982 resultados para Epoxy resin system


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Organic substances, particularly polymers, are finding increasing use in modifying the properties of cements and concrete. Although a significant amount of research has been conducted into the modification of the mechanical properties of cements by polymers, little is known about the nature of the interface and interactions taking place between the two phases. This thesis addresses the problem of elucidating such interactions. Relevant literature is reviewed, covering the general use of polymers with cements, the chemistry of cements and polymers, adhesion and known interactions between polymers and both cements and related minerals. Although several polymer systems were studied, two in particular were selected, as being well characterized. These were: - 1) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), the polymer derived from methyl methacrylate (MMA), and 2) an amine-cured epoxy resin system. By this approach, a methodology was developed for the examination of other polymer/cement interactions. Experiments were conducted in five main areas:- 1) polymer-cement adhesion and the feasibility of revealing interfacial regions mechanically, 2) chemical reactions between polymers and cements, 3) characterization of cement adhesion surfaces, 4) interactions affecting overall polymerisation rates, and 5) studies of polymer impregnated cements. The following conclusions were reached:- 1) The PMMA/cement interface contains calcium methacrylate as an interfacial reaction product, water being a reactant. Calcium methacrylate is detrimental to the properties of PMMA/cement composites, being highly water-soluble. 2) The pore surface of cement accelerates the polymerisation of MMA, leading to an increased molecular weight compared to polymerisation of pure MMA, minerals in hydrated cement powders having the opposite effect. 3) The investigation of reaction products presents a number of experimental problems, selection of appropriate techniques depending upon the system studied. For the two systems examined in detail, ion chromatography proved particularly useful; DTA, IRS and XPS indicated reactions, though the data was hard to interpret; XRD proving inconclusive. 4) It is impractical to reveal interfacial regions mechanically, but may be accomplished by chemical means.


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In this article, the effect of two solvents, namely dimethyl formamide (DMF) and N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), on the dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbonanotubes (MNCNT) filled structural adhesive grade epoxy nanocomposites was studied. The solvents were used mainly to reduce the viscosity of the resin system to effectively disperse the nanofiller. The dispersion was carried out under vacuum using high energy sonic waves. SEM was undertaken to study the dispersion effectiveness. Electrical resistivity, tensile properties, and glass transition of the nanocomposites were studied. Between DMF and NMP, the former proved better in terms of dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. Addition of MWCNT into AV138M resulted in an increase in glass transition temperature irrespective of the solvent used and in both cases percolation threshold was found with respect to reduction in electrical resistivity of the nanocomposites. Less agglomeration and hence better interaction between CNT and epoxy was observed in the samples prepared using DMF compared with that using NMP.


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The overall reliability of a power transformer depends to a great extent on the sound operation of the bushings thereof. Oil impregnated paper (OIP) insulated bushings have been in use for a long time now. In many situations, it becomes necessary to avoid OIP insulation in bushings. In the recent past, a new technological breakthrough has been achieved whereby the OIP is replaced by epoxy resin impregnated crepe paper (RIP) insulation. This new system has several advantages over OIP and has now become the insulation of choice. However, its long time thermal and electrical performance need to be carefully assessed. This paper reports the results of a study of temperature distribution in the body of insulation, based on the ac conductivity of RIP insulation. A method of computing the maximum thermal voltage of this system is also given.


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Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A type epoxy resin cured with diamino diphenyl sulfone was used as the matrix for fiber-reinforced composites to get improved mechanical and thermal properties for the resulting composites. E-glass fiber was used for fiber reinforcement. The morphology, tensile, flexural, impact, dynamic mechanical, and thermal properties of the composites were analyzed. The tensile, flexural, and impact properties showed dramatic improvement with the addition of glass fibers. Dynamic mechanical analysis was performed to obtain the Tg of the cured matrix as well as the composites. The improved thermal stability of the composites was clear from the thermogravimetric analysis. Scanning electron micrographs were taken to understand the interfacial adhesion between the fiber and the matrix. The values of mechanical properties were compared with modified epoxy resin composite system. Predictive models were applied using various equations to compare the mechanical data obtained theoretically and experimentally.


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Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is essential for the morphological investigation of nanostructured systems as it is a bulk sampling technique and provides information about the overall distribution of the components in the system. In our study we have used SAXS to identify various ordered and disordered morphologies in block copolymer modified epoxy thermosets. We have used a reactive block copolymer and hydrogen bonding block copolymer to modify epoxy resin (ER) to see the effect of various blocks on the morphological changes.


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A superfície interna das bisnagas fabricadas com alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi, utilizadas para acondicionar cremes, pomadas, géis, etc., foram avaliadas quimicamente e por métodos microbiológicos correlacionados com a aderência de microrganismos. A prova da porosidade e da resistência à remoção da resina foi observada por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Topcon FM300) e estereoscópio Leica (MZ12) acoplado a Sistema de Digitalização de Imagens. Para avaliar a ação dos microrganismos foram utilizados corpos-de-prova esterilizados (discos de 10mm de diâmetro), imersos em caldo Mueller Hinton (Difco) e colocados em tubos de polipropileno com tampa de rosca (Corning). Foram inoculados tubos com meio de cultura para cada uma das suspensões bacterianas (10(9)UFC/mL) de Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter lwoffii e Candida albicans, incubados a 37°C, sob agitação constante durante 12 dias. O meio de cultura era trocado a cada 3 dias. Após esse período, os corpos-de prova foram removidos, processados e observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL-JSM (T330A). A observação por meio do microscopio eletrônico de varredura mostrou a aderência e a formação de biofilme sobre a superfície de alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi.


