas (20.000 - 100.000 rpm). O processo de usinagem com alta velocidade está sendo usado não apenas para ligas de alumínio e cobre, mas também para materiais de difícil usinabilidade, como os aços temperados e superligas à base de níquel. Porém, quando se trata de materiais de difícil corte, têm-se observado poucas publicações, principalmente no processo de torneamento. Mas, antes que a tecnologia HSM possa ser empregada de uma forma econômica, todos os componentes envolvidos no processo de usinagem, incluindo a máquina, o eixo-árvore, a ferramenta e o pessoal, precisam estar afinados com as peculiaridades deste novo processo. No que diz respeito às máquinas-ferramenta, isto significa que elas têm que satisfazer requisitos particulares de segurança. As ferramentas, devido à otimização de suas geometrias, substratos e revestimentos, contribuem para o sucesso deste processo. O presente trabalho objetiva estudar o comportamento de diversas geometrias ) de insertos de cerâmica (Al2O3 + SiCw e Al2O3 + TIC) e PCBN com duas concentrações de CBN na forma padrão, assim como modificações na geometria das arestas de corte empregadas em torneamento com alta velocidade em superligas à base de níquel (Inconel 718 e Waspaloy). Os materiais foram tratados termicamente para dureza de 44 e 40 HRC respectivamente, e usinados sob condição de corte a seco e com utilização da técnica de mínima quantidade de lubrificante (minimal quantity lubricant - MQL) visando atender requisitos ambientais. As superligas à base de níquel são conhecidas como materiais de difícil usinabilidade devido à alta dureza, alta resistência mecânica em alta temperatura, afinidade para reagir com materiais da ferramenta e baixa condutividade térmica. A usinagem de superligas afeta negativamente a integridade da peça. Por essa razão, cuidados especiais devem ser tomados para assegurar a vida da ferramenta e a integridade superficial de componentes usinados por intermédio de controle dos principais parâmetros de usinagem. Experimentos foram realizados sob diversas condições de corte e geometrias de ferramentas para avaliação dos parâmetros: força de corte, temperatura, emissão acústica e integridade superficial (rugosidade superficial, tensão residual, microdureza e microestrutura) e mecanismos de desgaste. Mediante os resultados apresentados, recomenda-se à geometria de melhor desempenho nos parâmetros citados e confirma-se a eficiência da técnica MQL. Dentre as ferramentas e geometrias testadas, a que apresentou melhor desempenho foi a ferramenta cerâmica CC650 seguida da ferramenta cerâmica CC670 ambas com formato redondo e geometria 2 (chanfro em T de 0,15 x 15º com raio de aresta de 0,03 mm).
No contexto organizacional, o departamento de suprimentos exerce papel fundamental na melhoria dos desempenhos sociais e ambientais de uma cadeia. Dentre as atividades desempenhadas pela função de suprimentos está a seleção de fornecedores na qual são definidos os critérios utilizados para a escolha de um fornecedor. Sendo assim, pode-se afirmar que a função de suprimentos é capaz de estender a sua cadeia requerimentos econômicos, sociais e ambientais. Como objeto desse trabalho foi selecionada a indústria química, uma vez que trata-se de uma indústria base para diversas outras atividades econômicas e com grande importância na economia brasileira. Além disso, é um segmento marcado por acidentes ambientais bem como programas de apoio ambiental e social mundialmente reconhecidos como o Responsible Care. Diante desse contexto, esse trabalho buscou propor um modelo conceitual de seleção de fornecedores que incorpore critérios sociais e ambientais para a indústria química. A partir da revisão de literatura, elaborou-se a proposta de um modelo conceitual capaz de abranger organizações compradoras em diferentes níveis de maturidade para incorporação de critérios sociais e ambientais em seu processo de seleção de fornecedores. A primeira etapa proposta no modelo consiste na utilização de ferramentas simples como listagens, nessa primeira etapa o objetivo é proteger a organização compradora de um comportamento não adequado por parte do fornecedor à legislação pertinente. A segunda etapa do modelo consiste no desenvolvimento de uma base gerencial, estabelecimento de critérios sociais e ambientais e utilização de certificações para seleção de fornecedores. Através do método survey, por correio eletrônico, entre abril a setembro do ano de 2015, objetivou-se compreender as atitudes dos responsáveis por formular e implementar as estratégias de compras em direção às compras sustentáveis. A pesquisa demonstrou que há descompasso entre estratégia e execução no sentido de incorporar as perspectivas sociais e ambientais em um processo de seleção de fornecedores. O estudo indicou que as organizações ainda se encontram em estágios iniciais de seleção do fornecedor e compras em se tratando da inclusão de uma perspectiva socioambiental. As ações apresentam-se mais em termos de políticas e documentações, do que em nível operacional.