901 resultados para Epistemological obstacle
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crossing moving obstacles requires different space-time adjustments compared with stationary obstacles. Our aim was to investigate gait spatial and temporal parameters in the approach and crossing phases of a moving obstacle. We hypothesized that obstacle speed affects gait parameters, which allow us to distinguish locomotor strategies. Ten young adults walked and stepped over an obstacle that crossed their way perpendicularly, under three obstacle conditions: control-stationary obstacle, slow (1.07 m/s) and fast speed (1.71 m/s) moving obstacles. Gait parameters were different between obstacle conditions, especially on the slow speed. In the fast condition, the participants adopted predictive strategies during the approach and crossing phases. In the slow condition, they used an anticipatory strategy in both phases. We conclude that obstacle speed affects the locomotor behavior and strategies were distinct in the obstacle avoidance phases.
Locomotion generates a visual movement pattern characterized as optic flow. To explore how the locomotor adjustments are affected by this pattern, an experimental paradigm was developed to eliminate optic flow during obstacle avoidance. The aim was to investigate the contribution of optic flow in obstacle avoidance by using a stroboscopic lamp. Ten young adults walked on an 8m pathway and stepped over obstacles at two heights. Visual sampling was determined by a stroboscopic lamp (static and dynamic visual sampling). Three-dimensional kinematics data showed that the visual information about self-motion provided by the optic flow was crucial for estimating the distance from and the height of the obstacle. Participants presented conservative behavior for obstacle avoidance under experimental visual sampling conditions, which suggests that optic flow favors the coupling of vision to adaptive behavior for obstacle avoidance.
Includes bibliography
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The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of visual information on gait control in people with Parkinson's disease as they crossed over obstacles. Twelve healthy individuals, and 12 patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease, walked at their preferred speeds along a walkway and stepped over obstacles of varying heights (ankle height or half-knee height), under three visual sampling conditions: dynamic (normal lighting), static (static visual samples, similar to stroboscopic lighting), and voluntary visual sampling. Subjects wore liquid crystal glasses for visual manipulation. In the static visual sampling condition only, the patients with Parkinson's disease made contact with the obstacle more often than did the control subjects. In the successful trials, the patients increased their crossing step width in the static visual sampling condition as compared to the dynamic and voluntary visual sampling conditions; the control group maintained the same step width for all visual sampling conditions. The patients showed lower horizontal mean velocity values during obstacle crossing than did the controls. The patients with Parkinson's disease were more dependent on optic flow information for successful task and postural stability than were the control subjects. Bradykinesia influenced obstacle crossing in the patients with Parkinson's disease. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.
A presente pesquisa apresenta um sucinto levantamento histórico sobre ‘avaliação’, ‘obstáculos’ - epistemológicos e didáticos - e ‘erros’, com o objetivo de fazer um estudo analítico do desempenho dos estudantes de 5ª a 8ª séries em Matemática, utilizando as respostas dadas em avaliações feitas por quatro grupos de estudantes de uma escola pública de Ensino Fundamental em testes específicos de matemática. A investigação foi desenvolvida em várias fases: na primeira, as respostas foram agrupadas em categorias de questões (a) sem respostas, (b) incompletas, além de (c) certas e (d) erradas, como sugere o tema. Na segunda fase, o objetivo foi (e) tentar desvendar as relações entre conceitos contidos nos erros expressos pelos estudantes. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para um grande percentual de ‘erros’ relativos aos conceitos presentes em assuntos estudados em séries anteriores, mais acentuados do que os assuntos previstos para a série em que se encontrava o aluno, evidenciando que um conteúdo que não tenha sido bem assimilado pode se constituir em um ‘obstáculo didático’ de caráter coletivo e que se propaga pelas séries posteriores. Deste resultado, é possível afirmar que um ‘obstáculo didático coletivo’, uma vez estabelecido, dificilmente será superado pelos discentes sem uma intervenção docente sistemática que considere tal obstáculo e sua possível superação. Isso faz com que pese sobre os professores de matemática a responsabilidade de assumirem e verem com um olhar diferenciado os erros dos estudantes como aprendizes, com a finalidade de discernir entre o ‘erro eventual’ e o ‘obstáculo didático’ (individual ou coletivo), favorecendo a superação das dificuldades advindas dos “conteúdos passados burocraticamente” que obstaculizam a aprendizagem dos assuntos e temas matemáticos que são objeto de estudo nas séries do ensino fundamental.
In separating the phenomena of their social, human, and ecological contexts, and by not taking into account intentional and valorative categories, natural-scientific methodologies impede the comprehension of some human activities which include values, chiefly ethical and political. In this context, scientism is the dogmatic and non-thematized acceptance of natural-scientific methods. From this point on, in the context of psychology, the aim of this paper is to demonstrate how scientism can function as an epistemological and methodological obstacle to an ethical and political understanding of psychology. Thus, at first, through reflections based on problems encountered in the literature on the subject, scientism's dogmas and some counterpoints are presented; some of its consequences are addressed, by taking up two examples from current literature - the labeling and the racial interpretations, and, finally, a program of research which deals with these problems is presented as an alternative: critical psychology.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)