933 resultados para Epidemiology of aging
Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) comprises microorganisms that affect a wide range of animals including humans. The most relevant are Mycobacterium avium subspecies hominissuis (Mah) with a high impact on public health affecting mainly immunocompromised individuals and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) causing paratuberculosis in animals with a high economic impact worldwide. In this work, we characterized 28 human and 67 porcine Mah isolates and evaluated the relationship among them by Multiple-Locus Variable number tandem repeat Analysis (MLVA). We concluded that Mah population presented a high genetic diversity and no correlations were inferred based on geographical origin, host or biological sample. For the first time in Portugal Map strains, from asymptomatic bovine faecal samples were isolated highlighting the need of more reliable and rapid diagnostic methods for Map direct detection. Therefore, we developed an IS900 nested real time PCR with high sensitivity and specificity associated with optimized DNA extraction methodologies for faecal and milk samples. We detected 83% of 155 faecal samples from goats, cattle and sheep, and 26% of 98 milk samples from cattle, positive for Map IS900 nested real time PCR. A novel SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) assay to Map characterization based on a Whole Genome Sequencing analysis was developed to elucidate the genetic relationship between strains. Based on sequential detection of 14 SNPs and on a decision tree we were able to differentiate 14 phylogenetic groups with a higher discriminatory power compared to other typing methods. A pigmented Map strain was isolated and characterized evidencing for the first time to our knowledge the existence of pigmented Type C strains. With this work, we intended to improve the ante mortem direct molecular detection of Map, to conscientiously aware for the existence of Map animal infections widespread in Portugal and to contribute to the improvement of Map and Mah epidemiological studies.
Buruli Ulcer (BU) is a neglected infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans that is responsible for severe necrotizing cutaneous lesions that may be associated with bone involvement. Clinical presentations of BU lesions are classically classified as papules, nodules, plaques and edematous infiltration, ulcer or osteomyelitis. Within these different clinical forms, lesions can be further classified as severe forms based on focality (multiple lesions), lesions' size (>15 cm diameter) or WHO Category (WHO Category 3 lesions). There are studies reporting an association between delay in seeking medical care and the development of ulcerative forms of BU or osteomyelitis, but the effect of time-delay on the emergence of lesions classified as severe has not been addressed. To address both issues, and in a cohort of laboratory-confirmed BU cases, 476 patients from a medical center in Allada, Benin, were studied. In this laboratory-confirmed cohort, we validated previous observations, demonstrating that time-delay is statistically related to the clinical form of BU. Indeed, for non-ulcerated forms (nodule, edema, and plaque) the median time-delay was 32.5 days (IQR 30.0-67.5), while for ulcerated forms it was 60 days (IQR 20.0-120.0) (p = 0.009), and for bone lesions, 365 days (IQR 228.0-548.0). On the other hand, we show here that time-delay is not associated with the more severe phenotypes of BU, such as multi-focal lesions (median 90 days; IQR 56-217.5; p = 0.09), larger lesions (diameter >15 cm) (median 60 days; IQR 30-120; p = 0.92) or category 3 WHO classification (median 60 days; IQR 30-150; p = 0.20), when compared with unifocal (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), small lesions (diameter =15 cm) (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), or WHO category 1+2 lesions (median 60 days; IQR 30-90), respectively. Our results demonstrate that after an initial period of progression towards ulceration or bone involvement, BU lesions become stable regarding size and focal/multi-focal progression. Therefore, in future studies on BU epidemiology, severe clinical forms should be systematically considered as distinct phenotypes of the same disease and thus subjected to specific risk factor investigation.
