568 resultados para Erasmus Rotterdamilainen
Jacob Freudenthal
von Balth. Reber
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03103
Se describen someramente las características de diversos programas de intercambio de estudiantes universitarios, en particular del ERASMUS, el cual pronto va a ser sustituido por otro más amplio denominado SÓCRATES. También se van a comentar algunas posibles dificultades que pueden aparecer en el desarrollo de los mismos y finalmente se expondrán las conclusiones que de forma provisional ha extraído el autor a partir de su experiencia como actor en alguno de ellos, primeramente en la Universidad de Cantabria y más tarde en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. La información obtenida del Vicerrectorado de la UPM se reconoce con especial agradecimiento
The rural population is getting smaller as percentage of the total population in the countries. There is a constant depopulation of rural areas to urban areas. The most extreme data are in countries like USA, where the rural population is 1.5%, from which 1% of that amount is part time and only 0.5% full time. On the other side, we have countries with more than 50% rural population. Related to training, cultural development, business and specific weight in society, rural residents have no significance in their societies. As they are few, and separated across the territory they have no influence on their societies. Comparing the USA farmer with one from the EU, we see that the American one is a businessperson and the European one, in most cases is a farm worker. To reduce this gap between these different farmers, we believe that we must train the new generations of children belonging to farming Europe. They must have a common language, English; they must know other countries culture and farming systems, live and network with other young Europeans colleagues,future young farmers. It is what we have coined as AGRO-ERASMUS. A project to be placed within the EU Common Agriculture Policies. The project must be designed before its implementation. Even some previous experience should make better viability. It should make use of a network of agricultural universities in several European countries. Each university would build a "farm school" where young people would learn "English?, and visit and work in small agricultural practices with a correct use of the time. One important subject dealing with should be agribusiness. The procedure based on the ?Farm School? (F-S) experience, should start with young people from 13 years up to 18 years. Their attendance, every summer, to the F-S should be rotated between different countries besides their own. The first and second year, with young people 13/14 years old, the Farm School would last less than three weeks in an English speaking country (Ireland, UK or someone else). They should live with a local family the time they stay outside of the Farm School (F-S). This two years period must be devoted to learn and become familiar with the English language and cultural differences. The rest of the four years left, the Farm Schools will have longer duration and be placed in other countries from the network. The living way would be in multinational teams of young people where the only spoken language would be English. After six years of summer oexistence speaking English and learning new competences and skills with colleagues from other countries, we would have a great team of young and future European farmers, able to travel free and confident through the whole Europe and ready to be engaged in productive, commercial and research activities. These new young farmers may revive European agriculture and would not look any more like rural habitants, but international business-farmers, professionally speaking. In a brief survey among the assistants to the Fifth International Academic Conference titled "Alternative Income Sources in Small Agricultural Holdings of the European Union" held in Krakow (PL) in June 2015, participants from universities and countries like Poland, Hungary, Rep. Czech, Portugal, Romania, etc., expressed the necessity of addressing this problem in a new and bold way.
Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802) apresentou suas ideias evolutivas principalmente no fim do século XVIII. No entanto, elas não foram consideradas na época. Seu neto, Charles Darwin (1809-1882), na 6ª edição do Origin of species as avaliou de modo negativo, comparando-as às concepções equivocadas de Lamarck. O objetivo desta dissertação é inicialmente, descrever as concepções de hereditariedade e evolução de Erasmus, considerando o contexto de sua época. Além disso, procura esclarecer se o tratamento recebido se deveu a uma proposta fraca ou se ela mereceria uma maior consideração. Esta dissertação contém uma Introdução e quatro capítulos. O Capítulo 1 discute a vida, trabalhos e contexto em que Erasmus apresentou suas ideias. O Capítulo 2 lida com as concepções de herança e evolução presentes em Zoonomia. O Capítulo 3 discute sobre as concepções de Erasmus sobre a transformação das espécies nas plantas. O Capítulo 4 compara as concepções evolutivas de Erasmus com as de Lamarck. O Capítulo 5 procura responder às perguntas colocadas no início desta pesquisa e apresenta algumas considerações finais sobre o assunto discutido. Esta pesquisa leva à conclusão de que a transmutação das espécies não era o principal interesse de Erasmus. Ele não ofereceu uma fundamentação empírica para suas ideias. Este fato, juntamente com a situação sócio-político-religiosa da época, muito provavelmente contribuiu para a recepção sofrida. Além disso, embora existam algumas semelhanças entre as propostas de Erasmus e Lamarck, existem também grandes diferenças tais como a abrangência da pesquisa, o espaço dedicado à discussão das ideias, a fundamentação oferecida, dentre outras. Erasmus não propôs uma teoria coerente lidando com desde a origem da vida até o aparecimento do homem como Lamarck. Ele somente apresentou algumas ideias a esse respeito em obras dedicadas a outros assuntos.
Sustainable Development (SD) is one of the most widely used terms during the last years. It is a multidisciplinary concept, which applies mostly to life sciences but is not limited to them. Even though the short survey conducted by the authors revealed that there are only a few cases of Higher Educational Institutes (HEIs) around Europe that provide programs dedicated to SD, it is obvious that there is a constant raise in the need for implementing courses related to SD in existing programs. This paper discusses the case study of I.S.L.E., an Erasmus Academic Network, which aims to use the existing knowledge and tools in the context of teaching sustainable development topics in Universities and HEIs around Europe as a basis, and elaborate further by introducing an innovative approach towards the improvement of teaching SD in HEIs, based on the current needs as they are identified by the actions of the Network.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Professor Doutor Filipe Miguel Bispo Fidalgo, do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco e da coorientação científica do Professor Doutor Rogério Pais Dionísio, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.
No abstract.