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Two different carbon/epoxy prepreg materials were characterized and compared using thermal (DSC, TGA, and DMA) and rheological analyses. A prepreg system (carbon fiber preimpregnated with epoxy resin F584) that is currently used in the commercial airplane industry was compared with a prepreg system that is a prospective candidate for the same applications (carbon fiber prepreg/epoxy resin 8552). The differences in the curing kinetics mechanisms of both prepreg systems were identified through the DSC, TGA, DMA, and rheological analyses. Based on these thermal analysis techniques, it was verified that the curing of both epoxy resin systems follow a cure kinetic of n order. Even though their reaction heats were found to be slightly different, the kinetics of these systems were nevertheless very similar. The activation energies for both prepreg systems were determined by DSC analysis, using Arrhenius's method, and were found to be quite similar. DMA measurements of the cured prepregs demonstrated that they exhibited similar degrees of cure and different glass transition temperatures. Furthermore, the use of the rheological analysis revealed small differences in the gel temperatures of the two prepreg systems that were examined.


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Introduction: An appropriate selection of instruments is essential to perform a correct debonding technique, by properly removing orthodontic brackets and the remaining resin. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate three methods of remaining resin removal on enamel surface after bracket debonding, by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Methods: Eighteen bovine incisors were selected and divided into three groups (A, B and C) of six teeth each. Before bracket bonding, epoxy resin casts were obtained by impression of the teeth with addition silicon, in order to register baseline enamel characteristics and representing the control group. The methods for remaining resin removal were: Group A - gross and medium granulation Soflex discs; Group B - carbide bur in low-speed; Group C - carbide bur in high-speed. Soflex polishing system fine and ultrafine granulation discs were used for Group A, rubber tips for Groups B and C, and polishing paste for all groups. After polishing, impression of teeth were taken and casts were analyzed by means of SEM. The baseline enamel characteristics (Control Group) were compared to the final aspect of enamel to determine the method that generated less enamel abrasion. Results and Conclusion: The remaining resin removal by carbide bur in low-rotation, and enamel polished with rubber tips followed by polishing paste produced the smaller damage to the enamel.


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The presence of residual endodontic sealer in the pulp chamber may cause discoloration of the dental crown and interfere with the adhesion of restorative materials. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of different solvents in removing residues of an epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) from the dentin walls of the pulp chamber, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Forty-four bovine incisor dental crown fragments were treated with 17% EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl. Specimens received a coating of AH Plus and were left undisturbed for 5 min. Then, specimens were divided in four groups (n = 10) and cleaned with one of the following solutions: isopropyl alcohol, 95% ethanol, acetone solution, or amyl acetate solution. Negative controls (n = 2) did not receive AH Plus, while in positive controls (n = 2) the sealer was not removed. AH Plus removal was evaluated by SEM, and a score system was applied. Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests. None of the solutions tested was able to completely remove AH Plus from the dentin of the pulp chamber. Amyl acetate performed better than 95% ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (p < 0.05), but not better than acetone (p > 0.05) in removing the sealer from dentin. No significant differences were observed between acetone, 95% ethanol, and isopropyl alcohol (p > 0.05). It was concluded that amyl acetate and acetone may be good options for cleaning the pulp chamber after obturation with AH Plus. SCANNING 35:17-21, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The success of manufacturing composite parts by liquid composite molding processes with RTM depends on tool designs, efficient heat system, a controlled injection pressure, a stabilized vacuum system, besides of a suitable study of the preform lay-up and the resin system choice. This paper reports how to assemble a RTM system in a laboratory scale by specifying heat, injection and vacuum system. The design and mold material were outlined by pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. Four different carbon fiber fabrics were used for testing the RTM system. The injection pressure was analyzed regarding fiber volume content, preform compression and permeability, showing how these factors can affect the process parameters. The glass transition temperature (Tg) around 203 ºC matched with the aimed temperature of the mold which ensured good distribution of the heat throughout the upper and lower mold length. The void volume fraction in a range of 2% confirmed the appropriate RTM system and parameters choice.