La inmunosenescencia es definida como el estado de desregulación de la función inmune, que contribuye a la morbilidad y mortalidad debida a una mayor incidencia o reactivación de enfermedades infecciosas y de fenómenos autoinmunes y cáncer. Durante el envejecimiento hay un decaimiento de la función del sistema inmune. Aunque está bien documentada la declinación de la función de las células T en individuos envejecidos, es escasa la información disponible acerca de cómo el envejecimiento afecta a las células dendríticas (DCs) y en particular a su rol en la activación de linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+. Nuestra hipótesis es que las células dendríticas juegan un rol importante en la desregulación de la función inmune observada durante el envejecimiento. Por ello, el Objetivo General de este proyecto es caracterizar el estado funcional de las células dendriticas en ratones envejecidos y su contribución a las alteraciones del sistema inmune durante el envejecimiento. Para ello, estudiaremos la composición y estado de activación de las DCs de los órganos linfáticos y tejidos periféricos de ratones envejecidos, y su capacidad para ser activadas in vitro e in vivo por diferentes ligandos de los receptores tipo Toll (TLR). Además, estudiaremos la capacidad in vitro, ex vivo e in vivo de las DCs de ratones envejecidas para capturar, procesar y presentar antígenos a linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+ y finalmente la capacidad de las DCs de ratones envejecidos para montar una respuesta mediada por linfocitos T CD4+ y CD8+. Para ello, luego de transferir DCs de ratones envejecidos cargadas con antígeno a animales jóvenes vírgenes, evaluaremos la respuesta T CD4 y CD8 en los animales receptores frente a dicho antígeno. Basado en nuestra trayectoria en la inmunogerontología experimental, creemos que con este proyecto podremos obtener información que permitirá abordar el estudio del efecto del envejecimiento sobre el sistema inmune desde una nueva perspectiva, para en un futuro poder extender el mismo estudio en seres humanos y así desarrollar modelos más eficientes de inmunoterapia en individuos envejecidos.
La Enfermedad de Chagas es considerada en términos sociales y económicos, una de las enfermedades parasíticas más importantes de América Latina. La transmisión vectorial de esta enfermedad ha sido interrumpida en gran parte de América Latina sin embargo, el control vectorial no ha podido lograr la sostenibilidad y la efectividad necesarias para interrumpir la transmisión vectorial en la región del Gran Chaco de Argentina, Bolivia y Paraguay. La permanencia de poblaciones residuales de triatominos en estructuras peridomiciliarias permite una rápida recuperación del vector, sugiriéndose que estas poblaciones serían la principal fuente de reinfestación de la vivienda humana. Este escenario plantea por lo tanto la necesidad de estudiar con más profundidad las poblaciones de triatominos presentes en los peridomicilios para comprender su dispersión, capacidad de domiciliación y así entender el posible peligro que pueden presentar para el hombre como especies vectoras de la enfermedad de Chagas. Dentro de la provincia de Córdoba existen áreas que por la presencia histórica de triatomineos, la notificación reciente de casos de Chagas vectorial y el registro de especies silvestres invadiendo los domicilios merecen un estudio más profundo. Es por ello que se propone realizar un relevamiento de las especies de triatomineos que habitan los domicilios y peridomicilios en estas zonas, calcular los índices de infección con Trypanosoma cruzi que presentan, caracterizar su perfil alimentario, los factores de riesgo que favorecen su refugio, su capacidad dispersiva y diferenciar fenotípicamente entre las poblaciones peridomésticas para comprender mejor el posible peligro que pueden presentar para el hombre como especies vectoras de la enfermedad de Chagas. Además, y de manera complementaria, se aplicarán estrategias educativas en el ámbito escolar que sirvan para la vigilancia entomológica y acciones preventivas de la Enfermedad de Chagas. La determinación del perfil alimentario pautará la potencialidad de cada vector, siendo esta información fundamental para el análisis de situaciones epidemiológicas de riesgo. La capacidad dispersiva y la diferenciación fenotípica de las poblaciones permitirán conocer el posible movimiento y flujo de triatominos desde y hacia la vivienda humana. La determinación de los factores que favorecen el refugio de triatominos permitirá conocer el nivel de riesgo en que se encuentra cada domicilio. Además, considerando la importancia de las poblaciones peridomésticas en los