940 resultados para Equation of Heat


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This study assesses the storage temperature effect on the anthocyanins of pasteurized and unpasteurized açaí pulp. The data was obtained using a pasteurized and lyophilized pulp (PLP) to evaluate the temperature effect (0, 25, and 40 °C). Part of non-pasteurized frozen pulp (NPP) was pasteurized (NPP-P) at 90 °C for 30 seconds; both pulps were stored at 40 °C. The anthocyanin content reduction in the drink was evaluated from the half-life time (t1/2), activation energy (Ea), temperature quotient (Q10), and the reaction rate constant (k). The t1/2 of the PLP anthocyanins stored at 40 °C was 1.8 times less than that stored at 25 °C and 15 times less than that stored at 0 °C; therefore, the higher temperatures decreased the stability of anthocyanins. The pasteurization increased the t1/2 by 6.6 times (10.14 hours for NPP and 67.28 hours for NPP-P). The anthocyanin degradation on NPP-P followed a first order kinetic, while NPP followed a second order kinetic; thus it can be said that the pasteurization process can improve the preservation of anthocyanins in the pulp.


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Chenopodium quinoa seeds have high protein content. The nutritional value of quinoa is superior compared with traditional cereals. Its essential amino acid composition is considered next to the ideal, and its quality matches that of milk proteins. In this study, the seed storage proteins from Chenopodium quinoa were extracted, fractionated, partially purified, and characterized. The structural characterization was performed by Tricine-SDS-PAGE and two-dimensional electrophoresis, and it confirmed the presence of proteins of molecular weight of 30 and 7kDa, probably corresponding to lectins and trypsin inhibitors, respectively. The functional characterization of these proteins evidenced their activity as antinutritional factors due to their in vitro digestibility. Quinoa proteins have an excellent amino acid composition with many essential amino acids. In vitro digestibility evaluation indicated that heat-treated samples showed a more complete digestion than the native state samples. Quinoa seeds can be an important cereal in human diet after adequate heat treatment.


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AbstractThe aim of this study was to analyze the impact that heat treatment with salts and freezing processes on the sensory, instrumental, and physico-chemical characteristics of fried potatoes of the Monalisa cultivar. The potatoes were blanched in distilled water (P); sodium chloride solution (B1); calcium chloride solution (B2), and a solution with both of these salts (B3). They were then pre-cooked and frozen for 24 hours and for 30 days. After frying, sensory characteristics were analyzed (color, texture, flavor, oiliness), along with overall preference and instrumental determinations of texture, color, and oil content. Further tests were conducted on the sample with the best results in the sensory analysis (B1), along with sample P as a control, to determine granule microstructure, carbohydrate fractions, glycemic index, and glycemic load. Blanching B3, despite reducing oil absorption and providing less oiliness, obtained lesser overall preference. Freezing for 30 days increased the lightness, except for when sodium chloride was used, which intensified the color yellow. The use of sodium chloride did not interfere with the type of starch granules, nor with the formation of resistant starch; however, longer freezing time reduced the glycemic index and concentrated the dietary fiber content. All samples exhibited low glycemic index and moderate glycemic loads.


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The Zubarev equation of motion method has been applied to an anharmonic crystal of O( ,,4). All possible decoupling schemes have been interpreted in order to determine finite temperature expressions for the one phonon Green's function (and self energy) to 0()\4) for a crystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry. In order to provide a check of these results, the Helmholtz free energy expressions derived from the self energy expressions, have been shown to agree in the high temperature limit with the results obtained from the diagrammatic method. Expressions for the correlation functions that are related to the mean square displacement have been derived to 0(1\4) in the high temperature limit.


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Methods of measuring specific heats of small samples were studied. Three automated methods were explored, two of which have shown promising results. The adiabatic continuous heating method, has provided smooth well behaved data but further work is presently underway to improve on the results obtained so far . The decay method has been success fully implemented demonstrating reasonable agreement with accepted data for a copper test sample.


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Photosynthetic state transitions were investigated in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 by studying fluorescence emission, heat loss, and PS I activity in intact cells brought to state 1 and state 2. 77K fluorescence emission spectra were modelled with a sum of 6 components corresponding to PBS, PS II, and PS I emissions. The modelled data showed a large decrease in PS II fluorescence accompanied with a small increase in the PS I fluorescence upon transition to state 2 for excitation wavelengths absorbed by both PBS and ChI ll.. The fluorescence changes seen with ChI .a. excitations do not support the predictions of the mobile PBS model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. Measurements of heat loss from intact cells in the two states were similar for both ChI it. and PBS excitations over three orders of magnitude of laser flash intensity. This suggests that the PBS does not become decoupled from PS II in state 2 as proposed by the PBS detachment model of state transition in PBS-containing organisms. PS I activity measurements done on intact cells showed no difference in the two states, in contrast with the predictions of all of the existing models of state transitions. Based on these results a model for state transition In PBScontaining organisms is proposed, with a PS II photoprotectory function.


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In this work, we present a generic formula for the polynomial solution families of the well-known differential equation of hypergeometric type s(x)y"n(x) + t(x)y'n(x) - lnyn(x) = 0 and show that all the three classical orthogonal polynomial families as well as three finite orthogonal polynomial families, extracted from this equation, can be identified as special cases of this derived polynomial sequence. Some general properties of this sequence are also given.