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Aim: The aims of this study were to assess the penetration of two endodontic sealers (salicylate and epoxy resin-based sealers) into dentinal tubules using CLSM; and to evaluate the bacterial leakage of roots filled with the same sealers associated with gutta-percha. Material and Methods: For sealer penetrability assessment, thirty bovine roots were instrumented and divided into three groups: AHP: EDTA + filling with AH Plus and gutta-percha (n=10), MTAF: EDTA + filling with MTA Fillapex and gutta-percha (n=10), control group: canals were not irrigated with EDTA and were filled with gutta-percha and AH Plus (n=5) or MTA Fillapex (n=5). Rhodamine B was added to the sealers in order to provide adequate fluorescence. The roots were transversely sectioned 3mm from the apex to enable CLSM analysis. Leakage was evaluated for turbidity of the broth in a split chamber model system for 30 days, using Enterococcus faecalis as a microbial marker. Thirty roots were instrumented and divided in four grupos: AHP: filling with AH Plus and gutta-percha (n=10); MTAF: filling with MTA Fillapex and gutta-percha (n=10); positive control: filling with gutta-percha without sealer (n = 5); negative control: sealing with cyanoacrylate to test the seal of the system (n = 5). Results: The medians for dentinal tubule penetration were 6.8% (AHP) and 6.6% (MTAF) (P = 0.82). The average time for bacterial leakage was 8 days in both experimental groups (P = 0.79). Conclusion: MTA Fillapex and AH Plus presented similar behavior regarding dentinal tubule penetration and bacterial leakage.


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Epoxy resins are mainly produced by reacting bisphenol A with epichlorohydrin. Growing concerns about the negative health effects of bisphenol A are urging researchers to find alternatives. In this work diphenolic acid is suggested, as it derives from levulinic acid, obtained from renewable resources. Nevertheless, it is also synthesized from phenol, from fossil resources, which, in the current paper has been substituted by plant-based phenols. Two interesting derivatives were identified: diphenolic acid from catechol and from resorcinol. Epichlorohydrin on the other hand, is highly carcinogenic and volatile, leading to a tremendous risk of exposure. Thus, two approaches have been investigated and compared with epichlorohydrin. The resulting resins have been characterized to find an appropriate application, as epoxy are commonly used for a wide range of products, ranging from composite materials for boats to films for food cans. Self-curing capacity was observed for the resin deriving from diphenolic acid from catechol. The glycidyl ether of the diphenolic acid from resorcinol, a fully renewable compound, was cured in isothermal and non-isothermal tests tracked by DSC. Two aliphatic amines were used, namely 1,4-butanediamine and 1,6-hexamethylendiamine, in order to determine the effect of chain length on the curing of an epoxy-amine system and determine the kinetic parameters. The latter are crucial to plan any industrial application. Both diamines demonstrated superior properties compared to traditional bisphenol A-amine systems.


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Adequate amount of graphene oxide (GO) was firstly prepared by oxidation of graphite and GO/epoxy nanocomposites were subsequently prepared by typical solution mixing technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern, X-ray photoelectron (XPS), Raman and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated the successful preparation of GO. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images of the graphite oxide showed that they consist of a large amount of graphene oxide platelets with a curled morphology containing of a thin wrinkled sheet like structure. AFM image of the exfoliated GO signified that the average thickness of GO sheets is ~1.0 nm which is very similar to GO monolayer. Mechanical properties of as prepared GO/epoxy nanocomposites were investigated. Significant improvements in both Young’s modulus and tensile strength were observed for the nanocomposites at very low level of GO loading. The Young’s modulus of the nanocomposites containing 0.5 wt% GO was 1.72 GPa, which was 35 % higher than that of the pure epoxy resin (1.28 GPa). The effective reinforcement of the GO based epoxy nanocomposites can be attributed to the good dispersion and the strong interfacial interactions between the GO sheets and the epoxy resin matrices.


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The influence of graphene oxide (GO) and its surface oxidized debris (OD) on the cure chemistry of an amine cured epoxy resin has been investigated by Fourier Transform Infrared Emission Spectroscopy (FT-IES) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Spectral analysis of IR radiation emitted at the cure temperature from thin films of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin (DGEBA) and 4,4'-diaminodiphenylmethane (DDM) curing agent with and without GO allowed the cure kinetics of the interphase between the bulk resin and GO to be monitored in real time, by measuring both the consumption of primary (1°) amine and epoxy groups, formation of ether groups as well as computing the profiles for formation of secondary (2°) and tertiary (3°) amines. OD was isolated from as-produced GO (aGO) by a simple autoclave method to give OD-free autoclaved GO (acGO). It has been found that the presence of OD on the GO prevents active sites on GO surfaces fully catalysing and participating in the reaction of DGEBA with DDM, which results in slower reaction and a lower crosslink density of the three-dimensional networks in the aGO-resin interphase compared to the acGO-resin interphase. We also determined that OD itself promoted DGEBA homopolymerization. A DSC study further confirmed that the aGO nanocomposite exhibited lower Tg while acGO nanocomposite showed higher Tg compared to neat resin because of the difference in crosslink densities of the matrix around the different GOs.


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In an attempt to toughen the epoxy resin matrix for fiber-reinforced composite applications, a chemical modification procedure of a commercially available bisphenol-A-based epoxy resin using reactive liquid rubber HTBN [hydroxy-terminated poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)] and TDI (tolylene diisocyanate) is described. The progress of the reaction and the structural changes during modification process are studied using IR spectroscopy, viscosity data, and chemical analysis (epoxy value determination). The studies support the proposition that TDI acts as a coupling agent between the epoxy and HTBN, forming a urethane linkage with the former and an oxazolidone ring with the latter. The chemical reactions that possibly take place during the modification are discussed.