procesos de reinfestación, se analizará la capacidad dispersiva que presentan los triatominos a través de su estado nutricional y, mediante la morfometría clásica y geométrica, se analizará como se estructura la diversidad fenotípica en los domicilios y peridomicilios. La aplicación de estrategias educativas en el ámbito escolar favorecerá el conocimiento en general de esta enfermedad, la vigilancia entomólogica y las acciones preventivas por parte de los niños en edad escolar. Chagas disease is considered socially and economically, one of the most important parasitic diseases in Latin America. Vector transmission of this disease has been interrupted in much of Latin America, however, vector control has failed to achieve sustainability and effectiveness necessary to interrupt the vector transmission in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. The permanence of residual populations of triatomine in the peridomiciliary structures enables fast recovery of the vector, suggesting that these populations would be the main source of reinfestation of human dwellings. Within the province of Córdoba, there are areas that the historical presence of triatomines, the recent notification of cases of Chagas vector and recording of wild species invading the homes deserve further study. That is why, there will be a survey of Triatominae species that inhabit the domiciles and peridomiciles in these areas, rates of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi, their host feeding preferences, the risk factors that favor its shelter, their dispersive capacity and phenotypic differentiation between peridomestic populations, to better understand the potential danger they may present to the man and vector species of Chagas disease. In addition, complementary, educational strategies in schools were implemented that serve for entomological surveillance and preventive actions of Chagas disease. The determination of the potential food profile patterns of each vector is essential for epidemiological analysis of risk situations. Dispersive capacity and phenotypic differentiation of populations may allow understanding the movement and flow of triatomines and from human habitation.
Las Clamidias son bacterias patógenas de los animales de producción, de vida silvestre y de compañía. Además de las pérdidas económicas que producen las infecciones en los planteles de producción bovina, ovina, caprina, porcina y aves de corral, la mayoría de las especies tienen importancia zoonótica, pudiendo dar origen a infecciones graves, potencialmente letales en el ser humano. El orden Chlamydiales está integrado por bacterias que actúan como parásitos intracelulares obligados que desarrollan su ciclo de vida únicamente dentro de inclusiones citoplasmáticas. En este orden se encuentra la familia Chlamydiaceae que comprende dos géneros, Chlamydia y Chlamydophila; y las especies, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, y C. pneumoniae. C. psittaci causa psitacosis o clamidiosis aviar. En Argentina, los primeros casos clínicos de psitacosis fueron reportados en 1929. Los criadores de aves y quienes las poseen como mascotas, representan el grupo de mayor riesgo; pero también las personas que trabajan en pajarerías y aquellas que por su empleo se ven expuestas a contraer la enfermedad (empleados en peladeros donde se carnean y procesan pollos y otras aves para consumo, veterinarios, empleados de zoológicos, etc.). La infección en humanos se presenta como una neumonía severa; con fiebre alta, escalofríos, dolor de cabeza, mialgia y dificultad respiratoria. Ocasionalmente puede presentarse vómitos, dolor abdominal, diarrea y complicaciones como miocarditis, endocarditis, encefalitis, ictericia y fallas multiorgánicas, que pueden ser fatales sino se le administra el tratamiento adecuado. La infección en las mujeres embarazadas puede producir neumonía, hepatitis, insuficiencia renal, sepsis, parto prematuro y muerte fetal. Existen más de 465 especies de aves en las que se registró C. psittaci, incluyendo ornamentales, de corral, silvestres, acuáticas y palomas. Las patologías que pueden producir en estos animales son neumonitis, conjuntivitis, encefalomielitis, placentopatías, fetopatías, anorexia, diarrea e infecciones persistentes asintomáticas u oligosintomáticas. En bovinos, C. pecorum, C. abortus y C. psittaci producen infecciones respiratorias y genitales; que se presentan como cuadros de enteritis, artritis, encefalomielitis, endometritis e hipofertilidad. En Argentina, la infección clamidial en el ganado caprino fue asociada a daños en el tejido uterino, abortos, partos prematuros y crías débiles. En equinos, C. psittaci y C. pneumoniae