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L'objectiu és millorar els gels de plasma porcí induïts per calor a pH àcid utilitzant transglutaminasa microbiana (MTGasa). El tractament millora textura i CRA dels gels a pH 5,5, però les millores no són suficients per recuperar les pèrdues degut a l'acidificació. L'estructura globular de les proteïnes dificulta l'atac enzimàtic. La reactivitat de l'enzim no millora amb l'addició de cisteïna a plasma amb MTGasa. El tractament del plasma amb MTGasa sota alta pressió (HP) millora la duresa dels gels. No obstant, la CRA només millora lleugerament. La duresa es pot incrementar mantenint les solucions de plasma pressuritzat sota refrigeració, encara que no millora la CRA. Es pot concloure que les pèrdues en la textura dels gels de plasma induïts per calor a pH àcid es poden recuperar parcialment tractant amb MTGasa, especialment afegint cisteïna o sota HP. Encara que la CRA només es veu lleugerament millorada en el segon cas.


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The effects of the 2003 European heat wave have highlighted the need for society to prepare itself for and cope more effectively with heat waves. This is particularly important in the context of predicted climate change and the likelihood of more frequent extreme climate events; to date, heat as a natural hazard has been largely ignored. In order to develop better coping strategies, this report explores the factors that shape the social impacts of heat waves, and sets out a programme of research to address the considerable knowledge gaps in this area. Heat waves, or periods of anomalous warmth, do not affect everyone; it is the vulnerable individuals or sectors of society who will most experience their effects. The main factors of vulnerability are being elderly, living alone, having a pre-existing disease, being immobile or suffering from mental illness and being economically disadvantaged. The synergistic effects of such factors may prove fatal for some. Heat waves have discernible impacts on society including a rise in mortality, an increased strain on infrastructure (power, water and transport) and a possible rise in social disturbance. Wider impacts may include effects on the retail industry, ecosystem services and tourism. Adapting to more frequent heat waves should include soft engineering options and, where possible, avoid the widespread use of air conditioning which could prove unsustainable in energy terms. Strategies for coping with heat include changing the way in which urban areas are developed or re-developed, and setting up heat watch warning systems based around weather and seasonal climate forecasting and intervention strategies. Although heat waves have discernible effects on society, much remains unknown about their wider social impacts, diffuse health issues and how to manage them.


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Multiple regression analysis is a statistical technique which allows to predict a dependent variable from m ore than one independent variable and also to determine influential independent variables. Using experimental data, in this study the multiple regression analysis is applied to predict the room mean velocity and determine the most influencing parameters on the velocity. More than 120 experiments for four different heat source locations were carried out in a test chamber with a high level wall mounted air supply terminal at air change rates 3-6 ach. The influence of the environmental parameters such as supply air momentum, room heat load, Archimedes number and local temperature ratio, were examined by two methods: a simple regression analysis incorporated into scatter matrix plots and multiple stepwise regression analysis. It is concluded that, when a heat source is located along the jet centre line, the supply momentum mainly influences the room mean velocity regardless of the plume strength. However, when the heat source is located outside the jet region, the local temperature ratio (the inverse of the local heat removal effectiveness) is a major influencing parameter.


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Changes in texture, microstructure, colour and protein solubility of Thai indigenous and broiler chicken Pectoralis muscle stripes cooked at different temperatures were evaluated. The change in shear value of both chicken muscles was a significant increase from 50 to 80 degrees C but no change from 80 to 100 degrees C. A significant decrease in fibre diameter was obtained in samples heated to an internal temperature of 60 degrees C and the greatest shrinkage of sarcomeres was observed with internal temperatures of 70-100 and 80-100 C for broiler and indigenous chicken muscles, respectively (P < 0.05). Cooking losses of indigenous chicken muscles increased markedly in the temperature range 80-100 C and were significantly higher than those of the broiler (P < 0.001). With increasing temperature, from 50 to 70 degrees C, cooked chicken muscle became lighter and yellower. Relationships between changes in sarcomere length, fibre diameter, shear value, cooking loss and solubility of muscle proteins were evaluated. It was found that the solubility of muscle protein was very highly correlated with the texture of cooked broiler muscle while sarcomere length changes and collagen solubility were important factors influencing the cooking loss and texture of cooked indigenous chicken muscle. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gluten was extracted from flours of several different wheat varieties of varying baking quality. Creep compliance was measured at room temperature and tan 6 was measured over a range of temperatures from 25 to 95 degrees C. The extracted glutens were heat-treated for 20 min at 25, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 90 degrees C in a water bath, freeze-dried and ground to a fine powder. Tests were carried out for extractability in sodium dodecyl sulphate, free sulphydryl (SH) groups using Ellman's method, surface hydrophobicity and molecular weight (MW) distribution (MWD) using field-flow fractionation and multi-angle laser light scattering. With increasing temperature, the glutens showed a decrease in extractability, with the most rapid decreases occurring between 70 and 90 degrees C, a major transition in tan 6 at around 60 degrees C and a minor transition at 40 degrees C for most varieties, a decrease in free SH groups and surface hydrophobicity and a shift in the MWD towards higher MW. The poor bread-making variety Riband showed the highest values of tan delta and Newtonian compliance, the lowest content of free SH groups and the largest increase of HMW/LMW with increasing temperature. No significant correlations with baking volume were found between any of the measured parameters. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Flours from wheat varieties of differing bread-making quality were fractionated using a sequential salt precipitation technique. The gluten fractions in the different varieties varied in the proportion of HMW, LMW glutenins and gliadins. Their rheological behaviour was examined using constant strain (2%) small deformation oscillation tests over frequencies ranging from 0.005 to 10 Hz, before and after heating at 90 degrees C. The fractions containing a higher proportion of HMW glutenins were associated with a predominantly elastic character, whereas fractions containing mostly gliadins exhibited a viscous-like behaviour. The frequency dependent rheological behaviour of fractions containing HMW proteins was less susceptible to heat, and their elastic character was maintained after heating, whereas the rheology of intermediate fractions and fractions containing mostly gliadins was more susceptible to heating, indicating a rapid change from viscous to elastic behaviour after heating. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.