producen abortos y desórdenes respiratorios, con un gran impacto en ganadería que redunda en pérdidas económicas. Considerando que existen escasos estudios eco-epidemiológicos y clínicos que reporten el estado de situación de estas infecciones en nuestro medio, es que el presente trabajo propone actualizar y profundizar el conocimiento de las especies de Clamidias de importancia médico-veterinaria presentes en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. El desarrollo de este proyecto aportará la implementación de técnicas que mejorarán el diagnóstico microbiológico, confirmarán los cuadros clínicos; y por lo tanto contribuirá al conocimiento de estos agentes infecciosos en nuestra región. Esta información es indispensable para los organismos responsables de la Salud Pública (Ministerios de Salud y Educación, Municipios, etc.) para que puedan obrar en consecuencia y generar sistemas de alerta temprana, tomar medidas de prevención y medidas de control frente a la presencia de un brote epidémico por alguna cepa clamidial. "Eco epidemiology of Chlamydophila psittaci, C. pecorum and C. pneumoniae: Impact on public health "The Chlamydiae are bacterial pathogens of farm animals, wildlife and pets. Besides the economic losses that occur on campuses infections of cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry, most species are zoonotic, infections potentially fatal can cause in humans. The order Chlamydiales is composed of the family Chlamydiaceae comprising two genera, Chlamydia and Chlamydophila, and nine species, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, and C. pneumoniae. The clinical manifestations in humans are associated with severe pneumonia. Also, nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms, and complications such as myocarditis, endocarditis, encephalitis, jaundice and multiple organ failure. There are over 465 species of birds where recorded C. psittaci, including ornamental plants, poultry, wild waterfowl and pigeons. Sick birds eliminate chlamydia in all secretions, asymptomatic birds can develop the disease through contact with other infected birds. The human infection occurs by inhalation of aerosolized secretions of infected birds. The prevalence of C. psittaci records in humans, birds, horses, goats and cattle are scarce in Latin America. In Argentina it has been detected chlamydial antibody prevalence in cattle in Buenos Aires and La Pampa (5) and Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) in the town of Santa Cruz (11). Detect this pathogen in these birds and learn about potential sources of infection would be of great public health significance. To develop an efficient system of medical and veterinary surveillance is essential to have reliable diagnostic techniques for detection and identification of Chlamydia in birds, animals and humans.
BACKGROUND: This study describes the prevalence, associated anomalies, and demographic characteristics of cases of multiple congenital anomalies (MCA) in 19 population-based European registries (EUROCAT) covering 959,446 births in 2004 and 2010. METHODS: EUROCAT implemented a computer algorithm for classification of congenital anomaly cases followed by manual review of potential MCA cases by geneticists. MCA cases are defined as cases with two or more major anomalies of different organ systems, excluding sequences, chromosomal and monogenic syndromes. RESULTS: The combination of an epidemiological and clinical approach for classification of cases has improved the quality and accuracy of the MCA data. Total prevalence of MCA cases was 15.8 per 10,000 births. Fetal deaths and termination of pregnancy were significantly more frequent in MCA cases compared with isolated cases (p < 0.001) and MCA cases were more frequently prenatally diagnosed (p < 0.001). Live born infants with MCA were more often born preterm (p < 0.01) and with birth weight < 2500 grams (p < 0.01). Respiratory and ear, face, and neck anomalies were the most likely to occur with other anomalies (34% and 32%) and congenital heart defects and limb anomalies were the least likely to occur with other anomalies (13%) (p < 0.01). However, due to their high prevalence, congenital heart defects were present in half of all MCA cases. Among males with MCA, the frequency of genital anomalies was significantly greater than the frequency of genital anomalies among females with MCA (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Although rare, MCA cases are an important public health issue, because of their severity. The EUROCAT database of MCA cases will allow future investigation on the epidemiology of these conditions and related clinical and diagnostic problems.
A large bibliographic survey provided data on Trypanosoma cruzi serology covering the period l948-l984. Epidemiological-demographic methods provided an estimate of 11% for the prevalenceof positive serology in Brazil, by 1984. Significant temporal trends were observed for most of the Brazilian geographical regions as well as for Brazil, as a whole. The parabolic curve that fit best for the entire country, indicates that by 1991, the incidence of new positive serology would be close to zero. This conclusion needs further fine-adjustment, since the forecast point is somewhat distant from the measured period.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the molecular epidemiology and risk factors of predominant clones and sporadic strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Swiss hospitals and to compare them with European strains of epidemic clones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One-year national survey of MRSA cases. Analysis of epidemiological and molecular typing data (PFGE) of MRSA strains. RESULTS: In 1997, 385 cases of MRSA were recorded in the five Swiss university hospitals and in 47 community hospitals. Half of the cases were found in Geneva hospitals where MRSA was already known to be endemic. Molecular typing of 288 isolates (one per case) showed that 186 (65%) belong to four predominant clones, three of which were mostly present in Geneva hospitals. In contrast, the fourth clone (85 cases) was found in 23 hospitals (in one to 16 cases per hospital). The remaining 35% of the strains were clustered into 62 pulsed field gel electrophoresis types. They accounted for one to five patients per hospital and were defined as sporadic. Multivariate analysis revealed no independent risk factors for harboring a predominant versus a sporadic strain, except that transfer from a foreign hospital increases the risk of harboring a sporadic strain (OR, 42; 95% CI, 5-360). CONCLUSION: While cases with predominant clones were due to the local spread of these clones, most sporadic cases appear to be due to the continuous introduction of new strains into the country. With the exception of a transfer from a hospital outside Switzerland, no difference in the clinical or epidemiological characteristics was observed between patients harboring a predominant clone and those with a sporadic strain.
The determination of amino acid changes in the envelop protein by direct sequencing of either genomic RNA or PCR-amplified cDNA fragments provides useful informations for assessing the genetic variability and the geographic distribution of the actually most widespread dengue-2 serotype. The possible link of variations in the envelope protein-gene and virus virulence is discussed.
Six species of Leishmania are at present known to cause cutaneous and/or mucocutaneous leishamniasis in Brazil, and they are all to be found in the Amazon region of this country. The eco-epidemiology of each is discussed, with the observation that the Amazonian leishmaniases are all zoonoses, with their source in silvatic mammals and phlebotomine sandfly vectors. With man's destruction of the natural forest in southern Brazil, some sandfly species have survived by adapting to a peridomestic or domiciliary habitat in rural areas. Some domestic animals, such as dogs and equines are seemingly now involved in the epidemiology of the disease. No such process has yet been reported in the Amazon region, but may well take place with the continuing devastation of its forest.
The levels of IgE and IgG4 increased strongly between cohorts, indicating a dynamic immunological situation, but no immediate impact on infection levels. Morbidity was little specific abdominal discomfort was reported by 61%, diarrhoea by 33% of the subjects; mild hepatomegaly was found in 16%, splenomegaly in 0.5%. No relation to egg counts was observed for any symptom. This mild morbidity may be due to the recent nature of the focus. In the first cohort, the percentage of people with negative egg counts ten weeks after treatment was only 18%, though egg counts declined strongly. Antigen detection confirmed these results. Praziquantel treatment provoked transient but impressive side effects (colics, vomiting, urticaria, aedema), the occurrence of which correlated with intensity of infection. Cure rates in subsequent cohorts were followed up shorter after treatment but remained low. Reinfection nevertheless oppears limited. This lower drug efficacy may be due to very rapid reinfection and/or to the lack of immunity in the population, but also reduced susceptibility of the local parasite strain must be considered and studied.
The Amazon region of Brazil is an area of great interest because of the large distribution of hepatitis B virus in specific Western areas. Seven urban communities and 24 Indian groups were visited in a total of 4,244 persons. Each individual was interviewed in order to obtain demographic and familial information. Whole blood was collected for serology and genetic determinations. Eleven genetic markers and three HBV markers were tested. Among the most relevant results it was possible to show that (i) there was a large variation of previous exposure to HBV in both urban and non-urban groups ranging from 0 to 59.2%; (ii) there was a different pattern of epidemiological distribution of HBV that was present even among a same linguistic Indian group, with mixed patterns of correlation between HBsAg and anti-HBs and (iii) the prevalence of HBV markers (HBsAg and anti-HBs) were significantly higher (P=0.0001) among the Indian population (18.8%) than the urban groups (12.5%). Its possible that the host genetic background could influence and modulate the replication of the virus in order to generate HB carrier state.